Hoshino remaining hands: 0 cover cards: 1

   Jack remaining hand: 3 cover cards: 2

   "My round, draw a card!"

  Jack Atlas SPC: 1→2

   Thousand Snow SPC: 6

   "Now, instead of adding high-speed counters, choose 2 adjustment monsters from the deck and add them to your hand! What I chose to add is..."

  Accurately catch the two consecutive cards that popped up from the D-round duel deck in the sprint, and Hoshino flipped and displayed them at the same time.

   "Adjust the monster [effect masker], and adjust the monster [Grey Liuli]."

  White Star: "==……"

   Traveling star: "==……"

   Yu Ling: "==……"

   "Qianxue, you fellow!"

   After seeing the two adjustment monsters retrieved by Hoshino, Jack made no secret of his expression of anger, as if he was condemning the other side for doing something immoral.

   "What's wrong, Jack?" Hoshino retorted, "As a duelist who uses the same deck, I have a few adjustment monsters in the deck. Is there anything wrong!"

   Bai Xing: "aibo, ask yourself, do you really plan to use these two cards for synchronization?"

   Hoshino: "Hand pit adjustment, isn't it adjustment? You are discrimination!"

   The preparation phase is over and Jack, who has officially started his main phase, is not in a hurry to use the 4 cards in the D-round card slot.

   Even if Hoshino used [High Speed ​​Magic-Temporary Maintenance] to retrieve two adjustment monsters in his hand, in terms of resource gap, Jack still has an absolute advantage.

   This is also from the beginning to the present, he chose a completely different style of play from the previous duels. Jack Atlas seems to be deliberately plunged into desperation, but in fact he has built an advantage step by step.

   "It's time to turn these advantages into victory!"

   Determined to rush back, Jack raised his arm and opened one of the two cards covering the D round.

   "——Perpetual Trap Card activates [Cry of the Living Dead]!"

   [Cry of the Living Dead Perpetual Trap Card Effect: ①: Only a monster in your graveyard can be used to activate this card. That monster attack means a special call. Destroy the monster when this card leaves the field. When that monster is destroyed, this card is destroyed. 】

   "Resurrect and burn, my unyielding and tough soul!-[Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Right Red Mark]!"

  [Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Right Red Mark ATK: 3000]

   Musashi joked: "After being defeated by me, do you still have the courage to stand in front of the great swordsman?"

   The Red Lotus Demon Dragon, in a battle-damaged state, can continue to stay on the court after being defeated by the sword of Musashi for the second time. It is indeed a manifestation of the king's tough and unyielding soul.

   drew out the red mark card in the middle and right of the cemetery and dropped it, and Jack declared the effect immediately, "Hmph, take it, unyielding burning flame! [Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Right Red Mark] effect is activated——"

  【Once in a round, you can only activate it in your main phase. Destroy all Special Summoned monsters with an ATK equal to or lower than this card's ATK except this card. After that, give the opponent the number of monsters destroyed by this effect × 500 damage. 】

   "Erupt with full power, absolute authority flame!"

   From the broken arm of the resurrected right red scar, the flame tornado was rotated and shot, and it blasted towards the only monster on the field with an attack power lower than 3000, [High Speed ​​Hero-Merly/Blasting Body].

   "It won't let you succeed, Jack!"

   Toss the hand card, Hoshino throws the hand pit he retrieved just now into the fire tornado that hits.

   "The effect of [Effect Coverer] in the hand is activated——"

   [①: The opponent sends this card from the hand to the Graveyard in the main phase, and can only be activated by targeting 1 effect monster on the opponent's field. The effect of that opponent's monster is negated until the end of the turn. 】

  The long-haired young man who spread his soft angel wings and wrapped his thighs in silk stockings fluttered across the battlefield, quelling the fierce destruction flames.

   "In your main phase, I will start chain activation with the [Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Right Red Mark] on your field, and the effect of the right red mark will be nullified until the end of the turn!"

After the    invalid effect, the right red mark of the flame extinguished, naturally, there is no way to destroy the Meili/Blast body.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that Jack knew that Hoshino had an [effect masker] in his hand, and deliberately used this method to deceive this hand pit.

Qiu analyzed: "Even if the monster card of the burst body is destroyed, you can also special summon the body in the cemetery. With the resources already at a disadvantage, Qianxue dropped the key hand pit at will, unlike Her style?"

   Long Yadao: "Although the resources are at a disadvantage, the scene, health, and even speed are Qianxue's big advantages. In this case, it doesn't matter if you feel free to be a little bit more~"

   "Is that really the case?" Qiu Wei frowned and said, "I just feel that if it were Qianxue, it would be more stable."

  Youxing guessed: "Or, is there any way that Qianxue can ignore the gap between her and Jack's remaining resources?"

   Regardless of Hoshino's current considerations, Jack's advancement this round will not stop, especially after Hoshino has thrown the [Effect Coverer].

   "The usual call for this round, come on, level LV1 adjustment monster [Chain Resonator]!"

   The Resonator monster card recovered from the Graveyard by [Synchronous Clone Resonator], this turn was summoned by Jack on the field.

   "And [Chain Resonator] When this card is normally summoned successfully, you can Special Summon 1 Resonator monster from your deck when you and the opponent have the same monster on the field!"

   The chain of special summons, searched deep into the deck of Jack D-round duel plate. And Jack in the last round used this routine to directly summon two Tamashi Red Lotus Demon Dragons in the same tune.

   "Wait!" Hoshino angrily interrupted the cast.

   "Special summon from the deck? Kang! The effect of [Grey Liuli] in the hand is activated——"

   [When an effect of a magic, trap, or monster containing any of the following effects is activated, you can activate it by discarding this card from your hand. That effect is invalid. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

  ●The effect of adding a card from the deck to the hand card

  ●The effect of special summoning monsters from the deck

  ●The effect of sending cards from the deck to the graveyard]

   "Hey, don't move, it's all healthy!"

   made a grimacing face, and after the naughty Huiliuri materialized in the high-speed track, she flew from Hoshino's hand to the position of Jack D's deck, cutting off the chain that the resonator tried to special summon.

  【Chain Resonator】The effect is invalid

   Hoshino used the hand pit to interrupt Jack's operation for two consecutive times. This kind of situation in which the opponent will be ruthlessly counteracted by a single action is the root cause of Jack's angry reprimand at the beginning.

Of course, this kind of monster type that not only has the effect of hand-pit interference, but also adjusts the existence of it. In Xintongshiye City, and even the entire Harmony Dimension, it can be regarded as a rare card that everyone is looking for. It is definitely not in the garbage dump. Something found.

   "Is this the power of a rich woman? It's really easy to use." Hoshino sighed.

   "Acho~" Long Ke sneezed cutely, rubbed his nose, and felt as if someone was thinking of himself.

   "Too slack, Qianxue! You, who used up your last hand, have lost the capital to fight me!"

   Even if he even takes two pits, it can't stop Jack Atlas' determination to attack this round. Rather, after Hoshino runs out of hand pits, Jack can attack even more unscrupulously.

   "The effect of [Yan Demon Dragon Red Lotus Demon Burial] is activated——"

  【①: Release 1 monster on the field and target 1 "Red Lotus Demon" monster in your graveyard to activate. That monster is specially summoned. 】

   "The soul of the king who shakes the mountains and earth, resurrect the original dragon in the cemetery at this moment! Free [Chain Resonator], special call!"

   After the [Yan Demon Dragon Red Lotus Demon Yuan] was reconciled and excluded by the king, there was only one Red Lotus Demon monster in Jack's graveyard.

   "Wow Gata Maxi! Red Lotus Demon Dragon!"

  [Red Lotus Devil Dragon ATK: 3000]


   fluttering and roaring in the bursting flames of burning lava, the resurrected [Red Lotus Demon Dragon], together with [Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Right Red Mark] and [Yan Demon Dragon Red Lotus Demon·Burial] flew beside Jack D’s wheel.

   Three homogenous monsters with terror and destructive power form Jack Atlas, the soul front of the king's counterattack.

Chapter 91: Duel, it’s okay to win [2&1]

   "My soul gathered together will set off the flames of Wang Chi's hot counterattack!"

   Jack Atlas, with three red lotus dragons in the line, threw it into the duel, and blew the high-speed magic card that finally attacked the horn.

   "——[High Speed ​​Magic-Power Attack] Launch!"

   [High-speed Magic-Power Attack Effect: You can only activate when your high-speed counter is 2 points or more. This turn, all monsters on the field will be attacked, and the monsters you can attack during the battle must attack. 】

   Throw the land of death and then survive, and sink the land of death and then rebirth.

Even if the attack power of all the red lotus dragons on the field could not surpass the hero Miyamoto Musashi, Jack still insisted on activating this high-speed magic card with double-edged sword effect, which once reversed the only defense on Hoshino's field. Represents the form of a monster.

  【Merry/Blasting Body DEF: 2500 → ATK: 1500】

   After changing Meili's defense form to create a limit breakthrough that can reduce Hoshino's health, even if the attack power is invincible, the monsters on Jack's field must attack this turn.

   But with this side effect, Jack didn't even see it.

   After all, the effect of the main body [Red Lotus Demon Dragon]——

   [②: Activate at the end of the phase. If this card is face-up on the field, destroy all monsters on your field that you did not declare an attack for this turn other than this card. 】

   At the moment Tamashi was resurrected, he was destined to be the lonely king. Jack Atlas must embark on the road of storming this turn and cannot turn back.

   "Let's take the move, Qianxue, battle!"

   After the [High Speed ​​Magic-Power Attack] was launched, he bit the galloping Jack Hoshino and officially entered the battle flow.

   "First of all, my soul, [Red Lotus Demon Dragon]’s attack, destroy the opponent’s [High Speed ​​Hero-Meili/Blasting Body]!"

   Among the three dragons, the original red lotus dragon launched the offensive first. The claws entangled the flames, tearing the air and attacking the Meili/bursting body surrounded by pure white light.

   "—— "Absolute Authoritarian Suppression"!"

   Hoshino's backhand declaration, "The moment you attack, the effect of Meili/Blaster is activated!"

   [Once per turn, it can only be activated by targeting 1 monster on the field. The attack power of this card decreases by 1500, and the controller of this card chooses which monster's attack power to increase or decrease by 1500. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

   "Activate the effect at the moment before being attacked." Yuxing was surprised: "Qianxue, do you want to inherit the last 1500 points of attack power of Meili/Blaster to Musashi?"

   Longya worried: "However, Meili/Blasting Body is also an attack form, will it be too dangerous?"

   Jack yelled and emphasized: "Huh, Qianxue. If you want to transfer your attack power before Melly/Blaster destroys, then you will directly take 3000 points of damage and reduce 3 high-speed counters at once!"

   Although Hoshino’s health, because of the recovery treatment of the Red Lotus Resonator, it is still adequate.

   But if the high-speed counter loses 3 points, and Hoshino did not increase the high-speed counter this round, a total of 4 high-speed counter losses in one go will make the high-speed counter of the next round less than 5 points.

   The 5-point high-speed counter can be regarded as the Hoshino deck, the watershed of high-speed magic.

  Most powerful high-speed magic, including the simultaneous call of miracles, require a high-speed counter of at least 5 points to activate.

   "No, the effect object I want to choose is [Red Lotus Demon Dragon]! Use the effect of Merly/Burst Body to reduce the [Red Lotus Demon Dragon] attack power by 1500 points!"

   "Huh? You said, reduce the attack power of the Red Lotus Demon Dragon?"

   Jack, frowning, seemed to feel that Hoshino, who had specially activated the effect at this moment, was playing tricks on himself.

   "Although I also want to remind you Xiao Qianxue, it doesn't seem to make much sense to do this. But as long as you order..."

   condensed the bursting light surrounding the slender body on the white fingertips, and Meili tapped her finger forward to release the last magical power.

   "The dragon caught in a nightmare, fight it hard at this moment!-"Nightmare Bank"!"

  [Red Lotus Devil Dragon ATK: 3000→1500]

  【Merry/Blast body ATK: 1500→0】

   While weakening the Red Lotus Demon Dragon, Mei Li's own attack power also weakened.

   In this way, this attack will still destroy Merly/Blast, and also cause 1500 damage.

   All the results did not seem to have changed, except for the curtailed attack of the Red Lotus Demon Dragon.

   "Because I was afraid, I changed the object temporarily. What a disappointing counterattack, Qianxue!"

  Jack shouted loudly: "At KING, the king bet on the burning moment of the soul. Your stingy escape behavior is simply incompatible with this most gorgeous stage!"

   "You talk too much, Jack." Hoshino retorted without giving KING a face: "I don't know how to fight a gorgeous show. If you win a duel, don't you just need to win?"

  At the moment when Meili's attack power changed, Hoshino opened the only Gika in the backcourt, revealing her ultimate goal hidden under this meaningless behavior.

  "——The trap card activates [Last Words]!"

  【Last Words Trap Card Effect: If the attack power of the monster on your field is reduced to 0 by the card effect, draw until you have 5 cards in your hand. 】

   "Nani! Draw a card until you reach 5 cards?"

   Hoshino's sudden sharp turn made Jack shocked.

   "In this way, the resources are directly reversed, Jack!"

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