Not to mention the harsh activation conditions of this card, it is successfully Special Summoned, and the high-speed fighter is just a 2-star trash monster.

If you want to be blamed, you can only blame Youxing for using this miscellaneous fish monster every time. There is a tendency of'overwork to death', which causes Hoshino to subconsciously feel that [High Speed ​​Warrior] may be a very Strong card.

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 0 cards, cover cards: 2 cards

  Hippocampus remaining cover card: 2

   Although his own trap card is useless at the moment, Hoshino can be considered a product through the battle of this round.

   The two trap cards covered by Seahorse are also useless.

   Or because the Stardust Dragon, which cannot be affected by the trap card when equipped with the [Vengeful Shadow Flame: Cave King], prevents the seahorse from using the covered trap card.

   Besides, with Haima’s character, it’s not uncommon in previous duels—in order to bluff, cover the situation of a [fusion] magic card that bluffs people.

   (Cold knowledge: In the "Dark Side of Dimension" theatrical version, in the duel between the seahorse and the watch game, in the end, because there was no card to cover, I had no choice but to cover the [fusion] in my hand.)

Bai Xing: "As far as I guess, the two cover cards of the seahorse, one should be attacking the trap [Holy Light Protective Cover-Mirror Power -] or something. The other one is the bluffing [fusion]~ "

   Hoshino said with a smile: "I thought of going with me, another me. It really seems like a seahorse can do."

   After all, that is the Sea Horse Seti, who has been hit now, and there is no [fusion] in his hand, so I can't justify it.

   Eve who interjected suddenly, added: "But ah, this is a riding duel, how can Seahorse bring an ordinary [fusion] magic card?"

   Bai Xing: "You can't bring [fusion] magic, that's the trap of fusion?"

   Hoshino: "It makes sense, and the trap of fusion is also possible...The bridge bean sack, the trap card of [fusion]?!"

   Hoshino suddenly realized something was wrong, suddenly raised his head, his eyes turned from his field to the field where the seahorse covered the cards.

   also confirmed at the same time-even if he has declared the end of the round, the display on the D round screen still remains at the end of his round.

   At the end of the declaration round, the only possibility is that the seahorse has a card effect that can be activated at the end of the Hoshino round.

  Moreover, the [fusion] of the trap card was also used by Hoshino in a duel with Yuxing...

   "Just use this card to transcend the boundaries of time and space, and bring you the final defeat, Qianxue!"

   As expected, at the end of Hoshino's turn, Seahorse waved away the trap card covered by the D round.

   "——The trap card activates [Dead Soul Fusion]!"

   [Dead Soul Fusion Trap Card Effect: ①: Exclude the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster card from your graveyard, and merge that 1 fusion monster from the extra deck. Monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack during this turn. 】

   A trap card with a fusion effect, you can summon the blue-eyed white dragon in the graveyard with the exception of the inner side.

   "Tough! Invincible! The strongest!! Meet the strongest and most ultimate dragon ever!"

At this moment, in the cemetery of Seahorse, there is exactly one blue-eyed white dragon liberated as a ritual sacrifice, one blue-eyed white dragon that was destroyed by battle, and the card name that can be used as "blue-eyed white dragon" in the cemetery [ Blue Eyed White Dragon], a total of three cards.

   "Smash! Jade shattered! Cheers!! Go on, blue-eyed white dragon three-body fusion!"

   In the hippocampus, the host does not need a microphone, and it is enough to resound through the roar of the audience. The three blue-eyed white dragons that are materialized from the cemetery area, flying with the light, are gathered in one place because of the effect of fusion.

   "Sure enough, can't you escape? This battle is the ultimate dragon with blue eyes!"

   After surpassing the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon in Hoshino, defeating the deep-eyed white dragon, and even the crystal-wing synchronic dragon, as the last card of the seahorse, the three-body blue-eyed white dragon fusion monster truly started the decisive battle.

   "However, whether it is the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon or the True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, the 4,500 attack power cannot surpass the Stardust Dragon equipped with Vengeance Shadow Flame!"

  【Stardust Dragon ATK: 4900】

   The Stardust Dragon equipped with [Shadow Flame of Vengeance: Cave King] has increased its attack power by 2400 points, and its frontal combat power is definitely higher than that of the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon.

   "The monster I want to fuse is not the ultimate blue-eyed dragon, nor the true blue-eyed ultimate dragon."

  The fusion card of the triple white dragon appears at the fingertips of the hippocampus. It is different from the card of the ultimate dragon in the past. This time the triple fusion of the ultimate dragon releases a completely different sense of terror and oppression.

   "——Roar, the roar of shattering time and space! This will be the ultimate dragon that will bring destruction and victory, come on, the blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

   [Blue-eyed Ultimate Yalong★★★★★★★★★★★★ (12 stars) light]

   [Dragon/fusion/effect ATK: 4500 DEF: 3800]

  【"Blue Eyed White Dragon" + "Blue Eyed White Dragon" + "Blue Eyed White Dragon"]


It has the same panel attributes as the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, but its appearance is different. [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] spreads out its huge fusion body and spreads its horrible demon-like wings on the riding duel track. The three dragon heads roared angrily.

  Professional commentary: "How, how incredible! The legendary monster, the blue-eyed white dragon, and the three bodies were merged together! The ultimate legendary dragon fused with the legendary dragon is truly a triple legend, the most powerful and invincible!"

The unfolding of    has already surpassed the scope of the professional host's knowledge. He doesn't know how to explain at all. The only choice now is to turn on the brainless blowing mode.

   Anyway, the audience on the field probably feels the same as the host.

   When the blue-eyed white dragon appeared on the stage, the worldview was completely shocked.

   In the counterattack of the legendary dragon, the moment when the three-body blue-eyed white dragon finally merged, the rational cognition would eventually disappear.

   Thousands of words can only be combined into two words.



   "It's really awesome, this duel!"

   "The level of this finals is too high, right? The past Challenges of Kings have not been so fierce!"

   At the same time, in the KING preparation room, Jack Atlas, who watched the full duel all the way, sat on the sofa with his arms around his chest with a serious face.

   constantly raising his toes and stepping on the floor in cycles, has already exposed his inner anxiety at the moment.

   No matter how confident he is in his own duel and his deck, after seeing such a level of duel, Jack Atlas seems to be about to recognize reality.

   "Damn it! That fellow Qianxue, when he was in a duel with me, he didn't show his true strength at all! He dared to look down upon KING!"

   Of course, this is just Jack's stiff mouth.

   If in that duel, Hoshino could have the same level of deck strength as the Seahorse duel, Jack knew better than anyone, that at that time, he would definitely be shattered very thoroughly.

   "How can it be repaired!!"

   Bai Xing seemed to remember something, and said: "Oh, there is even the [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Yalong] card, I really completely forgot."

This blue-eyed ultimate dragon is another form of the blue-eyed ultimate dragon when the white star and the Pyramid of Light are awakened together. After the seahorse briefly gains the power from Anubis's'king of light', it can merge with the summoned blue-eyed ultimate dragon. .

   In a sense, the glaucoma ultimate Yalong is an abnormal pattern that has been baptized by the power of the ‘king of light’.

   Therefore, after Seahorse lost the power of the Lord of Light, he did not merge and summon this monster even once.

By the way, Anubis, who also lost the power of the King of Light, was disgusted by the white star because of his too abnormal personality. In the early days of the dueling academy, he returned to its home in Egypt and let it fend for itself. went.

   Bai Xing quickly explained: "aibo, I am not to blame. After all, it happened so many years ago, and I don't know how the seahorse can now merge with the Ultimate Yalong again."

   Hoshino had no choice but to admit: "Common sense doesn't work for him...that's Seahorse."

   can throw out the card of the gods and the legendary dragon seahorse, even if they can merge and summon the blue-eyed super dragon, Hoshino will not feel strange now.

   "My round, draw a card——!"

   Mr. K SPC: 5→6

   Thousand Snow SPC: 10→11

   At the end of the Hoshino round, after fusion summoning the ultimate glaucoma dragon, Seahorse drew out the hand card for this round, and officially started his own round, while avoiding the side effect of [Dead Soul Fusion] summoning monsters that cannot be attacked during the round.

   But even if it can attack, with the same 4500-point attack power of the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Yalong, there is no way to surpass the Stardust Dragon in a frontal collision.

   "This is the fighting method that belongs to the Ultimate Yalong! Don't worry, burst out with all your strength, and show your destructive power to your heart's content!"

   did not rush to launch an attack, the hippocampus took the lead to activate the effect of the blue-eyed ultimate dragon.

   At the same time, the blue-eyed ultimate sub-dragon who responded to the seahorse's command, the head of the triple-mutated dragon, began to condense the white light that symbolizes destruction.

   "The effect of [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Yalong] is activated——"

   [Available only when 1 card on the opponent's field is the target. That card was destroyed. 】

   "Destroy the [Stardust Dragon] on the opposite side of the field!-"Ultimately Destroyed Subspecies of Storm Bomb"!"

   Even if the Stardust Dragon equipped with [Shadow Flame of Vengeance: Cave King] will not be affected by the trap card, it can be destroyed by the Ultimate Dragon, but cannot be blocked by the equipment card.

   However, if the equipment cannot be blocked by the card, it does not mean that the Stardust Dragon cannot block it.

   Hoshino waved his hand to counterattack and declared: "When the effect of Ultimate Yalong's destruction is activated, the effect of [Stardust Dragon] is activated—"

   [①: To activate the effects of the magic, trap, or monster destroyed by a card on the field, release this card to activate it. That launch was invalidated and destroyed. 】

   "I liberated the Stardust Dragon, and the effect of the ultimate glaucoma dragon is ineffective!-Come on, sacrifice the sanctuary!"

   The black flame of revenge, shining with the light of stardust, collided with the devastating blast of the ultimate dragon.

   Although the Stardust Dragon will leave the field if it is destroyed and liberated itself, but the Stardust Dragon, which is regarded as a coherent summoning, can let the Stardust Dragon, which can liberate itself, return to the Starfield Field again at the end of the round. This is more profitable than simply being destroyed and entering the cemetery.

   And most importantly, the counter effect of the Stardust Dragon is-"invalidate and destroy."

   "After invalidating the effects of the Ultimate Yalong, destroy the [Blue Eyed Ultimate Yalong] together! Go ahead, Stardust Dragon!"

   After rushing out of the black inflammation and freeing itself, the Stardust Dragon, with its own body shimmering in stardust, rammed into the fusion-summoned, ultra-blue-eyed super dragon at high speed.

   "Mudah, Qianxue! The only counterattack of the Stardust Dragon can't hurt the strongest dragon!"

   looked at each other with anger, instigated the ultimate sub-dragon with huge demonic wings, collided and fought with the shining stardust dragon. The disparity in fighting power caused the three abnormal dragon heads to directly shred the starlight.

  【Ultimate Blue-Eyed Yalong①: This card on the field will not be the target of the opponent's effect, and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effect. 】

   "The blue-eyed ultimate Yalong will not be destroyed by the Stardust Dragon effect!"

   The same resistance as the MAX dragon. After blocking the stardust dragon’s destructive effect, Seahorse continued to declare:

  " Also, when a monster with the original card name of "Blue-eyed White Dragon" is used as the fusion material, the destruction effect of the Ultimate Dragon can be activated 3 times in one turn! "

Fluttering wings and flying, the second subspecies of Ultimate Yalong’s destruction blast bombs were condensed and directly bombarded in the burning black flames on the star field. After the stardust dragon left the field, the special summoned [Shadow of Vengeance] Yan Cave King】destroyed.

  【Shadow Flame of Vengeance·King of the Cavern】Break

  Because there are no synchronic monsters on the field, it cannot be used as an equipment card. After being destroyed by the ultimate dragon, it can no longer be Special Summoned.

   ""Ultimately Destroyed Subspecies Hayate Bomb" three combos!"

Even the flames of revenge merged with the claws of Hermo were extinguished by the bombardment of white light. Before Hoshino had time to recover, the third subspecies of destruction blast exploded on his field, and one of them was exploded. The covered cards are destroyed.

   White Star: "Destroy three cards in a row in one round. It's worthy of being the ultimate dragon whose power has changed because of the Lord of Light. You're home!"

   Hoshino murmured, "Why do you look so proud?"

   After the bombing of the subspecies Destroying Storm bombs fired three times, the Ultimate Yalong slowly retracted the exaggerated and terrifying dragon wings behind him.

   Seahorse explained: "After the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Yalong has activated the destructive effect, you can no longer fight this round."

   "Fortunately, there are restrictions on not being able to launch an attack." Qiu slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "If the three consecutive damages can still add an attack, with that resistance, it will be too invincible."

   Now in the Seahorse Field, there are no monsters besides the Ultimate Yalong. The key is to see whether the remaining two hands of Seahorse can summon monsters that can be attacked.

   Hoshino prayed silently: "Come on, Gao Xing starts!"

   With the configuration of the seahorse deck, it is very common to start with a high star. There is no low-star monster that can be summoned in the hand, which is a high probability event.

   But the next moment, the twinkling dragon tooth mark on the seahorse's arm shattered Hoshino's fantasy.

   "Legendary Dragon-Fang of Clydia!"

   Bai Xing: "The guy in the seahorse has also drawn the legendary dragon!"

   Different from the [Legendary Dragon-Claw of Hermo], which needs to be fused with monster cards, [Legendary Dragon-Credia Fang] needs to be fused with trap cards to exert its true power.

   "Huh, let the Fang of Cridia merge with the trap card [Holy Shield-Mirror Power -] on my field!"

   opened the trap card in the backcourt. The trap card that had not had a chance to be activated since the cover of the last round was directly used as a fusion material by the seahorse, and merged into the body of the legendary dragon Clydia.

   will be able to reflect all monster attacks and destroy the entire audience. After the [sacred shield-reflector power -] is absorbed into the body, the legendary dragon Clydia’s tooth evolves and transforms into a new posture.

   "—— Fusion Summon [Reflection Mirror Lilong]!"

   [Reflection mirror force dragon ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light] [Dragon/Fusion/Effect ATK: 2800DEF: 1200]

  【"Credian Fang" + "Holy Shield-Mirror Power -"]

Chapter 81: SPC12, Extreme Speed ​​[2&1]

   "—— Fusion Summon [Reflection Mirror Lilong]!"

   [Reflection mirror force dragon ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light] [Dragon/Fusion/Effect ATK: 2800DEF: 1200]

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