Over the apostle who offered his body as a sacrifice, a burning object like the shape of the sun surged in the sky.

   As for why it is like the shape of the sun...

   When the turbulent flames dissipated, what was floating over the battlefield was already just a golden ball.

   "Why did you even summon a ball?!" Even though Hoshino knew that the atmosphere was very serious now, he still couldn't help but vomit.

   As for why Hoshino said "even you"...

   "As the highest god, even the appearance is similar to that of a concubine!" The evil **** Loli appeared behind Hoshino without warning, as if he was facing an enemy.

   "So all of you high-ranking gods like to play ball?!" This is the reason why Hoshino complained. The turbulent Tianma Yexing before, also summoned a black and white ball after releasing a bunch of ruthless words.

   Now this situation is perfectly replicated on Malik, the only difference is probably... the color.

   Cthulhu looked at the Wing Shenlong (ball) with very serious eyes: "Such an appearance full of the majesty of the gods, the girl is not an easy opponent."

   Isn’t it the same appearance as you? ! So you guys are really similar!

   Malik looked at the sky and sneered: "Don't worry, Hoshino, this is just the original form of the real Pterosaur without a spell. It is completely different from the copy card used by Lishid!"

   "Initial form?" Hoshino recalled the battle with Li Xid. At that time, the Winged Dragon summoned by Li Xid seemed to be directly on the card surface of the Winged Dragon.

   Malik, who took out a thousand-year-old tin rod behind him, began to chant the mantra silently: "The sun **** will combine the three sacrifices and gain their power, but the only thing the **** obeys is the one who enshrines the ancient mantra to heaven!"

   In other words, even if Hoshino summoned the Wing Shenlong, if Malik enchanted it, the control of the Wing Shenlong would probably be transferred.

   After receiving the incantation offered by Malik, the golden sphere gradually deformed and unfolded, finally incarnate into a familiar winged dragon. The high and sharp roar once again set off fiery flames on the battlefield.

   "The first effect of the Winged Dragon, its attack power is the sum of the three sacrifices!"

  [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God ATK: 3300]

   Kyoko, who was originally frightened by the transformation aura of the Wing Shenlong, quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "From this point of view, the attack power of the Wing Shenlong does not seem to be as high as that of a giant soldier!"

Malik, who held the Thousand-Year Pewter Rod, deepened the smirk at the corners of his mouth: "It's time to offer you despair. I hope you can play with me and don't end up like the castle, Hoshino! "

   Wang Yang felt uncomfortable: "The same fate as in the castle, could it be that Malik wants it?!"

   "Take my spell, Pterodactyl-when the time comes, the **** will be transformed into a phoenix, and the chosen monster will sleep in the earth!"

   The golden body was instantly surrounded by a layer of burning flames, and the winged dragon, who was baptized by the new spell, was reborn as a flame phoenix.

   "Transformation of form-God, Phoenix!"

Chapter 255: The emperor's privilege, disperse the fire of the soul

  The burning flame image made the entire back of the city unconsciously soaked with sweat: "Sure enough, it is a **** Phoenix, is this Malik going to use that despicable way to deal with Hoshino?!"

   Honda echoed: "You can't let him succeed, you are not the same in the weak Hoshino and the five big and three thick castles, you must not be able to withstand that kind of attack!"

   "What are you two going to do?" The referee who has been in a hidden state called out: "If you are going to stop the duel now, then Hoshino Chiyuki will fail the duel!"

   "Huh? How could this be?! Haima, you don't care about your people!" In the castle stopped by the referee, he pointed the finger at Haima.

   The hippocampus with his hands on his chest, just frowned and kept silent. But the constantly tapping fingers on his arm still exposed his inner entanglement at the moment.

   "Trust Hoshino!" Wang Yang looked at the field firmly: "This duel is also vital to Hoshino! Hoshino must also have the consciousness to overcome this danger!"

On the battlefield, Malik raised his arms and shouted: "Feel the flames of the gods! The effect of the gods and phoenixes is activated-pay 1000 points of life, enter the [God and phoenixes] mode, and ignore the resistance, the rules destroy the opponent's field Go all the monsters!"

   Malik LP: 1900→900

   [God·Phoenix], who rushed towards the Hoshino field with the sound of ear-piercing birds, curled up the turbulent flames that burned the audience and swallowed all the monsters on the Hoshino field.

The Cthulhu hurriedly said: "Girl, this is what the concubine reminded you that the rules have been broken. In the current situation, even if the giant soldiers rely on the resistance of [Bound God Tomb], or Nero’s third time to welcome the sunset, they can’t resist. Up!"

  The giant soldiers and Spartans lit by the **** Phoenix, wailed hoarsely in the flames.

   Even Hoshino gave a gritted expression of pain: "I know, and I feel it, this flame in the depths of the soul is definitely not something that can be resisted by external force!"

   Knowing something, Kyoko almost screamed: "If there were three monsters on the Hoshino field, wouldn't it be possible to endure three times the pain in the city at that time?!"

   When Kyoko was reminded, the castle that was stopped just now couldn't sit still: "Sure enough, let me go to stop the duel!"

   "No, Ernie Chan!" This time, Shizuka pulled the castle back, "Calm down, take a look at the court first!"

   only burned for a few seconds, but the flames that had originally wrapped Hoshino's body disappeared miraculously. Under the extremely mild temperature, Hoshino's expression became much more relaxed than before.

   Nero in the flames endured the pain and squeezed out a smile: "Inheriting everyone's strength and fighting gorgeously so far, Yu has been very satisfied! So now for the master's final victory, Yu must also put his strength in!"

   In the flames, the white jade hand waved a glorious radiance and completely surrounded Hoshino's body: "This is Yu's last willfulness. Even the flames of God must satisfy Yu. This is the emperor's privilege EX!"

   Nero, who delivered the last power, disappeared into the flames of the gods along with the giant soldiers and Leonidas I.

  【Nero Claudius】Break

  【Obelisk’s Giant Soldiers】Smash,【Leonida I】Smash

   cut off the brilliance of all damage, gently stroked Hoshino's body, and even the transparent parts swallowed by the dark game gradually recovered.

   "Sure enough, it is medical ex!" Hoshino shook his palms lightly, feeling that he was back to his best condition and smiled: "But I will accept your last strength, and I will definitely win, Nero!"

   Looking at Hoshino who was still standing on the field, Malik was surprised: "It's really unexpected. This is enough to eliminate one of the gods in the three cities, but it was completely resisted."

   Hoshino retorted confidently: "Malik, if you want to defeat me in this way, then I can only tell you that the abacus is empty!"

   "The abacus is empty? Although it really surprised me that you can carry it down, take a closer look at the site where you were swept by the **** Phoenix, Hoshino!" Pointing to the area where there are no monsters in Hoshino, Malik is even more arrogant.

   "Next, let's use the final form of the winged dragon to end this duel!"

   Set up the duel plate, Hoshino's eyes became more serious: "Is the final form of the Winged Dragon? This should be its final effect."

   "Listen to the Winged Dragon, I will offer the last spell with my body!"

   Mantra [God will resurrect on the ground, and the regeneration technique is given by the life of the manipulator. Then they will become one body, and the enemies on the battlefield will turn into corpses in the flames! 】

   The longest part of the three mantras. Following Malik's squinting silently, the Pterodactyl gradually transformed back from the state of the **** Phoenix. What followed was a green light projected from the top of the dragon (bird), shining towards Malik.

   "The last effect of the Winged Dragon is to fuse this card with the controller. In the fusion state, your health becomes 1, and the attack power and defense power of this card increase by the reduced value!"

   Malik, who was gradually rising under the ray of light, completely merged into the golden head after touching the winged dragon.

   Malik LP: 900→1

  【Wing Shenlong ATK: 3300→4199】

   Malik, who paid 1 point of life, has been swallowed by darkness to the point where only the last eye is left. However, with the help of the power of the Pterosaur, the phantom of the body in the fusion is still perfectly reproduced on the bird's head.

   "And when you activate this effect, if you have other monsters, release all monsters on your field except the Pterosaur, and the Pterosaur's attack power and defense power will increase by the combined value of the liberated monster's attack power and defense power!"

   In the second after Malik finished his explanation, the [Phantom Gunner] on the field was sucked into the body of the Pterodactyl.

  【Wing Shenlong ATK: 4299→5299】

   Seahorse said anxiously: "Paying such a huge price in exchange for an attack power that surpasses the true blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

   Keihei didn’t understand: “Although he’s very unwilling, but Malik can attack directly. Why must he do such a dangerous thing as paying for his attack power in exchange for his health.”

   Keiping was puzzled. The Pterosaur with 3,300 points of attack was enough to destroy the star field in the empty field, but Malik blended his body into it like a show off.

   Hoshino asserted: "If Malik is not stupid, then this effect of Pterosaurs hides other purposes."

   Malik, who merged with the winged dragon, laughed wildly and manipulated the body of the god: "It's so wonderful, this power that becomes one with the god! Take the fire of destruction I personally set off for you, Hoshino!"

   "Let’s attack the Winged Dragon——Golden Flame Cannon!!"

   After Malik issued a direct attack declaration, the golden flame went straight to the star field in the empty field.

   Hoshino, who was about to take over the attack, did not panic at all: "Malik, the last person who merged with his monster, has already been beaten and cried by my own hands. I am looking forward to your final ending!"

   opened the covered card, the green figure flashed out and stood in front of Hoshino: "Activate the quick attack magic [Sincere Faith]!"

Chapter 256: Fading-Time of Meeting

   "Quick Attack Magic [Sincere Faith]! Now is the time to show the true trump card style!"

   [Sincere Faith Quick Attack Magic Effect: During the turn this card is activated, monsters that are not [Heroic] cannot be Special Summoned. Choose one of the following effects to use. Special summon a [Heroic-Okita General Division] from the deck to defensively. 】

  【Heroic-Okita Souji★★★★★★★ (7 stars) Wind】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 2000】


   The seemingly slender green figure, but she stood in front of Hoshino with incomparable determination, without the slightest hesitation in her eyes...

   is obviously impossible——

   "Help, don't QAQ!" The chief executive had already started wailing before the attack was hit.

   "Although it's been a long time since I showed my face, but this way of playing is troublesome, please spare me!" The Chief Commander, who was put on the battlefield as a shield, was about to face a blow from the gods.

   Hoshino heartless encouragement behind him: "Okita-san, did you say yesterday that'the so-called ace is to save the field at a critical moment", now is the time to save you as the ace!"

The Chief Secretary who blocked the Juichi Scriptures in front quickly accepted the reality, but his mouth still complained: "Where is this a rescue site? It is used as a wall at all! The work of a wall should not be used. Leave it to Teacher Qiao to do it?"

   The flame of God, which surpassed the attack power of the blue-eyed ultimate dragon, cruelly drowned the thin body of the chief executive.

   "Hot ~ 80% ripe Okita Sang has failed!"

  【Okita Souji】Break

   "Huh, is it so easy to be defeated by the flames of God?"

   Malik on the head of the Wing God Dragon sneered with his hands on his chest.

   "After saying so many beautiful things, in the end it was just a wall monster that was drawn to death."

   "The monster to die? The real trump card is to be sent to the graveyard to reverse the battle! The covered trap card is activated-[Elapsed-Time of Reunion]!"

   Although entering the cemetery is almost as sparse and common for the chief executive as going home, but this time the chief executive card in the cemetery area unexpectedly shattered and shined with a new light.

   [Effects of the Trap Card at the Time of Passing-Meeting: ①: Activate only when the [Heroic] monster on your field is destroyed by battle or the opponent's effect is destroyed. Remove from the game, from your hand, on the field, deck, and graveyard, the [Heroic] Fusion Monster decided to include 1 or more fusion material monsters including the destruction monster from the game, and that monster is fusion summoned from the extra deck. After that, the number of monsters excluded from this effect is X400 damage. 】

   "Because [Heroic-Souji Okita] was destroyed, the fusion monster using the head office as a material from the fusion deck will be specially summoned!" A new fusion card was drawn out and Hoshino pressed it **** the duel board.

   "I'm bullish on Malik, this is the fusion monster I reversed!"

   "Using Okita Souji's fusion monster, is it?!" Wang Yang's eyes were slightly startled, and there was an inexplicable familiar feeling: "Could it be the devil..."

   "Do you think it's the Demon God Chief? It's actually me Sakata Kintoki!"

   The huge roar of the locomotive engine resounded throughout the audience, and Jin Shi, who had transformed into a knight state, joined like a thunder.

   [Heroic Spirit-Sakata Kintoki [Rider]★★★★★★★★ (8-star) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Fusion/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 1500]

  【Heroic-Sakata Kintoki + Wind Attribute [Heroic] Monster】


   "Although the direct exclusion of the destroyed head office will not trigger the damage effect of the [Bound God Tomb] destroying the monster sent to the graveyard. But I will suffer 800 points of damage as a side effect of the trap card."

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 1500→700

   Because of the emperor's privilege left by Nero, Hoshino's body seems to be immune to the damage caused by the dark game. Although there is no fatal effect as long as the health value is not reduced to 0, but if you only have one eye to play cards like Malik, you will always feel very ruined.

   Malik on the wing **** dragon head dismissed it: "It just summoned another trash fish. Cover a card, and the round is over!"

   Malik remaining hand cards: 1 (Sky Dragon), 1 cover card

   "My round, draw a card!"


   Hoshino, who drew the card with the bright red light on the back of his hand, locked his eyes tightly on Malik, who was fused to the head of the Wing Shenlong.

   "battle! Just soar up Jin Shi!"

   entered the battle flow for the first time, and Hoshino's attack speed was as swift as when Jin Shi appeared.

   "It's really decisive, general, let us do a good job!"

   While riding on the Golden Bear of the Golden Bear, he exploded the engine and stepped on the accelerator to the limit.

   Malik, who doesn't understand the effect of Jin Shi, frowned: "Want to challenge God with this kind of attacking monster, this woman is finally crazy."

   However, in a few tenths of a second when Malik was puzzled, Jin Shi, who leaped from the Golden Bear, had already arrived on top of the Pterodactyl and Malik.

   "——Night Wolf Death Nine·Golden Run away!!"

   Unprepared start speed made Malik flustered, and quickly ordered the Pterosaur: "Fight back the Pterosaur, and crush this bug with the flame of God!"

   raised his head high and aimed at the sky, the golden flame cannon ejected from the beak of the Wing Shenlong directly ignited and detonated the locomotive that had soared to the extreme high temperature.

Raising his finger to the explosion fire in the sky, Hoshino smiled as he planned to succeed: "The special effect of [Heroic-Sakata Kintoki [Rider]], this card can directly attack the player over the opposite monster! Although the pterosaur's attack power is very high High, but Malik, your own health is only 1 point!"

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