I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 79 78 Stand in awe (Subscribe)

Chapter 79 78. Stand in awe (please subscribe)

Lloyd pondered and pondered, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and his thoughts gradually diverged.

The [Twisted] system is definitely not controlled by a saint at present, and he dares to guarantee this with his personality.

After all, if people seek death, they will die, and humans cannot withstand the torment of this system.

But if there really is a twisted saint who turned out to be born, sorted out and optimized this system, allowing humans to survive and get involved and go deep into it, and control the powerful forces in it...

Wouldn't it be possible to sweep away monsters and bring world peace?

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more excited he became, and the bolder he became.

Since the saint seat is vacant, can I look forward to it?

Relying on my own hard work, hard work, and accumulation, plus a little help from the panel, can I become this saint?

After that, a large group of twisted extraordinary people will be trained to wipe out all the evil demons and monsters in this world, and return a bright and clear world to mankind, and create a world of peace for all generations.

Lloyd suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment and a broad mind.

His feelings and opinions about the taboo system of [Twist] have been reversed and changed.

Maybe I am still an outlaw in the eyes of others, but... that's just me carrying the burden...

As a progressive young man leading the development of the times, this is the heavy burden I must bear...

Lloyd thought about it, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, full of longing and imagination for the future.

After more than ten minutes, he restrained his smile, gradually calmed down, and his thoughts returned to reality.

Even with the help of the panel, it is not possible to become a saint just by thinking about it, let alone such a dangerous system.

But if you don't try, it will never be possible.

He doesn't intend to give up his ambition to become a saint. If he doesn't set a small goal for himself, he doesn't know the limit of the panel.

In this case, we should adjust our mentality first. We should not be blindly optimistic, nor should we stand still. Instead, we should be diligent, accumulate steadily, improve steadily, add more points, and acquire more skills.

Of course, we must also protect our sister and ourselves.

When Lloyd thought of this, he didn't want to lie on the bed anymore. He wanted to go to the library to improve himself.

But there was one last thing left in his mind, so he took a look patiently.

It turned out to be a human memory fragment?

If nothing unexpected happened, this should be left by the executioner in cell 704?

But the content was already very vague and fragmented. There were basically only a few incoherent and blurred pictures, and no useful information could be interpreted.

One scene was a gentle woman with a big belly, with a happy and sweet smile on her face;

One scene was a few huge chess pieces, knights, chariots, etc., as tall as an adult;

Another scene was a receipt with the numbers '32167' filled on it.

That was all Lloyd could see clearly. The remaining few images were all severely distorted and unrecognizable.

"That executioner... should also be a senior, right? He wanted to get rid of that thinking monster, but his body was controlled by it instead? Alas..."

Lloyd couldn't help but recall what the executioner said when he first walked into cell 704.

At first he thought it was said by the thinking monster, but thinking about it carefully, the monster didn't seem to have the ability to organize language. What it said was essentially a parrot.

So... those words should be the last words left by the senior executioner?

He had obviously been completely occupied by the thinking monster in his body and consciousness, but he still retained the last bit of rationality, which meant that he had never really surrendered from the beginning to the end, and had been fighting against the monster.

Lloyd suddenly remembered that Tower No. 3 had been closed for a year, right? This means that he fought against the thinking monster for a whole year...

And at the last moment of his life, he was still using the last bit of rationality to remind Lloyd, the latecomer...

This made Lloyd respectful, and he quickly got off the bed, then opened the window, looked towards the direction of Tower No. 3, put his right hand on his heart, and bowed deeply.

He also said the most formal blessing in a solemn and serious tone:

"May your road ahead be bright and shining."

At the same time, he also decided in his heart that after get off work, he would go to No. 8 Champagne Avenue in Xicheng District to find the locker No. 611 mentioned by the executioner.

After paying tribute to his predecessor, Lloyd left the ward and went to visit the three colleagues next door.

As a result, they were all sleeping soundly, and it seemed that he was the only one who was still energetic.

Lloyd did not disturb them, but just [explored] through the door.

The situation is good, still in a state of [mild mania]. With their talents and physical fitness to be executioners, they should be able to recover after a rest.

He went to take the elevator, but when the door opened, Wei Ya, who was holding a kitten, stood inside.

"Hey? Why did you get out of bed?"

Wei Ya opened her beautiful eyes slightly, and hurriedly moved closer to Lloyd, and boldly touched his forehead with the back of her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, why do you keep lying down? Let's go, let's talk about it after we go down."

Lloyd explained.

Wei Ya waved her hand quickly and took two steps back.

"It's good that you're fine, but don't mention this mission to me. The presiding judge just issued a strict order prohibiting anyone from asking about or mentioning your mission."

"Uh...that's what it should be."

Lloyd nodded, fully agreeing with the presiding judge's arrangement.

Thinking monsters are extremely destructive and unpredictable things, so no matter how hard you take precautions, you can't be too careful.

Even if I have an overwhelming advantage over it, if I encounter it again next time, I will definitely kill it as soon as possible and not covet the madness value it brings.

Who knows if this thing has any special skills like 'near-death instinct'?

Putting oneself in danger for that little bit of madness is not a choice that someone who is aiming for a saint can make.

While taking the elevator, Wei Ya asked while stroking the little cat's paws:

"Why doesn't Xiaomi grow up? What do you feed her every day?"

The two of them couldn't talk about the previous mission, so they could only talk about the completely unrelated topic of raising cats.

A little weird, but nothing wrong...

Lloyd then reported the little milk cat's daily diet, which made Weiya stunned for a while.

"Potato peels? Vegetable stems? Broken bones and meat? Milk? How can you feed it these?"

"Why not? The competition of species is a natural choice of destiny. Only those who can adapt can survive."

Lloyd replied confidently.

"Meow meow!"

The little milk cat also raised its big furry head, looking quite proud.

You probably think you are also the strongest among cats, right?

Wei Ya was speechless for a moment by them and didn't know how to refute.

In fact, she secretly asked the little milk cat if she wanted to go home with her, and even offered dried small fish as a temptation.

This way, when I get home from get off work, I can have a kitten to play with.

As a result, the little milk cat firmly refused. He stopped eating her dried fish and stopped cuddling her. He kept meowing and wanted to go back to Lloyd.

Wei Ya didn't know how Lloyd fed him, but he was so loyal.

It seems that if you want to have a kitten to play with when you get home from get off work in the future, you must either raise one that is equally cute, obedient and humane, or you can only...

A strange idea suddenly came to her mind.

But he immediately shook his head and rejected this unrealistic thought.


For the rest of the day, Lloyd didn't stay in the library for too long. He chose to get off work early and planned to go to Xicheng District.

He quickly passed the 'Advanced Metro' and arrived at No. 8 Champagne Avenue.

This is actually a large-scale bank?

It's almost time to get off work, and the bank is busy checking out. A signboard saying "Come back tomorrow" has been put up outside the door, and the security guards outside are also discouraging customers from continuing to enter.

Of course, Lloyd didn't care about this. He was wearing the uniform of the Holy Inquisition and walked straight in. No one dared to stop him. On the contrary, a manager quickly came forward and asked if he could help.

"I need to pick up the contents of locker 611."

"Okay, please wait."

The manager then found a form for Lloyd to fill out.

By coincidence, this document was exactly the same as what he had seen in the memory fragment before.

It seems that we have found the right place.

Lloyd then picked up the pen and filled in the string of numbers '32167' in the most important 'Verification Code' column, which was marked in red.

He filled in the rest of his name, address, occupation, and so on with the word 'confidential'.

The manager looked at it and suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Uh... Your Excellency, the way you filled it out is a bit against the rules..."

"I am not responsible for explaining to you. If you have any questions, please contact Judge Wei Ya in the 18th District of the Holy Tribunal, or Chief of Staff Golaus... Of course, if you insist, I can also abide by your rules, but The subsequent problems arising from this..."

Lloyd opened his mouth and sent a wave of strength to the opponent, but the opponent's ability to withstand pressure was obviously not very good. Without waiting for him to finish speaking, he quickly waved his hand, took him to the safe area, and handed him a corresponding key.

Lloyd opened the safe, and inside there was only a pair of plain leather file bags, and no gold, silver, jewelry or psychic items.

There was nothing to say that he was disappointed. He didn't come here just for the sake of other people's inheritance, so he left the bank and returned home as soon as possible.

I passed a restaurant near my home on the way and packed up two dishes to eat with my sister in the evening.

Since Eve Luol decided to be the editor-in-chief, she has been very busy and tired every day. Lloyd felt sorry for his sister and stopped letting her cook. He would either take food out to take home or cook by himself.

Before his sister came home, Lloyd took the opportunity to open the leather document bag.

Inside there was a letter, a filled out and signed check, and a black chess piece in the shape of a horse's head.

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