[Red Black Key Trap Card Effect: The attack power of all monsters on the opponent's field is reduced by the number of "Heroic" monsters on the side of the team × 300. ] (Ten photos)

   "Hey, isn't this Dugu Jiujian? Shen's is too thorough!"

   You have to ask the person's feelings, it is very regrettable. jpg.

   "I said this time the card pool appeared so efficient, and filled the pool with cards with such a crude effect, Da Vinci, you profiteer finally turned into a scammer!"

   I would like to say that I usually get some ceremonial traps, and it can also be used in duels. But with the effect of the Dugu nine keys, Hoshino really didn't want to put them in the deck.

   The only thing that is useful is this [Backlight Sword].

  【Backlight Sword·Flaglak Counterattack Trap Card Effect: Chain 3 or more, remove 3 cards in your graveyard from the game to activate. ①: The activation and effects of all the cards in the chain on the field are invalid, and all those cards are sent to the graveyard. ②: Before the end of the turn when this card is activated, both parties cannot activate the card's effect. 】

   "You profiteer, return me the stone! What kind of oversized specialized card pool, there is no useful stuff in it at all."

   Locked Da Vinci Lily's neck, Hoshino shook with a splash.

   I don't want to admit that I am Hoshino of African descent, so I can only attribute the blame to this profiteer, who has been very suspicious from the beginning.

   "Don't worry, Hoshino-chan, aren't there 20 stones left~ Although it is not enough for ten consecutive shots, but as the saying goes, you can only draw a miracle, don't forget it."

   He didn't even plan to let go of Hoshino's last 20 stones, and the profiteer issued another declaration of deception.

   "Coach Anzai once said that if you give up, the game is really over. The same goes for drawing cards. If Hoshino-chan gives up here, the 180 stones in front of you will be sacrificed in vain!"

   "Gum..." When Da Vinci duped him again, Hoshino glanced at the last stone.

   "It makes sense. The sacred stone in front of the shipwreck, maybe it is paving the way for the miracle to be drawn later... I will believe you again, Da Vinci!"

  Continuously press the option of [Single Summon×3 Saint Quartz], the summon light shines in Hoshino’s room again.

  【Black key+5】

  Remaining Saint Quartz: 5 pieces

   T▽T) Why should I be confused by profiteers, I'm so stupid."

   "Ah la la, isn't this one last chance~"

   Please be your own person, do you have to squeeze Hoshino out to be satisfied?

   "Forget it, I can't blame others for it. If you want to sink the ship, just sink it more thoroughly."

   Hoshino, who finally accepted his fate, gave himself up and pressed the last single draw button.

   However, miracles always happen inadvertently. The colorful light was overflowing, and the gorgeous summoning special effects reappeared before Hoshino's eyes, and even Da Vinci showed an incredible look for a moment.

   "If you use the color circle, you must get 5 stars! Looks like a ruthless guy!"

   Hoshino was waiting for the final result with anticipation. It took 200 Saint Quartz to draw out a "XYZ Super Summon-Specialized Heroic Spirit". What kind of powerful Heroic Card is it?

  "=w=Woohoohoo, saving the master from the shipwreck at the critical moment is what the real trump card needs to do! The 5-star super hero, the invincible Okita player, join again!"

   Looking at Souji Okita wearing a cherry-colored kimono in the card, Hoshino blinked his big eyes twice, and grabbed Leonardo Lily on the side.

   "Profit merchant, return the goods! I have already taken this guy out, you are deceiving consumers!"

   Da Vinci reminded: "This Okita is not the other Okita, Hoshino-chan, please take a closer look~"

   "It's all Okita, what other tricks can I change?"

   looked back at the card in his hand again, Hoshino was surprised to find that there was a brand new suffix behind the familiar card face.

   [Heroic-Okita Souji·Sakura Dance★★★★★★★ (7-star) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 2000]

   [①: Discard 1 "Heroic" monster except this card from your hand to activate. This card is Special Summoned from the hand card. 】

  【②: This card can only be activated if it is successfully Special Summoned. Special summon a "Heroic" monster from your hand. The level of the monsters Special Summoned by this effect becomes 7 stars, and the effect is negated. After this effect is activated, monsters that are not "heroes" cannot be Special Summoned from the extra deck. 】

The effect of    is completely different from the original Okita Souji. The over-specialized Okita drawn from the card pool gives Hoshino the feeling that it was born specifically for over-weight. You can summon two 7-star monsters on your field in an instant, and directly perform level 7 over-summons.

   "It's no wonder that XYZ is super-specialized heroes. This effect is really convenient. The most important thing is that you finally don't have to get stuck in Okita!"

Chapter 100: Mining Behavior [2.5&1]

   Although it looks like a treasure after the shipwreck, Hi Plus One, it’s not like this——

   will not get stuck, there is no sick Okita, and can quickly perform the seventh-order over-summon "Sakura Dance", which is more powerful than the original version in a sense.

   It seems that even though the shipment rate is so low, the card pool prepared by Da Vinci is really something.

   "Sorry, Da Vinci, I really blamed you before."

   Da Vinci Lily had a surprised expression, "It's unscientific. I clearly set a 0.5% shipment rate. With Hoshino's luck, how can it be possible to ship 200 stones?"

   "Sorry, I blamed you again just now, Da Vinci... You are a profiteer!"

   Shipment rate was 0.5%. Lenovo arrived at Vinci’s cunning attitude just now, but was it waiting for itself to be put on?

   But now that the Saint Quartz system is restored, and at the same time the excess card pool that keeps up with the times has been opened, what Hoshino needs to do next is naturally to harvest a wave of Saint Quartz. And now the duel academy is the most luxurious treasure house of sacred stones in the world.

   "After raising for so long, it's time to mine~"

   At the same time, Hoshino referred to the behavior of "instructing students to fight" and earning sacred stone at the same time as mining.

   After all, if I always call to harvest leeks, I always feel like I'm doing something bad. More importantly, compared to the little ghosts who had no difficulty in the dollhouse back then, the students of the dueling academy are obviously of a much higher level, and they can also improve their standards through duels with themselves.

   "But the most important thing now is to go to bed first, or you will die suddenly."

   If it weren't for the card draw, the excitement of adrenaline soaring barely supported. Hoshino, who had gone through a big battle at night after working all day, would have been tired.

   Now that the card is drawn, the irresistible emptiness is mixed with exhaustion, and Hoshino directly enters the sage time. He doesn't want to do anything, just want to sleep well.

   almost fell asleep in a second, Hoshino felt that he hadn't slept for a long time, as sinking as this time.

   In his dream, Hoshino vaguely saw that he and a man in white who couldn't see his appearance were sitting on a table with neat rows of cards.

   But the strange thing is that the so-called card is not a dueling monster card, but a tarot card.

   The word "Tarot" is derived from the Egyptian words tar (道) and ro (王), which means "kingdom". Therefore, "Tarot" itself also refers to the correct decision-making power that a king should possess. This is also the origin of this method of divination.

   However, Hoshino's understanding of tarot cards is limited to being a card for divination, and most of the card information comes from a comic called "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure".

   "Oh, that's interesting." The man in white who couldn't see his face opened the tarot card placed in front of Hoshino.

  "-the reversal "Fool", this has never happened before. "

   The Fool’s card is very special, and it is the first card in the Tarot (Grand Arcana) card.

   "0" means no, it seems to know nothing, and it seems to contain greater potential than other cards. This card does not have a special order and is not in the order of 1-21. It is a card with a special position, so it is called 0, which can also be said to be the beginning or end of everything.

   The white-clothed man smiled and said: "Does the "Fool" card with unlimited potential appear in an inverse position? "

   To put it simply, the right position in the tarot card is based on the interpretation of the card information. The reverse position, that is, when the card is turned over by 180%, the meaning revealed by the card face will be completely opposite at that time.

   "It's really interesting, Chiyuki Hoshino. It is to be seen where destiny will guide you."


   "Huh, what time is it?"

  Hoshino subconsciously felt that he had slept for a long time, and tried to open his eyes. He picked up the phone beside the bed, but found that he didn't know when it turned off automatically because of no electricity.

   "It's only 6 o'clock in the morning, but I only slept for less than 4 hours."

   glanced at the electronic wall clock on the wall, Hoshino exclaimed that his sleep quality was so high that he was so tired yesterday that he could completely relieve his fatigue in just 4 hours.

   "It's rare to get up early, let's go have breakfast~"

   Hoshino usually sleeps until noon and wakes up on weekdays. The heroes will never see her during the morning meal. For this reason, Hoshino was often nagged by Mrs. Wei Gong's mother, repeatedly emphasizing how important breakfast is.

   "I don't know if I went to eat breakfast on time today, will Wei Gong praise me? By the way, this morning seems to be three magical little loli. I worked in the kitchen on the first day, and I didn't understand how things went wrong."

   Jumping out of bed expectantly, Hoshino only felt a dizziness without warning, and her legs became soft, causing her to directly kneel and sit on the floor.

   "This is, what's the matter? Why is there no strength at all?"

   Bai Xing: "aibo, with all due respect, you have slept for a day and a night. Now you are in a state of dripping water for 28 hours, of course you will be weak..."

   Bai Xing's explanation gave Hoshino an instant epiphany.

   "I said so tired, how could it be possible to sleep for 4 hours and completely relieve the fatigue? Is it because the phone was out of power just now?"

   If you sleep for 28 hours, it’s normal for your cell phone to shut down automatically when it’s out of power.

   It’s all right now. I was expecting to get up early to have breakfast and let the old lady Wei Gong show herself... Now it’s good to be able to escape that nagging meal.

   Even though I am reluctant, I still have to eat. Dragging his body with severely insufficient energy, Hoshino struggled to the restaurant on the first floor.

   In order to take care of Hoshino’s daily life, Wei Gong almost copied the entire Chaldean kitchen. Therefore, every meal, the restaurant in the villa is also very lively.

   However, when Hoshino walked in the door, the lively atmosphere came to an abrupt end, and the heroes fell silent.

   "Hey, hey, what wind is blowing today, did the master come to have breakfast?"

   "Is it because you played games all night last night and didn't sleep all night?"

   "No, on the contrary, master seems to have slept all day and night."

   "As expected of being a master, I easily did what the heroic spirit couldn't do."

   There is an illusion that he is treated as a rare and exotic beast for people to visit. Hoshino casually found an empty seat as his eyes gathered.

   "Hello, you~ this is breakfast, please enjoy..."

   Ha Meng, who came over with breakfast, looks very cute with the blonde girl wearing a pink apron.

   But Ha Meng herself is still shy and introverted, probably to exercise her character in this area, Wei Gong specially arranged for her to serve in the restaurant, so she can communicate with the heroic spirits.

   "Thanks for your hard work, Ha Moe, I'm doing pretty well~" Hoshino praised.

   "Ah, Ali Gado..."

   Earthwork: "Waiter, give me another plate of pickled radishes!"

   Tower Meow: "Ha Meng sauce, help me add a bowl of miso soup, trouble you~"

   Altria: "Ha Meng, help me add another set meal, can you?"

   "Okay, okay, here's coming!" Bowing politely to Hoshino, Ha Moe ran to the kitchen holding the dinner plate.

   There is a constant demand. It seems that Wei Gong said that there is no shortage of manpower, but after having three small chefs, his daily work will be much easier and his mood will be better, so he should not be so nagging.

   "Then, while Wei Gong is still working, hurry up and finish eating. Then you can escape the old mother's education."

   Because of Wei Gong’s previous living habits, breakfast is basically a classic Japanese series. On the dining table, a bowl of rice, a piece of grilled fish, a plate of pickles, plus egg rolls and miso soup with other dishes, looks delicate and nutritionally balanced.

   was hungry for a whole day. After enjoying the breakfast on the table like a wind, Hoshino wiped his mouth and fled the restaurant.

   "I'm full, thank you for the hospitality!"

   successfully avoided the old mother's nagging, rode on the D-wheel Hoshino, went straight to the mine...No, went straight to the academy.

   At 7 o'clock in the morning, although it is not time for class, the college students should also get up one after another.

   But the strange thing is--

   "No one, no one?"

   Yesterday, Ou No. It should be said that the ground where Hoshino was in a duel with the three magical monsters had been blocked by a safety banner to prevent students from approaching.

   But let alone avoiding the students from approaching, there is not even a living person in the sight of Hoshino. The extremely deserted Dueling Academy even made Hoshino feel a little chill.

   "Today is not a weekend, so maybe you never get up, right?"

   just wandered around to Osiris-Red's dormitory. It was the closed door of the dilapidated dormitory that greeted Hoshino. At this point, even the dining hall for students was not open, and the person in charge of Dade Temple would not do such lazy things.

   "Could it be, what happened?"

   A bad foreboding came to my heart, Hoshino suddenly remembered that his mobile phone had been turned off, even if something went wrong, Akasa Judai and the others would not be able to contact them.

   did not choose to continue staying in the deserted college, immediately rushed back to the villa Hoshino, connected the phone to the power and turned it on again.

   As expected, there were seven or eight missed calls from Akashya alone.

  , Asuka Juyo, and even Kuronos’ message.

The overall meaning of    is that the battle with the three magical demons not only destroyed the ground of the college, but also affected the foundation of the most basic building.

  Considering the safety of college students, we can no longer forcefully teach in dangerous buildings.

   So before the college building is completely restored, the original spring break in mid-March was temporarily advanced. And at noon yesterday, the students will be arranged out of the island.

   "== Hey? It turns out that the spring break has been advanced? That is to say, there is no one in the college. Is it because of the holiday?"

   made Hoshino nervous, thinking that just after the three magical demons had been dealt with, some troublesome incident occurred.

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