After finishing the round, Rafiru triumphantly responded to Hoshino’s doubts: "Unexpectedly, the legendary Pharaoh has only this level. In order to pursue victory, he took the initiative to use the magic card [Hand Card Exchange] to send [Oliha Gang] to his hand. Enchantment], and finally fell into a dark trap."

   Hoshino still doesn't understand the situation: "If you hand over the enchantment and lose the support of the powerful enchantment, shouldn't you be more disadvantaged by Rafiru?"

Barong said with a subtle expression: "Little Hoshino, although he is the same as the Three Musketeers of Thomas. But I have to admit that Rafiru's strength is far above me and Ameruda, so he has never relied on enchantment. To defeat the opponent. Instead, listen more to the voice of the dueling elves."

   "Yes, Olihagang's enchantment is a dispensable thing to me. But Pharaoh, you are different!" Rafiru pointed to the king at the end of the round.

"The legendary dragon, which symbolizes the power of light, is absolutely incompatible with Olihagang, which symbolizes the power of darkness. You have used [Olihagan’s enchantment] with your own hands, and the power of the legendary dragon is already there. The above has completely disappeared! And what I fear is only the power of the legendary dragon, now you are absolutely impossible to beat me!"

   The Wang Yang who started the round, the expression on his face was exactly the same as the Peacock Dance who just wanted to win. Even the nameless pharaoh will be eroded by the dark power of Olihagang.

   "My round, draw a card! Lafiro, if you are still in the mood to speak the truth here, why not take a look at your remaining health like a candle in the wind!"

  Rafiru LP: 800

   Muto Game LP: 4000

   "As long as this round, I continue to use [Catapult Turtle] to reduce your health, you will lose!"

  【Ejection Turtle★★★★★(5 stars) Water】【Aquarium/Effect ATK: 1000 DEF: 2000】

   [Once per turn, you can release 1 monster on your field to activate. Inflict damage equal to half of the ATK of the monster that was freed from the opponent. 】

   "Take the [Black Magic Girl] on my field as a sacrifice, and give you half of the Black Magic Girl’s attack power!"

   [Black Magic Girl ATK: 2800] (Oliha just ↑500, there is a black magician in the cemetery ↑300)

   The black magician girl with a surprised look turned her head to look at her master, and she was even unbelievable that the king would make such a decision.

   "Hey, do you want to eject the black magic girl out? It's not a good game..." The cute black magic girl is definitely the No. 1 favorite duel monster in Hoshino's heart.

   It’s really weird to put such a cute monster on the track as a cannonball.

   "Come on, the black magic girl, one step away from victory!" At the urging of the king who engraved Olihagang's mark, the black magic girl's petite body also resolutely squatted onto the launch track of the catapult turtle.

   Childish feet rubbed the track, and the black magic girl who was ejected without hesitation turned into a shock of energy to lock onto the opposite Rafiru.

"Game of Mutoh, I use the catapult to cut my health time and time again, don't you hear the cry of the duel monster!" Rafiru, who opened his sturdy arms, did not hesitate to greet my face. Shock. Of course, I also did not forget to activate the cover card at the same time——

   "Quick Attack Magic [Shrink]! Specify the black magic **** the field to halve its attack power, so that the direct damage to my health is also halved!"

   Even if the attack power was reduced, the huge impact in the enchantment still knocked Rafiru's tall body into flight.

  Rafiru LP: 800→100

   "You're done, Pharaoh Muto Game!" Rafiru, who had difficulty getting up, glanced at his life value locked at the last 100 points, and let out a long sigh of relief.

   Hoshino also felt very bad: "Lock blood and kill the candle in the wind, the game you set the flag, it's really hard to save the gods..."

   And the situation on the field also gradually fell to the wind when the king shot his monsters again and again. The only remaining monsters like King’s [Catapult Turtle] in the form of solitary defense. The only thing to be thankful for is the healthy life value.

   King-like gritted his teeth: "As long as I get a monster in the next round, I can win the same round, and the round is over!"

   "There is no next round, Pharaoh!" Rafiru who drew the card, roared with confidence: "Equip magic to activate [Goddess' Holy Sword-Eagle Spirit]!"

  Although Rafiru activated the equipment card, the silver holy sword that fell from the sky was not equipped on any monster, and only reinserted on the surface of the rock.

"This is the call of the elf. I can listen to it and fight side by side! The effect of [Guardian Atos] in the hand card-"Goddess Sword-Eagle Spirit" can only be used when it exists on the field. Special call of Zhang card! "

   [Guardian·Atos ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Wind] [Angel Family/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 2000]

   Atos, wearing an eagle headgear, took out the holy sword inserted into the rocky surface as he materialized on the field.

  "Destroy the "Goddess' Holy Sword-Eagle Spirit" on the field to activate. [Guardian Atos] can continuously remove cards from the top of the opponent's graveyard until a card other than a monster card appears. "

   Wang-like expression became embarrassed: "Until a card other than the monster card appears?! What a mess..."

  Rafiru relentlessly scolded: "Pharaoh, the monsters sent into the cemetery by your catapult turtle, sad souls will be attached to the holy sword, prepare to accept sanctions!"

   Except for [Black Magic Girl], Except for [Black Magician], Except for [Winged Monster Chimera], Except for [Dark Knight Gaia]

   "Finally, the attack power of [Guardian Atos] is increased by the total attack power of the monsters excluded from the effect!"

  【Guardian·Atos ATK: 2500→11400】

  Rafiru drew the final card: "The Pharaoh is over, the magic card ["Defense" ban], and the catapult turtle on your field is forcibly changed to attack mode! "

   [Catapult Turtle ATK: 1000]

   The sanctions holy sword that condensed the souls of the monsters in the king-like cemetery was severely chopped down, splitting the catapult turtle, but also ripping the soul of Muto game.

  Muto Game LP: 4000→0

   Hoshino's crimson pupils trembled in disbelief: "It's true, the game is... lost."

Chapter 25: "Undercover" Hoshino, dispatched! [Tenth more]

   "It really beats the game, Rafiru is so strong!"

   A reversal spike that exceeds 10,000 points of attack power, even when the flag is full, before the last moment, Hoshino feels that Wang Yang will print a mirror power from the duel plate at any time.

   However, the facts are in front of us. Without the power of the last printed mirror, the nameless pharaoh who fell into the darkness of Olihagang did lose the duel.

   The duel ended, and the space cut by the light green enchantment light shrank simultaneously with the huge Olihagang logo on the ground, until it completely surrounded the king-like sluggish body.

Hoshino, who saw the weird sight in front of him, gradually emerged from the shock of the result of the duel, and realized a more serious matter-in the game that failed in Olihagang’s enchantment, the soul would be sealed and sacrificed to The **** of Olihagang.

   This Olihagang **** does not refer to the noble **** pretending to be the evil god, but the genuine patron saint of Atlantis civilization 10,000 years ago.

"Pharaoh, accept the punishment of failure, and offer to our noble God the soul of your lost memory!" Rafiru put away the duel plate, and drew out the field magic card in the hidden area of ​​the duel plate [Olihagang’s knot boundary】.


"The other me, you can't just give up like this. We still have a chance!" Surrounded by the green light, the game of soul state pushed away the stagnant Wang Yang at the last moment, and replaced him in Orly. The center of Hagang's enchantment.

   The change was only an instant, and no one seemed to be aware of it, except Wang Yang himself: "Partner! You..."


  In the hands of Rafiru, Oliha Gang’s enchantment card showed the appearance of the iconic starfish head boy. Just as Bekas used the Thousand-Year Eye to seal the soul at that time, the soul sealed by the Olihagang enchantment will also be printed on the card.

   After completing the mission, Rafiru smiled satisfied looking at the cards in his hand.

   "Game, are you okay!" On the other side of the gorge, isolated from the cliff, the castle and others who finally arrived in the city asked anxiously.

   Seeing Wang Yang kneeling on the ground motionless across the cliff, Kyoko had a bad premonition: "Game? No way..."

  Rafiru shouted to the others on the other side of the castle, "Game Mutoh, I have already defeated me! Even if you take him back, there is only an empty shell of soul left."

   Chengouchi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "How could it be possible that the game would be lost to the Three Musketeers of Thomas?"

   Barong's eyes were full of hostility: "Katsuya in the castle, it's your turn for the next Doma's prey! My Barong is in the name of a real man, and I will definitely defeat you!"

   "Let's go, Barong, Hoshino, it's time to leave." Without paying attention to the castle and others, Rafiru, who had completed the mission, placed the card that sealed the soul in his hand and turned decisively to the position of the helicopter.

Hearing Rafiru's words, the eyes of the people in the castle turned sharply, only to find the figure of the familiar girl standing beside Barong: "How is it possible! It is really Hoshino, why is Hoshino on Doma's side? !"

  Why, of course this is just an extremely sad coincidence.

   Hoshino hesitated a little. With the presence of his friends in the game and in the castle, this should have been the best opportunity to get out of'Dorma' and reveal his undercover identity.

However, just a few times when Rafiru waved the soul-sealed card, Hoshino caught it with the powerful dynamic vision of Hawkeye—the person printed on the face of the Olihagang enchantment card was not at all. The nameless pharaoh, but the usual harmless table game of humans and animals.

   "It turned out to be like this. Game, have you sacrificed your soul instead of another game."

   Hoshino, who accurately discerned the cause, looked a little lonely.

   "It's really like what a gentle game would do."

   Although it's just a very ordinary routine. The guy who went to school with himself every day in the Dollhouse, helped with the toy store, and then had dinner prepared by Grandpa Double Six. He didn’t talk too much, and occasionally clumsy watch games, but he really has a gentle heart. Powerful duelist.

   With a lonely look in his eyes, Hoshino asked, "Rafiru, what should I do with the sealed soul card?"

   The upright Rafiru answered without hesitation: "Go back to the Island of Sacrifice and place the card on the ritual platform, and the sealed soul will become the power of the noble god."

   "That's it..." Hoshino's expression became serious again when he got an answer that was almost the same as his own guess.

Glancing at a familiar friend in the distance, Hoshino followed in the footsteps of Rafiru and Baron and boarded Doma’s helicopter: "Sorry, Kyoko, Honda. It seems that my so-called undercover work has not yet been done. It's over."

   Accompanied by the noisy sound of propellers, the helicopter carrying Hoshino three slowly rose and left. The only thing left on the wide rock platform was the king, still sitting on the ground, motionless.

   "Another game..." Wang Yan, who looked to the ground through the window, secretly calculated in his heart: "Don't worry, I will help you get the watch game, the soul of your partner!"


   "I didn't expect to win so easily, Rafiru!" After leaving the Valley of the King's Long Sleep, Barong patted Rafiru's sturdy shoulder and praised him.

Rafiru just looked at his watch calmly: "It is indeed a lot earlier than the scheduled time. Based on the current situation, it is estimated that Ameruda has just contacted the Seahorse. However, the two of you disappeared for a while. Where have you been?"

   "Uh..." Barong and Hoshino, who were asked the hidden question, scratched their cheeks in embarrassment and tacit understanding.

   The duty of the Three Musketeers of Doma is not just to be on the sidelines to assist the mighty. If the duel between Rafiru and the game fails, Baron or Hoshino must be on top immediately.

   "Well, you have already won anyway, it doesn't matter where we go!" Barong, who was too lazy to make up the reason, patted Rafiru on the shoulder again.

   "So now are we going back to the island or looking for Ameruda?"

  Rafiru thought for a few seconds, and replied, "For the sake of safety, I suggest that the soul of the pharaoh should be sent to the ceremonial platform. And because of the ritual, Master Da Zi, who has exhausted his energy, should be awakened now."

   "Puff——!" Hoshino, who took out the soda from the airplane refrigerator, squirted it out as soon as he took a sip.

   If Da Zi, who was run over by the wheel, wakes up, wouldn't he be completely exposed by then.

   Lancelot is so showy.jpg

Chapter 26: This is the difference between me and your realm


   Barong was disgusted by the spray: "It's dirty, Hoshino, don't throw up everywhere, your clothes are sticky."

   Hoshino wiped the soda that was still leaking from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes rolled twice wisely.

   "I think we should go to Ameruda first to ensure that he can defeat the Haima Lai, so that the remaining mediocre city will not be afraid."

   Sorry, I didn’t mean to look down on you...but if I meet Darzi now, I might trigger the boss fight in advance.

   "I really don't know why Wu is so obsessed with mediocrities like Chengouchi. She must have been deceived."

   When the rivals met, he was extremely jealous. Seeing that Hoshino was beginning to damage the city, Barong couldn't help but add two sentences.

Rafiru lowered his head and thought for a while, "Hoshino's words are not unreasonable. Although Ameruda is also among the top duelists, the seahorse man who used the legendary dragon for the first time also made a draw with him. . Then, after fully controlling the power of the legendary dragon, it is still unknown to what level the strength of the seahorse man can reach..."

   Baron said, "Rafiru, do you mean that Ameruda might lose? But Hoshino clearly said before that Seahorse will definitely not be Ameruda's opponent."

   Hoshino scratched his head: "Hey? Did I ever say such irresponsible things?"

   [irresponsible memories-"I think that with Ameruda's strength, I will definitely not lose to Seahorse. So to be more safe, I'll go and fight Muto Game and Katsuya Jonouchi with you."]

   The situation was different at the time!

   At that time, I was choosing between Cocky Seahorse and a familiar friend, but now I choose between Da Zi and Cocky Seahorse. No matter how bad the hippocampus is, it’s better than Da Zi under the wheel...

   "Well, let's go take a look first~ Otherwise, it would be too cold for us to go back in advance. After all, the whole family needs to be neat and tidy!"

Rafiru was taken aback for a moment, and there was a rare smile at the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, it's really interesting that you are still Hoshino. But in a sense, our Thomas is indeed a family, let alone our Fourth of Thomas. Swordsman."

   Seeing that Rafiru was in a good mood, Barong agreed with him, "Okay, then I will now locate the flight that the Haimalai people will take to the United States!"

   Hoshiya wondered, "Flight? Didn't it mean that Ameruda has already contacted Haima, why didn't he get off the plane?"

   Barong replied while expanding the equipment to adjust the positioning, “At the moment when Haima Company has been maliciously acquired by Doma, the ancient fighter helicopters of the Haima Seti people can no longer be used.”

   Hoshino's mouth twitched twice: "A fighter with a weird style...It should be a blue-eyed white dragon fighter, helicopter, or something like that."

   "So the only way for Seahorse to get to the headquarters of the International Vision Agency is to take regular flights to the United States. And he certainly would not have thought that all the flights would be booked by Doma."

   "Anyway, I contracted all the passenger planes, right! The Haima Group was acquired for the purpose of letting Haima take the passenger plane... It's just for a duel with Haima, it's too extravagant and wasteful."

  At this moment, Hoshino once again realized the wealth of the "Doma" organization and the stupid mentality of Da Zi.

  Rafiru added: “We must ensure that there is no way for the seahorse people to escape. It is our way of doing things for Doma whenever we are fully prepared.”

"Hippocampus is a duel mad, if he persuades him to run, he can't are a typical act of fighting against the air." But Hoshino didn't have the embarrassment to say more, the money is in the pockets of others, and how you want to spend it is other people's money. free.

   Over California--

  W(゜Д゜)w? Hoshino's expression at the moment.

   After reaching the locked position of Barong, the three were looking through the helicopter window to observe the flight controlled by Thomas, as well as Seahorse and Ameruda in a duel.

   "I dare to ask, the two of them..." Hoshino, whose small mouth could not close at all, pointed to Seahorse and Ameruda.

   "Why can you stand on top of the machine and have a duel?!!!"

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