Chapter 8 8. Demon

The eighth district is not as large as the eighteenth district. It looks like a slightly larger church with few staff. It mainly undertakes some daily maintenance and transit functions.

The "subway entrance" is even more abstract. It is actually a dark green mailbox as tall as a person?

"Remember this frequency. I will only demonstrate it once."

The priest in charge of guiding said, knocking on the mailbox a few times, and then a hole opened to the left and right.

"I always feel that sooner or later I will have to drill into the trash can..."

Lloyd said casually.

But the priest heard it.

"Hmm? Your idea is good? It's worth considering..."

"Don't! I just said it casually."

Lloyd waved his hand and quickly got into the mailbox.

So ten minutes later, Lloyd was "vomited" out...

"Cough cough cough cough!"

He felt that his brains were thrown out.

Fortunately, the panel comforted him in time:

[Ding~ Madness value +50, skill fragment +1]

But this time, no kind person helped him, so he could only support his knees with both hands and breathe hard.

While panting, Lloyd heard a reserved gasp from behind him:


Looking back, it was the cold and beautiful Judge Weiya?

But her condition was much better than Lloyd's, but her beautiful face was slightly pale.


Lloyd greeted reluctantly.

Weiya glanced at him lightly, and said in a businesslike tone:

"You will get used to it after sitting a few more times. This is our very important means of transportation, but if you can't recover for a long time, you can go to the prayer room on the sixth floor for treatment."

After that, she left alone, without helping or waiting for him.

Lloyd paused for a long time before he said with a little regret:

"She looks so good..."


When Lloyd arrived at Tower 9, he found that many executors like him were gathered in front of a notice board, whispering to each other. From time to time, someone stepped forward and took a key from it.

When he got closer, he saw a bunch of keys hanging on the notice board, each of which corresponded to numbers like '114' and '201'. Each key corresponded to a cell on the underground floor, and there was a corresponding note next to it, which recorded some simple information.

These were the monsters that the executors needed to execute.

It was also based on voluntary participation, but there would be assessment points and bonuses as incentives.

Soon, the keys starting with '1' were taken away one after another, and the remaining keys starting with '2' and '3' represented the monsters with danger levels 2 and 3 imprisoned on the -2 and -3 floors, which no one had touched yet.

Lloyd observed for a while and saw a tough guy with a broad waist and square face coming over and taking off the key of No. 201.

Someone immediately asked:

"As expected of Senior Buster, he chose the most troublesome one in the -2 floor right away. Can we watch it?"

"Yes, but don't disturb me, otherwise there will be no next time."

The tough guy said coldly.

Lloyd thought about it and followed him quickly, not rushing to the library to continue reading.

As a progressive young man who has received higher education, he must grasp both theory and practice.

Two other executors noticed that he looked unfamiliar and seemed to be new, so they whispered a few words, but did not say hello or ask questions, and were still indifferent.

Lloyd followed silently and walked into cell No. 201 together.

As soon as he entered, he felt a different atmosphere in the air, his eardrums and skin were slightly tingling, and a series of prompts came from his ears:

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

The feeling of being able to upgrade by breathing is back!

The promised land, the promised land.

Lloyd was very happy until he took a look at the monster bound in the cell -

a cockroach as tall as an adult...

The limbs have undergone a certain degree of alienation, the tentacles on the top of the head look as sharp as spears, and the bristles all over the body twist like tentacles; the original mouthparts have become like human mouths, with teeth growing out, but without lips and skin to cover them, they are exposed to the air, wide open.

Lloyd was a southerner after all, but he had never seen such a big one. He felt his scalp tingling immediately, and the prompts in his ears were even louder.

[Ding~Ding~Ding~Ding~Ding~Madness Value+++++]

It wasn't just him, the newcomer, who felt uncomfortable. The other executors present also grimaced and their faces changed drastically.

Even the tough guy Buster frowned and snorted coldly:

"Hmph~ It's worthy of being a dangerous level 2 [Demon], even looking directly at it is suffering from mental pollution..."

As he said that, he turned his head again and said to the others who came to watch:

"I'm going to start, you'd better not be brave."

Two people shook their heads on the spot and chose to quit, covering their heads and mouths and running away, leaving only Lloyd and another person standing.

The tough guy looked at the remaining two people seriously, as if he wanted to remember their appearance.

Then he walked quickly to the tool bar next to him, took down a small dagger from it, and injected some spiritual power into it. The blade began to shine slightly, emitting a sharp cold light.

According to the manual, the scientific name of this thing is [Psychic Blade]. It will show different toughness and sharpness according to the different spiritual power injected. It is not only the main tool for the executor to punish monsters, but also an important weapon for front-line combatants.

The long knife that Wei Ya used to kill the monster that day is the plus version of this thing.

The tough guy prepared the tools and returned to the giant cockroach.

There were several chains nailed to the giant cockroach, fixing it tightly to the wall. Several key parts were also nailed with two-finger-thick white steel nails, with some complex patterns and patterns engraved on them.

Similar patterns and patterns can be seen everywhere on the surrounding walls and floors, forming a set of rituals together, sealing this monster and making it unable to resist.

The strong man took a deep breath, held his breath, and raised his hand and fell with the knife.

With a splash of dark green blood, a spear-like tentacle was cut off cleanly.

Lloyd instantly felt an invisible force rushing towards him, and then a prompt came to his ear:

[Ding~ Madness value +10]

It turns out that you don’t need to do it yourself, you can also gain Madness value by observing other people’s executions?

He suddenly became energetic and watched more seriously, carefully observing the tough guy’s technique, watching him cut the monster into pieces with the skill of a butcher.

To be honest, it’s quite relaxing?

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