"——The trap card activates [Strong enemy blocking the road]!"

  【Strong enemy trap card effect: It can only be activated when the opponent's attack is declared. Choose 1 face-up monster on your field. The opponent can only use the selected monster as the target of the attack during the active turn. If it is possible to attack, all face-up attack position monsters must attack the selected monster. 】

   "Is this this card really, Yuxing!"

   "This is the most suitable form for us to decide the outcome, Qianxue. When the [High Speed ​​Hero-Meri] attack declaration, I changed the target of the attack to [Satellite Warrior] on the field!"

   The magic bullet that forcibly changed its flight trajectory was reversed and bombarded on the satellite warrior. The collision with the same attack power of 4500 points, and at the same time was blocked by the wave sound wall unfolded by [Flash Dragon Stardust].

   "Fight back, satellite fighter!-the final laser bombardment!"

   received the signal guided by the satellite warrior, the third, and even the fourth, the satellite laser that fell from the universe, bombarded Meili and the earl who had to launch an attack declaration to the satellite warrior this round, respectively.

  【High Speed ​​Hero-Meili】Break

  [High-speed Heroes-Earl of Monte Cristo ATK: 4400] Break

   Thousand Snow LP: 400→300

Return to the empty field. In the battle phase of just one round, Yuxing used the combo of the two cards [Harmony of the King] and [Strong Enemy Blocking the Way], using the LV10 coherent monster [Satellite Warrior] as the hole card, and the group was destroyed. All the heroes of Hoshino.

   "This time is really over. I won, Qianxue."

   The traveling star galloping on the track with the satellite warrior, looks at the starry field ahead and makes a judgment.


   However, for some reason, You Xing did not feel any excitement about the upcoming victory.

   is clearly the continuation of the long-awaited victory, but when he really won the duel, his heart is as calm as a mirror, and there is an indescribable emptiness.

  Is what I am looking forward to, what I long for, and what I am looking for is really just the victory of this duel.


   ("You also won this time, Yuxing."


   "But next time, I will definitely beat you."

   "I'm looking forward to it, Hoshino.")

  (Crow: "Hoshino, she has never beaten Guiliu and Yuxing you. Even though it was a duel every time, until Hoshino left, I never won it.")


The professional commentator shouted excitedly: "Unbelievable super counterattack! Fudo Yuxing players, after successfully containing the impact of Qianxue's final acceleration of the storm, completed the decisive group annihilation counterattack! If it looks like this, don't move. The victory of the star players is already an indisputable fact!"

   glanced at the scene of his tragic destruction, Hoshino smiled and bowed his head, and honestly admitted: "This time you won, Yuxing..."

   Familiar words flashed a hint of loss in Yu Xing's eyes.

   "...Do you think I would say this? Too naive, Youxing, this duel is far from over!"


   turned straight up, from Hoshino's unyielding declaration of the continuation of the battle, like a powerful word hitting the depths of Yuxing's heart, instantly swept away the sense of loss in the eyes under the helmet.

   "In this case, can Qianxue find a way to continue fighting?"

   Even Sixteen Night Autumn could not believe what Hoshino could do after the heroic homophonic monster, which was the full combat power, was destroyed by the traveling star cluster.

   "The real duel strong will keep a hand of hole cards... No, to be honest, this is no longer the category of hole cards!"

   lifted the cards covered by the D round, and re-condensed the four beams of heroic light on the star field, intertwined with each other, and rushed to the universe in the distant sky overhead, just like the previous stardust dragon.

   "If it was the trump card that assembled all the heroic powers just now. Then this is the hidden joker (ghost card) that I can surpass the current heroic powers!"

   "——The trap card activates [Dead Soul Fusion]!"

   [①: Exclude the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster card from your graveyard, and merge that 1 fusion monster from the extra deck. Monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack during this turn. 】

   Along the trajectory of the four intertwined rays of heroic light, four white homogenous monster cards popped up from the Hoshino duel board graveyard area.

"I used [High-Speed ​​Hero-Meri] in the cemetery, [High-Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi], [High-Speed ​​Hero-Earl of Monte Cristo], and [Hero-Knights of the Round Table Gareth] as fusion materials from the inside of the game. Except! For dead soul fusion!!!"

   Seahorseman was surprised: "Did the dead souls merge? It actually merges all the heroic homogenous monsters... you really have you, Qianxue!"

  Before this duel began, even Seahorse would not have imagined that Hoshino would use Fusion Summon as his trump card in the decisive battle between the coherent dimension and the immovable star...No, ghost card!

   "Draw the power of the Moon God, turn into stars, turn into heroic spirits, turn into a predicament that can smash everything, the strongest star hunter!"

   The four beams of heroic spirits rushing into the space, will be favored by the moon god, the strongest superman hunter in Greece, brought back to the star field.

   "——Summon of Fusion! [Heroic-Superman Orion]!"

   [Heroic-Superman Orion★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Light] [Warrior Clan/Fusion/Effect ATK:? DEF:? 】

  【"Heroic" homophonic monster×3 or more】

   The explosive muscle figure that was exaggerated to make people suspect that it does not exist in the real world, walked out of the fusion light, and slowly opened his eyes, Superman Orion, looking at Hoshino.

   "Let me see, I have summoned the strongest hunter in Greece. Well, it's really cute, this time the master. Then let me try to show my good looks after a long absence."

   tapped his muscular arm, and Superman Orion's sturdy body gradually ignited fighting spirit.

   White Star: "Orion, is that Orion, right? That teddy bear next to Artemis, the goddess of the moon... As for the Orion of this dimension, the muscles are really exaggerated."

Hoshino said sternly: "Youxing, if it weren't for you to let the Stardust Dragon fly into the universe, and summon the satellite warrior in the same tone. I wouldn't have noticed that this card is hidden under the light of the satellite and guided by the Moon God. Up."

   "Is the heroic fusion monster that appeared with the satellite warrior?"

   saw Hoshino fusing into a 10-star fusion monster that was enough to fight him. Compared with the empty victory that he was about to obtain, the corner of his mouth was filled with a smile that was not easy to catch.

   "You are really strong, Qianxue!"

   Compared to victory, the battle against Hoshino seemed to be more enjoyable.

   "Come on, finally surpassed the trump card decisive battle, Yuxing! Use Superman Orion to decide the victory or defeat with the satellite warriors!"

   [Heroic-Superman Orion Effect: The original attack and defense power of this card becomes the number of fusion material monsters × 1000. 】

   "I used 4 Heroic Harmony monsters to fuse, and Orion's original attack power became 4000 points!"

   "Muscle power, burst out! Let you see the unparalleled power in the world!"

  【Superman Orion ATK:? →4000】

  Wandering Star Road: "If the attack power is 4000, the attack power of the satellite fighter is still higher!"

   Hoshino continued to declare: "My effect is more than that, Yuxing. When the [Heroic-Superman Orion] Fusion Summon is successful, the effect can be activated—"

  【This card can only be activated if the Fusion Summon of this card is successful. Choose 1 monster on the field with a lower level than this card, and equip this card as an equipment magic card with an attack power increase of 1000. 】

   Longya asked in amazement: "For a monster with a lower level than [Heroic-Superman Orion], can the satellite warrior be used as an equipment card? So there is no need to confront it."

   Long Ke replied: "No, if the same level is 10, it does not belong to the range of ‘low’."

   If you can't equip the satellite warrior in the star field, the monsters that Hoshino can choose to equip...

   "I will equip [Flash Dragon Stardust] as an equipment magic card on Superman Orion!"

   "Hahaha, watch me twist and twist, and then fold you up again!"


   was forcibly captured by Orion with the brute force of his muscles, the flying shining dragon stardust, now in Orion's hands, it flutters like a small animal that is difficult to break free.

  【Sparkling Dragon Stardust】Equipment

  【Heroic-Superman Orion ATK: 4000→5000】

   Qiu said excitedly: "Attack power has surpassed!"

   Yuxing emphasized: "However, monsters summoned by [Dead Soul Fusion] Fusion cannot attack this turn."

   Hoshino's mouth raised, and mysteriously smiled: "It's true that you can't launch an attack. But if you can force a battle calculation between the two monsters, then forget it."

   "Let the two monsters...force the battle calculation?"

   Equipped with a magic card and two monsters, the battle calculation is compulsory. After several keywords came into his mind at the same time, Fudo Yuxing's eyes were slightly startled, and he stared at the last Gika in Hoshino's backcourt.

   "Masaka! Qianxue, what card did you cover last?"

   "Does it feel amazing, Yuxing? Isn't this a **** card that you handed to me personally!"

   (Hoshino: "What's the use of this thing? Can't you get stuck?"

  Youxing: "In the riding duel later, this card will definitely help you. This is the card that binds you and me!")

   waved and opened the last card covered by round D. The winner of the two people was finally bet on this one. At the beginning, Hoshino would definitely get stuck with the ‘fetter’ card.

   "——Trap card activation [Equipment launch]!"

  【Effect of launching trap card with equipment: It can only be activated during the combat phase. Select 1 equipment card equipped with a face-up attack display monster on your field and 1 face-up attack display monster on your opponent's field, and assign the selected equipment card to the selected opponent's monster equipment. After that, the own monster equipped with the selected equipment card and the selected opponent's monster fight for damage calculation. 】

   "Shoot the shining dragon stardust equipped on [Heroic-Superman Orion] onto [Satellite Warrior], and then let the two monsters force battle and damage calculations!"

   Even in the opposite round, the [Equipment Launch] that can force the damage calculation, directly covers the side effect of [Dead Soul Fusion] that cannot be attacked.

   "This guy, I'll give it back to you!"

   threw the captured [Flashing Dragon Stardust] vigorously back to the star field, as an equipment magic that increased attack power by 1000 points, and equipped it on the satellite warrior.

  【Satellite Warrior ATK: 4500→5500】

  【Heroic-Superman Orion ATK:5000→4000】

Yuxing counterattack declared: "Qianxue, even if the battle is forced by the launch of equipment, but if the Swift Dragon is launched on the satellite fighter, Orion’s attack power will not be enough! In this way, the satellite fighter will have an advantage. !"

   "The strongest hunter in Greece, a punch of Superman Bear, how could he die with his bare hands because he didn't have an equipment card! The final effect of [Superman Orion] is activated!"

   Moonlight shines, gathers strength, Superman Orion’s fists, shining like a meteor on his left arm and flames on his right arm, seem to destroy the world with one blow.

   "Artemis, lend me your power. As long as I'm with you, I won't lose. Okay, crush the opponent. The pure love of the Moon Goddess. Awe-inspiring courage, let's start!"

   [③: This card can only be activated when the damage calculation of this card battles a monster with higher attack power than yourself. Until the end of the turn, the attack power of this card becomes a multiple of the number of fusion material monsters of this card. 】

   "Because of the fusion of 4 Heroic Harmony monsters, Superman Orion’s attack power is quadrupled in battle calculations!"

  【Superman Orion ATK: 4000→16000】

  Youxing said in shock: "Attack power, actually has 16,000 points?"

   Hoshino: "This is, Superman Orion's, a serious punch! The final attack, Yuxing!!"

   Orion: "Be beaten and fly to the end of the moon!!"

   This strongest punch not only condenses Orion’s own strength...

   there are also blessings from the goddess of the moon;

   As a fusion material, all the wills of the heroes are tuned;

   plus Hoshino’s persistence from the initial duel to the present;

   and indispensable, the bond of cards and companions!


   One punch ascends to the sky, the super heavy punch that penetrates the earth's atmosphere and divides the earth's atmosphere into two, and the satellite warrior who landed in the same way is beaten back to the distant universe where the satellite should exist.

  【Satellite Warrior】Break

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

   Fudo Yuxing LP: 1300→0

   In the end, a punch was finalized. The violent impact airflow of up to 16,000 attack power overturned the galloping D round of Yuxing, replaying Yuxing's thoughts like a revolving lantern, and brought back the scene of the frozen memory in the fuzzy memory.


   "But next time, I will definitely beat you, Yuxing!"

   "I'm looking forward to it, Hoshino."


  The duel is over, the winner Chiyuki Hoshino! !

Chapter 73: Photos in the pendant [2&1]

   After the Crimson D-wheel was overturned by the Superman Bear, the immovable travel star who lost the duel, lay down on the green belt at the edge of the duel track, looking up at the sky.

   Yuxing feels for the first time that even a lost duel can be so fun.

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