Hopkins Institute——

   Just when everyone was confused by the sudden change in the sky, Father Arthur, who seemed to think of something, immediately got back into the RV behind him.

   Then, Arthur, who took out a few photos and walked out, raised his head to compare it with the giant snake that swallowed the stars in the sky.

   "It's this, recorded in the Atlantis ruins slab-the **** of Olihagan who destroys the world, reproduced in the form of a star-snaking snake!"

   Knowing that the people who looked closely, they gathered around Father Arthur, curiously observing the only picture from the burned research institute that was related to the ancient Atlantis civilization.

   Seeing Hoshino in the photo in Arthur's hand, he also seemed to realize something, "This slate of Atlantis!!!"

   Wang Yang asked quickly, "What's wrong, Hoshino, do you find anything wrong?"

   "The degree of completion and fineness of this slate is really quite high. The three magical gods slate that was so abstract in the Egyptian pavilion at the time was completely exploded!"

   Wang Yang rolled his eyes a little unhappy, "The stone slabs of ancient Egypt are too abstract for you to understand. I'm really sorry!"

   But that being said, the Atlantis civilization, which is more distant than the ancient Egyptian civilization three thousand years ago, can be built into such a relic slab that is almost equal to the real thing, then the level of civilization may not be lower than that of modern times.

   Haima snorted disdainfully, "It's boring things, only those who are bound by the past will care." Then, without thinking of himself as an outsider, he unceremoniously stepped into the caravan behind everyone.

   "Since some research materials are saved here, it must be equipped with a computer. Let me investigate some things."

   Chengouchi complained, "It's really rude, you, just enter someone else's house! If you want to use a computer, why don't you go back and use your Haima company's supercomputer?"

   "Within the city, inside the city~" Hoshino pulled the corner of the clothes inside the city and whispered, "Hippocampus is now bankrupt. If he can't go back to the Haima company, the equipment will naturally be unusable."

   "Bankrupt?" Jouchou raised his eyebrows slightly, and he didn't believe it at first, but after seeing Hoshino's look that didn't seem like a joke, he burst out laughing.

   "Hahahaha, now that it's bankrupt. Now that guy is not the chairman of the Haima Group, but a bone like me!"

"I said that in the castle, have you already acquiesced in the setting of mortal bones..." Hoshino's mouth twitched, and the words in the castle were so loudly announced that the things that had just been secretly reported were revealed in seconds. It is estimated that Seahorse will not give him a good face in the future. Up.

  Jouchou poked himself proudly with his thumb, "If I are the same as the mortal bones, I can defeat him with a wealth of experience! Let the seahorse realize that mortal bones are not so good!"


   It took about half an hour. It was obviously such a situation of monsters wandering in the sky. Haima had to insist on playing on the computer, and he was already in the posture of a teenager with internet addiction.

   "Is it really like this! Da Zi? Although it is well hidden, let me pull out your tail!"

   Hoshino heard the word ‘Da Zi’, and instantly moved forward: "Hippocampus, are you investigating Doma! Can this mysterious organization hidden behind the world be found online?"

   Ask Google if anything goes wrong, it's the omnipotent Internet.

Turning the chair to show Hoshino on the computer screen in front of him, Haima had an expression of planning, "Although he could not find the traces of Dorma, he maliciously acquired the company of the Haima Group-Palatis. It is undoubtedly Dorma. It’s a bright image in this world. And the president of the company is exactly—"

   "Oh oh oh oh!" Seeing the image of the president of Palatis on the screen that Haima showed him, Hoshino couldn't help but be surprised.

   "It's him, Da Zi! Although there were many tire marks on his face when I saw it before, I didn't see it clearly, but this person is definitely right!"

   A recognizable white hairstyle, and a handsome face who has lived for ten thousand years but still can't see any traces of time. Doma's final BOSS is also the so-called bright president of the Paradis Company-Da Zi.

   "Have the powerful financial power to blackmail the president and the army, and can easily change the direction of the world market. It is a terrible force." Haima, who understands the real financial resources of the opponent, finally recognizes the reason why Haima will be acquired in an instant.

   found the last target, Hoshino, already full of bowstrings and ready to go, "but it is precisely because of this that I have exposed my traces!"

  In order to trap Haima, Halma acquired Haima Company. But I didn't expect it to be a way for the seahorse to directly follow the vines.

   "Everyone, look outside, there seems to be a crowd approaching us!" Rebecca, who was looking outside the car with the watch game card, suddenly found many figures sneaking in in the dark.

   Wang Yang, who had a foreboding that things were going wrong, immediately looked in the direction of Rebecca's fingers, and his expression became more subtle, "Oh, Rebecca, it is not the crowd that is approaching us to be precise..."

   With Rebecca's eyes, you may not see too far in the dark, but Wang Xiang can accurately observe the true face of the surging crowd.

   "skeleton soldiers in blue armor, the undead of Atlantis ten thousand years ago!"

   Wang Yang had seen from the memory of the legendary dragon Timaeus, that appeared in the decisive battle between the legendary dragon and the **** of Olihagan, and slaughtered the souls of Atlantis who slaughtered the souls of the earth.

"Did the undead of Atlantis appear because of the star snake in the sky?" Even the vision in the dark is not at all inferior to the king. Hoshino also accurately recognized that the crowds approaching in the distance are completely caused by'inhumanity'. Of things' composition.

   "Across thousands of years, we have come in groups from afar. I didn't expect the people of Atlantis to be so hospitable~"

   Chengouchi looked helplessly at Hoshino, "When are you still in the mood to make a joke, Hoshino, I have to find a way to escape!"

   "It's because I thought of a way that I was in the mood to make a joke!" Hoshino responded confidently, starting the duel and drawing out the monster card.

   "Although there are a lot of them, but the refining achievements of the Dragon Tooth Soldier are on your behalf, Medea!"

Chapter 45: Breakthrough·Golden Sprint! !

   "If you rush out directly, is it really okay? Haima, your fighter is just thrown away like this?"

   Hoshino can't believe it, anyway, that's your wife (in the shape of)...

   In this situation, Haima can only reluctantly cut love, "If you drive a fighter jet, you will definitely not be able to get close to the Paratis Company. So this kind of humble civilian car is just right!"

   Even because of the star snake, the sky is getting darker and darker. However, the Paratis Company, which can even be driven by the military, will never allow Seahorse to approach with its fighter jets from the surrounding defense forces.

   Rebecca slammed on the accelerator, and retorted angrily, "It's not a humble RV, it's already a very high-end product."

  It is true that the space and equipment of the RV are perfect, and the price is definitely not low. Thanks to Father Arthur's high reputation in the field, the corresponding income is also considerable.

   "Master, the summoning is complete!"

   In the mud, the magic marks engraved by Somedea, the dragonfang soldiers whose appearances resemble the souls of Atlantis drilled out one after another.

   "I can help too, master~"

   Following Medea Lily, who asked for credit, the magic of her fingertips has not completely dissipated.

   There are many people on the opposite side. In order to contend with the huge number, Hoshino simply summoned two Medea together. The advantage of the Dragon Tooth Soldier is that being a miscellaneous soldier does not consume too much magic power, even the casters who use the duel plate as the medium can be easily summoned.

   "Then let's respond well, these hospitable Atlanteans!"

   Under the command of Hoshino, the dragon-tooth soldiers, like the tide gushing out, fought with the undead of Atlantis. The bones twisted, the weapons collided, and both sides did not hesitate to their enthusiasm. It was bound to hammer the friend on the opposite side into the soil to be reconciled.

   Looking at the scene of the ten thousand nation war outside the window, inside the castle exclaimed, "As expected, Hoshino, this kind of trick like magic is still so practical~"

   "It's not practical, let alone talk about it, I must rush out quickly!"

   hit the seven and eight broken bones, it can be seen that the dragon tooth soldier, who is obviously a miscellaneous soldier, is weaker. But fortunately, even if it gets fragmented, it can be re-assembled and resurrected. If you delay time, it is enough.

   Wang Yang frowned, "If we can successfully reach Paratis, we may be able to find out the cause of this phenomenon. This is the only clue now."

   After all, before Hoshino and Haima arrived, everyone was at a loss.


   The disgusting roar of the undead, accompanied by the desperate behavior, jumped tightly and grabbed the window of the speeding vehicle. In other words, they are already dead, and there is no such thing as ‘desired’ behavior.

   "Yeah yeah!" The Kyoko closest to the window was obviously frightened, and the screams stung everyone's eardrums.

   can't blame Kyoko, this kind of scene that only appears in the doomsday disaster movie, it is hard to feel it up close without being scared.

  Medea lily quickly stretched out a small hand to stick to the window held by the undead, and the magic power stored at the fingertips that did not dissipate instantly formed a purple mark on the outside of the transparent glass.

   "The construction of the ring is complete~ Booming you!"

   The blasting purple engraving bombarded the enthusiastic people of Atlantis on the windows to pieces.

   "Thank you, Medea lily~" Hoshino sighed a little bit of relief. Medea was controlling the Dragon Tooth Soldier and couldn't get away. At this time, Medea lily seemed extremely reliable.

   "Be careful, here again!"

Before   's words came to an end, another undead who had crossed the Dragon Tooth defense line rushed over from the front of the vehicle. Rebecca, who reacted swiftly, barely dodged the steering wheel, but let the thing hang on the window again.

   "Damn it, one after another!" Inside the roaring city, he simply opened the window directly, and bombarded the face of the undead with a shaky fist that was not very friendly.

   "Don't show your uncle in the city!"

   Although it was not as destructive as Medea’s magic engraving, but one punch knocked the undead of Atlantis into the fragmented city, leaving everyone in the car stunned.

   Hoshino suggested, "Do you think it will be easier to break through if you throw the inside of the castle down?"

   Haima nodded, "This happens to be able to play the only value of this mediocrity, I think it is feasible!"

   "So let me consider the frontal direction a little bit!" Rebecca complained after avoiding the undead who rushed in front of him several times.

   The Atlantis undead on the side and the rear were almost all dragged by the dragon tooth soldiers. In contrast, the number of undead in front of the vehicle appeared to be increasing, and Rebecca's superb driving skills could only be used to dodge.

   However, dodge can only be a temporary method. Faced with the more and more densely packed undead in front of him, Rebecca became more powerless.

The king standing next to Rebecca looked forward to the sea of ​​skeletons that couldn’t be seen on the edge. “From this posture, it seems that the number of dead Atlantis is more than imagined, even if you enter the city. It's impossible to get rid of it completely."

   Based on the current situation, the undead of Atlantis did not appear in the direction of Hoshino and others, but as the star snake gradually increases the power of darkness, the entire world is being invaded by this undead army.

   "No way, let's break through!" Hoshino raised the duel board again, and drew a card from the extra deck.

  Only in the castle did Hoshino notice the change in the duel plate in Hoshino's hand, "Hoshino, you are so cool, where did you get it~ It looks more refined than the special dark duel plate made by Dorma."

  Does it look good~~ Heh, your wife gave it to me!

   threw the drawn card on the duel plate, and the loud roar of the locomotive engine instantly overwhelmed all the noise.

   "When I went to gold, I opened the road ahead!"

   Accompanied by Hoshino's card that was thrown on the duel board, Jin Shi in a black jacket galloped out on the Golden Bear.

   "Hi~ General..." However, the opposite of the handsome appearance, it was Jin Shi's feeble answer.

   did not take long to become like this, it seems that the golden album of Ghost Island is really not just casual talk. Silence for you for 0.25 seconds~

   Hoshino encouraged: "When you cheer up for money, use speed to get rid of any worries or things!"

   "It makes sense, general!" When receiving the gold from Hoshino's support, his spirit instantly recovered a lot. "Since I'm on the battlefield, I must let the general see my heroic appearance!"

  The golden magic power is concentrated on the wheels, and the roar of the explosion is more ear-splitting than when it appeared. At the same moment, it ruthlessly hit the sea of ​​undead people in front of it, opening up a golden trajectory.

   "Then soar out—Night Wolf Death Nine·Golden Run away!!"

Chapter 46: Within the city, you have been strengthened, come on!

   Sparks brought lightning all the way, when the Golden Bear opened the way, Hoshino and others finally rushed out of the dense Atlantis undead group.

Probably because of entering the city, the army has begun to systematically evacuate innocent people and confront the undead army. The undead surrounding Hoshino and others have gradually decreased, and Medea finally no longer needs to be like a soldier. Refining Dragon Tooth Soldiers like that infinitely.

  As the material used in the formation of dragon tooth soldiers, the dragon teeth of the baby dragon are slightly retained.

  Paratis, which seems to be fused with the darkness, makes people feel no trace of vitality. Everyone who arrived at the destination looked up at this facade building that represented the world's strongest company.

   There was a chill in the castle, "This building feels a little stranger than the outside environment. Can you really investigate the whereabouts of Dazi?"

   In front of the Paratis Company, the towering dark building pointed directly at the star snake in the sky. The feeling of echoing each other can be called the most terrifying place in the city, and Hoshino can't help but swallow.

   "Even if it is weird, this is the only clue in our hands. And if Doma really needs the soul of the legendary duel as the key material of the ceremony, it is impossible to do nothing."

   Hoshino analyzed, that his ‘undercover’ Doma is not completely worthless, at least Doma and others’ attempts and methods can be regarded as knowing a thing or two.

   "Maybe there are terrible undead in ambush inside, and then rush out when you are not prepared, and enthusiastically invite you to play cards!"

   Keiping's mouth twitched twice, "Sister Hoshino, don't scare me, there is no undead who can play cards..."

   Hoshino gave a subtle smile, and joked, "Yes, have you forgotten that there was an undead who called himself the Sea Horse Seti? The card game is super awesome!"

   "Boring!" Seahorse cast an uncomfortable face, opened the iron door of the RV and walked out.

   "Instead of wasting time here, it's better to go in and find out. Let me see how Dazi made such a huge number of holographic images."

  Dare to love Since just now, this guy Haima has always regarded the undead appearing as a holographic image. This self-hypnosis is too serious.

   "Brother, wait for me!"

   "Hippocampus, it's too dangerous to act alone in this situation!"

   Seeing Haima walking directly towards the building in front of them, Guiping and Wang Yang anxiously reminded them, and followed Haima’s footsteps and jumped out of the RV together.

Looking at the head trio who stepped into the enemy's camp without a plan, Hoshino sighed slightly: "If you don't act like this in a world where card games are paramount, you might not survive the third episode. "

   Chengouchi rubbed his shoulders and looked at Honda beside him solemnly, "Then I am going to set off, and then I will ask Honda to protect this car, and Kyoko and others!"

   "Don't worry, leave it to me!" The barbarian brothers exchanged so-called ‘manly’ eyes with the tacit punch in the castle.

   Looking at the scene like Hoshino, suddenly thought of some wonderful way, with a mysterious face stretched out his hand and secretly greeted, "In the castle, Honda... come here for a minute~"


   Just as Hoshino expected, he entered the first floor of the Paratis Company, and the people of Atlantis, hiding in the dark, enthusiastically embraced it. However, there was no duel plate on his arm that Hoshino was expecting. It seemed that even in such a world, it would be too reluctant to force the undead who turned into skeletons to play cards.

   "Hippocampus, do you think this is your own Hippocampus company. The unplanned action of the three is no different from sending it out!"

   Hoshino reprimanded the three people who had acted arbitrarily, snapped his fingers behind him, and grinned smugly at the corner of his mouth.

   "Fortunately, I have prepared a secret weapon to deal with this situation!-Close the door and let the dog out!"

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