【Heroine-Heroine of Mystery X·AlterATK: 3000→6000】

   "Attack power, 6000!" Seeing BX's doubling attack power, the hippocampus stumbled unconsciously.

   "Actually, I really overtook it!" The excited Shizuka saw such a reversal for the first time.

   was like watching a magic trick prepared by Hoshino, which detonated the audience at the last minute, "Miss Hoshino, how handsome!"

   Hoshino raised his right hand, synchronized with the high leaping BX, and pointed to the pull two floating in the sky: "Did you see it, this is my strength! Break Ramses II, X·Alter-san!"

   "Hoshino Chiyuki, the king of duelists, really has strength! It seems that your self-confidence is not just as simple as talking!" Facing the dazzling red lightsaber in front of him, Li Xid also had to admit Hoshino's strength.

   "But for your self-confidence, I chose to leave a hand last round, sure enough! Open the covered trap card [Holy Protective Cover-Mirror Power -]!"

   [Holy Shield-Mirror Power-Trap Card Effect: Can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. An attack on the opponent's field means that all monsters are destroyed. 】

   "Oops, Li Xid actually planted such a backhand!" The game called bad, but from the perspective of Li Xid's deflection of the trap deck, wearing such a trap does not seem to be unexpected.

   "But the timing of the activation of this card is really terrible for Hoshino!" Haima calmly analyzed, "This kind of moment that overwhelms everything to reverse and counterattack, if you encounter such a trap, the situation will completely collapse."

   The sacred shield, reflecting the brilliance of the sun, is separated from BX and La Er, Hoshino and Lishid, between victory and defeat.


   The moment the crimson lightsaber slashed across the shield, the huge magic power reflected off hit Hoshino's field and swallowed the innocent Saberlily on the field.

  【Hero-Altria Pandora lily】Break

   "The victory is divided, don't struggle with Hoshino Chiyuki anymore." Lishid, who was relieved, lowered the arm that started the fold.

   "Don't struggle anymore..." Holding the lightsaber with both hands, BX slammed toward the shield in front of him.

   "It's you who don't struggle anymore, Lishid!"

   Hoshino's counterattack shouted through the audience, and the sacred shield shattered. The countless tiny mirrors shattered, each reflecting the brilliance of the blade, and the BX trapped in it, as if under a red starlight.

   Lishid stared forward in disbelief: "How could this be! Why is your monster not destroyed by reflection!"

   Hoshino responded: "If you don't even watch out for the most basic traps, I will be the king of duelists for nothing! As I said, this is the darkness that can swallow the sun!"

   [[Altria] Monster + [Heroic] Monster + Dark Attribute Monster ①: This card can only be activated if the same attribute monster is used as the material and the fusion summon of this card is successful. This card is not affected by the effects of other cards. 】

"That's why I used 3 dark monsters as the fusion material. How can this boundless darkness be resisted by the sacred shield alone!" Hoshino, who held the duel board high, was finally covered by the power of darkness roaring from it. After the sun.

   "It's time to hit the road and pull two! Let's start the final attack, X·Alter! Give me three pages of Euler!"

   Thousands of blows in one instant, it is said that this is a random cut comparable to the speed of light. In the blink of an eye, the countless red light burst on Ra Er's body.

   "This is the time to wait, take my last blow!"

   The gorgeous X cut, accompanied by BX's desperate roar, cut down the shining sun.

   "—— "Black Dragon Shuangke Victory Sword"!!!"

Chapter 198: The Winged Dragon of the Sun God

   "Pharaoh is not impossible on the earth, but now on the airship, puff——!"

  【Heroic Spirit-Osmandis Ramses II】Break

  Lichide LP: 3600→3100

   "Success... Did you succeed!"

   After the fierce confrontation, only the lightsaber in the hands of BX was left in the quiet field with the sound of "Weng~ Weng~".

   Hoshino points to the opposite side: "Lichid is over, now the situation has completely reversed. The monster with the strongest attack power and the strongest resistance is on my field, and you have no monsters!"

   Lishid looked incredulous: "Is the Pharaoh actually defeated? The sun is swallowed by darkness, and the justice of my clan will fail..."

   "Hey...this Hoshino Chiyuki is so strong!" Malik clutched his head tightly. The huge gap from victory to defeat made his spirit very unstable.

   "Damn it, it's almost certainly! Damn it!"

   Looking at Malik who was mumbling crazy about something, Jouchou looked puzzled: "What's the matter with this man, is it exciting to lose a game?"

   "Could it be!" It was like an instinctive reaction of the body, Li Xid noticed Malik's abnormality, and his face instantly became embarrassed.

   Recalling that Malik had mentioned that his personality consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, Lishid's back was unconsciously wet with cold sweat. Even when he was defeated by Hoshino, he didn't show such a panic.

   "Master Malik, I won't lose!" Lishid shouted at the audience, trying to calm Malik's mental state.

   "I Lishid, long ago decided to dedicate my life to your great goal! And now is the time when I bet my life, I will dedicate my body to call the strongest pterosaur!"

   "Winged Dragon?!" The little friends were shocked collectively.

   Seahorse also became vigilant: "He just said that the Winged Dragon, right? Does this Lishid not only have the Heroic Spirit Card, but also the Winged Dragon?"

   "I thought the evil **** Sang was talking about the power of God referring to pulling two. Didn't I expect this guy even has a pterosaur?"

   Helpless Hoshino, originally thought Li Xid in front of him was just a middle-boss-level opponent. But after pulling out the second, even the Wing Shenlong had to be pulled out, which looked more like the final boss than Malik.

   It's already very difficult to deal with a pull two. In order to summon BX Hoshino, most of the resources have been used up. If another Pterodactyl is at this time, it will be a headache.

   Hoshino thinking like this, buried the last two cards in his hand, "Cover two cards, and the round is over!"

   Hoshino Chiyuki remaining hand cards: 1 card, 2 cover cards, [Heroine-Mysterious Heroine X·AlterATK: 6000→3000]

   "My turn, draw a card! Then activate the magic card [Dead Susheng]!"

  Because the trap card was used up in the last round, the equipment card was also destroyed with the pull two leaving the field, and Lishid's backcourt vacated a place where he could use magic.

   "The monster I resurrected is, the great pharaoh, Ramses II!"

   Hoshino smiled and said, "It seems that he hasn't been beaten enough yet."

   Lost the whiteboard pull two supported by the equipment card, it will not be BX's opponent at all.

   [Heroic Spirit-Osmandis Ramses II ★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) light] [Magician/fusion ATK: 3000DEF: 3000]

  Unexpectedly, La Er who played this time did not accompany the brainwashing laughter. The too quiet contrast even made Hoshino uncomfortable.

   "Hey, you're not the kind of beautiful man who doesn't talk much, right?" Hoshino couldn't help but spit out, but found that Lishid's two-draw card on the duel board was abnormal. The gradually transparent card surface seemed to be disappearing.

   "So it's like this..." Hoshino knew everything.

"Because a card is specially summoned from the cemetery, the effect of [The Surviving Baoza] is triggered, and three cards are drawn from the deck!" Hoshino is not too lazy to count how many cards Lishid has in his hand, this one [The surviving Baoza] has helped him replenish a full 9 cards.

"Then activate the magic card [Sorcerer's Stone Mining], discard the 2 cards in your hand, take the [Dead Susheng] in the cemetery back to your hand, and resurrect the [Beast King Behemoth] who has just been thrown into the cemetery! "

  【Behemoth, King of Beasts★★★★★★★ (7 stars) Land】【Orcs/Effect ATK: 2700DEF: 1500】

   "Roar——!" The huge beast roared and materialized on the field.

   "Because of the effect of [The Surviving Baoza], I will draw three more cards!" Lishid, who drew three cards again, clearly jumped his eyebrows, "Come on, I finally got it!"

   Chenguchi nervously locked the narrator Honda's neck: "Could it be that he has drawn the Pterosaur!"

   Honda looked pained: "In the castle, you can't sneak revenge on me just because Shizuka laughed at me!"

Lishid, who lifted the last cover card, had extremely firm eyes: "I used [Trap Demolition] to destroy [Ramses II’s Sacrifice] on the field, and finally activated the perpetual trap card [Api] covered in the last round. Bu Zhihua God】!"

  【Apibu's God of Transformation Perpetual Trap Card Effect: It can only be activated at the main stage of oneself and the opponent. After this card is activated, it becomes a normal monster (Reptilian type·Earth·4-star·Attack 1600/Defense 1800) and is Special Summoned in the monster area. 】

   [Apibu's God of Transformation★★★★ (4 stars) Land] [Reptilian ATK: 1600DEF: 1800]

   Although the name is Huashen, the entity is nothing more than a black snake man holding a machete.

   Lishid, who was operating with one pass, was full of monsters on the field: "Because of the destruction of the sacrificial hall, Ramses II can be liberated! In this way, the three sacrifices that summon the Winged Dragon will be gathered on the field!"

   "Are you coming!" The development of the situation was so sudden that even the game did not consciously clenched his fists.

"Master Malik, please bear witness to my enlightenment! I dedicate this body and life to the great sun, and open the way for my race to victory!" Lishid, who roared the declaration, tried his best to release his own emotion.

   Lishid knew clearly that this was probably the last card he played. If he successfully summoned the Wing Shenlong, he would definitely be angry with God. Because what he has in hand is not a real Winged Dragon, but a copy of Winged Dragon. Those who use the card of the false **** will be burned to death by the wrath of the gods.

   "I will present the three monsters on the field as sacrifices!" However, Lishid didn't hesitate at all in his heart. The matter was over. He firmly believed that this was the fate he had to bear.

"The elves sing, the power of ancient times is the power of all things! Its fate, its soul, and its corpse! Answer my call, the Pterodactyl of the Sun God!" Finally, with determination, Li Xid lay down the copy card of the Pterodactyl .

   As the three monsters on Lishid's field dissipated, a large number of flame explosions spread, burning the entire duel field. In the tumbling flames, the golden bird raised its head high and flew straight into the sky. The originally quiet night sky was already covered by flames and lightning.

   [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Illusory Beasts/Effects ATK:? ? ? DEF:? ? ? 】

Chapter 199: Master, you big liar

   "Is this temperature serious?"

   Feeling the scorching fire on the court, big beads of sweat dripped down Hoshino's white cheeks. The flames scrolling in the sky mixed with thunder light, and it looked like a natural disaster about to descend.

   "This, it's impossible!" Faced with such a scene, the seahorse was the first one to be unable to sit still. "Virtual images cannot cause such heat!"

   You should have discovered this kind of thing a long time ago, now there is nothing to complain about! This person in the hippocampus is like suffering from amnesia, and will selectively forget every time he faces unscientific events.

   "It succeeded, I summoned the Pterodactyl!" Almost ignoring the fiercely burning flames under his feet, Li Xid looked at the sky with excitement.

   "No, as expected, God's copy card won't work!" However, Malik's mental state did not improve at all because of Lishid's summoning the Winged Dragon. On the contrary, it was even more chaotic.

   "I feel it, God's anger is coming!"

   Keiping looked back at Malik fiercely: "You said a copy card?! In other words, Lishid is using a fake card!"

   Then Keiping recalled that when the fake card data implanted in the hippocampus central system was cleared at that time, there were indeed a few card data because the text could not be read and could not be distinguished from the true and false, so Keiping did not process it.

   "The original card information is really a copy of the card of the gods!" Keiping suddenly realized that if it was the card of the gods, it made sense that the ancient text on it could not be read.

The scorching temperature in front of    makes even the inside of the city feel bad: "Even gods dare to copy it, you are so brave."

   "Run away!" Ignoring the questions of several people, Malik shouted to the court: "The anger of the Winged Dragon is coming, run away, Lishid!"

   The high-winged winged dragon, its sharp roar echoed under the tumbling sky of flames and lightning.

   "It looks really angry." Hearing Malik's roar, Hoshino wiped the sweat from his face and barely looked up.

   "Give up Lishid, it will be very dangerous for both of us to go on like this! This flame obviously surpasses the effect of the virtual image. If the temperature rises further, the airship may be destroyed."

   "No, continue the duel! Hoshino Chiyuki!" Lishid, who is in the center of the flame, should be the most dangerous person. But now he has no idea of ​​giving up in the slightest.

"God's anger, I will bear it alone!" Tore off the inky black cloak that he had been wearing, Lichd revealed his bronze upper body in the flames, as well as the dense talisman that continued from his face to his body. Arts.

"This body engraved with ancient inscriptions is a manifestation of the sad destiny of the tomb-keeping clan. Every generation of people must accept the cruel criminal law from childhood, engrave the inscriptions passed by the pharaohs on their bodies, and guard the inscriptions until death! In order to break this Fate, Malik created the Gurus Legion!"

   At the moment when the inscription was exposed, the flames under Lishid's feet seemed to have life, and collectively surged toward the inscription, that is, Lishid's body.

"And Chiyuki Hoshino, with 5 **** cards, you will be the biggest stumbling block to Malik's plan, so I must stop you here!" Enduring the sharp pain of the fire of god, Lishid in the flames Raise the duel plate again.

"This is your enlightenment, Lishid." Looking at Lishid who was wearing flames in front of him, Hoshino's serious eyes showed a little respect, "Faced with such a hot soul, it would be too bad to escape. It's plausible! Let's fight again, Lishid!"

   "Then face the power of the Winged Dragon! With the effect of [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God], the attack power/defense power of this card is the sum of the attack power/defense power of the monsters released during the summoning!"

  [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Fantasy Beasts/Effects ATK: 7300DEF: 6300]

   "They still want to fight?" Jouchou didn't expect that the two would still choose to fight in this situation. "If the attack power is 7,300, isn't it a monster that has surpassed Hoshino!"

"The tricky thing is not only the attack power, but also the pterosaur as a **** itself." The frowning game said: "Because the pterosaur is a god, it won't be affected by the effects of monsters with less than 10 stars. It means that Hoshino’s 9-star [Mysterious Heroine X·Alter] cannot lower its star rating."

   Honda also immediately understood the situation: "Then the attack power of such a star monster can't be doubled!"

   "The battle can be ended with one blow!" Lishid decisively entered the battle flow: "Show the strongest power of the Winged Dragon, and use the sun god's anger to burn the opposite monster!"

   After receiving the attack order, the winged dragon hovering in the sky, its golden body swooped down, and the huge wings carried the flames and lightning in the clouds and attacked the Hoshino field.

   "I'm sorry to complain about being too cold just now!" BX was shocked by the pterosaur who rushed towards him, and muttered to himself inexplicably: "Compared with the current situation, it is better to be colder!"

   Hoshino said solemnly, "This is not the time to panic, I'm facing up to X·Alter-san!"

   BX shook his head vigorously, "Even if you say you want to fight the master, this thing is too huge!"

   "It's okay, trust me!" Hoshino, who pressed the duel cover card, looked up at the pterodactyl rushing towards him in the sky, "This cover card can protect you. The victory or defeat is at this moment!"

   "Then I'll go, oh oh oh oh oh!" BX, who was a bit self-defeating, squinted and yelled. After that, the Force Gloves slapped the ground vigorously, and with the help of the explosive reaction force, they jumped high and rushed toward the flame-burning pterosaur.

   "Instantaneous Shadowless Sword!!"

   "At this moment, activate the covered trap card!"

   Lishid retorted loudly: "Useless Chiyuki Hoshino, the trap card is against God..."

   "Of course I know this kind of thing, do you think I'm dealing with a **** for the first time!" The card was opened from the soles of Hoshino's feet, and a strong wind blew the flames into the sky.

   "—— Trap Card [Old Man]!"

   [Old Man Trap Card Effect: Activate only by targeting 1 [Heroic] monster on your field. This turn, that monster will not be destroyed by battle, and the battle damage to yourself will be half. 】

   BX's petite body violently collided with the huge pterosaur, and then the black hood was instantly ignited.

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