For example, the [Eve of the Star Cup] who is currently flying on the field, the coherence and adjustment itself are the key to accelerating coherence.

   "But, there seems to be something missing."

   This is also the first time Hoshino has reached a high-speed counter at 12 o'clock in a riding duel, touching a certain ‘peak’ area.

   But even so, Hoshino's instinct still vaguely felt that if he uses accelerated coherence in a riding duel, there is still an important fragment missing.

   "What are you in a daze, Qianxue?"

  Eve, who has the magic power of the **** child, dances the crystal wings behind it, and can finally easily keep up with the highest speed of D round, this time urged.

   "Didn’t you just say, isn’t it the time to slow down? Take me seriously!"

   "Sorry, Eve."

   His thoughts were called back by the son of God, Eve, Hoshino turned his attention back to the duel, and activated the effect of Synchro Summoning.

   "When the Synchro Summon is successful, the effect of [Eve of the Star Cup] is activated——"

  【①: This card can only be activated only if the card is successfully synchronized. Add 1 "Star Relic" card from the deck to your hand. 】

   "Draw your gun, Eve!"

   "Leave it to me, Qianxue!"

  Star Relics Card Retrieval starts, and the last card in Hoshino’s remaining hand is the [Star Relics-Star Spear] that can penetrate everything.

   And this star gun is also the strongest star relic that Hoshino can use when he was fighting against the guardian spirit seahorse in the Duelist Kingdom.

   "With this star gun shining on the road ahead, it's time to attack!"

   After searching for [Star Relic-Star Gun], Hoshino can be said to have completed all the operations he could do.

   Next, even for Hoshino, there is only one last option: "I will do everything to do my fate."

   "This is my full power, Haima! Yikai, scrap warrior!"

   Enter the combat phase and declare an attack. After gathering the power of the high-speed fighters, the scrap fighter with an attack power of 3,200 points, activates the jet device behind him, and rushes towards the mirror Lilong at full speed.

   "——Scrap Iron Fist!"

   The seahorse backhand declares the monster effect of the legendary dragon, "The moment you attack the declaration, the effect of [Mirror Force Dragon] is activated!"

  【Mirror Power Dragon Effect: Activate only when a monster on your field is selected as the target of an attack or becomes the target of an opponent's effect. All cards on the opponent's field are destroyed. 】

   "Open up the power of the mirror and rebound the attack of the scrap warrior!-"Reflection of the mirror power"!"

   appeared on the semi-transparent mirror wall in front of the legendary dragon, stopped the sprinting scrap iron fist, and scattered the impact to Hoshino's audience.

   "Is there a rebound attack effect, Sikasi..."

   Hoshino also activates the effect in a chain, picking up the synchronic card on the duel board.

   "Please, Stardust Dragon! Invalidate and destroy the effect of [Mirror Force Dragon]!-Sacrifice Sanctuary!"

   In response to Hoshino's request, the Stardust Dragon roared, and the stardust particles that turned into hope for the last time were liberated and dissipated on the field. It calmed the destruction and scattering of the mirror Lilong, and condensed the phantom of the stardust, shattering the body of the legendary dragon.

  【Mirror Force Dragon】Destruction

   Hoshino & Yuxing: "Thank you, Stardust Dragon!"

   In this riding duel, several times during the time of crisis, the Stardust Dragon rescued Hoshino, not only hope, but also the fetters and trust of the wandering stars.

   "But, Mr. K, he also knows the effect of the Stardust Dragon." Long Ke reminded.

   Knowing that the mirror power would be invalidated and destroyed by the Stardust Dragon, Seahorse still chose to let the legendary dragon activate the effect.

   "Ah, if [Counter-Strike Jinglilong] is destroyed, wouldn't the waste fighter lose the target." Long Ya suddenly realized this.

   After the mirror Lilong was smashed by the Stardust Dragon, there was only a super big brother with 4,500 attack power left in the seahorse field, the blue-eyed super dragon.

   "Continue to attack, scrap soldier!"

   did not rewind the attack after the number of monsters was changed. Hoshino insisted on letting the waste fighters charge at high speed, and threw the last card in his hand forward.

   "Then in the battle calculation phase, the effect of [Star Relic-Star Spear] in the hand is activated——"

   [①: In the case of damage calculation involving battles between monsters of special monsters in the extra deck, you can activate it by discarding this card from your hand. The opponent's monster that is fighting will only decrease its attack power by 3000 during this battle damage calculation. 】

   Under the prayer of Eve, the son of God, with his hands folded, the super-large mechanical star gun that fell from the end of the sky cut through the air and fell into the hands of the charging waste fighters.

   "Just use this star gun to penetrate the Ultimate Yalong!"

   [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Yalong ATK: 4500→1500]

   The super-giant mechanical star gun, with the speed of the waste warrior soaring to the limit, breaks through the aura of the blue-eyed ultimate sub-dragon king, and stabs the abnormal dragon head.

   Bai Xing: "As long as this blow can be hit!"

   Eve: "I can win!"

   Hoshino: "Come on, scrap soldier!-"Starfall Gun"!"

   The tip of the gun flashed with dazzling light of stars, and the giant mechanical gun body pierced by the waste fighters penetrated through the three dragon heads of the blue-eyed super dragon in one breath.

   "I hit it!"

There is no way to sit down honestly. You Xing and others, including most of the audience present, stood up subconsciously with excitement at the moment of the final confrontation, as if standing up, you could see the result a few seconds earlier. Same.

   "It really made you hit. I have seen your full blow, Qianxue!"

   At the last moment of the battle damage calculation, the only trap card covered by the Seahorse D round was opened, making the red light of the dragon marks on the arms of the two people, like the final duel unfolding, even more hot.

   "——Perpetual Trap Card activates [Credia's Roar]!"

  【Clydia's Roar Persistent Trap Card Effect: You can activate it by excluding 1 fusion monster on the field or in the graveyard that requires "Clydia's Fang" as the fusion material. 】

   "Except for the [Mirror Lilong] that I merged in the cemetery, let's roar again, the tooth of Cridia!!!"

  , flying and howling in a posture without merging any traps, the legendary dragon Clydia, whose appearance was pure black, inherited all its power into the body of the blue-eyed ultra-dragon, bursting out with the dragon's epic threat to frighten the audience.

   [As long as this card exists in the magic and trap area, the attack power of the opponent's monster will only be half during the damage calculation phase, and the dragon monsters on your field will not be destroyed by battle. 】

   Under the awe of the legendary dragon Clydia’s dragon, the attack power of the monsters on the Hoshino field was halved during the calculation of the battle, and of course it also wrapped up the scrap warrior who launched the attack this time.

  【Scrap Warrior ATK: 3200→1600】

   Mr. K LP: 200→100

After    was halved, the attack power of 1600 points was still higher than that of the glaucoma super dragon after the star gun was cut, but it was only a difference of 100 points, which was not enough to cut the remaining HP of the seahorse.

   "And after [Credia's Roar] is activated, the dragon monsters on the field will not be destroyed by battle!"


   The dragon power in response to the legendary dragon, roared together, the three glaucoma dragons whose capital was penetrated by the star gun, dragged their bodies to incite the dragon's wings, flew to the sky, and threw away the waste warriors.

   "After the battle is over, the Blue-eyed Ultimate Yalong has recovered its attack power because of the star spear reduction!"

  [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Yalong ATK: 1500→4500]

  The wound pierced by the star gun gradually healed under the rays of the high-altitude sun, and the triple faucet, rejuvenated with terrorist attack power, suddenly began to gather an unprecedented subspecies of destroying white light, ready to go.

  【Kridia's roar effect: During the turn this card is activated, all monsters become face-up attack position. If the monster is a monster that can be attacked, it must attack. 】

   Under the effect of the trap card [Kridia’s Roar], the defensive high-speed fighters and the **** son Eve on the Hoshino field have been turned into attack forms.

In the form of attack, if the monster that can attack must attack, it means that the high-speed warrior with 900 attack power and Eve with 1900 attack power in this round must force the attack to 4,500 points above the head with the effect of halving the attack power. The ultimate dragon with offensive power.

   This kind of suicidal behavior is undoubtedly, no wonder the blue-eyed ultra-dragon flying into the sky, during the battle stage of Hoshino, the sub-species of destruction began to condense and spray white light.

   "I won, Qianxue. Even with the full blow of the star gun, you now can't surpass the Blue-eyed Ultimate Yalong!"

   slowly raised his arm to point at the blue-eyed super dragon in the sky. Riding on the galloping seahorse on the D-wheel, he was ready to declare a counterattack to end the duel.

"You can use this kind of picked up deck to fight me to such a point that I even want to compliment you with a'really amazing'... But this is the end of the farce, the Qingyan ultimate Yalong's counterattack! — -White Light, the subspecies of triple destruction!"

   The triple faucet condensed and exploded counterattack to destroy the white light, from the distant sky, rushing down like a waterfall, flooded the field of Hoshino.

   "I should be one step faster, Haima!"


   "Accelerate...homology, I know how to use it!"

   Before the start of the battle phase of this round, although the concept of acceleration coherence appeared in Hoshino's mind, he did not know how to use acceleration coherence in a riding duel.

The fastest speed of round D, the synchronization adjustment, and the adjustment monster. Under the constraints of these three conditions, the acceleration of the riding duel is the same. It seems that there are other restrictions, so that Hoshino can not reach the fastest state at that time. Harmony cards of.

   However, this piece of conditional fragments lacking in accelerated coherence was noticed by Hoshino at the critical moment because of the existence of the last cover card.

  ——The useless cover card that Hoshino thought would not be used.

   "Because it is accelerated homology, can't it be done in the normal homology phase..."

   The normal homology stage refers to the main stage of duels on both sides. Only in the main phase can the adjustment monster and the non-adjustment monster be reconciled.

   Acceleration synchronism is different. According to Hoshino's guess, the acceleration synchronism in the riding duel must be performed at a time outside of the main stage.

   That's why this cover card shows a reaction that can be activated during the combat phase.

  "——Then go ahead at full speed! The trap card activates [emergency synchronization]!"

  【Emergency Coherent Trap Card Effect: ①: It can only be activated during the battle phase of oneself and opponent. Summon a sync monster in sync. 】

  You Xing said in shock: "Emergency synchronization? In this case, does Qianxue still have to call for synchronization?"

   "Level LV5 Harmony·Adjustment Monster [Eve of the Star Cup], Level LV5 Harmony Monster [Junk Warrior], total level LV10!"

   In the state of speeding up and galloping, Hoshino waved his fingertips to pick up the D round duel monster area, two white cards with the same card.

   "Accelerated homology——!"

   "Even light can surpass——!"

   Eve: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh, I feel so fast now!"

  The **** son Eve, who has accelerated to the extreme in the synchronic light, the transparent crystal wings behind him are extremely dazzling at this moment, turning into a halo field that accelerates the synchronic call.

   "It can be! Faster! Seahorse, this is what I use to beat you, the maximum speed!"

   From the beginning, he decided to use speed as a bet against Hoshino of Seahorse. This final round of the decisive battle can also be regarded as a loyal and bearable round.

   Amidst the brilliance of accelerating homology, a confident voice came out, "Yo master, is this the fastest speed? Then you have to keep up with it... the fastest human movement is not just a name!"

   "—— Galloping like a gust of wind, the glory of a hero comparable to the stars! Accelerate the coherent summoning, the high-speed hero-Achilles!!"

   [High-speed Heroic Spirit-Achilles ★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Wind] [Warrior Clan/homology/effect ATK: 2400DEF:0]

   [Coherent monster adjustment + 1 or more coherent monsters other than adjustment]

   From the special effects of acceleration and coherence, the emerald-green figure that runs like a shooting star, shuttles through the track of the riding duel.

Having the highest speed among the heroic spirits, this is the same regardless of whether he is riding or not. The great hero Achilles in the Trojan War-"A person who can beat him in speed, no matter whether he is alive or after death exist!"

   Bai Xing: "The attack power is the same as the high-speed earl, but the 0-point defense is due to the heel?"

   After all, it is a well-known weakness. As Achilles in the form of a duel monster, the price is probably its 0 defensive power.

   "It's been a long time, master...but this is calculated based on the time on your side, and on the Chaldean side, you just left for a moment."

  Because of the existence of time travel theory, no matter how long Hoshino travels to the homophonic dimension, in the feeling of other dimensions, even a moment has not passed.

   So even if the Heroic card group was lost, Da Vinci and the others couldn't make any response.

   To be more precise, there is no time to respond.

   "But I don't know the details. All I can do now is to help the master win this game!"

   Swiftly moved the spear in his hand to draw a gorgeous cold light, Achilles grinned proudly.

   "Accelerated homology?" Although the expression was half hidden by the mask, the seahorse expression became obviously complicated, "Qianxue, do you know what you are doing now?"

   "What am I doing? What's the point to ask? Everything I do, of course, is to win you!"

   fell down Achilles drawn from the accelerated coherent space, Hoshino slammed the coherent card heavily on the duel plate.

   "Run as hard as you can, don't stop! The effect of [High Speed ​​Hero-Achilles] is activated -"

   [①: This card cannot be destroyed by battle. During the battle phase, the opponent returns to the card called by the contract, and the attack power increases by the number of high-speed counters × 300. 】

   "This is the result of accelerated homology, the ultimate blessing!"

   is limited to one's own battle phase, or the opponent's turn. As Hoshino guessed before, only when he is not in his main phase can he exert his true power to accelerate the synchronization of Achilles.

   Thousand Snow SPC: 12

   "High-speed counter at 12 o'clock, inject all my speed into it, so that the attack power of [High-speed Heroic Spirit-Achilles] co-summoned during the battle phase will increase by 3,600 points!"

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