I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 81 80 This shouldn’t be a coincidence (fourth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 81 80. This shouldn't be a coincidence (fourth update, please subscribe)

Lloyd stood up suddenly, activated [Detection] again, and looked at the sobbing woman in front of him.

As expected, she was already in a state of [mild insanity]...

The four attributes were only pitiful 1 point, weaker than ordinary people, so the symptoms were more serious than those of Weiya and Metis.

Lloyd was thinking about whether to contact the mental hospital, when a middle-aged man dressed as a chef suddenly rushed in, grabbed his arm and pulled him out the door.

After Lloyd followed him out, he heard the chef sigh and shook his head.

"Hey...you are her husband's colleague, right?"

"Yeah...sort of."

"Then please, for the sake of her husband, don't come to visit her anymore, and don't bring her any news. Just let her stay as she is. With the help of our neighbors, she can still live like an ordinary person."

"What about their relatives and friends?"


The chef just sighed and didn't answer directly.

Lloyd then asked:

"Should we send her to a mental hospital?"

"We tried, but it was there that she lost her two children..."

The chef said, showing a helpless bitter smile, and explained:

"In fact, her symptoms are not as serious as you think, and she knew the bad news very early. She just used this method to keep herself alive after losing everything... You see, she took good care of herself and ran the flower shop very well."

Lloyd turned his head to look at Mrs. Anna in the flower shop and found that she had stopped crying, wiped away her tears, and began to hold the swaddling clothes again, singing nursery rhymes softly, continuing her imagination and her life.

"I know, I won't bother her again."

Lloyd nodded vigorously.

Then he went to a post office on the corner of the street, bought an envelope and stamps, filled them out in a formal manner, and then stuffed the check in.

I'd better keep the remaining letters and the black knight for myself...

Lloyd then went to the roadside to find a newsboy, gave him a tip, and watched the newsboy deliver the letter to Mrs. Anna.

"Wow! Look, baby, Dad sent money back! So much money, Dad really didn't forget us..."

Mrs. Anna said happily, smiling happily.

Even if it was fake, it was what she needed.

Lloyd then left silently.

When he walked out of the subway tunnel in District 18, he found that Via was not waiting for him outside.

After all, today was half an hour later than usual...

Lloyd could understand, but he still felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness in his heart.

Very strange...

But when he came to Tower 9, he saw Via standing in front of the office door, looking at the door constantly.

Somehow, Lloyd couldn't help laughing again.

He quickly moved closer, took out the kitten, and stuffed it into Via's hand.

But Wei Ya said frankly:

"I thought you wouldn't come today. After all, you should have an extra day off after carrying out an important mission."

Lloyd still smiled and said:

"If you want to rest, I will tell you in advance... By the way, with my current rank, can I check the personnel files of District 18?"

"You can check part of it, but it cannot exceed your rank. You have to go to the archives management office over at Tower 1..."

Weiya spoke in a businesslike manner at first, and then suddenly realized something. She stared at Lloyd with her beautiful big eyes and asked seriously:

"You don't have any dangerous ideas, do you?"

"How is that possible? I have always been a patient, cautious and steady young man."

Lloyd said, but he turned his eyes away involuntarily and looked at Wei Ya's office.

As a result, he saw that there was a small toy on her neatly tidy desk that affected the neatness -

a simple spring toy, in the shape of a cartoon bear, with a simple and rough production process.

So Lloyd looked at Weiya's beautiful eyes again, and added very seriously:

"Don't worry, I will definitely not mess around."


After parting with Weiya, Lloyd still followed the usual practice and completed his job first.

I came late today, and all the keys to the -2 floor were snatched away. There was only a lonely key for the -3 floor left on the notice board.

Lloyd didn't mind, so he took it off and left.

[Ding~ Madness value +300]

After finishing the work, he went to the archive management office mentioned by Weiya, found the administrator, and applied to view the file of the executor Stilott.

In the end, he got it smoothly?

But he was not allowed to take it away, and could only look it up here.

But Lloyd read through several pages of the file, but didn't find what he needed.

There was only Stilott's life resume, as well as a brief record of his mission execution and system promotion.

The last record stopped at the step of him applying for the ritual materials for the promotion from the third level to the fourth level.

Then came a cold sentence:

"He has been identified as missing, and compensation has been paid to his relatives."

Damn you, thinking monster!

Lloyd gnashed his teeth in his heart.

Perhaps he is the only one in the world who still remembers this respected executioner...

While he was thinking this, he suddenly felt something strange in his pocket.

He left the archives management office in a hurry, returned to his office quickly, and then reached out to take out the black knight.

Found that the spirituality on it was suddenly stronger than yesterday?

Normally, the spirituality will only become weaker and weaker, and it is very rare for it to suddenly become stronger.

This reminded Lloyd of his sister's hammerhead shark puppet.

Most of the time, it is just an ordinary puppet.

Only when Lloyd uses [medium divination] can it emit some spirituality.

So... the black knight is actually a divination medium? The "life-saving straw" that Stilott wants to leave for himself is not the chess piece itself, but the person who is doing the divination behind it?

But why didn't Stilott say it directly? Instead, he chose to leave a riddle?

And this guy who is doing divination, if he is a friend or relative of Stilott, he can just visit him directly, why does he use such an obscure method as divination?

Even if the other party's thinking is the same as his own, and he wants to keep an eye on others' situation through divination at any time, but Stilott has been missing for a year, and there must be a conclusion long ago. There is no reason for it to happen today, right?

This is obviously not a coincidence...

Lloyd vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't catch a specific "thread" for a while.

In this case...

Lloyd rushed to the library, found a few books related to mysticism, and focused on looking up the knowledge related to divination.

He remembered that medium divination can be positive or reverse, tracing back to who is doing the divination.

Relying on [Efficient Learning] and high [Cognition] values, Lloyd first spent a few hours to memorize the method of [Reverse Divination] and obtained several corresponding skill fragments.

But obviously he didn't fully master it, and he didn't get the point. The corresponding [Divination] skill was not upgraded, so he stopped, and it seemed a bit superficial.

But this is exactly the state he wants.

Lloyd then returned to his office, locked the door, and respectfully took out the statue of the saint from the depths of the filing cabinet and placed it in front of the desk.

Then he took out the notes sent by the butler and reviewed the part about divination.

As a high-level player in the PVP system, the butler Randolph was of course proficient in divination and had used this skill to punish several criminals.

He also summarized three principles for safe divination -

First, it must be carried out under the witness and protection of the saint, so as to avoid divination of those inexplicable things to the greatest extent.

Second, you must be patient enough and not rush. At the beginning, use the simplest and most basic divination method, ask some simple questions without clear direction, and confirm that there is no danger, then go deeper little by little, and finally lock on a clear target.

This process takes at least one day. If you encounter a very cunning person who will guard against and resist divination, it may be slower and take several days.

Third, don't be too stubborn and don't force the results. Once you don't get an answer or show a dangerous omen every time you do divination, give up divination immediately and look for other ways.

Through these three principles, you can clearly feel the housekeeper's awe and caution towards divination.

So Lloyd didn't finish learning [Reverse Divination] directly, and kept it in a simple and basic state before he started trying.

He placed the Black Knight in front of the statue of the saint, and then according to the knowledge taught in the book, he shook the ancient pocket watch and kept asking:

"Is this a divination medium? Is this a divination medium?"

If the result can be obtained, the pocket watch will show a phenomenon that violates physics, hovering diagonally on the left or right of the Black Knight to indicate "yes" or "no".

However, the pocket watch finally hovered in the middle and failed to wake up the physics sages from the coffin.

This shows that the divination has no result.

Maybe Lloyd was not good enough, or maybe it was due to other reasons...

Although he was a little reluctant, Lloyd still chose to listen to the butler's "advice" and gave up.

The butler was so high-spirited and arrogant when he was young, and he was so careful and cautious when it came to divination. Lloyd certainly would not show off.

I just don't know what the other party can know through divination...

For security and privacy reasons, to prevent someone from opening the box inexplicably, Lloyd made the most cautious choice-

He wrote an anonymous letter, briefly saying that someone was using this thing to monitor an executioner of the Holy Inquisition, and then sent it to the Holy Grace Court together with the Black Knight.

In this way, no matter who was doing the divination behind the scenes, it had nothing to do with him, so this matter should be completely over, right?

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