"My village, my family, and the offset village where my younger siblings live. Although poor, they are also happy. However, all this is destroyed because of Godwin!"

   A huge explosion, and the terrifying energy swallowed everything.

   The quiet and peaceful village appeared in the screen last second, and it has become a ruin at this moment.

   "Red Dragon! In order to resurrect the Red Dragon, the Commissioner of Public Security and Order, Godwin, sacrificed my village! None of my family, brothers and sisters survived!"

   "What is this person playing, let him stop the video!"

   Deputy Director Yego ordered the staff under his opponent angrily.

   "No, it's okay, let him continue."

   Ming Poma was exposing his evil deeds, but Godwin, who was pinned behind him, looked very calm.

   "Resurrect the red dragon? Poma, are you sure that Godwin sacrificed your village in order to resurrect the red dragon?" Hoshino tried to confirm.

   Although I don’t know how Poma got the image in front of him, as Hoshino saw it, the image was not fake.

   There was only one thing that caused Hoshino to have completely different doubts.

   In the destruction and explosion, a black figure appeared for a moment, completely different from the red dragon that awakened when Yuxing and Jack were duel.

   The dark and unknown figure that brings disaster and pain is obviously the earth-bound god.

Moreover, with Hoshino’s dynamic vision, there are 3 different forms of the earth bound gods flashed in the screen vaguely with Hoshino’s dynamic vision, including the whale used by Devine before. The earth-bound **** Chaku Challoa.

   "If Poma hadn't lied...no, with Poma's character, he would not lie like this."

   Hoshino made a judgment and cast his eyes on the backstage of the duel hall, watching Godwin quietly through the transparent glass wall.

   "The highest administrator of the Public Security Bureau, Godwin, has an affair with the Earthbound God?"

   is not the red dragon like Poma said, but a more unknown and terrifying existence, entrenched in the power class of this society.

   If even the managers who maintain this social order are plunged into darkness, can this city and this world be saved?

   Recalling Godwin's high-minded and innocent bureaucratic posture at the beginning, combined with the present-day Poma report, Hoshino's heart also vaguely aroused a burst of anger.

   However, the level of anger in Hoshino's heart is certainly far less than that of Poma, who has truly lost his family.

   The roar of the D-wheel re-starting burst. At this moment, Pomana was like a huge D-wheel of a road roller, transforming into a chariot of revenge, spinning the sharp spiked iron piles on both sides of the tire at high speed.

   "Godwin deceived me. He deceived me that as long as the work is completed, I can reunite with my family! But now I have lost everything. So Godwin, I want to take you to hell!"

   The hysterical roar vented all the anger in his heart. After cooling down, Poma rode the D round again at full speed, rushed straight out of the track, and leaped towards where Godwin was standing.

   Bai Xing: "aibo, Poma is planning to take Godwin to die together!"

   "That fool!"

   If you hit the building directly at that level of speed, even Poma's physique would definitely be shattered.

   subconsciously activated the D round to catch up with Hoshino, only to find that he couldn't catch up with Poma, who was accelerating in advance and was completely desperate.

   "Vengeance in this way is simply the most stupid thing! Your brothers and sisters of heaven, would you want to see this scene, Poma?"

   Knowing that he could not stop Poma's Hoshino with his own hands, he quickly drew cards from the extra deck of the D-round duel board.

   "Stop me that reckless Avenger, count!"


   was several times faster than Hoshino's D-wheel Moonlight Butterfly, and the earl, who sprinted out like a black lightning, laughed wildly and caught up with Poma's chariot of revenge.

   "Retreat, you have never met someone you have never seen before. This stupid revenge will only kill you, nothing else!"

   is not something that is struggling in revenge, but Edmond who is saved after revenge and repentance. The Black Flame from the "Incarnation of Vengeance" overturned Poma's chariot in mid-air, breaking it along with the spiky iron pile that was spinning and killing.

   "Nani!" Poma said in shock when the car overturned in the air.

   "Resentment, revenge, and poisonous flames that will die if touched. You are far from qualified for revenge consciousness!"

However, what really shocked Poma was that the rotating spiked iron stake that was broken by the cave king, in the high-speed rotation that separated from the tank body, was like an arrow from the string, tearing the air and shooting it precisely at him. Devin's direction.

   This also led to the fact that the overturned Poma didn't need to be smashed to pieces with him, but the stakes of revenge still shot out.

   Bai Xing: "This fellow, Earl, did it deliberately! If Godwin is killed in this way, is it our responsibility?"

   Hoshino insisted: "Of course it doesn't count! I didn't do anything at all, just passing by. There is no bill to convict the dueling elves in the law, right?"


   With an anger, Godwin raised his arm, and while Jego and the shadow of the mist were frightened beside him, his legs were soft, and he held the high-speed rotating iron pile with one hand.

  If it were a human arm, it would definitely be **** the first time it touched the iron stake.

   But Godwin's arm is a prosthesis made of pure machinery, and its strength and stiffness are far beyond ordinary.

   In the dense sparks produced by metal friction on both sides, the rotation of the Pile of Vengeance was forcibly stopped and fell to the ground.

   "Sir, sir?" Jego, who collapsed to the ground, stammered and asked.

   "Now, arrest the criminal Poma!" Godwin ordered.

   did not impose sanctions on Hoshino who blocked (helped) Poma, the security police who came there just tortured the overturned Poma.

   Poma, who was tortured away by the police, only looked back at Hoshino and said nothing.

   Maybe thankful, Hoshino saved his life.

   or perhaps complaining, Hoshino prevented his revenge.

   But the final answer doesn't matter to Hoshino or Poma.


   Looking at Poma who was leaving, Hoshino was in a mixed mood.

   Even a duelist with integrity like Poma will fall victim to this morbid society.

  The power class corrupted by darkness, this new child real wild, where will it go in the end?

  In the atmosphere of the last farce, the first day of the Lucky Cup game officially ended.

   Originally thought that Godwin, who was exposed to the crime in the public, would at least arouse a certain degree of anger among the citizens.

   It turned out that nothing happened. Compared with the statements of the criminals who had been arrested, everyone believed in the Director of the Public Order and Security Bureau that they trusted.

   Even if there are occasional small doubts on the Internet, they were immediately suppressed by the power of the Public Security Bureau.

   Poma's persistence, Poma's anger of revenge, in the end, it was like a stone thrown into the lake, but after a moment of waves, it calmed down.

   "I didn't expect such a dangerous thing to happen in the end. Fortunately, Qianxue, you are fine."

   After returning to the house of Long Ke and Long Ya, Qiu hugged Hoshino in his arms with a face of rejoicing in the form of a facial cleanser.

   "As a result, Qianxue, Youxing, and Sister Qiu were all promoted. Only I lost the duel. I always feel uncomfortable in my heart."

   The defeated Long Ke, even though he was happy because of the approval of the surrounding audience at the time, when he returned home and realized that the other three had all won the duel, he would inevitably feel disappointed in his heart.

   Youxing comforted: "You don't have to feel lost, Long Ke. That Mr. K is really strong."

"Yes, yes!" Long Ya echoed: "What kind of monster is that, the biggest dragon in the blue-eyed chaos? 4000 points of attack power, will not be destroyed by the effect, and it also comes with a **** defense attack, which is simply an impact. Is it balanced!"

   "It's Max Dragon." Long Ke corrected: "If the schedule progresses, the first duel tomorrow will be Qiu Jie vs. Mr. K."

   "Hmm!" Qiu confidently nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you win Long Ke!"

   Hoshino was thinking silently on the side.

   As far as Hoshino's analysis is concerned, it is estimated that it will be very difficult for Sixteen Night Autumn to defeat Seahorse.

   The combat power of the XYZ and ABC sets is already very terrifying. If Seahorseman summons the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon...

  Autumn Ace Monster [Black Rose Dragon], whether it is an effect that destroys the audience or an effect that reduces its attack power to zero, it cannot be applied to MAX dragons that are neither destroyed by the effect nor designated as the target of the effect.

   "Autumn, I have a suggestion, can you listen to it?"

   "What's the suggestion?" Qiu gently replied, "If it was Qianxue's suggestion, of course I would listen."

   There is only one way that Hoshino can think of to give Sixteen Night Autumn a chance to resist Seahorse and increase the winning rate.

   "Mounted duel! Don't fight a normal duel with Mr. K tomorrow, go to a mounted duel."

   "Ride, duel?"

   Everyone was surprised at Hoshino's proposal.

   Qiu Qiu's cheeks flashed a guilty blush, and he lowered his head and said, "No, Qianxue. I, who don’t have a driver’s license, I’m sorry..."

   "A driver's license is not necessarily required. Rather, I don't have a driver's license either." Hoshino admitted honestly.

   "Hey, Qianxue, don't you have a driver's license?" Long Ke, Long Ya, and Qiu said in disbelief.

   That means Hoshino has been driving without a license from the beginning.

  Of course, this is not to blame Hoshino. If you are driving in a satellite area, where there is a driver's license, it is so cumbersome for the city district.

   Youxing has a driver's license. Hoshino is not sure. Anyway, during the one month he traveled here, he definitely didn't have the time to test his driver's license.

   Very tacitly, Yu Xing did not speak, but responded to Hoshino’s ‘I have a driver’s license’ in the eyes.

   "It's impossible to drive without a license, Qianxue."

   During this time of travel, Qiu has always been sitting in the back seat of Hoshino’s D wheel.

   I am very comfortable. Now for Qiu, I am completely used to relying on the feeling of Hoshino's back.

   But now ruthlessly learned that Hoshino didn't even have a D-wheel driver's license.

  Youxing added: "In fact, if you are just riding a duel, you don't need a D-wheel driver's license. After all, D-wheel has an automatic driving mode, and the driver's license is only needed in manual riding duels."

   "Well, for riding a duel, the autopilot mode does not require a license." Qiu said in surprise.

   "Well, no need." Knowing this, Hoshino said that Qiu would use a riding duel against the seahorse.

   Seahorse, with his deck structure, it is impossible not to ride a duel.

   Since the Lucky Cup is a riding duel priority system, as long as Qiu proposes a riding duel, after both parties meet the conditions, the judgment will be automatically upgraded.

   Although the deck structure of the seahorse is also adapted to the riding duel to a certain extent.

   But as far as Hoshino knew about the blue-eyed white dragon, XYZ, and ABC, he lost the support of the magic card and couldn't use the field magic [Alliance Gnaku], and most importantly [fusion], the seahorse’s combat effectiveness would definitely be greatly reduced.

   Even if the existence of the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon is directly blocked, and the Blue-Eyed Chaos Ultimate Dragon is indirectly affected, it must be summoned in a complicated way like [Emergency Ritual Art].

   Compared with that, the sixteen night autumn, which is based on the same tune, will not be affected too much in the riding duel. It is better to say that with high-speed magic, there will be more advantages.

   "There is still half a day, so I and You Xing will train you for a special riding duel, Autumn!"

   "Well, do you even count me?" Although You Xing expressed doubts, he did not refuse.

   "Ah..." Suppressed by Hoshino's momentum, Qiu subconsciously nodded and agreed, "Yes, Teacher Qianxue!"

Ugh? Hoshino felt that he hadn't heard the familiar name for a long time.

Chapter 61: Is it feasible for me to be your grandmother?

   Ride-on duel emergency crash course—

  Tutored by the riding master Yuxing and the undocumented knight Hoshino.

   In just one afternoon, he instilled the knowledge needed for riding a duel into Qiu's head.

   But in general, for a duelist like Qiu who is proficient in ordinary duels, it is not difficult to master riding duels, or rather simple.

  Think carefully, when Hoshino himself had a riding duel for the first time, he and the riding master Yuxing reached a draw (pull the screw).

   "Huh, is this the feeling of galloping? Even with automatic driving, it can be so refreshing! Kimoji~~"

Slender legs rested on Hoshino’s silver-white D wheel. After an afternoon’s special training, the autumn when the helmet was taken off, the clear and crystal-clear sweat reflecting the sunset light, spilled on the surface of the rose-colored tights that closely followed the curve of the body, looking extremely **** .

   Bai Xing: "By the way, it's necessary to change into such a colorful dress... Isn't it enough to wear the clothes of the usual sixteen night autumn?"

   Although the rose red tights attached to the white and tender skin of autumn are very irritating, it is not for good-looking, but the riding protection that Yuxing strongly recommends to wear.

   Eve: "I didn't expect Yuxing, he usually looks serious, but his heart is very boring, don't he want to appreciate Qiu's figure?"

   Hoshino explained: "I don't think Yuxing would have such thoughts."

   For novice riders, the importance of protective clothing is comparable to the armor of soldiers on the battlefield. Even if Qiu falls directly from the high-speed D-wheel, he will not be injured at all.

"In this case, will Sister Qiu be able to beat Mr. K?" Long Ke asked concerned: "And Qianxue, do you know that Mr. K, otherwise, why would you suggest Sister Qiu to fight against him with a riding duel? "

   The fact that Hoshino knew Mr. K, apart from Long Ke who was in a duel at the time, Long Ya, Qiu, and Yuxing knew about it.

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