Chapter 49: The Storm That Smashed God [5K]

   Qiu said regretfully: "There is still a kite robot hidden. In this way, the trap card of the star will be wasted."

   "No, no waste!-Trap card [trap capture]!"

   Hoshino Chain opened the trap card that Qiu gave to himself next to [Coordinate Total].

  【Trap Capture Trap Card Effect: When you activate a trap card by yourself, discard 1 card in your hand and activate it in a chain. When the trap card activated in the chain is sent to the graveyard, the card returns to the hand card. 】

   "After I discard the [Hindering Tomato] from the card in my hand, I retrieve the trap card [Total Coordination]!"

   After retrieving the trap card activated by the chain, Hoshino ends the combat phase, and in the main phase 2, the [Ice Enchantment Yiwu] in the cemetery is excluded.

   "After that, the effect of [Yiwu of the Ice Formation] is activated——"

   [If there is an "Ice Enchantment" monster on your field, you can activate it by removing this card from the Graveyard. Special summon 1 "Ice Enchantment Token" (Aqua, Water, 1 Star, Attack 0/Defense 0) on your field. 】

  "Because I have an [Ice Enchantment Surgeon] on my field, I can special summon the "Ice Enchantment Token"! "

  In the dark duel track, the derivative ice crystal that reflects the weak light but is still shining, floats beside Hoshino.

   "Finally cover a card, the round is over!"

  The action of this round is over, now Hoshino has only the [High Speed ​​Magic-Super Coordination] in Hoshino's hand. If you get the card, it will be the [Synchronous Combo] that was captured and recovered with a trap just now.

   "Hmm, at the end of your turn, I will activate the trap card-[Long Lan Return]!"

  【Long Lan Return to Trap Card Effect: ①: Can be activated for the excluded monster of self or opponent. Special summon that monster to your field. The monster special summoned by this effect returns to its holder's hand during the end phase. 】

   At the same time Hoshino ends the round, activate the only cover card.

   On the Devine field, the [Kite Robot] who blocked Musashi’s direct attack damage by excluding himself, after being specially summoned by the trap card, returned to Devine’s hand card at the end stage.

   Long can calculate: "Now that there are kite robots in Devine's hand card and the graveyard, wouldn't it be able to block the damage of Hoshino's three direct attacks without being injured at all."

  Longya dissatisfied: "Not only did he use that ridiculous god, but he also specially recovered the ridiculous [Kite Robot]. This man is simply a rascal!"

   At least Long Ya is right, Devine is a rascal, but it has nothing to do with what card he uses.

  The person who yearns for the light in his heart, even if he uses a heavy pit deck, it will not make people feel negative.

   On the contrary, for people like Devine, what deck they use will only make Hoshino feel sick.

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Devine SPC: 3→4

   Thousand Snow SPC: 1→2

   "This round is over, Qianxue! Your current point of life is as ridiculous as a candle in the wind before the direct attack of the Earthbound God!"

   Bai Xing: "How long has it been since no one has set such a standard flag! Who will die if you don't die?"

   Hoshino raised his finger to the course where he rode a duel forward.

   "You said the direct attack of the earth-bound god? Then take a closer look, can your **** still act?"

   I don't know when the track has been completely frozen, and even the exaggerated volume of the whale bound **** is frozen in it.

   "Nani? You actually sealed the earth-bound **** from the effects of magic and trap cards?"

   Observing incredibly the cards of the God-Bound on the D-round duel board, Devine also noticed the fact that God-Bound could not attack during the combat phase.

   "Since the magic and trap cards are not working, shouldn't it be better to use the monster effect to stop it? This is the effect of the [Ice Enchanter]——"

   [①: As long as there are other monsters with the name "Ice Enchantment" on your field, monsters with 4 stars or higher cannot attack the declaration. 】

   "Because I have ice barrier tokens on my field, I can trigger the effect of the ice barrier spellcaster and seal the attacks of all monsters with 4 stars or more!"

  Qiu said in surprise: "That's it, if you prevent a 4-star monster from attacking the declaration, the 10-star Earthbound God will not be able to launch a direct attack on Qianxue you!"

   Longya excitedly said: "Sure enough, the card I gave Qianxue is really amazing!"

Long Ke added: "But it is precisely because of the effect of my [Ice Enchantment Yiwu] that Longya’s [Ice Enchantment Sorcerer] can play a role. Both of us are indispensable. Woolen cloth."

  Using the power of the ice barrier given by the twins, Hoshino urgently completed the ice seal against the gods. The seemingly weak monsters have made Devine lose the means to drive the gods to attack directly this round.

   "Okay, so cold, master!"

   Musashi, whose teeth kept trembling, did not escape the sealing effect of [Surgeon of the Ice Enchantment]. Regardless of the enemy and me, she, who is also more than 4 stars, is trembling in the ice.

   "At this time, it would be nice to have a bowl of hot udon."

   Bai Xing: "Who would suddenly eat udon while fighting? You are not nervous swordsman of udon."


   The huge breaking sound of ice pierced the eardrums, causing the people who relaxed for a moment to wake up their nervous nerves again.

   broke free from the shackles of the ice barrier on the attack declaration, the roaring whale ground bound god, let the huge body burrow into the ground and hide in the dead sea, only revealing the fins on the top of the body to wander.

   "Why, what happened?" Qiu asked in confusion.

   "Hehe, I have changed [Earthbound God Chaku Zalya] into a defensive form."

   Tap the card of the Earthbound God on the D-round duel plate, and Devine declared insidiously:

   "Do you think that you can't attack, you can seal the attack of the gods? Don't be too whimsical! When the field magic card exists, the defensive form of [Earthbound God Chaku·Zaloa] can exert its true power!"

   [When the field magic card exists, the following effects of "Earthbound God Chaku·Zaloa" apply. ●Once per turn, you can inflict damage equal to half of this card's defense power to the opponent. During the turn this effect is activated, this card cannot attack. In addition, as long as this card is face-up on the field, the opponent cannot enter the battle phase. 】

   "Even if you can't make an attack declaration, I can still give you half the defensive power of [Earthbound God Chaku Zaloa]!"

  【Earthbound God Chaku·Zaloa DEF: 2400】

   Youxing's eyes were slightly startled, and he said unscrupulously: "The damage of half the defensive power is 1,200 points!"

   Thousand Snow LP: 1100

   "No matter how you struggle, Qianxue, you still can't escape the end of being swallowed by the earth-bound god! Earth-bound **** Chaku Zaloa, let the end effect damage!"

   waved his arm to the star field behind the D wheel, Devine guided the trajectory of the ground-bound god's attack, and let the whale that dived into the dead sea lurking approach from underground, attempting to take the star field away with one blow.

   Hoshino smiled and said: "If you can't fight, you will choose to use the effect to damage the offense, Devine, you really are really good guesses."

   "You said I'm easy to guess?"

   "I activated the effect of [Hindering Tomato] that was discarded by [trap capture] in the last round——"

  【Hinder Tomato Effect: Remove this card in the Graveyard from the game to activate. This turn, the effect damage taken by yourself becomes 0. This effect can only be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

  The anthropomorphic cute tomato wearing a hard rugby hat jumped out of Hoshino's graveyard and crashed into the fins of the earthbound **** that stretched out from the ground, successfully blocking the effect damage of this round for Hoshino.

   Qiu said: "Not only did you seal the attack, but also prepared a means to resist the effect damage in the cemetery in advance. Use the combined tactics of weak monsters to fight against the gods. This is Qianxue's strength!"

   Originally, Qiu was still afraid of facing the huge bound God. At this moment, he seemed to feel that God was not terrible anymore.

   This change in mentality also comes from the girl in front of her.

   Qianxue's every move, to Qiu, seems to have a wonderful power that can change his heart.

   "Thanks to You Qiu's [trap capture], otherwise I won't have the chance to send [Hindering Tomato] to the cemetery. Let us win this duel together!"

   "Well, come on, Qianxue!"

"It's just blocking the effect damage. What's so good about it?" Devine retorted: "As long as [Earthbound God Chaku Zaloa] expresses existence by defense, you can't do it during the battle phase. , Qianxue, you have lost the means to fight back!"

   Without being disturbed by Devine's barking, Hoshino glanced at the last card in the D-round card slot.

   [High Speed ​​Magic-Super Coordination], requires 3 SPC to activate, and Special Summon 1 adjustment monster in the deck.

If you can use this effect to successfully Special Summon [Feather of Living Memories], you can use the effect of Feather to change the form of monsters on the field, turn the Earthbound God back into attack mode, and regain your own battle phase. .

   So what Hoshino has to wait for now is the next round when the high-speed counter is raised from 2 to 3.

  "——[High Speed ​​Magic-Acceleration Limiter] is activated!"

   However, the high-speed magic card launched by Devine in the next moment made Hoshino's thoughts vanish in an instant.

   [High-speed magic-acceleration limiter effect: In the opponent's next two rounds, the opponent cannot add high-speed counters in the preparation phase. 】

   If the high-speed counter for the seal increases in the two rounds, Hoshino will still have a high-speed counter at 2 points next time, so Super Coordination will no longer be activated.

"why is it like this!"

   sat behind Hoshino, knowing the remaining cards in Hoshino's hand, and also understands how tricky the cards blocked by Devine at this critical moment are.

   "Is it bothering you? That's really exciting!-The second [High Speed ​​Magic-High Speed ​​Binding]!"

   [High-speed Magic-High-speed Binding Effect: Only activated when you have more high-speed counters than your opponent. Select 1 monster on the opponent's field, and that monster cannot make an attack declaration. When the monster exists on the field and the difference between the two high-speed counters is more than 3 points, the monster is destroyed. 】

  The black mist tentacles of the God-bound God came out from the ground, and tightly wrapped around Musashi's **** body.

   Poor Musashi, who had been sealed and attacked by the effect of the ice barrier, was now tragically sealed and attacked by the God of Bound.

   "Well, it doesn't matter anymore, so be it."

   With the double seal blessing, Musashi simply gave up thinking.

   "Hahaha, the round is over!"

Two consecutive high-speed magics were thrown out to interfere with Hoshino. Only the last [Kite Robot] was left in Devine's hands. At the same time, adding the [Kite Robot] in the cemetery, even if Hoshino could be in front of the Earthbound God Recapture the battle phase, will also be blocked three direct attacks.

   "In this case, it is enough to make you fully feel the despair from the earth bound God!"

   "The despair of the earthbound god..."

   Hoshino looks at the deck in the D-round duel board, and the last bond card still sleeping in it will become the only and only chance to win.

   "If you want to win, you can only rely on that card. My turn, draw a card——!"

   Devine SPC: 4→5

   Devine Declaration Effect, "Because of [High Speed ​​Magic-Acceleration Limiter], you will not add high speed counters this round!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 2

   "And when the difference between the two high-speed counters reaches 3 points, the Miyamoto Musashi sealed by [High-Speed ​​Magic-High-Speed ​​Binding] will be destroyed!"

   The tightly bound tentacles of the God of Earthbound, finally accelerated enough to drag Musashi into the dead sea beneath his feet.

  【High Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi】destroy

   "You are completely dead, Qianxue!"

   "No, I won!"

   Hoshino said, shocking everyone.

   Including the men who looked at the duel from afar, they couldn't believe how Hoshino would beat the Earthbound God in this situation.

   "This is the last bondage! Respond to me, Meili!"

  Different from the darkness of the earth-bound god, Hoshino’s glorious superior summons. After liberating the ice crystal derivatives, Mei Li, who stepped on the light of the paradise, had long silver-white hair fluttering and shining on the high-speed track.

  [Heroic Spirit-Meili★★★★★(5 Stars) Light] [Magician/Effect ATK: 1900DEF: 1500]

   "Gradually devouring the unknown **** of this world, the earth-bound god. Just fight against it with praying hope, Xiao Qianxue~"

   You Xing seemed to have noticed something, "Huh? It always feels like Qianxue this monster is like the lady boss of Meili? But, it should be an illusion..."

   Devine said with disdain: "Attack power of 1,900 points? The superior summoning of this kind of miscellaneous fish monster, how can it contend with the strongest and most ferocious earth-bound god!"

   "It's like this!" Hoshino waved his hand to declare the effect, "Awaken the light of hope, Meili! When [Heroic-Meili] usually summoned successfully, you can activate the effect——"

  【This card can only be activated if it is successfully summoned. Special summon a monster with the same level as your own high-speed counters from the deck. 】

   Inherited the effect of [high-speed magic = level speed] from the oxtail cow, Mei Li, who can only play a real role in a riding duel, has a silver scepter in her hand that transforms the concept of speed into a reality.

   "The end of the world, eternal brilliance. Beyond the horizon, I declare that the ideal is in front of your footsteps, spread, and set off unswervingly!-"Hope of A`valon"!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 2

   "I special summoned from the deck, level 2-[Miko who received the star cup]!"

   [Miko who received the star cup LV2ATK:0]

   Eve's eyes lighted up, longingly: "I seemed to have passed through a dreamlike scene just now. It's amazing! Is that the legendary ideal hometown?"

   Devine said with disdain again: "0 attack power? Has the miscellaneous fish monster increased again."

   "Don't underestimate us. Devine, the so-called miscellaneous fish in your mouth is our bond to awaken the miracle!"

   Fingertips traced the trail of light on the D-round duel, and Hoshino connected the three monsters on the field at the same time into the ring of homology.

   "Level LV2 adjustment monster [Ice Enchantment Slayer], level LV5 [Heroic-Merlin], level LV2 [Miko who receives the star cup], total level LV9, the same tune!"

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