"Yo Xi! Let's hurry up, too." Chengouchi took the lead in excitement.

   Leaving her partner, stepping into the star field that leads directly to the sky duel arena elevator, only her and Lishid are left in the enclosed space, and the atmosphere is inevitably a bit embarrassing.

   "Thank you." Unexpectedly, Lishid, who looked cold, opened his mouth to break the awkward atmosphere.

   "Oh? Thank me, why?" Hoshino scratched his head.

   As a result, Li Xid, who provoked the topic, did not continue to speak, and the air cooled down again.

   Why did Lishid thank you? It is Xie Xingye's grace of not killing in the morning, or Xie Xingye returned the Thousand-Year Pewter Rod to Malik, unknown.

   In the quiet air again, the Cthulhu's soft voice suddenly sounded, "Girl, this person has the power of God."

   "Lichid will have the card of the gods?" Hoshino's brows suddenly wrinkled, "Isn't the Winged Dragon not on Malik?"

Chapter 189: Hoshino vs Lishid

   But Hoshino didn't think that Malik would give the precious Pterodactyl in the hands of other people, even if this person is a so-called confidant.

   However, before the duel, Hoshino has one more thing to confirm.

"Lishid, although I don't know why you thanked me just now, but as a reward for thanking me, can you please answer me a question?" Looking up at the big man who is more than 1.9 meters in front of him, Hoshino felt that his neck was a little sore. .

   Li Xid did not answer, but nodded slightly.

   "Akasha's background, do you know it?" Hoshino wanted to know whether the upright Lishid in front of him had anything to do with the taking of Akasha from Uncle Rovik.

   Lishid's huge body trembled, and it was obvious that Hoshino's unexpected problem broke his composure.

   "I don't know." Then Li Xid replied solemnly.

   "Oh? Really?" Although I didn't believe in Lishid's simple answer, Hoshino couldn't think of a reason why Lishid would deceive him.

   Some unwilling Hoshinos continued to ask: "Since you are Malik's confidant, when the Gurus Legion first started hunting for rare cards, you should act together with Malik."

   "Yes." It was still a short and powerful answer.

   "Then, you must have an impression of this card." Hoshino, who drew the card from the card box, raised his arm high and barely showed the card face to Lishid's eyes.

   "This is!" Looking at the card in front of Lishid, his sturdy body trembled again.

   "Sure enough, you know, this [Glory Grand Complex Temple]!" Hoshino's tone was a little more compelling.

   "Is this fate!" Li Xid raised his head with a long sigh: "The fate of one of my clan for thousands of years is not so easy to escape."

   "Answer my question, Lishid!" Looking at Lishid who started talking to himself inexplicably, Hoshino asked anxiously.

Ding--! The sound of the elevator reaching the apex.

   did not continue to answer, Lishid, who took a big stride, went out for the first time, "Hoshino, if you want an answer, defeat me in a duel!"

   "I can't ask for it!" His eyes became serious in an instant, and Hoshino followed Lishid's footsteps and stepped into the duel field in the sky shrouded by night.

   Anything can be solved by a duel, Hoshino feels that the rules of this world are actually quite convenient in a sense.

   Soaring on the airship in the night sky, a huge platform was deployed for the duels to use. The game and others who came up from the side artificial stairs have already been in place in the viewing area.

   "Come on, Sister Hoshino! It's just Lishid, you can win whatever you want!" Akashia's shouting support came from the audience.

   "Hehe, it seems that you were underestimated by Akashia, Lishid." Hoshino glanced at Lishid, who consciously walked to the opposite side, and said with a smile.

   Unfolding the duel plate of the arm, Lishid carefully placed the deck in: "As for Akash, I am very pleased that she can be redeemed. After all, she and us are not in the same world."

   "Do you mean that it was not your intention to abduct Akash?"

   "The distant sin is now beyond conviction!" Lishid was ready, ready to go: "Now let's judge everything with a duel!"

   Hoshino assembles and fills the cards equally imposingly, and the sound of the mechanical collision of the duel disc echoes under the cold night sky.

   I want to talk about why it’s a cold night sky. It’s not strange if it’s cold to stay outside of the airship flying in the sky at night for a duel.

   It's just a mere mere chill, and it can be dispelled by the fiery soul of the duelist!


   rubbed the delicate tip of his nose, Hoshino regretted: "I knew that I would not wear a short skirt today. Who came up with the bad idea of ​​this sky duel?"

  The black-clothed staff in place stood by the venue and announced loudly: "Then, the first game of the Sky Duel, Chiyuki Hoshino VS Lishid Ishdar, the duel begins!"


   The stout arm first drew a card from the duel plate, and Li Xid began the first round of the sky duel.

   "I will attack first! I cover two cards!"

   Lixide drew out two cards in his hand and inserted them into the duel plate, and by the way expanded the area of ​​the field hidden inside the duel plate.

   "Then activate the venue magic card [Wang’s Temple]!"

   was activated by the magic of the venue, and the rotating duel disk emitted bright lights under the night sky. The ensuing materialized scene includes the entire sky duel long field.

   The solemn temple is full of Egyptian style, and the Anubis dog head located in the center is the most vivid symbol.

   "The round is over!" Lishid, who had activated the field magic, directly put down the duel plate.

  Lisheed remaining hand cards: 3 cards

   "There is no monster to be summoned, this Lishid!" Meeting Lishid directly ended the round, and the castle was overjoyed: "It must be a card hand and did not draw a monster card. Hoshino takes the opportunity to attack!"

   However, what Hoshino thought in his mind was completely different from that of the rookie in the castle.

   "There is no monster to be summoned again, it's really a headache." Hoshino couldn't help but recall the similar situation where no monster was summoned from the opposite side last time.

   "Anyway, be careful first, my turn, draw a card!"

   Hoshino drew a hand card and threw it on the duel plate: "Summon a monster card in the form of attack [Heroic-Charles Henry Sanson]!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Charles Henry Sansson★★★(3 stars) Land] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1100DEF: 1000]

   Sang Song, dancing with the sword in his hand, materialized in the night sky: "The execution deadline is up, are you conscious of it!"

   "Battle! Sansong, launch a direct attack on the opposing player!" Facing Lishid's field where there are no monsters, Hoshino entered the battle process without saying a word.

   "The execution begins!" In response to Hoshino's order, Sang Song dragged his sword and rushed up.

   Lishid immediately opened the fold: "At the moment of attack, open the covered trap card [Metal Reflection Slime]!"

   [Metal Reflect Slime Trap Card Effect: After this card is activated, it becomes an effect monster (Aqua, Water, 10 Star, Attack 0/Defense 3000) and is Special Summoned in the monster area's defense position. This card is also used as a trap card. 】

   In Lishid's empty field, a liquid creature with metal spikes appeared out of thin air.

  【Metal reflective slime★★★★★★★★★★(10 stars) water】【Aquarium/derivative ATK:0DEF:3000】

   "A monster with a defense force of 3000 was directly summoned!" Looking at the huge slime on Lishid's field, Guiping exclaimed, "That's not even the blue-eyed white dragon can't defeat it!"

   Peacock Dance frowned slightly: "If you hit it directly, Qianxue will lose a lot of health."

Looking at Lishid's 3,000-defense slime with his eyes slightly startled, Hoshino's complex expression gradually unfolded, and finally the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise: "Hahaha, should it be a coincidence or fate? Continue to attack. Come on, Sansong!"

   "Death will be the hope of tomorrow (LaMortEspoir)!"

   The blade light flashed, and unexpectedly, Sang Song, whose attack power was only 1100 points, easily cut off the metal reflection slime.

   "It's not killing people, it's just cutting their crimes apart from themselves." After stroking the blade of the slime that had just been stroked, Sang Song said sternly.

   [When this card attacks a Special Summoned monster in Defense Position, it will destroy it without calculating battle damage. 】

Chapter 190: Sansong and Mary

   "It just happens to restrain the effect of the trap."

   Watching his metal slime be cut by Sang Song, who had an attack power of only 1,100 points, Li Xid did not show any surprised look. He was still expressionless and calm.

   "I have long heard that Chiyuki Hoshino's card abilities are so strange. Now I have finally seen it."

   Hoshino, who raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly achieved results with a tentative blow, even he didn't expect it, "It seems that I have a good fortune tonight, and it is not in vain that I was frozen in the cold wind of the night."

"However, the strange effect alone cannot gain an advantage in my hands! The covered trap card is activated!" While the metal slime's corpse hadn't dissipated, Li Xid pressed the start button of the duel plate forcefully. .

   Then the body of the metal slime that was severed by Sang Song, with the activation of the trap card, unexpectedly began to re-adhesion and repair.

   "Perpetual Trap Card, [Soul Image]!"

   [Soul Image Persistent Trap Card Effect: After this card is activated, it becomes a monster card (rock type·light·4 star·attack 1000/defense 1800) and special summon it in your monster card zone. 】

  The image of the soul.jpg

   Chengouchi suddenly realized, as if he understood something: "Is it another perpetual trap that can be used as a monster card? No wonder this Lishid didn't summon monsters. It turns out that all his cards are monsters!"

   "Come on, defense means Special Summon [Soul Image]!" Draw the card that was originally inserted in the cover area, and Lishid tapped it in the monster area. A huge statue with a hideous face, holding a stone sword and a shield, materialized on the field.

  【Soul Statue★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Rock Race ATK: 1000DEF: 1800】

   Hoshino asked: "Even if you summon a new trap monster, why is the destroyed metal slime repaired?"

   "Activate the special effect of the image of the soul!" With a big hand waved forward, the eyes of the statue on Lishid's field exuded a weird light.

   [As long as this card is used as a monster on the field, if a trap card other than this card used as a monster is destroyed by the opponent and sent to your own grave, you can put it in the magic and trap card area without sending it to the grave. 】

   "That is to say, the metal reflecting slime used as a monster, because the effect of the soul statue will not be destroyed, but it will be replaced!"

   Condensed and repaired the metal reflection slime, returned to Lishid's backcourt area, and finally silently covered the trap card that had been opened on him.

   Looking at Lishid's operation, Hoshino also felt a little fresh: "The combo of the trap monster, it's the first time I saw it, it's kind of interesting."

   "Hoshino Chiyuki, the next battle won't make you so easy!" With cold eyes cast on Hoshino, who didn't see any panic in front of him, Li Xid let out a cruel word.

   "Then let me see it. Cover two cards and the round is over."

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 3

  Akaxia, who was watching the game, was a little dazed, and tilted his head full of question marks: "Is Lishid's previous deck like this?"

   "My turn, draw a card! Then activate the persistent trap [Metal Reflecting Slime] that was just placed, and summon the metal slime monster on my field again!"

  【Metal reflective slime★★★★★★★★★★(10 stars) water】【Aquarium/derivative ATK:0DEF:3000】

   After resurrecting the slime, Lishid directly drew a trap card and threw it in the monster area: "Activate the effect of the field magic [Wang’s Temple]!"

   [The controller of this card can activate the trap the turn when the trap cover is placed on the field. 】

   "In other words, I can activate the trap card immediately, and what I activate from the hand card is the perpetual trap [cursed image]!"

   [Cursed Like Persistent Trap Effect: After this card is activated, it will become a monster card (rock type·dark·4 star·attack 1800/defense 1000) and be Special Summoned in your monster card zone. 】

   "Come on, attack means special summon the cursed statue!" In response to the activation of the trap card in the monster area, the duel plate generated a brand new image.

  【Cursed Statue★★★★(4 stars) Dark】【Rock Race ATK: 1800DEF: 1000】

   The shape is the same as the image of the soul, but this time a bizarre statue with dual wielding staffs is realised on the field.

"It's this kind of trap monster again." The game dragged the chin to see the advantage of the current Lishid scene, "If you don't think of a way to destroy the [Soul Image], the trap monster will be infinitely resurrected. And this [ The cursed image] probably also hides unknown abilities."

"Finally, present the [Metal Reflective Slime] as a sacrifice, and the superior is summoned!" The resurrected metal slime turned into a light of liberation and dissipated in the night sky, Li Xid finally played his first picture of this duel. Monster Card, "Holy Beast Celekite!"

   [Holy Beast Celekite★★★★★★ (6 stars) Land] [Angel Family/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 2000]

   [①: Destroy this card if there is no "Temple of the King" on your field. 】

Looking at the materialized red giant scorpion on the opposite field, Hoshino's stomach was a little acidic: "Such a disgusting monster can also be an angel family, I feel a little sorry for those cute zombies for calling you an undead. "

   "Let's attack, Holy Beast Celekite!" Lishid, who had entered the battle flow, pointed hard at Sansong on the Hoshino field.

   Following the direction of Lishid's fingers, the red giant scorpion opened its mouth full of fangs, rushed to the unsuspecting Sangsong, swallowing it whole into the body.

  【Sang Song】Destruction

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→2600

   The sight in front of him made Hoshino's expression a bit embarrassing, not because of his greatly reduced health, but the scene of being swallowed by the holy beast was extremely cruel. In the **** mouth, there is still a vague view of the remaining limbs that have not been chewed.

   Normally destroyed monster images will only shatter and disappear. That is to say, the root cause of unsuitable scenes for children...

   "Activate the special effect of [Holy Beast Celekite]!"

  ——The root cause can only be the special effect of the monster.

   [②: As long as this card exists in the monster area, the monster destroyed by this card's battle is excluded. ③: Activate when this card destroys a monster in battle. The attack power of this card increases by 500. 】

  【Sang Song】except

   The sacred beast that swallowed Sangsong completely began to evolve, and the red giant scorpion's back was purified to vaguely appear in human form.

  【Holy Beast Celekite ATK: 2500→3000】

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