I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 72 72 Progress is smooth

Chapter 72 72. Progress is smooth

As the elevator moved, the team headed towards the -7th floor, and Lloyd also completed his preparations in the process.

First, he bit a small wooden stick in his mouth to prevent himself from speaking; then he put earplugs in his ears so that he could not hear anything, and finally put on the metal mask. Suddenly, everything in front of him was pitch black, with only the projections left by the chief judge.

The projected pocket watch continued to move, and there were only 30 minutes left.

Then, Lloyd wrapped the chain of the 'X' pendant around his left hand and held the pendant tightly in his palm.

The vision in front of him suddenly became clear, and he could see things again.

But everything was only a blurry black and white outline, which was barely visible, but he could see the steel cables and running gears outside through the barrier of the elevator wall.

This shows that he has entered a special state of clairvoyance.

To be precise, he is sharing the clairvoyance of another executor behind him.

This was the action plan deployed by the chief judge. He asked four executioners to enter the cell without seeing, hearing or speaking, and to be responsible for the execution.

He asked four executors with outstanding [rationality] and [inspiration] to share the vision with them, three of whom were survivors of the previous library attack.

The remaining four scholars carried four [holy objects] brought from the Holy Court, which were the things in the silver briefcase, to help everyone stabilize their minds and resist mental pollution.

It looked very thorough, but it also made people more concerned. What kind of monster was it that required such a complicated plan to deal with it?

Lloyd didn't know whether this trip was an opportunity or a risk...

While he was thinking, he heard the voice of the executor floating into his ears, and he started to talk:

"Huh~ So nervous... What's your name? I remember seeing you a few times in the library before?"


The two were in a state of consciousness communication, and others couldn't hear it, otherwise Lloyd would bite the stick and couldn't speak.

"Okay, nice to meet you. My name is Aiden. I'm glad to be your partner... Did I tell you that I just got a girlfriend?"

Lloyd was speechless...

Is this kind of partner... too unreliable?

There are indeed some people who are used to chatting to relieve tension when they are very nervous, and Lloyd can understand this.

But who would talk about a new girlfriend right away?

Didn't the chief judge say that he thinks highly of himself? Why did he arrange such a partner for himself?

While complaining in his heart, the elevator paused and stopped.


The 7th floor has arrived.

The leading scholar stopped at the elevator door first, adjusted the monocle on his left eye, and nodded after two seconds, saying:

"The situation is still optimistic. The rituals here are still working. Let's go and deploy the holy objects first. We are in a hurry."

As he said, he kept repeating "Don't think too much, don't ask too much", and walked out of the elevator first.

Lloyd and others followed closely.

As soon as he stepped into this place, Lloyd felt a spiritual pollution that seemed to be real coming at him, making him feel like he was in water, and his movements became heavier.

Under the effect of shared spiritual vision, he even saw two forces colliding and rubbing in the air, which should be the blessing of [Shelter] taking effect.

There were endless reminders in his ears:

[Ding~ Madness value +50]

[Ding~ Madness value +50]

It seems that the degree of spiritual pollution in the air is similar to when he dealt with the giant cicada of danger level 6.

But this time, there is the suppression of rituals, plus the resistance of [Shelter], and careful deployment...

Maybe this is a monster of danger level 7?

Lloyd then looked around in the spiritual vision of others.

This place is arranged as a circular hall, not an ordinary corridor. In the middle is a pile of indescribable things, and several prison cells are arranged around it.

Lloyd didn't know whether it was the characteristics of the thing or the influence of his spiritual vision. Anyway, he searched through the memories of his two lives and couldn't find the right words to describe that shape, and he couldn't even think of a reference for a basic metaphor.

But this unspeakable thing was not his target, but the core component of the ritual here.

The four scholars lowered their heads and ran quickly to the four directions of the object, then opened the silver briefcase and took out several syringes filled with a dark green medicine.

Then, they simultaneously inserted the syringes into the unspeakable thing, slowly pushing it and injecting the medicine into it little by little.

The prompt in Lloyd's ear changed immediately:

[Ding~ Madness value +30]

The mental pollution in the air is weakening.

When the countdown approaches 16 minutes, Lloyd can only get a +5+5 prompt.

It's time for them, the executioners, to act.

Lloyd hurriedly ran to the cell No. 704 that he was in charge of.

There was actually a humanoid creature imprisoned inside?

Under the effect of clairvoyance, Lloyd could not see the specific details of this thing, but could only see a black and white humanoid outline, half-kneeling on the ground, looking dejected.

As soon as he sensed someone coming in, the humanoid creature quickly raised its head and said in a weak and hoarse voice:

"Finally... the relief I've been waiting for... has come..."

What He said was actually human language?

He even had an obvious sense of impatience.

Even though Lloyd's ears were plugged tightly, he still heard these words...

"Kill me... No matter who you are... Kill me, don't hesitate... I can still buy you... 30 seconds..."

The half-kneeling figure continued to speak, with a bit of bitterness in his tone:

"No... You shouldn't hear what I'm saying..."

"But if... you hear me and can get out alive in the end, remember to go to No. 8 Champagne Avenue in Xicheng District and find locker No. 611. This may save your life..."

Lloyd listened silently, without answering, but followed the judge's arrangement. When the countdown reached 15 minutes, he took out the 'flashlight' he had just received and injected spiritual power into it.

A stick-drawn blade suddenly emerged from the 'flashlight'.

Lloyd swung his knife without hesitation, slashing at the neck of the figure.

A head flew high, and the rest of the body fell to the ground helplessly.

Lloyd seized the time, added a few more knives, and then turned and left, stuck within the stipulated thirty seconds.

Phew~ Everything went well.

He sighed inwardly.

But just as he was about to step out of the cell, his eyes suddenly went black, and he couldn't even see the black and white scene.

Then he heard someone speak to keep him:

"Are you leaving now...?"

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