"I choose the adjustment monster [Heroic Gareth] in the cemetery, and after dropping her level by 1 star, I will be Special Summoned!"

  【Heroic-Gareth LV4→LV3DEF: 1900】

   "Indomitable chivalry! As long as the master orders, the seventh seat of the round table-Gareth, is willing to follow the orders at any time!"

   Resurrected from the brilliance of high-speed magic, the girl knight once again burst out with a spear.

   When Gareth successfully special summoned from the cemetery, the card in Hoshino's hand induces the effect and flips the display.

   "The effect of [Dual Warrior] in the hand is activated——"

   [①: Can only be activated when the monster in your graveyard is successfully Special Summoned. This card is Special Summoned from the hand card. 】

   "After Gareth was resurrected from the cemetery, special summon [Dual Warrior]!"

  【Dual Warrior★★(2 Stars) Dark】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 800 DEF: 800】

   A warrior monster with a mask on his head and a light machine gun, leaned over and ran on the Hoshino Track after it became an entity, and sprinted with Gareth to sprint out the light of the simultaneous call.

"Level LV3 adjustment monster [Heroic Spirit-Gareth], level LV2 [Dual Warrior]!-When the stars gather, the **** son who guides the glory of the stars will open the door of possibility! Summoned in the same tone, respond to prayers Wish, [Eve of the Star Cup]!"

   [Eve of the Star Cup ★★★★★ (5 stars) Water] [Magician/homology/adjustment/effect ATK: 1800DEF: 2100]

   [1 or more monsters other than adjustment + adjustment]

   The possibility of being awakened is the light of the same tone, spreading its translucent crystal wings, and Eve dances in the form of a star cup **** child, spreading the sacred breath.


   Seeing Eve fighting together with Hoshino, the two of them cooperated more and more tacitly, Yu Ling whispered to herself, her delicate eyes revealing a touch of complicated feelings.

   "Sa, it's our turn to go, Qianxue. At this time, I should pull out the star gun!" Eve, whose power of the Son of God overflowed through her fingers, eagerly asked.

  【①: This card can only be activated only if the card is successfully synchronized. Add 1 "Star Relic" card from the deck to your hand. 】

  After the synchronization of Eve succeeded, he retrieved the [Star Relic-Star Spear] that could reduce 3000 points of attack power at the same time. Hoshino's usual combo is enough to overcome the barrier of most synchronization monsters in the synchronization dimension.

   It’s just that the attack power of the [Red Lotus Supernova] that I will face next is too high, just a single reduction of the star gun does not seem to be able to guarantee a breakthrough.

   "You can't bet on the effect of [Star Relic-Star Gun] this time, you must choose a more secure breakthrough method. So Eve, activate the effect search trap card [Sleep in the depths of the Star Relic]!"

   "Well, I see, Qianxue!"

   Nodding heavily, Eve, who released the prayer power of the star relic in her fingers, retrieved the card named by Hoshino and added it to the D-round card slot.

   "Then another effect of [Dual Warrior]——"

   [②: This card can only be activated if it is sent to the Graveyard as a co-tuned material. Special summon 2 "Dual Body Tokens" (Warrior Clan·Dark·1 Star·Attack/Defense 400) on your own field. 】

  【Dual Body Derivative ATK:400】

   Two afterimages of soldiers armed with machine guns, one left and the other right, appeared beside Hoshino’s wheel D.

   As for why this piece is called a "dual body" fighter, it is probably because it can be used as a homophonic material, and two clone tokens can be transformed into it. However, each clone token only has half the star rating and offensive and defensive value of the entity.

   "I remember, tokens can also be used as a coherent summon!" Long Ya suddenly woke up, "Would it be possible to use the dual body token and adjust the monster **** son Eve to perform coherent summon again?"

   Long Ke reminded: "However, in the Qianxue deck, the LV7 adjustment monster has been used up."

  Qiu said with regret: "I had known that I had forced my black rose dragon to Qianxue. In this way, you can use the explosive effect of the rose storm to get it all done in one shot."

   However, what Qiu didn't know was that [Red Lotus New Star Dragon] possessed the resistance to destroy effects. Even if Hoshino harmonized the Black Rose Dragon, at most it would blow up the other two red lotus dragons, which could not solve the fundamental problem.

   "It won't be used for synchronization, this is my important combat power~"

Jack smiled disdainfully: "Hahahahaha, you said that this kind of derivative monster that can't even be called a miscellaneous fish is your important battle? You guy, don't turn the stage of KING's important duel into ridiculous Comedy!"

   "Is it an important duel stage... Then don't blink, Jack Atlas! Let me reproduce the legendary deeds on this most gorgeous stage!"

   The riding Hoshino made an arrogant declaration, and at the same time activated the card effect in the cemetery area of ​​the D-round duel board.

   "The effect of [Heroic Odysseus] is activated——"

   [If this card exists in the Graveyard, it can only be activated by returning 1 Sync monster or "/Blast" monster in your Graveyard to the deck. Add this card to your hand. 】

   "I will return the homophonic monster [High Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi] to the extra deck, get back the [Hero-Odysseus] in the cemetery, and then usually summon it!"

  【Heroic-Odysseus★★★(3 stars) Flame】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK:0DEF:2000】

   Return to the hand, and then Hoshino directly throws the card to the dueling board monster area.

   Wearing a black armor full of technological sense, a heroic monster, Odysseus floats on the track, his handsome cloak flutters backwards against the galloping wind.

   "Are you going to use a killer skill, master? I will do my best!"

   "Come on, Odysseus! The strategy to change the course of war, this time let me subvert the duel!"

   Fingertips traversed two cards in the monster area of ​​the duel board, and Hoshino included Eve and Odysseus, the son of God, into the co-tuning special effect.

   "Level LV5 adjustment monster [Eve of the Star Cup], level LV3 [Heroic-Odysseus], ​​total level LV8, the same tone!"

   Level LV8 homology, when everyone believed that Hoshino would special summon the [High Speed ​​Heroic Spirit-Miyamoto Musashi] who had just taken back the extra deck...

   Together with the God Realm Hangar, a total of 8-star coherent light pierced the sky, awakening a brand-new coherent monster that shocked the audience and only looked at its appearance.

  Odysseus: "God enchantment (Aegis) connection. Launched from the treasure hangar. Multiple protections are connected at the same time, and the magic power is increased!"

   Hoshino: "This is the concept of ending war, incarnate into your destiny! Summon in the same tone, and land, [The Big Trojan Horse of the End!"

  [The Big Trojan Horse of the End ★★★★★★★★ (8-star) Land] [Mechanical Clan/Synchronous/Effect ATK:0DEF:3000]

   [1 or more monsters other than adjustment + adjustment]

  At the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus thought of a strategy to move the huge Trojan horse into Troy. And there are a large number of Greek soldiers (Achaean soldiers) hidden in the Trojan horse.

   The fact that this legend is concretized and sublimated into the treasure of Odysseus is the national treasure-the "Large Trojan Horse of the End."

   is just the true face of this "trojan horse"...

   Bai Xing still couldn't help but vomit: "Hey, hey, how do you look at this, it's not a'trojan' horse!"

  The large mount wearing Kobelco armor is shining like the blessing of Aegis given by the goddess Athena.

Chapter 93: I have given it to you, the big Trojan [2&1]

   The familiar steel wooden horse in the gods' outfit was presented in front of him in a magnificent and exaggerated manner, making Yu Ling, who was sure that Jack was already stable, suddenly there was some shaking in his eyebrows.

   "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. At this time, Qianxue will sacrifice the big Trojan horse that ended the Trojan War... Setito really did something that caused me a headache."

   This is Odysseus, an independent heroic monster belonging to the same tune dimension. It was originally a card in the deck used by Yuling.

   By chance, after being taken by Seahorse Man, now it has been handed over to Qianxue again.

   And the pile of Qianxue originally picked up from the waste pile can't compete with the junk deck that surpassed the era [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon]. Under the blessing of the plural heroic cards, it seems that certain unstable factors have also appeared.

   Not to mention Qianxue in the riding duel environment, there is even the possibility of summoning the original Chaldean spirits in the form of high-speed heroes.

   Even the hippocampus was defeated by the high-speed hero, which is also the most taboo thing for You Ling.

   "Really, at this critical moment, do you have to be willful against me, Seto!"

   her mouth squashed, Yu Ling raised her head to look at the roof top of the dueling hall, the tall figure wearing a windbreaker standing in the wind.

   It was like feeling the complaint from the girl Yu Ling, the seahorse man watching the battle on the highest rooftop, also muttered to himself coldly.

"Hmph, since Yu Ling, you have allowed Jack Atlas to awaken the Burning Soul in advance, of course I can't just sit back and watch. It's my last resistance. In this coherent dimension, only Qianxue holds hope and can break through you. This piece of cloth, a false sky!"

   Connected to the Divine Body Enchantment, launched from the treasure hangar, the giant wooden horse of steel body summoned in tune, with four legs shaking the ground, and galloping on the track of the riding duel at high speed.

   Hoshino waved his hand and declared: "When you are up, use the big Trojan horse that is co-summoned to break through the soul line of the strongest dragon!"

  Jack frowned and asked angrily, "Do you really care about this kind of thing, called'trojan horse'?"

   "It's not my decision to call it a Trojan horse. The legend is so, now we are just witnesses! When the coordinating summoning is successful, the effect of the [Final Trojan Horse] is activated -"

  【Activate if this card is successfully synchronized. All monsters on the opponent's field turn into attack position, and their attack power becomes 0. 】

   "Take the light of steel that once ended the war and pierced the sky!-Big Trojan Horse-Wave Cannon, launch!"

   Bai Xing: "o(?Д?)っ! Aibo, you just said "Swine Cannon", is this really something that a Trojan horse can launch!"

As if deliberately in response to Bai Xing's unbearable complaints, the giant steel barrel extending from the head of the big Trojan horse is condensed like [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon]. It seems to have surpassed the many glorious special effects of the era, sweeping towards Three dragons flying on Jack's field.

  【Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Right Red Mark ATK: 3000→0】

  【Yan Demon Dragon, Red Lotus Demon·Burial ATK: 3500→0】

  【True Red Lotus New Star Dragon ATK: 5500→0】

   Longya opened his mouth wide, and said in surprise: "Jack and his strongest monsters have all their attack power reduced to 0 points!"

  Long can widen his eyes, and suddenly realized: "No wonder Qianxue would say that the double-body warrior token is her important combat power."

   Even if the attack power of the Dual Warrior token is only 400 points, in the face of the attack power being reduced to 0 points, the Red Lotus Demon Dragons instantly promoted to become a very critical attack frequency.

   The attack of every double-body warrior token can destroy a red lotus dragon. This kind of battle situation is simply unimaginable in normal times.

   This is just like in Greek mythology, the soldiers hiding in the Trojan horse were transported to the enemy's hinterland, and they went straight to Huanglong to win the war.

   Qiu admired: "Qianxue, she really reproduced the legend at this time..."

   Hoshino continued to declare: "The fighting power hidden in the end-war horse is more than that! The effect of the [Eve of the Star Cup] sent to the cemetery as a coherent material is activated——"

  【This card can only be activated if the card of the Harmony Summon is sent to the Graveyard. Special Summon a "Star Cup" monster other than "Star Cup God Eve" from your deck and graveyard. 】

   "After the son of God Eve was sent to the cemetery, I specially summoned [the one who was persuaded by the star cup] from the deck as an attack!"

   [The one who was persuaded by the star cup★★★★ (4 stars)] [Warrior ATK: 1800DEF:0]

   Among all the usual star cup monsters, the seducer with the highest attack power, swinging a spear as the last soldier hidden in the Trojan Horse, was specially summoned by Hoshino.

   "Next, even if the final assault declaration is made, brave soldiers!"

   waved forward to declare the battle, Hoshino led the monsters on the field and the big Trojan horse to rush towards the battle line of the king's soul where Jack was defeated.

   In addition to the [Endgame Trojan] with 0 attack power, 3 monsters with attack power correspond to the three dragons in Jack's field.

   "The attack of the dual warrior token will destroy the [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon] on the opponent's field!"

   Pulled the trigger, the light machine gun in his hand burst out with dense bullets, and flew towards the huge burning body of the real red lotus.

   "Even if the attack power of the red lotus dragons is reduced to 0, the proud soul of the king cannot be destroyed by this kind of miscellaneous fish monster!"

   Jack opened the trap card covered in the backcourt, the crimson burning barrier, bursting with scorching heat, and the roar of the dragon, let the bullet that was about to touch directly melt and disappear.

   "——The trap card activates [The Scarlet King]!"

  【The Scarlet King Trap Card Effect: ①: You can activate this card when your "Red Lotus Demon" monster performs battle damage calculation. That own monster will not be destroyed by that battle. This card becomes a normal monster (Demon type·Adjustment·Fire·1 star·Attack/Defense 0) and is Special Summoned in the monster area. This card is also used as a trap card. 】

   "Use the effect of [The Scarlet King] to block this battle destruction!"

   "Even if it will not be destroyed by battle, the battle damage still has to be calculated."

  Jack Atlas LP: 4600→4200

   "But at the same time, I can treat the trap card [The Scarlet King] as a level 1 adjustment monster, and special summon it on my field as a defense!"

After    the burning scarlet barrier blocked the attack by the melted bullet, it transformed into the appearance of a flame demon and floated on Jack's field.

  【The Scarlet King LV1DEF:0】

   "But there is a second one on my side, the attack of the Dual Warrior token!"

   Since the 3 attacks were blocked by the trap card the next time, Hoshino could not destroy all the three red lotus dragons. In this case, they must be removed according to the degree of importance.

   The right red mark whose attack power has become 0 points is almost no threat and can be ignored, while the true red lotus new star dragon is in danger of breaking down no matter what.

   once again locked the dense bullets that burned the body of the dragon, and fired all the bullets.

   Only this time, it also hit the Crimson Wall.

   Jack opened the second and last card covered, the face of which was exactly the same as the burning demon monster on the field.

   "I have it here too, the second [The Scarlet King]! Invalid battle destruction, and special summon a second adjustment monster!"

  【The Scarlet King LV1DEF:0】

  Jack Atlas LP: 4200→3800

   Hoshino's double-body warrior token's continuous slashing attack not only failed to destroy the monsters on Jack's field, but because the trap card was activated, the monsters on the opposite side became more and more, and finally 5 were filled.

  Jack said solemnly: "Have you not recognized the reality, Qianxue! Your miscellaneous fish monsters can't hurt Wang Gaoao's soul at all!"

   "But in order to block the attack, Jack, all the cards covered by your backcourt are also opened! And in my field, there are [the persuaded by the Star Cup] who did not launch an attack, leave it to you!"

   Hoshino's final attack declaration, the sharp spear that pierced the air, still locked its attack towards the True Red Lotus Star Dragon.

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