With Godwin, the top officer of the Public Security Bureau, wanting to kill a Poma in jail is as simple as crushing an ant.

   "Hoshino, Chiyuki..."

   Poma, whose consciousness was gradually diminishing, and his thick arm about to disappear, barely touched the bangs in front of Hoshino's forehead with his broad palm.

"You are the light. You were the only light I saw in this city. Save this city eroded by conspiracy and corruption... Don't let the tragedies of my brothers and sisters repeat themselves in this city... Please, the king of Shindoshino City..."

   Poma, who left the last words, is the same as Dimac who was defeated by Seahorse, his body completely disappeared in the night of this satellite area.


   In a blink of an eye, only the D-wheel of the Poma giant was left in front of Hoshino, and the roar of the low engine seemed to have turned into a sorrow for the owner's departure.

   "Unforgivable! Only you are unforgivable, Godwin!"

   After coming to the coherent dimension, he felt such an angry Hoshino for the first time, and now he can’t wait to run back to the inner city area and punch Godwin in the face to relieve his breath a little.

   However, as if responding to Hoshino's anger at the moment, the red dragon mark on his arm also lit up, connecting the battle from afar.

   That is the sign of the buildup of dragon seals when the salvation dragon comes.

   "It's Yuxing!" Hoshino guessed it for the first time, "Youxing is also fighting, and the leader of the Shadowprinter, Rudger Godwin."

   Rudger Godwin is not only the highest officer of the Public Security Bureau, but also the brother of Rex Godwin, but also the father of Yuxing who died seventeen years ago and the assistant of Dr. Fudo.

   The fateful battle involving several causal origins is gathered in the immovable Yuxing. It is no wonder that Leonardo da Vinci said that the immovable Yuxing is the most critical figure in the coherent dimension.

  Perpetual motion control device & earth-bound **** altar place——

   "Unforgivable! Only you are unforgivable, Rudger!"

   "It's just because of this fact that I'm angry, Fudo Yuxing. Being the son of Doctor Fudo, it's really disappointing."

   The truth that made Yuxing angry was also what Rudegger said in order to stimulate Yuxing in the duel.

Seventeen years ago, when the energy of the perpetual motion machine Moment was still unstable, Rudger, who was influenced by the **** of the earth and the high-level Taiyi of Xintongmino City, ignored the warning of Dr. Fudo, and forced the perpetual motion machine to start, causing a zero point. Reverse the occurrence of tragedy.

   In other words, the person standing in front of Youxing is not only the assistant of Dr. Immovable, but also the murderer who indirectly killed his father.

   "Say, go ahead, stay still, a duel of fate! And now, it's finally time for God to come!"

   Standing and drawing the card for the beginning of the round, Rudger and Yuxing, who were dueling in the ruins of the ruined altar, did not use a riding duel, but a master duel.

   "Liberate 2 monsters on my field, summon them from the upper level in my hand, and wake up in the dark to bring disasters of destruction!-[Earth-bound God Ulu]!"

   appeared from the top of the ruins resembling a black pyramid. The black mechanical heart used to absorb the soul before the earthbound **** descended, beating continuously at an unknown frequency.

   "Use the dark altar to spread the hunting range of the **** sacrifice. This time, use the people in the satellite area as the god's sacrifice!"

   "What? You said satellite area! Stop it, Rudger!"

   "It's too late to move the star. Even this world will be swallowed by the resurrected evil god, and the soul offered as a sacrifice is just a step ahead!"

   The darkness spread to the entire satellite area. In the night, the residents of the satellite area were selected as sacrifices indiscriminately and injected into the heart of the evil god.

   "Could it be that everyone in the orphanage..."

   "Now is not the time to give you space to care about others. Fear, after absorbing the soul, the resurrected God!"

  [Earthbound God Ulu★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) dark] [Insect family/Effect ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000]

   On the ground where the giant painting of Nazca is burning, the earth-bound **** with the appearance of a giant spider, eight sharp and dark spider feet crush the ground.

   "When the local god-bound monster is successfully summoned, the effect of the monster [Earth-bound Super Priest] on my field is activated——"

  【This card is already in the monster zone and can only be activated when the "Earth-bound God" monster is summoned. The opponent's basic score becomes 3000. 】

   "Accept the baptism from the dark, immovable star!"

   Fudo Yuxing LP: 4000→3000

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

   In the dark game, after being reduced by the earth-bound god, the pain that went deep into his bones made Yu Xing once again realize how difficult the duel Hoshino had experienced before.

   "Qianxue, she actually won the duel again and again with such pain."

   "Stop your broken thoughts and stay still! When there is a field magic card [Earth-bound on the ground], [Earth-bound God Ulu] gains an effect that can directly attack the player."

   At present, there is the only monster in the star-traveling field, the Stardust Dragon.

   And [Earthbound God Ulu] can directly ignore the existence of the Stardust Dragon, which is equivalent to the direct attack damage of 3000 HP after the star is reduced.

   "It's over, don't move the star! The direct attack of the earthbound god-the darkness swallows!"

   spit out black spider silk that was enough to cover the entire battlefield, and the earth-bound **** Ulu made a fatal direct attack declaration towards Yuxing.

   "Please, Stardust Dragon, activate the trap card!"

   "It's useless, don't move the star, the trap card has no effect on the gods!"

   "This is not a trap for God-[Coordinate Barrier]!"

   [Synchronous Barrier Trap Card Effect: Activate the release of 1 synchronous monster on your field. Until the end of the next round, all damage taken by him becomes 0. 】

   The [Stardust Dragon] on the field is liberated as the cost of a trap, and under the protection of the starlight debris, the immovable travel star is isolated from any damage that it will receive this round, including effect damage and combat damage.

   "Huh, did you sacrifice the Stardust Dragon to avoid a direct defeat? But if you don't move Yuxing, all you are doing now are just useless delays."

   put the final hand cover into the duel board, Rudger smiled confidently.

   "It is inevitable that the world will fall into darkness, and the gate of the underworld will eventually be opened. This time the war between the red dragon and the evil **** is won by the evil god!"

   Rudger remaining hands: 0 cover cards: 1 LP: 3500

   Unmoving Youxing Remaining Cover: 2 Cards in Hand: 0 LP: 3000


   solemnly silent, immovable Yuxing looked at the current scene.

  The two trap cards covered by his backcourt, one is the card used to resurrect the Stardust Dragon in the graveyard, and the other is the card that special summons the Stardust Dragon when she is liberated by its own effects.

   Judging from the effects of these two traps, although they can play a role in restraining to a certain extent, there is no way to truly defeat the spider's earth-bound god.

   "What's the matter, are you desperate? Do you not move the star?"

   "No, hope still exists!"


"Now everyone of the Dragon Sealers is fighting hard. Qianxue, Qiu, Jack, and his companions are betting everything for this satellite area and the future of this world. This interconnected fetter is to cut through the dark hope! "

  The dragon mark on the arm shines, and the will and fetters of the travel star, even all the dragon seals, gather the red dragon seal of hope on the body.


   After feeling the battle of the stars, Hoshino and the ghost willow, who set off in the direction of the perpetual motion control device for the first time, rushed into this mysterious altar ruins at a critical moment.

   Seeing the figures of familiar companions, You Xing said with peace of mind: "Gui Liu, Qianxue! Have you already won!"

   And after seeing Hoshino and Guiliu, Rudger also realized that Poma had already lost this matter.

   "Huh, it turns out that the temporary Dark Sealer, even if he gets the Earthbound God, is useless at all."

   "Shut up, Rudger Godwin." Hoshino retorted angrily: "Poma, as a duel, is 10,000 times stronger than you!"

   Rudger smiled disdainfully and said, "Hahahaha, you said that kind of loser is 10,000 times stronger than me?"

"You are the real loser, Rudger. Both the Dark Sealer and your ambition will be ended here." Hoshino shouted at Yuxing: "With the hope of our Dragon Sealer , Beat him, Yuxing!"

   "I have received your prayer, Qianxue!"

   Yuxing poses in a card drawing posture, and the complete red dragon seal assembled on his body is injected into the deck, blooming with the hope of salvation.

   "My round, draw a card——!"

  Gui Liu said: "It's hard to say, has Youxing also drawn the Salvation Dragon?"

   But judging from the star scenes below, even if this draw is [Salvation Dragon], it is difficult to play a role.

   "This card!?" You Xing flipped the drawn hand and understood the meaning in an instant.

   "This is what the dragon seal is connected to, everyone's bond card! The perpetual magic card is activated-[Miracle of Light]!"

   [Light’s Miracle Perpetual Spell Card Effect: ①: As an effect treatment when this card is activated, select 1 dragon and 1 star monster from the hand card and deck and place it on the top of the deck. 】

   "Sustainable magic card, a miracle from light?"

   The unusual light radiated from the card, even in the darkness of the earth-bound **** ruins, could not be affected in any way, which made Rudger cautious.

   "From the deck, I placed the 1 star dragon monster [Jixinlong] at the top of the deck! Then I activated the trap card-[Stardust's Afterglow]!"

  【Stardust's Afterglow Trap Card Effect: Activate only by targeting 1 "Stardust" monster in your graveyard. That monster is specially summoned. 】

  "——The gathered prayer will become a new shining star, and turn it into a shining path! Special call, fly again, Stardust Dragon!"

  【Stardust Dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Wind】【Dragon/homology/effect ATK: 2500DEF: 2000】


   In the afterglow of the stardust, he was resurrected from the cemetery by the traveling star, and the Stardust Dragon opened its wings, curled up the glory of the stardust on the field, and returned gorgeously.

   Hoshino excitedly threw his fist and said, "It's the Stardust Dragon, rush, Yuxing!"

   "When the Synchro Monster Special Summon is successful, the effect of the Perpetual Magic Card [Miracle of Light] is activated——"

  【Can only be activated when a Synchro Monster is Special Summoned. Choose one of the following effects and apply. This round, the effect of your own "Miracle of Light" cannot have the same effect applied.

  ●Draw 1 card from the deck by yourself.

  ●Adjust one special call from the hand card handle. 】

   "I choose, draw 1 card from the deck!"

   Ghost Liu said: "Draw a card! I remember, that card is..."

   "It's the card I just placed at the top of the deck!"

   Yuxing's fingertips wearing leather gloves drew the card for the second time, and traced the light of miraculous salvation in the dark.

   "——【Jixinlong】! The effect is activated!"

   [②: When you draw this card, show it to the opponent to activate it. This card is Special Summoned from the hand card. 】

   "Bring the strongest hope, special call, Jixinlong!"

  【Heart Dragon★Light】【Dragon Clan/Adjustment/Effect ATK:0 DEF:0】

  【As long as the card name of this card exists on the field or in the graveyard, it can be used as a "Salvation Dragon". 】

   is not only similar in appearance to "Salvation Dragon", even its own effects can be used as "Salvation Dragon".

   "Then another effect of [Jixinlong]!"

   [If you have an 8-star or more Dragon-type homologous monster on your field, you can Special Summon 1 Dragon-type 1-star monster from your deck. 】

  "This is the dragon that gathers the bonds in the heart and creates miracles! I use the effect of [Heart Dragon] to special summon a 1 star dragon monster in the deck-[Stardust Dragon]!"

  【Stardust Dragon★Light】【Dragon/Effect ATK: 100 DEF: 100】

   Three different monsters gathered in the star field.

   An ace monster, a savior, plus a 1-star monster. Hoshino called such a scene, in order to satisfy the coherence call of the salvation series-the field of salvation.

   "Level LV1 adjustment monster [Jixin Dragon], level LV1 [Stardust Dragon], level LV8 [Stardust Dragon], total level LV10, the same tune!"

A total of 10 stars of coherent starlight, guided by the Jixinlong used as the "salvation dragon", rushed out of the remains of the altar containing the darkness of the earthbound gods, and absorbed the black mechanical heart of the souls of the residents of the satellite area in the sky. , Directly crushed.

   "Ludger, the darkness of the night will eventually pass, and the Dark Sealer will be defeated by us here!"

   gathered together the Dragon Sealers and the synchronic cards that the whole satellite area hopes to pray for, shiningly appeared in the hands of Fudo Yuxing.

  "——The gathered star's brilliance will illuminate new miracles and become a shining path! Co-Summon, come, savior star dragon!"

   [Savior Dragon ★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Wind] [Dragons/homology/effect ATK: 3800DEF: 3000]

   ["Savior Dragon" + "Stardust Dragon" + 1 non-adjusted monster]

  The dragon wings spread with the dazzling light of salvation. After carrying countless wishes, the savior star dragon cuts through the darkness and brings light.

   "Attack power of 3800 points, and the effect of [Savior Star Dragon]——"

   [Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field. The effect is invalid until the end phase, and this card gets the same effect. 】

   "Using the savior star dragon, after absorbing the effect of the earth-binding god, you can launch a direct attack on you!-"Sublimation Absorption"!"

  Under the powerful shining of the light of salvation, the giant spider [Earthbound God Ulu], which was originally full of momentum, kept curling up.

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