Chengouchi scratched his head awkwardly: "I still have an impression, but I can't remember the specific process."

   After all, although it was only a month ago for Hoshino, it is a genuine past ten years for Jouchi.

   "We were also these monsters on the field at that time, the blue-eyed white dragon, the true red-eyed black dragon, and..." The cards he drew were directly thrown into the monster area, and Hoshino's momentum increased as he recalled the past.

   "And this one, Dragon Slayer Hero, Siegfried!"

   Chengouchi was slightly surprised: "Zig Fei? But Hoshino, the [True Red-Eyed Black Flame Dragon] on the field has just been destroyed by the opponent with a trap card, why can I still be summoned?"

Even after ten years, Hoshino is still very impressed by Hoshino’s powerful dragon specialization within the heroic city: "I remember the effect of Ziegfei is to increase the attack power of the dragon monster summoned as a sacrifice by the superior. It can be like this. Summon it directly?"

   Hoshino responded confidently: "The blue-eyed Bailong and your red eyes have become stronger than before. Do you want me to stop? I can't do this kind of thing!"

   "The hero of the dragon slaying, bathed in dragon blood. He has obtained the immortal body and the curse of the strongest power! Look good, this is the power of the boundary breakthrough [Heroic Spirit-Ziegfei]!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Siegflies ★★★★★★ (6 stars) Land] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK:0DEF: 3000]

   "If you don't liberate the monster, just summon the 6-star monster directly? That's not right..." Bai Ye suddenly realized something, and suddenly panicked.

   Hoshino pointed to the paused white night, and the dazzling dazzling light of the fantasy sword that was smashed out, and in the blink of an eye he had already cut off the [Sin·True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] on the opposite court: "Who said I didn't liberate the monster?"

   "I need to liberate the monster to be able to summon the superior. But the evil dragon on the opposite side has been killed by me!" Qigefei holding the fantasy sword, put away the sword light across the dragon's body, and apologized seriously.

   "Who said I didn't liberate the monster anymore, it's just your monster that I liberated! The special effect of breaking the boundaries of Ziegfei——"

   [This card can liberate a dragon monster on your opponent’s field to be summoned by a higher level. In this case, the card's race can also be used as a dragon. 】

   "No, [Heroic Spirit-Ziegfried]! The prefix of this monster... is mentioned by Lord Paradox in the record! How is it possible, it is impossible to meet here!!"

   However, compared to the [Sin·True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] on the field being liberated by Hoshino, the card itself of Ziegfei surprised Bai Ye even more.

In the city with wide-eyed eyes, watching [Sin·True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] be easily beheaded, he said with excitement: "Strong, Hoshino, can actually liberate the opponent's dragon monsters as a condition for his summoning. Then if I didn't If memory is wrong, another effect of Ziegfei..."

   [①: The attack power of this card is increased by twice the attack power value of the dragon monster released during the superior summon. 】

   "Because the liberated [Sin·True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] has 2400 points of attack power, Ziegfei’s attack power has doubled to 4800 points!"

  【Heroic-Zigfly ATK:0→4800】

   In Zigefei's hand, the fantasy big sword stained with dragon blood shone with a sharper cold light.

   "This is the strength of your little-known weak duelist, then get ready to take over the strongest dragon-slaying sword that surpasses the blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

   has completely entered a state of panic Bai Ye, it is precisely because of his careless use of [Sin Claw Stream] in advance that Hoshino caught him off guard.

With the sword in his hand held flat in front of Zigefei, the terrifying energy gradually concentrated on the fantasy sword, "The evil dragon will eventually fall, cutting off all the light and shadow. The world is now at sunset. "

   "Hit the strongest direct attack, Ziegfei!"

  The energy that was about to slash towards himself made Bai Ye feel a little regained, and at the same time he realized what kind of iron plate he had kicked: "You just said the name Hoshino, right?"

   "Hoshino, that Lord Paradox specifically emphasized, hidden in the history of duel monsters, above the world's five strongest duelists, the legendary strongest hero, Hoshino Chiyuki?!"

Chapter 10: Combining help, fantasy sword X burning fighting spirit

   "—— "Fantasy Great Sword·Balmung"!"

   "Yoshi! As long as Hoshino hits with this direct attack, the opponent will lose!"

   In the shouting castle, facial muscles began to twist unscientifically with the excitement. Even after ten years, the beauty that surpasses ordinary people is still the familiar taste of Hoshino.

   "Impossible, why did it appear here, and it is so much younger than the record..." Bai Ye, whose attack was about to hit his face, was still struggling with this question.

   Of course, his hands were not idle, the cards covered on the field were quickly opened by Bai Ye in order to meet the impact of Ziegfei's fantasy sword.

   "——Quick Attack Magic Start [Sin Cross]!"

   [Sin Cross Quick Attack Magic Effect: Only activate by targeting 1 "Sin" monster in your graveyard. That monster was specially summoned ignoring the summoning conditions. The effects of monsters specially summoned by this effect are negated, except for the end phase. 】

  The black cross blooming in the color space, the terrifying longan in the middle seems to be prying into the evil of the world.

   "Because of the effect of [Sin Cross], special summon [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon] in the cemetery in the form of attack!"

   As the white night took the [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon] from the cemetery and patted it on the duel plate, the white dragon shadow flew out from the exploding black cross.

  【Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Light】【Dragon Clan/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2500】

"It's useless, even [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon] can’t defeat Siegflies, who Hoshino has inherited the power of [Sin·True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]!" In the city where proudly dancing his arms, he immediately gave it to her while Hoshino didn’t pay attention. Gulped milk.

   "Hmm~" The poisonous milk was in place, and Bai Ye's calm tone once again replaced the brief panic: "So what about this, the trap card is activated-[Burning fighting spirit]!"

   The last card covered by Bai Ye's feet was lifted. The explosion of flames in the background and the roaring [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon] is indeed a picture of high morale.

   [Burning Fighting Trap Card Effect: After activation, this card becomes an equipment card and equips you with 1 face-up monster on the field. If a monster with higher ATK than the original ATK is on the opponent's field, the ATK of the equipped monster will be twice the original ATK in the damage step. 】

"Because of the effect of [Burning Fighting Spirit], I turned it into an equipment card and equipped it on [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon]! And Ziegfei’s 4800 attack power is higher than his original 0 attack power. The effect of the equipment card is start up!"

  【Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon ATK: 3000→6000】

  The guilty eyes that doubled the attack power, the fierce white light roaring from the dragon's mouth unceremoniously swept towards the impact cut by Ziegfei's fantasy great sword.

   Hoshino also stretched out his hand and waved forward, shouting to Ziegfei who released the light: "Then we have also increased our efforts to Ziegfei. Since [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon] summoned to play, the effect of Ziegfei was triggered!"

   [②: The attack power of this card is increased by X1000, the face-up dragon monster on the opposite field. 】

   "Oh oh oh oh! The power of slaying the dragon has returned to my body, and it is now time to knock down the evil dragon!"

  【Siegfried ATK: 4800→5800】

   Bai Ye is also unwilling to show weakness: "Even if the effect is triggered, my attack power is still higher than my [Sin·Blue Eyed White Dragon]! It's just a counterattack of bluffing, swallow it with the strongest white light, sin green eyes!"

   "Is it a bluff, look at this cover card!" Hoshino replied, who lifted the last cover card.

   Hoshino just started his round, so he will definitely not have a cover card. Then this cover card on the sole of the foot must have been placed in the last round in the city.

   Following Hoshino's actions, pressing the start button of the duel plate, he looked at his card excitedly: "See me and Hoshino's combined power. The covered quick attack magic starts-[Angel's Dice]!"

   [Angel’s dice quick attack magic effect: roll 1 dice. The attack power and defense power of all monsters under your control will increase by the number of throws × 100 before the end of the turn. 】

   "Go to Hoshino, roll the dice of hope to defeat [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon]!"

   "Don't worry, give it to me, in the castle!" In the opened card, the blue six-sided dice materialized and rolled on the field of Hoshino at high speed.

"The difference in attack power between Siegfei and Sin·Blue Eyes is only a mere 200 points, as long as you throw a number above 2!" Hoshino, who is staring at the spinning dice on the field, has never been lower than the one in the city in his memory. 5.

   Throwing result: 2

   Hoshino: "=_=?!"

   However, it has never been lower than 5. Obviously, Hoshino, an African who puts himself and Europeans on the same scale, is still too arrogant.

  【Zigfly ATK: 5800→6000】

   The jet of white light from 6000 attacks hit the fantasy sword of the same attack power and fell into a fall. The bursting horror energy drowned the Sin·Blue eyes and Ziegfei on the field at the same time.

  【Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon】Break

   "Fighting the evil dragon head-on and losing both, I'm so sorry, master..."


   "I should say I'm sorry, Ziegfei." The non-Chief Hoshino, who was full of apologies in his heart, could only silently watch Ziegfei's disappearing back.

   After the fierce confrontation, the venues of both sides were empty again. Hoshino, who could not continue to summon monsters to attack, could only obediently cover 3 cards to end the round.

   "Cover three cards, and the round is over."

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 2 cards, 3 cards

   "My round, draw a card!"

   The white night after the start of the round, but the mood is more complicated than ever.

   In the confrontation at the moment of life and death, he was only one step away from failure. If Hoshino's luck was a little bit better, he might lose in this duel.

"Hoshino Chiyuki, is it really the strongest heroic ambassador mentioned by Lord Paradox? But this appearance is too far from the age in the record. If it has the same name and surname, use a unique heroic monster This makes no sense. And..."

   fell into the tangled white night, recalling the arrangement of Lord Paradox when he handed over the deck and mission to him.

   (Paradox: "With your strength, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat the top five duelists in the world. But Chiyuki Hoshino must be solved by me.")

   is such an important role, so important that his almost invincible BOSS needs to do it himself.

   "But I will not lose. If I can defeat the legendary hero Hoshino Chiyuki, then the plan of Lord Paradox will definitely be an indescribable great help."

   Although Hoshino was caught off guard just now because he underestimated the enemy, Bai Ye thinks that Hoshino's last 2 points were proof that Goddess of Luck was on his side.

   The so-called not dying in a catastrophe must be a blessing. In this desperate duel that cannot be retreated, Bai Ye believes that his fortune and state are at an unprecedented peak.

  -but the fact is that Hoshino is too troubled. And the man whom the goddess of luck really cares for is also standing opposite the white night.

Chapter Eleven: Jojo's Golden Spirit

   "For Paradox-sama, I have to win! Activate the magic card [Pottery of Desire]!"

   The unspoken rule that the hand card is 0 and must draw a strong desire, Bai Ye sends the pot drawn this round to the graveyard, and draws two cards from the deck again.

   "Then activate the magic card [Sin Selection]!"

  【Sin·Select Magic Card Effect: ①: Exclude 2 "Sin" cards from your graveyard to activate. 2 "Sin" cards other than "Sin Selection" with different card names from the excluded card are added to the hand card from the deck]

   "According to the effect of [Sin Selection], I excluded [Sin·Claw Flow] and [Sin·True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] in the graveyard. Select two [Sin] monsters from the deck and add them to my hand."

   After Bai Ye has activated the magic effect, the automatic search function of the advanced duel plate will eject the cards that Bai Ye needs into his hand.

   Hoshino looked envious: "It's really convenient duel board, you don't need to retrieve it yourself, the action of the card is so handsome~" Even after ten years, the duel board of my own era still does not have such an automatic retrieval function.

   "Continue to activate the magic card [Shopping at Price], discard an 8-star monster card from the hand, and draw 2 cards from the deck. I will discard the [Sin·Blue-eyed White Dragon] that I just retrieved!"

   is different from the one just removed, this should be the second card in the white night deck [Sin·Blue Eyed White Dragon]. Using sin and blue eyes as a price to draw cards, Hoshino feels unconsciously unconscious.

   In other words, in the hands of Shiroya now, there should be a monster that is stronger than Sin and Blue Eyes.

   The card in the hand is added to 3 white nights, and the second card retrieved because of [Sin Selection] is drawn out and shot in the monster zone of the duel board.

"Let you see, my strongest ace monster! Activate the effect of [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] from your hand! Exclude 1 "Electronic Ending Dragon" from the extra deck and put it on my field Special call! "

  The huge electron energy expands infinitely on the white night field. Not to mention this brand new sin monster, even the "Electronic Ending Dragon" Hoshino has never seen it before.

   [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon ★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Dark] [Mechanical Clan/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 4000DEF: 2800]

   [As long as this card exists in the monster area, other monsters cannot attack the declaration. 】

   The three-headed white mechanical dragon roared out in the infinitely expanding electronic energy. The huge pressure and familiar shape gave Hoshino the first impression of the electronic glaucoma dragon.

   Hoshino's mouth twitched slightly: "Electronic Ultimate Dragon...Although its attack power is slightly lower than the Blue Eyed Ultimate Dragon, it can be directly Special Summoned with a single card, which is really convenient."

   Compared with the seahorse, which requires no shuffling operation at the beginning, plus 4 for 1 to summon the [Blue Eyed Ultimate Dragon], this [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] is almost a few blocks away. And after the attack power broke through the 4000-point barrier, most of the time it was not worse than that 500-point.

   "Even if your health is not lost, you still can't bear even one attack in front of my ace monster [Sin Electronic End Dragon]!"

   His own trump card came on the field, and White Night’s words sounded more emboldened: "Finally launch [Dimensional Fusion] from the card in your hand, pay 2000 points of life, and both parties will summon monsters in the excluded area as much as possible!"

   White Night LP: 2300→300

   "Because there can only be one [Sin Monster], I can only summon [Blue Eyed White Dragon], [True Red Eyed Black Dragon] and [Electronic Ending Dragon] in the excluded area!"

Take back three cards from the exclusion zone as the cost of the sin monster and place them on the duel plate. The blue and red eyes in the defense display, plus the [Electronic Ending Dragon] and the [Sin·Electronic Ending Dragon] in the attack display, 4 huge The body of the white night is almost covered with the monster area.

  [Blue Eyed White Dragon DEF: 2500], [True Red Eyed Black Dragon DEF: 2000]

   [Electronic Terminator ATK: 4000]

   There are no monsters except Hoshino and Castle.

   "Then send them on the road [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon]! Launch a direct attack, Sin-Electronic Flash!!!"

   The electronic energy from the three dragon heads fired up a tsunami of electric current and rushed towards Hoshino and Castle in the empty field.

   "Damn it, it actually summoned a 4000 attack power monster directly, this deck is too shabby!" Gritting his teeth in the castle, grumbled as he watched the attack on his face. All of his own cards have been used up, and it depends on Hoshino's cards whether they can block the blow.

   However, Hoshino scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sorry, I didn't expect such a strong attack in the castle, so I didn't set up a defensive card in the last round."

   According to Hoshino's expectation, it is as high as 4000 HP, and it is not a problem to sell some blood to withstand an attack, and it is also convenient to enter the blood lock state. But who could have expected this white night to be so fierce, a monster with 4000 attack power would be summoned by one card.

   Chengouchi exclaimed: "Nani?! If the card is useless and there is no monster, we will lose!"

   Hoshino wiped the sweat from his forehead and squeezed out a smile: "I haven't panicked yet, what excitement you, the top five duelist in the world. Even if you don't have a cover card, I still have this card!"

   Hoshino throws his hand card off, the new duel plate senses the effect of the card and starts to operate: "I still have the invincible Teacher Joe! Activate the effect of the monster card [Heroic-St. George] in my hand!"

   [①: It can only be activated when the opponent's monster makes an attack declaration. You can Special Summon this card from the defense position of your hand. If this effect is successfully Special Summoned, this card will increase its defense power by 500 until the end of the next opponent's turn. 】

  【Heroic Spirit-St. George★★★★(4 Stars) Light】【Angel Family/Effect ATK: 1000DEF: 1600→2100】

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