Eve: "Hoshino, I'm back as a ghost...Woo, why do you feel like being rejected everywhere."

   "How can you dislike it, Eve, you are my most important best friend!"

   "Well, if Hoshino can stop saying this while throwing my card into the exclusion zone, I might believe it more."

  【Miko receiving the star cup】Except for the inner side

   Of course, no matter how much Hoshino values ​​his ‘best friend’, the rules of the duel still have to be abided by.

   "Eve, your last will, I accepted it just now!"

   Hoshino LP: 2100

   is no longer Hoshino in a dangerous state of blood and blood, nor is he afraid of the ‘Russian Roulette’ gambling that Guiliu turns the revolver.

   "My hand has 0 cards, and the effect of [Eternal Fire Loader] is activated——"

   [If you have 0 cards in your hand, you can draw 1 card from your deck once per turn. The card drawn by this effect is confirmed by both parties. In the case of a monster card, the opponent is basically divided into that monster’s level × 200 damage. In the case of a magic or trap card, you take 500 points of damage. 】

   "Draw a card!"


   Rotating the gun body magazine to load slowly, the moment Guiliu drew the card from the D-round deck, the projectile mixed with gunpowder shot out.

   It's just that this time [Eternal Fire Loader]'s bullet hit Guiliu's head.

  【High Speed ​​Magic-Double Return】

   "Great, this time Qianxue won the bet!" Crowe, riding outside the track, secretly applauded.

   Yuxing is carefully analyzing the possible impact of the ghost willow's card draw, "[High-speed Magic-Dual Return], it is a high-speed magic that allows monsters in the excluded area to return to the cemetery, and then restore their health."

  Ghost Willow LP: 1000→500


   gritted his teeth and suffered the impact of the real projectile, Gui Liu's entire head tilted back.

   "That's it! This is the way of a duel of the **** of death walking on the edge of the knife, on the edge of the cliff, and betting on his life!"

   "Reaper's duel method is really suitable for the Dark Sealer."

   "Then it's time for Hoshino to see. This comes from the dull world, the true power of the coherence of darkness!"

   "Sure enough, it's coming!"

  Gui Liu resurrected the level LV9 dark adjustment monster this turn, so what to do at this moment is self-evident.

   "Level LV9 Dark Tuning Monster [Dark Tuning Death Submarine], Level LV1 [Eternal Fire Loader], Darkness is the same!"

   "Darkness is the same, what is this?!"

   The coherent stars that should have been superimposed on each other disappeared in reverse, shocking Yuxing and Crowe who were riding and watching the battle, including Qiu and others on the helicopter.

   Among this group of people, the only ones who have actually seen Diablo Cohomology Summon are only Hoshino and Deep Shadow, and the two combinations of Jack and Carly, who have fought against the Shadowprinter puppets.

   "Dark Cohomology Summoning is really tricky. How are you going to deal with it, Qianxue!"

   Jack, who has personally experienced Diablo Cohomology, even if he is as arrogant as him, has admitted the threat of this cohomology call.

   What's more, this time it wasn't the Dark Sealer puppet, but the Dark Cohomology Summoned by the real Dark Sealer Guiliu.

   Light is the coherent star that has fallen into the darkness and swallowed into the dull world, there are a total of 8 stars.

  "——When the dark curtain falls, the eyes of the underworld will open! Let the darkness fall, the dark is in the same tone, LV-8 [Hundred Eyes Dragon]!"

  Using LV1's Eternal Fire Loader, subtracting the LV9's dark adjustment, completed the negative 8 star dark co-homology summoning. In the dull vortex surrounded by 8 black stars, countless eyes opened in horror.

  【Hundred Eyes Dragon???????? (-8 stars) dark】【Dragon/Dark Cohomology/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2500】

   [1 non-adjustable monster-1 dark adjustment monster]


   The appearance of a Cthulhu that is even greater than the Cthulhu, the dark dragon covering countless eyes, tearing the dark vortex and roaring on the stage. The terrifying appearance scared Long Ya and Long Ke, the two little ghosts, almost slumped on the plane.

   Bai Xing: "It makes people lose their san value than an indescribable foreign god. What disgusting monster is this?"

   "Oops, the dark adjustment monster with 3000 attack power." Qiu said badly: "Hoshino's remaining health points, even if he restores 2000 points, there is no way to resist the attack of the Hundred Eyes Dragon."

   "Hundred Eyes Dragon..."

When   Gui Liu Diablo Harmony succeeded, the mark on Hoshino's arm was no longer a painful level. As if responding to the darkness in front of him, the light of darkness in the mark became deeper and deeper.

   As if attracted by the indescribable atmosphere of the Hundred-Eyed Dragon, even in the face of such a frightening appearance, Hoshino still couldn't look away from this monster.

   Bai Xing: "Aibo, you are too fierce to observe so carefully. I don't even want to look at this disgusting monster."

   "Look carefully..."

   Although he was only attracted by the darkness in front of him, it was undeniable that Hoshino seemed to have discovered something in the process of staring.

   "In the eyes of the Hundred-Eyed Dragon, the monsters in the ghost willow cemetery are reflected separately!"

   "Ghahahahahaha, have you discovered it, Hoshino!"

  Gui Liu smiled wildly and raised his hand, pointing to the hundred eyes dragon running on the continuously frozen track.

   "The effect of the dark homogenous monster [Hundred Eye Dragon], this card will get the effect of all the dark monsters in my graveyard!"

   Hoshino suddenly realized: "Obtain the effects of all the dark monsters, it's no wonder that the hundred-eyed dragon reflects the eternal fire monster in the cemetery."

  Because the eternal fire monsters are all dark monsters, this dark homologous monster, the hundred-eyed dragon, can also be said to have the effect of all eternal fire in the ghost willow cemetery.

"Next, I overwrite the [High Speed ​​Magic-Double Return] I just drawn. In this way, my hand card becomes 0 again. The effect of [Eternal Fire Loader] in the cemetery obtained by the Hundred Eyes Dragon, It can be launched again."

   Hundred-eyed dragon's horrifying eyes all over the body, the revolver-shaped eternal fire monster reflected in the image, turned the gunshot magazine in the cemetery.

   "I draw a card. If it is a monster card, give Hoshino your monster level × 200 points of damage. If it is a magic/trap card, I will take 500 points of damage!"

   Ghost Willow LP: 500

   "Hey, hey, Guiliu, are you okay." Hoshino doubted: "If the bet fails this time, the one who finished playing here, but you."

   Ghost Willow’s remaining 500 health points happened to be on the verge of death of this projectile, and even You Xing was so surprised that he couldn’t understand it.

   "Why, Guiliu didn't activate the effect of [High Speed ​​Magic-Dual Return], first restore the health value, and then safely bet on the draw card effect?"

"Ghahahahaha, it would be unfair if only Hoshino bet your life from start to finish. So this time, let me accompany you...but remember, death is not because of this. Things are going to die! Draw a card——!"

   The same effect, the moment Guiliu draws a card from the D-round duel, the eternal fire loader is mixed with flame projectiles and bursts out from the cemetery.

   "Monster card, I really won the bet, Hoshino! LV7 [Eternal Fire General]!"

   The left wheel bullet aimed at Hoshino's head accurately hit, 7 stars×200=1400 points of damage, which greatly reduced the health value that Hoshino had just pulled up.

   "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts too much to be hit by a bullet! Never play this kind of betting game again!"

   Hoshino LP: 2100→700SPC: 6→5

   "Then, the high-speed magic card covered just now is activated-[High-speed Magic-Double Return]!"

   [High-speed Magic-Dual Return Effect: Only activated when your high-speed counter is 3 points or more. Each party chooses one monster from the exclusion zone and returns it to the graveyard, and restores their basic points to the value of the total level of the two monsters × 200. 】

   "Make a choice, Hoshino. There are many monsters in your exclusion zone. Give you the opportunity to bring back the powerful monster. I should be grateful."

   Even Long Ya was aware of Guiliu's conspiracy, and said, "But if Qianxue chooses a monster with a higher level, Guiliu will restore more health. It's a dilemma."

   Ghost Willow took the lead to retrieve the card from the exclusion zone and showed it to Hoshino, "For me, of course I chose LV10 [Earthbound God Kapac Apu]!"

   Dragon could take a breath, and said: "It's the Earthbound God except the Tridental Dragon. A single card has a LV10 level and will restore 2000 points of health."

Jack frowned and waited for Hoshino's choice, "If Qianxue chooses a high-star monster at this time, it will cause Guiliu's health to be restored to a level that is difficult to break. To be on the safe side, it is best to choose the lowest level 2 of the exclusion zone. Xing Yuyijing returned to the cemetery."

   "I choose, except for the side effects of miracle homology last round, LV8 [High Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi] return to the cemetery!"

   "Nani, actually chose LV8 Miyamoto Musashi?!" Contrary to Jack's guess, Hoshino instead of choosing the lowest-level monster, instead brought back the highest-level Musashi in the exclusion zone.

   "Ghahahahahaha, it is a satisfying choice, Hoshino! In this way, according to the effect of [High Speed ​​Magic-Double Return], I will restore a total of 18 stars x 2 = 3600 points of health!"

   Ghost Willow LP: 500→4100

   "This level of health restoration has made Hoshino's previous efforts all in vain! Hahahaha..."

   "Don't pretend, Ghost Willow!" Hoshino interrupted, "The purpose of activating this card is not to restore health at all, but to get back the Earthbound God in the excluded area!"

   The laughter stopped abruptly, and the smiling ghost Liu looked at Hoshino with a serious expression.

"It was still discovered by you. Sure enough, just like those guys said, Hoshino, you are more sensitive to the power of the evil god. That's right, when [Earthbound God Kapac Apu] returns to the cemetery , The Hundred-Eyed Dragon will gain the effect of the earth-binding god, which will be further strengthened!"

   Even the posture of the giant to bind the gods was reflected in the eyes of dense horror.

   "The Hundred-Eyed Dragon, which even the gods swallow, will be the same as the gods, will not be affected by the effects of the opponent's magic or trap card, will not be the target of attack, and can directly attack the duel!"

   Assemble the eternal fire and the earth-bound gods in the cemetery, leading the ultimate dark homonymous monster, the hundred-eyed dragon, the ghost willow riding confidently waving his hands and entering the battle phase of this round.

   "It's time to send you on the road, Hoshino! You don't have any monsters on the field, and you only have 700 health points. You can't even hold a single blow!"

   "Ghost Willow!" Hoshino raised his hand to the cover card next to round D, and said to himself: "Although I don't have a monster, this card covered by me is specifically used to block the trap of the gods."

   "Block the god's trap?" Guiliu put on Yan Yi, taunting: "Don't bluff, Hoshino, God will not be affected by the effect of trap cards!"

   "Then, you want to try it~"


   The action of declaring the battle suddenly stopped, and Gui Liu frowned his eyes and looked at the riding Hoshino.

   uses the surrounding ice-bound wall of flame as a reflection of the mirror, so that even the ghost willow riding in the back can capture the girl’s smile, which is too self-confident.

   is so confident that it makes people feel that the next moment the girl opens the trap card, it can destroy the world.

   "A trap card specifically for God. How could there be such a thing!"

   Even thinking about this, Guiliu still decided to take a step forward at the critical moment.

   "Hmph, a trap card for the gods? But don't forget Hoshino, I can activate the attack power monsters on the field, but not only the Hundred Eyes Dragon that has the effect of the earth-bound gods. Eternal Fire Demon, attack directly!"

   Eternal Fire Demon ATK: 1800

   The Guiliu who finally decided to stabilize his hand, took the lead in attacking with the Eternal Fire Demon as a temptation. Anyway, the attack of the eternal fire demon was enough to clear Hoshino's remaining 700 points of health.

   is just the difference between which monsters attacked one after another. Even if it is true that Hoshino said, that trap card is specifically for dealing with gods, and the victory that you have won will not disappear.

   "——Eternal Fire and Evil Claw!"

   "It's now, the effect is activated!"

   corresponds to the attack of the eternal fire demon, Hoshino directly activates the effect.

   The card that activates the effect is not the covered trap.

   "The effect of the [Clean Chestnut Ball] sent to the cemetery in the last round is activated——"

   [When the opponent's monster declares a direct attack, you can only activate it by removing this card from the Graveyard. Draw 1 card from the deck by yourself. If the card drawn is a monster, you can Special Summon that monster. After that, if the opponent's monster can attack, you must attack that monster. 】

   "Nani, it's Kuribo?!"

  Gui Liu didn't expect Hoshino to lay the ground for a long time, and the card thrown at the last critical moment turned out to be the chestnut ball monster sent to the graveyard by the [Angel Rod] last round.

   "Always let Guiliu draw your card to gamble, let me play it this time. If you lose the gamble, you lose. If you win the gamble, you can open up a path of hope for victory!"

   presses his fingertips on the deck of the D-round duel board. This kind of desperate draw, Hoshino said without exaggeration, has already experienced countless times.

   I firmly believe that the bond between myself and the deck is the hope of the magic draw.

   "Hope does not exist."

   "The next thing you have to walk on will only be the road to destruction in the endless darkness."

   However, when Hoshino was about to draw the card this time, he felt that things were not simple.

   The power of the dark seal that gushed out like a bank tsunami, the moment Hoshino’s fingertips touched the top card of the deck, shining an extremely black light that surpassed the past.

   "The power you have accumulated is enough to awaken the God of Darkness. Call it--"

   At the same time, the female voice reverberating in his mind is like the whisper of Cthulhu in the abyss, making the listener confused.

   Ghost Liu who responded in the dark, said in disbelief, "This feeling, Masaka?"

   Bai Xing also noticed something strange: "aibo, what's the matter?"

   "Call-in order to cross the endless dark road ahead, call my name! I will give you the power of God!"

   "Draw a card!!!"

   With the shout of Hoshino's card, the ice wall shattered. The originally frozen darkness reignited, and the spreading wall of flame once again depicted the giant painting of Nazca that symbolized the awakening of the evil god.

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