Hoshino cleared his throat and began to tell: "The legendary Moses used his staff to borrow supernatural power, which caused the water of the Red Sea to recede, the water surface separated, and the sea revealed dry land, which looked like it had been split by the sea."

   The first time I heard about this story Wang Yang, he seemed quite interested: "Can you split the sea with the help of divine power? It's amazing."

   "This is just a version of the legend, and the truth is probably even more powerful~ There are rumors that in fact, Moses separated the sea with a punch, using Jacob's fighting skills to the extreme and perfect fighting skills."

   "A punch... to divide the sea?" Hearing the Wang Yang in this, he seemed to have guessed what Hoshino was planning to do.


   The elevator arrives, and outside the door is the familiar sky duel arena. As long as the exit of the fortress is opened, seawater should pour in from the head for the first time.

   Then if you want to split the sea, the sky duel is the best stage, the commanding height of the airship.

   "It's you, eldest sister!" Hoshino came to the sky duel and raised the thousand-year-old bracelet.

   "Really, don't call people like a Pokémon, just ordinary calls!"

   The materialized Malda has never been serious: "Don't call me the eldest sister anymore. The next thing to do is, if the faith is not sincere, it can't be done."

   Hoshino nodded emphatically: "Although Marda you beat people, swears, and is called the big sister, I believe you are a good saint!"

  The king-like tone was also full of excitement: "The card spirit of the legendary hero, if this is the case, maybe it can really succeed Hoshino!"

   "You really can't feel nervous when you are with the master. I said in advance that I haven't succeeded even in the state of a complete victory. I used my fist to split the sea."

  Malda said while flexing her hands, "And even if the energy in the bracelet is abundant, it is not guaranteed to be enough. After all, no one can say how much magic power is needed to split the sea."

   "Big sister, you will be successful! It is not for you to smash the sea to the bottom, as long as you separate the current from here to the sea, and get enough time for the airship to rush out. As for the energy..."

   Halfway through, Hoshino looked at Wang Yang on the side: "I have brought a large battery charger~"

   Wang Yang asked a question mark: "Power Bank, what is it?"

   Hoshino, who stretched his white wrists over, explained: "In any case, you hold my bracelet in the game and inject as much dark power as you can into it."

   "Oh, good!" Wang Yan nodded, gently squeezed Hoshino's wristband, and was careful not to touch Hoshino's body.

   The twinkling golden light of the thousand-year building blocks echoed the light of the thousand-year bracelet, and huge dark power poured into it like spring water and passed on to Malda.

   "What a huge dark power, it deserves to be the Pharaoh's thousand-year-old building block!" Hoshino, feeling the huge power, his eyes gleamed.

   "If this is the case, it will work! Go out in one go, big sister, don't waste energy!"

   After all, it takes energy to keep the heroic spirits real, and the earlier the shot, the higher the success rate.

   "Drink—!" Angrily stomped on the ground, Malda, with firm eyes, condensed the power of his whole body on his right fist.

   "You can start anytime, master!"

   "Yo Xi, next is the most critical moment!"

   Hoshino shouted at the cabin: "Hippocampus, start the airship!"

   Boom! !

   What responded to Hoshino was the sound of the airship's huge turbo engine. Through the monitoring of the control room, everyone in the cabin was also fully aware of Hoshino's plan.

   "Is it really successful to split the sea?" Kyoko rubbing his hands felt very unfounded.

   But on the contrary, Jounouchi and Honda were very excited: "Of course it can be successful. That's Hoshino plus Sister Marda! Let alone the sea, I believe it even if it splits the earth!"

   "Naya, open the exit of the fortress!"

   Then, as long as you open the overhead exit, the sea will flood into the fortress like crazy. If it fails, everyone can only feed the fish.

   "It's a very messy plan, Qianxue." Naia's tone was full of helplessness...

   and the same excitement that can hardly be concealed: "But this is indeed the only way to survive. Although the time to get along is very short, I still wish you good luck!"

  "—Undersea fortress, the exit is open!"

  As expected, the moment the steel wall opened, the turbulent ocean current hit violently from above like a blue sky fire eager to smash everything.

   "This is the decision to make a life-and-death blow, let's take a shot, Sister Malda!" Hoshino shouted with all his strength.

"Ohhhhhhh!! Jacob's fighting skills secrets—" Gathering the secrets stored in the bracelet, plus the maximum energy that can be released in the thousand-year-old building blocks, the roaring Malda slams forward with a punch of holy light. Ocean currents.

   "Iron Fist Flashes-Split·Mountain·Crack·Sea!"

   One punch separates life and death! The roaring sacred energy directly collided with the sea water coming from the surface, and a punch with the ultimate Jacob's fighting skills truly split the flowing sea water in half from the middle.

   "Did it! It really separates the sea!" Jouchouchi and Honda exclaimed excitedly.

   Seahorse waved his hand and commanded: "The engine starts at full power. The opportunity is only this moment. I absolutely must rush out!"

   The full-power ignited engine, and the powerful propulsion exploded, almost ejected the airship. On the top of the airship, Wang Yang, who had long been able to resist the impact, tightly grasped Hoshino's wrist to prevent her from being thrown out by inertia.

   "It's successful, I know it will do it!" Feeling the Hoshino driving in the middle of the divided sea barrier, the excitement was beyond words.

  The blue channel opened is the route of hope created by gathering all forces in despair.

   "Have you succeeded?" With Hoshino feeling the blue scenery in front of you, I couldn't believe it.

   "Oops, the power is not enough, master!" However, Marda slammed his full strength to find out that although her punch split the sea, it did not reach the top of the sea.

   Even though it is only a few meters away from the sea surface, if the seawater is not completely split, and it hits at such a speed, even the surface of the water will be no different from an iron wall.

   "Game!" Hoshino hurriedly turned his attention to the power bank Wang Yang for help, only Wang Yang shook his head helplessly.

   That was already all the power he could use without reservation. Of course Wang Yang would not save his power at this critical moment of life.

   "Everything is over!" The sweaty seahorse was left on the forehead, gritted his teeth and looked at the last few meters of sea water ahead.

   The seemingly insurmountable scourge isolates life and death.


   A slight vibration suddenly came out of his pocket, making Hoshino reach out and touch it subconsciously.

   "This is?!" Staring at the object in his hand, the fire of hope ignited in Hoshino's eyes again.

   "Millennium jewelry!"

   Wang Yang asked in surprise: "Why did the Millennium Jewelry be on you Hoshino?"

   "Now is not the time to entangle this question!" Following the appearance of Isis, Hoshino quickly put the Millennium Jewelry on his white neck.

   "There is providence in the dark, if this is the ruined future Isis you foresee. Then in order to avoid this future, this is the effort made by Millennium Jewelry!"

   Defeat Isis, get a thousand-year jewelry, and finally break through the desperate situation. In countless ruinous futures, Millennium Jewelry chose to rely on Hoshino to fight for the unknown hope.

   "Accept Malda, this is my last energy!" The golden eyes flashing on Hoshino's neck dyed Hoshino's long white hair as dazzling as stars.

   "Although the energy is not a lot, but it is enough, master!" Marda posed again, with a murderous iron fist rushing straight to the sea barrier ahead.

   "If there is nowhere to escape, then-iron fist, saint, cut!"

   An iron fist hit, and a huge wave exploded over the sea. The water stream that was completely split even for a few seconds allowed the airship traveling at full speed to rush out.

   The dragon goes out to sea to ride the clouds, and the goshawk soars in the sky and flies on the waves.

   The miraculous sight turned into the final cry in the hearts of everyone.

   "Big sister is awesome!"

Chapter 238: Four people fighting

   "Successful, we rushed out, my brother!"

   After seeing the long-lost real sky, Keihei beamed with joy.

   Haima squinted his eyes and smiled softly: "Huh, she really did it, this nine-dead gamble!"

   "I'm so handsome, I'm so moved to cry! Oh!"

  Jounouchi and Honda, who embraced and cried, two big men actually made such a shameful behavior.

   "The eldest sister is so handsome, especially the moment when she rushed up to smash the sea with her fist at the last second! My boyfriend decided to follow her all his life!"

   The two silly Kyoko squinted in front of him with a helpless look: "What are you following, that's just Hoshino's card spirit."

  Sky duel field—

   "I really thought I was dead for a moment." Hoshino after the rest of his life had a bright smile on his face.

   Wang Yang, who released Hoshino's wrist, said with emotion: "It's really hard for you, Hoshino."

   "What are you talking about, the game, this is the path that we both worked together to open."

   Without the huge dark power of the thousand-year-old building blocks, maybe even half of the sea water would not be able to be split. No wonder Leonardo said that the thousand-year-old building blocks are the richest mystery in the world.

   staring blankly at the star field wearing the thousand-year-old jewelry in front of him, with the whitishness of the sea and the smile of the young girl’s sunshine, Wang Xiang couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.

   Looking away with difficulty, Wang Yang turned his head and looked at the towering duel tower in the distance: "Finally is about to enter the finals. I really look forward to the final battle, Hoshino, this time I will definitely win you!"

   Leaning on the handrail, Hoshino stared at the tower above the ruins. The faintly luminous millennium jewelry seemed to signal the land of destiny ahead.

   "A game I won't lose, whether it's you or Malik. I have a reason to win."

   After a short flight, the airship finally stopped on the Devil’s Island full of ruins of arms without any other accidents.

Stepping off the seahorse of the airship, looking up at the gorgeous tower that is incompatible with the dilapidated ruins: "Hippocampus Gangsaburo, now I have completely crossed your shadow. All that remains to be done is to conquer this one that is stepping on your decaying soul. Duel tower, become the true duel king."

   Hoshino, who jumped off the boat, glanced around at random: "Although I already felt this way when I looked far away, I didn't expect it to be more like..."

   "This is the garbage dump, sister Hoshino." Akashia hit the nail on the head. Hoshino said, forget it, little girl, don't you be afraid of being hit by the hippocampus with your mouth so straight.

   "Yeah~ I didn't expect that you came out alive." A disgusting voice came from behind the ruins.

   "What is this voice?!" Everyone was startled, and then the collective anger rose.

   "Malik, you did it!" The Tempest City immediately snarled at Malik who was standing behind the ruins.

   However, Malik looked straightforward and confident: "What I did, don't spit people. I just discovered the fact that the sea fortress was damaged, and then I took the lead to escape."

   "Isn't it the submarine fortress you destroyed yourself!"

   almost rushed to the city where he was beating people, and was forcibly stopped by Honda, "Just calm down a little bit inside the city, we don't have any evidence."

  Although Malik had done everything he thought about it, but everyone was trapped in the virtual world at the time, and no one saw it with his own eyes.

   "But now that I survived, the semi-finals of Duel City should continue as usual~"

   Malik with a sinister smile looked at Hoshino: "To be honest, I was very worried that the card of the gods would sink to the bottom of the sea just now. In that case, it would be more troublesome to salvage than to grab it from your hands."

   Hoshino took out the Thousand-Year Jewelry that he had just taken out and put it in his pocket, and responded without showing any weakness: "Malik, do you know what future I see through jewelry?"

   Malik was also slightly taken aback: "The old sister's thousand-year-old jewelry is actually on you!?"

   "That is the future where you are filled with cement and sink into the bottom of Tokyo Bay."

   Akashia complained: "Sister Hoshino, where are you from the gangster daughter?"

   Little girl, have you heard of the Chaldean gangsters? That's much scarier than the gang.

   "Of course the semi-finals will unfold normally!" Haima declared in a cold voice: "The 4 contestants will enter the duel tower now!"

   "There is no superfluous explanation to start the game directly, it really has the style of a seahorse." The people who followed the Shanghai horse sighed.

   If the outside of the duel tower is like a **** dump, then the inside is simply the opposite scenery.

   is full of machinery and equipment, and the technologically-enriched decoration is like Haima showing off the prosperity of Haima Company on the corpse of Kosaburo.

   led the crowd to the huge and wide platform, Seahorse launched a duel plate and said: "This duel tower has a total of three duel platforms, and now we are on the first floor, which is the bottom. Then let's start the duel."

   "Wait!" Looking at the seahorse that suddenly started the duel, Hoshino was puzzled: "What does it mean, "Let's start a duel, then."

Seahorse smiled mysteriously and replied: "So, now we are arranging the order of the duel. Let's have a four-player melee. The first two people with zero health will play the first semi-final, and the remaining two will be the second. Semi-finals."

   "So that's it!" Wang Xiang smiled understandingly, and then immediately launched a duel: "Use melee duel to arrange the order of the semi-finals, and warm up by the way. There is really your seahorse!"

   Malik also started the duel: "Although it is a very boring trick, but I will play with you, anyway, whoever is my opponent will definitely lose."

   Hoshino, who finally started the duel, thought: "That is to say, it is easier for a person with strong control of the battle to choose the opponent he wants to challenge. This guy Haima has another calculation in his heart."

   Kyoko was a little nervous when he heard that the four-person melee was about to start suddenly: "What? This is a duel that doesn't matter even if you lose!"

   Peacock Dance looked at the four people on the stage, and said with a serious face: "It can't be said that it is completely irrelevant. Look at the eyes of the four of them, they have probably locked their opponents who want to duel in the semi-finals."

Haima: "Even if you have the power of [True Blue Eyed Ultimate Dragon], it is still too impatient to directly challenge Hoshino, who has the strongest evil god. The best arrangement now is to defeat Malik, who has the sun god, in the semi-finals, and will be the strongest. Only when the phantom **** Winged Dragon is in the bag can it be guaranteed to contend against the strongest evil god."

   Wang-like: "Ibid."

   Hoshino: "Anyway, if you can defeat Malik first, it will definitely be the best!"

   In this way, the fiery eyes of the three people who had their own ghosts completely locked on the lone Malik.

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