So you have to ask the students of the college, if you like Mr. Hoshino or hate it, no student would choose the option of ‘hate’.

"Hey~~Sure enough, this is the ending." The materialized Ilia, floating next to Hoshino naturally: "So if the'beast tide' really strikes the master tonight, what are you going to do? ?"

   Hoshino insisted on protecting the students. Although it is the basic responsibility of a teacher, Illya is a little embarrassed: "After all, since yesterday, you master, all the heroic cards will be unusable!"

   This is the reason why Illiya feels embarrassed. If Hoshino can use the Heroic Spirit card, even if she faces a duel monster alone like a wave, she will definitely have the power to fight.

   But the most terrible thing is that since yesterday, without any warning, all of Hoshino’s Heroic Spirit cards could not be used. Da Vinci, who said that he wanted to investigate the cause of the duel monster's runaway, has been unable to contact him since then.

   Fortunately, both Ilia and Meiyu are [Magic Girl] cards that are out of the heroic system. Although it is not clear the specific reasons, they can still be used and can be used for fantasy summons.

   In other words, these two elementary school students have become Hoshino's last fighting power at present.

   "Go straight to the bridge head~"

   Illiya finally waited, the worst answer!

   After resolutely made such a judgment, there was no specific plan, which made the corners of Yi Liya's eyes twitch.

   "master!" Illiya's small angry expression was obviously just wanting to complain but didn't know what to say.

   stepped out of the Hoshino field of the duel, looked at the sky, and then at the sea: "I have a hunch that tonight should be the last night."


   "I'm finally here, Duel Academy!" Yutai stretched out, letting go of the rudder with his hands and let him sail on his own.

  The ‘obstacle’ in Yutai’s mouth is naturally the dueling monsters gathered in the waters around the academy. After driving at high speeds and jumping repeatedly to avoid the attack, it only took half an hour to walk, but he just walked for more than an hour.

   And running and beating monsters along the way, the hardest thing to say is not Yutai sailing the boat, nor Hoshino dealing with monsters in the water, let alone the city shouting 666 on the side.

   "No way, I'm going to die, the master hasn't arrived at the academy yet..." The most difficult thing was Musashi who was forcibly swaying on the turbulent sea for an hour in a state of weak and seasickness.

   "Don't give up, Mr. Musashi!" Hoshino slapped Musashi's soft cheek hard, "If I sleep now, I won't wake up again!"

   "Master, I'm just getting seasick. It's not that I'm killed in the snowy mountains, don't fight anymore..." Musashi, who was blushed, complained weakly.

   "You can already see the academy island, Hoshino!" A foot on the ship's edge, looking out into the city, reported.

   Throwing away the Musashi in his hand at will, Hoshino also looked around with interest: "Hey, this is the island of the Duelist Academy, it looks like...why is it smoking?!"

  On an isolated island, the first thing people notice is often not the huge college building. It's the highest point of the island, still on the top of the volcano that is constantly smoky.

   "Why build an academy next to such an active volcano that seems to erupt at any time?!"

   Chenguchi also shrugged helplessly: "You probably have to ask Seahorse about this kind of thing. Who knows what he thinks, he has to establish a duel academy on such an island."

  As the fishing boat approaches the island, the specific details of the island are more exposed in front of Hoshino. Artificial buildings that are well coordinated with the ecology are scattered around the island without any sense of disobedience, forming a picture of the harmonious coexistence of human civilization and the island’s nature.

   "Huh? Is there someone sitting on the pier~" Hoshino with excellent eyesight found a blond girl in a blue uniform sitting on the sea before the fishing boat docked.

   "Should be a student of the academy~" Guinouchi guessed, who could barely see the shadow.

   Hoshino tilted his head in doubt: "Is it just a student? I always feel a little familiar."

Chapter 22: The second girl?

   The fishing boat slowly approached the port, and Musashi, as if seeing the dawn of hope, crawled towards the ground.

   "Re-live-!" The moment his feet stepped on the surface, Musashi, who was dying, seemed to have changed people in an instant, shouting with his arms raised.

   Thanks to her, the blonde girl who was sitting in a daze on the pier was also startled and almost slipped into the water.

After    approached, Hoshino realized that the blond girl in a blue uniform had a conspicuous bandage wrapped around her white and delicate arms. It seemed that she had been injured, so she didn't seem to be in a good mood.

   "Sorry, our idiot Musashi scared you just now~" Hoshino approached. Since it was the first student I met on the island, it was considered fate, and the inexplicable kindness between the girl's eyebrows made Hoshino a kind of heartfelt goodwill.

   The girl who was talked to showed an unexpected look, and she looked up and down Hoshino, her beautiful eyes trembling slightly.

   "It's okay, this kind of over-spirited idiot is everywhere in the academy."

   "Little sister, are you really a student of the academy!" Hoshino said in surprise: "If you wear a blue uniform, it proves to be an excellent Obelisk Blue. It looks so powerful at a young age."

   "Why call me my little sister, you are not much older than me?" The girl showed suspicious eyes: "Are you a professional player in the academy at this time? It doesn't look like it at all."

   "Sorry, sorry~" Hoshino scratched his head, and he just subconsciously called out. Although the girl in front of her looked a little immature, since she was promoted to Obelisk Blue, it proved that she should be about the same age as her own.

   After all, according to the school's rules, only the second grade is eligible to transfer to the blue dormitory of Obelisk. If you are a freshman, no matter how good you are, you can only stay in the yellow of the sun god.

   "The master is too much, I'm not a fool!" Musashi on the side breathed out the fresh air, and came up with a smile on his face.

   The girl was startled slightly, her body trembled visibly, and she unconsciously hid her bandaged wrist behind her back: "master?"

   Observing the unnatural reaction of the girl, Hoshino sighed with arms akimbo: "Musashi, you are scared! But don’t look at the weird appearance of Musashi, he is actually a good person~"

   Musashi: "Well, I got a good guy card somehow, it's a big failure!"

   "Did you just say master?" The girl suddenly asked, but instead of facing Hoshino, she was facing Musashi, "You... are you not a human?"

   "It's over, master is exposed!" The shocked Musashi, except for his clothes, should be no different from normal people, but he didn't expect to be pierced by the girl in front of him at first sight.

   "What should I do, do I want to kill?"

   With both hands on the hilt of his waist, Musashi's eyes flashed a little bit of killing intent that didn't seem to be a joke.

   "Come off, let's not sneak in!" Seeing Musashi's magical reaction, Hoshino couldn't laugh or cry. But at the same time, she was also very curious, why the girl in front of her could see the identity of the hero of Musashi at a glance.

   docked the fishing boat and stabilized, and Jouchou and Yutai, who were tied to the bollard, also walked over.

   "I just approached the female students when I first came here, they really have the style of Hoshino~" Jounouchi teased.

   Seeing two people walking by, the girl opened her small pink mouth: "Are you? Brother Jouch!"

"I'm actually recognized again?" Chengouchi was surprised, and his tone of voice was obviously proud, and then he knocked Yutai's chest with a showy expression: "Look, sure enough, my city is among the high school girls. It's very popular~"

   "It's not popular, no one has ever discussed whether it is good or not!" The girl unceremoniously extinguished the delusion in the city.

   Then he stretched out his finger and pointed at himself eagerly, and asked eagerly: "I, it's me! Jouchouchi, can't you recognize it?"

   "Huh?!" In the shattered castle, he touched his chin and tried to remember, and then with a ding sound, a light bulb lit up on his head.

   "Are you, Akashia! I have grown so big after a few years, I almost didn't recognize it!"

   "Hahahaha, it's me!" Akashia jumped out of a big character with excitement, and showed her uniform to the city. After seeing an acquaintance, the feeling of loneliness just disappeared instantly.

  Cityuchi praised: "Not only did I enroll in the dueling academy, but I also got promoted to the Blue of Obelisk. It's amazing!"

Hoshino on the side of    is completely petrified. Is the slim blond girl in front of her, the little Lori Akash who has been following her **** before?

   Although it is said that the female big eighteen has changed, does it become so much before the eighteenth. The naive little face that was originally a little fleshy is now fully opened. The delicate facial features and the heroic short blond hair are totally different from the cute little loli who used to sleep in her arms.

   "Master, wake up~" Musashi stretched out his hand and shook in front of Hoshino's eyes. After finding that there was no response, he reluctantly took out the petrochemical relief potion necessary for traveling outside from his pocket.

  【Musashi used the petrochemical dispelling potion, the effect was outstanding! 】

   "It's really beautiful when I grow up, Akashia!" Hoshino held back for a long time before finally squeezing out a word.

   Akashia looked at the inside of the city in confusion, and when his eyes met, inside the city knew that it was his turn to play again.

   "Ah, it's actually like this..."


   "Sister Hoshino, came here from ten years ago? No wonder she is called the master, then Musashi is the hero of Sister Hoshino~" As expected, it is Akash, who has a super receptive ability. Unlike Yutai, the big man chirps and wants to conquer the sea.

   After blinking his big cute eyes, Akashia pasted his small face and said with a smile: "It's really amazing. I just separated from Sister Hoshino, but I saw Sister Hoshino ten years ago~"

   After Akashia posted it, Hoshino again found her arm that had been hiding behind her: "Akasha, your wrist, is it injured? Why are you wearing a bandage?"

   "Well, you mean this?" Raising the bandaged arm, Akashia's small eyes rolled flexibly, and then the corners of his mouth raised a wicked smile.

   "This, but the terrible energy of the mysterious evil organization Black Wings that is sealed in my hands. If the bandage is removed, the seal will be lifted, and the world will fall into crisis again!"

   "Oh, is this really the case?" This kind of lines that you can know from which part of the second line was copied from the first one can't deceive Hoshino at all. While pretending to agree, Hoshino stretched out his finger and poked lightly on the bandage.

   "Hey, it hurts QAQ!!" Akashia, who almost burst into tears, yelled, holding his arm.

   "Sure enough, I was injured. Is it because of the academy's battle?" Hoshino asked with concern, who probably guessed the cause.

   "Actually..." Akashia, who was holding his arm, changed his expression to the loneliness just now.

   "I quarreled with sister Hoshino this morning..."

Chapter Twenty-Three: The End of the War

   "Quarrel, with me?" Hoshino's brain didn't turn around for a while, a little confused.

   Akashia hurriedly shook her head: "It's not with Sister Hoshino, you're with Sister Hoshino..."

   Then the two of them became confused together, and the cute girl looked dizzy with her head in her arms, and Jounouchi and Yutai who looked at it also chuckled.

   "Akasha is talking about the current Hoshino, and you are the little Hoshino of ten years ago~" Jouchou knocked the confused Hoshino on the head.

   "Yes, yes, that's what Jounouchi meant! Sorry, maybe I care too much about this, and I am a little confused."

   Akash, who was sitting on the pier with a sad face early in the morning, just didn't know how to face this problem.

   Hoshino has always been a very important person for her. A few years ago, she had lived in the United States with her father Rovek. In order to be able to meet Hoshino, she decided to abandon her father and was admitted to the dueling academy where Hoshino taught.

   Before leaving, Uncle Rovik should have been crying very sad...

"Well, why did you quarrel?" Hoshino felt a little strange now. He obviously should have nothing to do with him, but he felt a sense of guilt spontaneously. It was like the person who made Akashia's beautiful face covered with dark clouds. Same as myself.

   But in a sense, it is true that I am right.

   Chengouchi comforted: "Relax, isn't it normal to quarrel? I often fist with Honda. In the end, it was not good enough to wear the same pair of pants?"

  Please don't take your kind of rough man friendship better...

   "Originally, Sister Hoshino did not allow students to come out to deal with the'beast tide', but the number of monsters was too large last night. Even with the support of professional players, the form is very dangerous..."

   "Beast tide, what is it?" Yutai questioned when he heard this term for the first time.

"The Beast Tide is the academy's collective name for the dueling monsters that attacked the Academy after a runaway." Akashia continued to explain: "In order to protect the Academy, I finally participated in the battle against the Beast Tide. As a result, Sister Hoshino learned about this in the morning. Get angry at me."

   "Hoshino, you are so strict~" Chengouchi shook his head at Hoshino on the side.

   "It's not that I'm strict, it's ten years later...hey, forget it." Hoshino has already felt how messy it is to have two selves before they meet.

   "But Akash, even if you were the current me, if you participated in the battle without authorization and were injured, I would be angry."

"It's totally different, okay!" Akashia suddenly became excited: "I just want to help the Academy and Hoshino, I am not a kid anymore, why should I be angry! Let's talk about it... "

Akashia, who put his arms around his chest, turned around awkwardly, and seemed to transfer his resentment towards Hoshino to Xiao Hoshino: "Sister Hoshino in this situation is not as big as I am, and you are the little one when I come to see you. Where's the child!"

   After a comparison, Hoshino accidentally discovered that Akashia was a little taller than himself, and for some reason he felt like he had lost.

   "And I'm already in the third grade, and I'm about to graduate soon, Hoshino, you should see me as an adult too!"

   But it's useless to tell me what you said...

   was completely replaced by Akashia's equivalent to Hoshino's target of venting, and his heart was also helpless.

  It is said that if Akash is in the third grade, not only his height, but also his actual age will be older than Xiao Hoshino.

   City inside reluctantly held down the agitated Akash, and persuaded: "Don't get angry Akash, you are just changing to a Hoshino quarrel~"

   "Hmm..." Akashia also calmed down a bit after being reminded by Jouchouchi, "Well, Jouchouchi seems to make sense."

   Yutai, who fell into contemplation, perceives a crisis from Akash’s words: "It is difficult to resist even the professional players support, and the strength of the students has to be used. It seems that the situation in the academy is more severe than imagined."

Recalling the purpose of coming to the academy, Hoshino looked at Akash, who was slightly relieved: "Then Akash, do you know where I am now? Actually, I came to the academy to find her. .."

   After asking a sentence, Hoshino felt awkward himself. I would find myself, and under normal circumstances, I would be regarded as a fool.

  The awkwardness of asking does not hinder the cleverness of the listener. Akashia understood what Hoshino wanted to express in an instant.

   "After arguing with Sister Hoshino in the dormitory in the morning, she ran to the principal's office angrily. I shouldn't see anyone for the time being."

   Of course, Akash, who ran to the dock after a fight, didn't know that Mr. Hoshino had already killed Professor Kuronos in the duel.

   This is also the real reason why Hoshino-sensei became a little angry early in the morning. Poor Kuronos ended up just as a victim of Hoshino's anger and anger.

   "But if you want to find Sister Hoshino, you should go back to the college first~ With the personality of Sister Hoshino's death house, she will definitely not leave the college. I guess I will ran back to the dormitory to sleep afterwards." Akashia suggested.

   Naturally, the four of them have no opinion. Musashi in the castle is here to **** Hoshino, and Yutai is here to support the academy. In fact, none of the people are very familiar with the structure of the academy. It can be a lot easier to have Akasha leading the way.

   But when they actually entered the academy, their brows gradually frowned and their eyes became more serious.

   "It's really badly damaged..." Starting from the gate of the college, extending to the various buildings inside, almost all of them were destroyed. In some ruins, white smoke after burning is faintly visible, and it can be seen that it was destroyed by burning only last night.

   I have seen Jouchi and Yutai, who were originally prosperous in the dueling academy, and felt even more profound. It is no wonder that the academy urgently calls professional duelists to come.

   It seems that it is different from the destruction of the masked man Shiroya in the small fight in Toshino City. The behind-the-scenes chief ambassador named "Paradox" came completely in line with the goal of completely erasing the academy.

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