Faced with the bombardment of the black magic girl's foot flames, Da Zi will definitely not sit back and die. The cover card opened in the enchantment gradually changes the color of the surrounding environment.

   "Because of the effect of [Virtual World], I can select a venue magic card in the deck to activate!"

   The Olihagang enchantment, which expanded outwards a circle, also changed its color from light green to dark blue. Draw a brand-new field magic card from the deck, Da Zi spread out the hidden area of ​​the arm duel plate, covering the original enchantment.

   "What I launched from the deck is-[Olihagang's Enchantment·Second Stage]!"

   Seahorse's eyes were slightly startled, and he said uncomfortably: "No, I even let him activate the second enchantment at this time."

"Olihagang's second enchantment?" Wang Yang's expression was a bit dazed. Even if he hadn't seen the second enchantment, he could hear from the tone of the seahorse that it seemed not good. Deal with.

   "Olihagang's second enchantment, which can only be activated by covering the first enchantment, will draw out the dark power in the soul of the duel monster!"

  The enchantment was launched successfully, and the black magician girl aiming at Dazi in the sky was suddenly besieged by a small enchantment derived from it. The blue enchantment barrier prevented the black magician girl from directly attacking, while condensing huge magic power to explode on the delicate body.

"The effect of Olihagang's dual enchantment-when the opponent's monster attacks, you can sacrifice 1 monster on your field, negate that attack, and destroy the attacking monster. Lihagundia Poros] As a sacrifice, destroy it, the black magic girl!"


   The black magic girl who left the last scream, was terminated by the horror magic power of the enchantment.

  【Black Magic Girl】Break

   Gao Wen scolded: "To do such a cruel thing to such a cute girl is really a very ungentleman behavior!"

   Dazi said: "The black magic girl is destroyed, and Gawain can't act because of the cross-attack effect. The abacus is empty, the nameless Pharaoh!"

   still sounds arrogant, but Da Zi's attitude has changed greatly from the previous round. The hunting game in his eyes became extremely dangerous when Wang Yang reversed his backhand and approached his death line.

   The feeling of being bitten by the prey in his palm made Da Zi more cautious.

   The blow that originally pointed to victory was blocked by the strengthened enchantment, Wang Yang had no choice but to end the round: "I cover 1 card, and the round is over!"

  King-like remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 1 cover card

   "My turn, draw a card! Because of the effect of the barrier, I summon a monster card in the backcourt [Oliha Gang’s Blood Shadow Rebuke]!"

   [Oliha Gang’s **** rebuke ★★★★ (4 stars)? ] [? /Effect ATK:0→500DEF:0→500】

   A small monster that is inconspicuous like a ghost and a shadow, in sharp contrast with the huge giant on the Dazi field.

   Looking at the black shadow hidden in the backcourt of Da Zi, Hoshino muttered, "Summon the monster with 0 and 0 offense to the backcourt. This is troublesome..."

  Since Da Zi summoned it to the backcourt to protect it, then this Olihagang monster definitely has a powerful effect that cannot be ignored. After all, those who attack 0 and defend 0 are all monsters.

   "Next, the effect of Oliha Gang's second enchantment is activated, and every monster on the field restores me 500 points of health!"

   Dazi LP: 3000→4500

  Guiping, who was watching the battle, looked a little embarrassed: "Sister Hoshino has recovered the HP that Spartacus has finally cut down..."

   It was already very difficult to cause damage to Da Zi, but now suddenly there is an enchantment that can continuously restore his health. It is even more difficult to strike a fatal blow like the king of last round.

   "Then, Olihagang Ghana attacked and shredded Gawain on the opposite side!"

  【Olihagang Giant Spirit ATK: 2400】

   Entering the battle flow, after several resurrections of the giant spirit, the attack power has surpassed Gawain by a slight advantage.

   Faced with the attack of the giant spirit that leaped on him, Gao Wen's determined eyes ignited fighting spirit, and the magic power of the revolver victory sword in his hand condensed: "This ugly monster is just such an ugly monster, don't dream of defeating me!"

   "Wait, Gao Wen! Don't use the treasure!" Seeing Gao Wen already pulling out the holy sword and eager to try, Hoshino hurriedly stopped.

   "Although there is a real chance of defeating the giant spirit with the effect, even if you kill the giant spirit again, it will only make it stronger. Please, bear with me this round!"

   looked back at Hoshino's sincere eyes, Gao Wen smiled slightly, and the flames burning on the sword faded.

   "No way, since it was the request of the master, as a knight, I have no reason to refuse~"

   Gawain, who gave up the effect of activation, waved the revolver victory sword in his hand that had faded from the flames, and simply used gorgeous sword skills to face the impact of the giant in front of him.

   "——Then I will not use the sun's protection, just use the body of a knight to block you, monster!"

   "The effect of the Knights of the Round Table Gawain, although it cannot launch a direct attack, but it will not be destroyed by battle!"

   Hoshino LP: 4000→3600

   Anyway, Gawain will not be destroyed by battle. If only at the cost of 400 health points, he can prevent the Djinn from further increasing his attack power. Hoshino feels that this transaction is still a good deal.

   "Hoshino Chiyuki, I accept your blood~"

   glanced at Hoshino's slightly reduced health, and Da Zi raised a mysterious smile at the corner of her mouth: "The damage you have received will be injected into the body of blood and awaken the sleeping dark power!"

   "Blood shadow rebuke?!"

   Hoshino only noticed at this moment that the unremarkable shadow monster Da Zi just summoned began to transform into restlessness after he was injured. A drop of bright red was injected into the black shadow, and then it shook violently as if it was boiling.

"The special effect of [Oliha Gang’s Blood Shadow Rebuke] increases the attack power of the two monsters that caused combat damage this round! Watch it well, Chiyuki Hoshino, this is the power awakened by your blood. !"

   The transformation stopped, and the originally inconspicuous black shadow turned into an appearance that resembled Hoshino. The slender body holding two swords spun and flew, and the long black hair of the same color as the shadow fluttered in the wind.

  【Olihagang's **** rebuke ATK: 500→4900】

   "Stop kidding, when can I make such a difficult action?!"

This is the shivering August reward notice

   Since Ah Wei had a wave of death at the end of the month, his debt has been increased to nearly 20 chapters, so in order to pay off his debts, the most recent working days have been continuous codewords until midnight.

   However, human beings have their limits. No matter how hard Ah Wei works, watching the slowly rising monthly ticket blades and the amount of owed more, he feels like he has been in the golden experience of the soul song, and he will never be able to achieve the true orz of paying the more owed more.

   So if you want to be a stand-in messenger, you can use the golden experience to beat A Wei (click on it)

   is still 300 cards plus 1 change (I don’t dare to set 100 cards 1 change anymore, it’s too scary QAQ)

Chapter 70: Sunfire of Flame! "Sword of Rotating Victory! ! 』

   Wang Yang hurriedly reminded: "Hoshino, now is not the time to struggle with this kind of problem, the attack is coming!"

   turned into Hoshino's shadowy rebuke, and its seemingly weak shape matched with a non-destructive dagger, it is hard to imagine the attack power of this thing as high as 4900 points.

   Hoshino who reacted, pointed to Gao Wen: "Gao Wen, you are allowed to use the treasure this time! I still don't want to eat such a high injury. Besides, this appearance that infringes my copyright makes me a little uncomfortable..."

   "Yes, master! Although such a cute appearance is a bit uncomfortable, but in the name of a knight, you can never lose here!"

   The faded flame returned to the sword, and Gawain, holding the revolver victory sword, seemed to be bathed in the sun. The sister sword of Excalibur, the legendary holy sword of King Arthur, has a power that resembles the sun inside the hilt, and has the same power as the king's holy sword.

   "The special effect of [Heroic-Knights of the Round Table-Gawain] is activated, the number of the saint is EX! Throw a dice..."

Legend has it that the special physique possessed by the knight Gawain, the power will be tripled for 3 hours from 9 am to noon and 3 hours from 3 pm to sunset, which also represents the sacred number of Celtic " 3".

   [Once per turn, this card can only be activated when this card is in battle. Roll 1 dice, and the effect of the number that appears is applied. ●1·3·5: The attack power of this card only triples its original attack power during the battle phase. ●2·4·6: The attack power of this card becomes half of the original attack power until the end of the turn. 】

   The dice rotates, a number that symbolizes the shining sun at noon, which will determine whether Hoshino and Gaowen can successfully take this attack.

   "Wait, Hoshino! If you fail, wouldn't your health be..." Wang Yang squeezed his cold sweat nervously.

   The effect of gambling, if the activation fails, Gawain will suffer a secondary effect of halving his attack power. If he takes 3900 points of damage in one breath, Hoshino’s remaining health will undoubtedly bottom out.

   Hoshino nodded. Of course he wouldn’t be defenseless in this situation, but more importantly...

   "Play with peace of mind, don’t forget the reason why I was able to stand in this position, but inherited the will of the castle! I believe that the goddess of luck will definitely smile at me!"

   The high-speed spinning dice stops——

   "Holy sword, out of the sheath!!" Accompanied by Gao Wen's roar, the sky was shining into daylight at that moment, and an indescribable huge magic power burst out and broke through the sky.

   Throwing result: 1

   Subtle result, if you follow Hoshino’s usual luck, it seems normal to cast a ‘1’. But if it inherits the power of the emperor in the city, this ‘1’ is the ‘1’ symbolizing perfect success.

   Hoshino waved forward and launched a counterattack: "Come on, Gao Wen!!!"

   "The light before noon, please guard the correct action! Bet on the name of the sun knight and put everything in the day!!!"

   If King Arthur's holy sword Excalibur is the brilliance of gathering planets, then Gao Wenqing's holy sword Galatine shows the hot rays of the sun. Excalibur is a concentrated weapon against the city, and Galatine is a horizontal radiation type used to smooth the approaching enemy soldiers.

  "——This sword is the incarnation of the sun. It is the sun of flame that burns all the impurities! "ExcaliburGalatine!!""

  【Heroic-Knights of the Round Table-Gawain ATK: 2000→6000】

  The light of the sword body extends like a rainbow. As long as the sword is drawn and the magic is poured into it, the simulating sun inside the sword of victory will operate, extending the sword body to a visible range.

   A large-scale sweep, unavoidable, the fan-shaped flame cut by the holy sword divided the entire enchantment into two, engulfing the sky and injecting the starfield blood.

  【Olihagang Blood Shadow Rebuke】Break

   "It's a pity to bet on the counterattack of your life, Hoshino, even if you win the bet, it won't cause me any harm!" Da Zi waved his finger at Qidala's eye monster, and all the hot energy fluctuations were absorbed by the eyes.

   "Da Zi!" Hoshino called out the arrogant Da Zi.

   "If you fail to gambling, you don't have to pay a price. Isn't it too presumptuous? Then what do you think I am doing, gamble all my health to start this sun's counterattack!!"

   "Oh oh oh oh!!" After the blow, Gawain's roar still didn't stop, but it sounded even more violent.

   Realizing the king of Hoshino's tactics, he looked at Hoshino's field in surprise, and the cover card opened at the same time as the counterattack: "It turns out that, Hoshino, you bet all your health points, is it for such a lore!"

  "——Quick Attack Magic Card [Crazy A+]!"

   [Frenzy A + Quick Attack Magic Effect: It can only be activated when the [Heroic] monster on the field destroys the opposite monster in battle. Inflict damage equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster. 】

   Gawain, blessed by the power of violent violent power, still has the flame of the holy sword in his hand. The single-handed sword hilt swung forward with all its strength, and the enchantment that was originally divided into two by the fan-shaped flame was now divided again by the impact of the heavy slash.

   "Because of the effect of mad A+, it is equivalent to the damage of the blood shadow serving the attack power value, 4900 points! This is the price you have to pay after losing the bet, Da Zi!"

   "Damn it, once forced me, the King of Atlantis, to such a situation..." Da Zi gritted his teeth angrily, and the corners of his mouth trembled because of too much force.

   Even though the double enchantment was expanded to restore his health, he was still rubbed against the dead line by Hoshino. At this time, Da Zi's mentality of playing with prey was of course no longer existed.

   "The legendary duelist, I admit your strength! However, the trap card is activated-[Destruction Healing Medicine]!"

  【Destroy Medicine Trap Card Effect: Select 1 monster on your field to activate it. If the selected monster is destroyed, the basic points of the attack power of the destroyed monster will be restored. 】

   "Because of the effect of the destructive medicine, I will destroy the [Olihagang Djinn] on the field and restore the health equal to the Djinn’s attack power!"

  【Olihagang's Giant Spirit ATK: 2400】

   Da Zi LP: 4500→6900→2000

   absorbed the life energy of the giant spirit, and barely resisted Gawain's violent slash, Da Zi, his expression looked a lot harder than at the beginning.

   "Also, the effect of Olihagang Djinn is activated. After being destroyed and sent to the graveyard, it will be revived and summoned on the field, and the attack power will increase!"

  【Olihagang’s Giant Spirit ATK: 2400→2900】

   Rebecca pushed her glasses nervously and complained: "You can destroy the monster that will resurrect indefinitely to restore your health. This Da Zi method is really rascal!"

   Honda shook his fist very optimistically: "Even so, Hoshino's blow has actually reduced Da Zi's life value! Just follow this rhythm and continue to attack!"

   "But Hoshino-san, she is really super strong!" Seeing Keihei who looked carefully, he excitedly said, "The current two-time reduction of life points by Da Zi is all caused by Hoshino's hands!"

Chapter 71: Fragments of the round table, through loyalty

   "The invincible King of Atlantis, how does it feel to eat continuously?"

   I've seen Da Zi's arrogant attitude a long time ago, but this time he finally cut his life value by nearly 5,000. Naturally, Hoshino will not let go of Da Zi's opportunity.

   "The performance is very good, although it is only a substitute for the legendary duelist, but Chiyuki Hoshino, the combat power you can use is beyond my imagination."

   Da Zi's compliment without hesitation made Hoshino a little unexpected.

   "Ahaha, so so~" Hoshino scratched his head embarrassedly.

  If the opponent is arrogant, Hoshino will never persuade him, but if the opponent actively praises himself, he is unexpectedly easy to be shy. This is Hoshino's character.

"However, because you have such strength, leaving you behind will pose a huge threat to the plan. So please leave this round-the special effect of [Olihagang Blood Shadow Servant] is activated when she is battled In the event of destruction, special summon a monster with the same name from the deck on the field!"

   was burned into a gray black shadow by the revolver victory sword, once again condensed and formed in the backcourt of Da Zi, and then began to restlessly.

   [Oliha Gang’s **** rebuke ★★★★ (4 stars)? ] [? /Effect ATK:0→500DEF:0→500】

   Rebecca said uncomfortably: "Is it another monster that will be resurrected after destruction? But this is different from the Djinn. It has a limit on the number of resurrections. Just destroy all the cards of the same name in the Dazzle deck!"

   "There is no such simple thing, little girl~"

   Da Zi stretched out his fingertips, and a drop of bright red condensed onto the card that was scolded by blood in the duel plate.

   "Although the combat damage just now was absorbed by the Chidala Eye Monster, the fact that it produced combat damage has not changed! The special effect of Blood Shadow Rebuke is activated to absorb and increase the combined attack value of the two monsters that caused combat damage!"

   Hoshino suddenly felt a bad step back, "Wait, if all the offensive power of the fierce battle just now has been absorbed..."

  【Olihagang’s **** rebuke ATK: 500→11400】

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