"Boy, get up"

is where Fairy Tail's physician Polusica lives on the edge of the forest.

Last night, Muxiu and Natsu fought until midnight, and Natsu, who turned on all his forms, persisted for more than two hours under Muxiu, and finally Muxiu successfully fainted Natsu and dragged his tired body back to Polusica's residence, found his room and slept.

"Grandma, what time is it?" Mu Xiu's lazy voice came out of the room.

"It's seven o'clock, get up to eat, and then go to the guild to practice," Polusica, who was outside the door, said with anger that didn't know where it came from.

"I'm past school age, don't go!"

"Fuck off, didn't you teach them to practice?"

"I teach? That's a holiday today! In the room, Mu Xiu turned over in satisfaction after hearing that he was a teacher, and said.

Polusica, who heard this, couldn't bear it anymore, and directly kicked the door open, and didn't know where to find a stick and hit Mu Xiu: "Get out of the bastard, wash the old body!" Then go train! "

Wow~<. )#)))≦,⊙∀⊙! Don't ~hurt~T_T got it," Mu Xiu said as he rubbed his butt and cried his face.

"Hmph, hurry up and finish and go to eat, I got you a new dress at the table, remember to change it" After instructing, Polusica glared at Mu Xiu and left.

Mu Xiu walked out of the room with a little embarrassment in his big pants, washed casually, walked to the kitchen, saw a brand new robe and changed it directly, picked up the bread and milk on the dining table and walked leisurely towards the guild.

On the second floor of the house, Polusica looked at Mu Xiu, who was walking towards the guild in a robe he made with his own hands, and sighed, "Alas~ As for what, carrying forward what you shouldn't carry, silly child" Mu Xiu

, who was shaking and drowsy with a hazy sleepiness, did not perceive the gaze from behind him, or did not care, he knew that this grandmother who took care of himself would not harm herself, although she was a little arrogant.

When Polusica looked at Mu Xiu and was about to disappear in front of him, he suddenly saw him waving his back to the house, and Polusica chuckled, "Remember to go home and eat!" "

I know, grandma~"

After hearing Polusica's instructions, Mu Xiu replied and disappeared from her sight.

After standing for a while, Polusica walked towards the pharmacy, where there was a struggling little boy waiting for her to change the dressing.

At half past eight, Mu Xiu finally walked to Fairy Tail with the help of a series of asking for directions and seeing and smelling at home, looking at the building that came into his eyes, Mu Xiu complained: "Mad, twenty minutes of walking actually let me walk for an hour, Gan, Reborn can actually wear out the sense of direction, me off." "

Huh? What are they doing? "I saw a large group of people gathered at the gate of the Fairy Tail Guild, and I didn't know what they were doing.

"Oh, Rebby, it's cute after a long time," Mu Xiu said as he walked up to the blue-haired little girl who was only about one meter and five meters tall.

Rebbe stood outside the crowd with a depressed face, wanting to squeeze in but embarrassed, so she could only be in a hurry, when suddenly a voice sounded in her ears, which frightened her.

"Hey, is it necessary, am I so scary that I actually scared you?" Mu Xiu looked at Rebi, who was frightened by herself, and said with a black face, she is not so terrible!

"Don't suddenly talk in someone else's ear, bastard Mu Xiu!" Rebby, who saw clearly the person coming, patted her chest and said with a puff.

"Well, don't care, don't shoot and shoot it will be even flatter!" Mu Xiu said casually, but when he saw her patting her chest, he withdrew his gaze and scratched his chin.

"ฅฅ* will ignore you again!" Rebbe's little face suddenly turned red when she heard this, and she said softly and threateningly.

"Forget it, what's going on inside?" Reaching out and touching Rebby's head asked, what had just happened was immediately forgotten by him.

"Natsu and Elusha are going to have a duel!" Rebe reached out and knocked off Mu Xiu's dog paw and said, her small face bulging, and she didn't look like she had lost her breath.

"Oh~" Mu Xiu, who said that he understood, just wanted to squeeze in, and suddenly thought of something and looked at Rebby, only to see her watching the situation inside in the gap in the crowd.

Mu Xiu smiled, stretched out his hand, grabbed Rebbe's fate, and put the collar on his shoulder, "Sit down!" Then he squeezed straight in regardless of Rebbe's feelings.

"You... I..." Rebe was suddenly grabbed and put on Mu Xiu's shoulder and suddenly stunned, her small face ((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ))) was directly blindfolded, feeling the eyes around her eager to find a seam to drill into.

It's just that the faster this feeling comes and goes, after a while, Mu Xiu successfully squeezed to the front and put her down.

"That bastard squeezed Lao Tzu!"

"It's me bastard! Do you have an opinion?

"Shepherd... Mu Xiu... No, no, no" Makao in front was suddenly squeezed and said with a displeased expression, but he heard a more arrogant voice and glanced directly at the side, and the people were numb... He found that his legs were weak, but fortunately, Mu Xiu did not pay attention to him and looked at the two people fighting in the field.

Elusa, wearing the armor of the Flame Emperor, the armor of the Flame Emperor can reduce the damage of the fire attribute attack magic by 50%.

On the other side, Natsu... Several places are still wrapped in bandages, and there is a faint dark circle around the eye socket.

Looking at Natsu and Elusa in the field, especially the excited Natsu, it is just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, just beaten last night, and today he is alive again.

"Mu Xiu, are you all right?"

Just when Mu Xiu sighed at the protagonist's ox-breaking physique, Macao, who was next to him, suddenly asked.

The people around them subconsciously listened carefully when they heard Makao's question, and the battle between the two in the middle was blocked by them.

"Well, it's all gone," Mu Xiu was stunned, but still said softly.

Except for a certain man who was covered in fire, the rest of the people heard Mu Xiu's answer, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aha! Rip! Elusha in the field also noticed Mu Xiu, and when she heard Mu Xiu's answer, her tense heart also relaxed, that is, this moment was seen by Natsu, and she directly punched over.

The fist that was close at hand, Elusha didn't have time to react at all, just when Natsu thought that this punch was bound to hit, a black shadow appeared on his side, "Oh, it's over" Natsu saw this black shadow and knew that there was no scene.

Sure enough, the black shadow directly reached out a big hand and directly suppressed him: "Can't you settle down a little bit with this guy?"

"Bastard Mu Xiu, Elusha hit me so many times, you don't stop me, I almost hit her, you stop me?" Bastard Lao Tzu with you... Bang" Natsu, who was held down, frantically output to the man in front of him, but unfortunately it was physically interrupted again before the output was finished.

"You... It's okay," Elusha looked at Mu Xiu, who had a terrifying scar on her face, and thought for a long time before asking.

Mu Xiu was stunned when he heard Elusha's voice, but still replied, "It's okay, it's over." "

Well, that's good," Elusa nodded without saying anything more.

Seeing that Elusha didn't have much reaction, Mu Xiu was also relieved, he wanted to clean up this guy in front of him who didn't know the big and small king.

"Who is Elusha Scarlett?" An unfamiliar voice in the crowd suddenly sounded.

The crowd around them moved away from the person who made the sound, and saw a toad wearing the uniform of the council and saying indifferently.

"What the hell are those old guys trying to do?" Mu Xiu stood up and just wanted to walk up, Elusha grabbed his shoulder, Mu Xiu turned his head but saw Elusha shook his head.

Mu Xiu, who was blocked, did not step forward again, but took out a magic rope and tied Natsu, he wanted to hang this guy.

"He is?" Lucy asked suspiciously, originally the battle between Elusha and Natsu still worried her, but after seeing Mu Xiu safe and sound, and seemingly out of the darkness in her heart, her mood instantly became clear, but seeing a species that looked like a frog and a toad appeared, she asked Gray.

"He's from the Senate!" Gray said with a gloomy look.

Hearing this, Lucy's mood also became a little gloomy, because she had a very bad sense of the Senate.

"Elusha Scarlett, the public resources you destroyed in the Iron Forest are too large, and now I want to arrest you!" Toad did not pay attention to the eyes of those around him, judging in his heart that the Council was supreme, and no guild dared to defy his authority.

The members of Fairy Tail had gloomy eyes that could drip water, and some people looked at the toad with some killing intent, such as Gray.

"Well, let's go," Mu Xiu was still tied to Natsu, and replied faintly after noticing Elusa's inquiring eyes.

"But, Mu Xiu" Gray directly stood up and asked puzzled, he didn't know why Mu Xiu would release people, obviously he also cared about Elusa.

Mu Xiu ignored Gray and continued: "I'll go over later, you go first,"

Well, Elusha nodded and walked directly towards the toad.

When the toad saw the main lord come out, he didn't say anything more, but directly handcuffed him and took him away.

Mu Xiu's eyelids trembled when he saw Elusha being handcuffed, and he didn't say anything to carry the tied Natsu and walked into the guild.

Everyone heard Mu Xiu's words just now and did not stop them, and followed Mu Xiu into the guild with different expressions.

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