
   Seahorse roared to interrupt the cast.

   "Do you think that after revealing the purpose, you can protect the normal monster of level LV1! My turn, draw a card!"

  Hippocampus SPC: 10→11

   Taro SPC: 7→8

   has soared to a high-speed indicator that is about to reach its apex. If Seahorse has high-speed magic in his hand at this moment, he should be able to instantly kill Taro with 1500 health points.

   However, it is as if the Goddess of Luck is really watching the Suns, Haima’s current hand, even the [Blue Eyed White Dragon] and [Blue Eyed White Dragon] exist at the same time, but it does not even have a high-speed magic.

   "This turn, the effect of [Destruction Dragon] is activated——"

   After officially entering the main stage, the seahorse directly declared and ordered the legendary dragon flying overhead to ignite the fire wheel with the effect of blasting for the second time.

   "Once in a round, choose the card on the opponent's field to destroy! I use the [Destruction Wheel] to destroy the [Heart Key Fairy] on your field!"

   It’s no longer the time to care about the [Dragon Seal Pot]. Destroying the usual monsters that can summon [Sleeping Giant Gudong] is the highest priority for the KCY team.

   Condensed explosive energy, merged with the legendary dragon created by the trap card [Destruction Wheel], and the second firepower is precisely locked.

   "You can't destroy [Heart Key Fairy]!"

   "Let the Suns summon a goo!"

   "Could it be that you guys are scared, KCY team!"

   "Too bad!"

   has been completely attracted by Gudong's call. Perhaps now in the eyes of the audience, the Suns' opponent, the KCY team, has become an absolute villain. And the seahorse that intends to stop Gudong's summons is completely a heinous big devil.

   "These people are too much."

   Seeing that the hippocampus was inexplicably condemned by words, Long Ke couldn't stand up in an instant.

   "If the Suns summon [Sleeping Giant Grumbling], aren't we in danger. Why do we make us look like bad guys?"

   "Don't care about these things, Long Ke." Putting his hand on Long Ke's head, Hoshino stared at the battlefield, "I believe the seahorse will not be affected by this kind of trash talk. You must stop them, Seahorse!"

  "——The Destruction Wheel·Dragon Blast!"

   In the end, all the condensed energy was released, and the explosive fire wheel ruthlessly smashed the cute fairy monster that had been on the field for 17 rounds.

   "It's really you! It's too late to destroy [Heart Key Fairy] now!"

   Taro resolutely countered, and at the same time opened up the key cards covered in the backcourt round.

   "Hope has gathered. Weak bones will also work together to create miracles!-The perpetual trap card launches [Joint Power]!"

[Parallel Force Persistent Trap Effect: ①: If there are more than 2 face-up defense-indicating monsters on your field, the defense-indicating monsters on your field will not be the target of the opponent's effect, and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effect. . 】

   "Because there are defensive forms of [Hand Demon] and [Heart Key Fairy] on the field, so that these two will not be destroyed by the effect, nor will they become the object of the effect!"

  The weak monsters, combined with the key trap card activated by Taro, gained resistance comparable to the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, allowing the [Heart Key Fairy] to block the [Destroying Dragon]’s gunpowder explosion from the front.

   "This will ensure that [Hand Demon] and the most critical [Heart Key Fairy] will not be destroyed by the effect!"

   "This trap card is a bit troublesome!" Shirley said badly.

   If you give up using [Destroy Dragon] to destroy [Dragon Seal Pot], the dragon monsters on the seahorse can't start the battle at all.

   As a result, even the breakthrough method of destroying the effect was stopped by the [Power of Parallel].

   "Give me, stand up, hippocampus!" Hoshino called.

   "Then use this white dragon in my hand card to guide the soul of my new servant! I will show the [Blue-eyed White Dragon] in my hand, and I will special summon [Blue-eyed White Dragon]!"

  [Blue-eyed sub-white dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light] [Dragon/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2500]

   After the destruction of the effect of [Destruction Dragon] was blocked, Seahorse used the blue-eyed white dragon in his hand to summon the blue-eyed white dragon that also had the same destructive effect onto the field.

   The fourth roaring white dragon, fanning its wings and flying on the track.

   Blue-eyed White Dragon, Blue-eyed Subwhite Dragon, Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, the legendary Destroying Dragon, Seahorse is currently the most terrifying dragon suppression scene in history, and it is in stark contrast with the scene of the weak monster Taro.

   But the irony is that it is such a horrible scene, but there is no way to break through the defense line formed by the miscellaneous fishes.

   "No way, Mr. K, the monster on the opposite side of the field is already immune to the destructive effect." Long Ke worried.

   "Hippocampus, there is another way!" Hoshino pointed out cautiously: "Although this hand is a bet, it can be done at the current speed!"

   "The effect of the Venue Magic Card [High Speed ​​World 2] is activated -!"

  As expected by Hoshino, Seahorse summons the blue-eyed sub-white dragon at this time, and he is definitely planning to gamble on the destructive effect.

   "I remove the 10 high-speed counters to activate, choose a card on your field and destroy it!"

  Hippocampus SPC: 11→1

   "Destroy your perpetual trap card [Joint Power]!"

   The high-speed hurricane that gathers beside the Seahorse D wheel turns into a galloping storm that smashes cards and blows towards Taro's field.

   Shirley clenched her fist nervously and said, "Yo Xi, as long as the [Power of Parallel] does not exist, the blue-eyed Yabailong can destroy [Heart Key Fairy]!"

   "It's useless, when this [Power of Parallel] is activated, you have no chance!"

   Taro waved his hand to activate the second effect of the Persistent Trap Card [Joint Force].

  【Parallel Power Trap Card Effect: ②: If this card is destroyed by the effect, it can be used as a substitute to destroy one card of one's own magic and trap area. 】

   "As a substitute for [the power of parallel] being destroyed by the effect, I choose the [Dragon Seal Pot] in my backcourt area to destroy it!"

   The high-speed hurricane blowing towards Taro, although it did not destroy the key juxtaposition force, it also shattered the sealed pot with the head of the dragon.

  【Dragon Seal Pot】Instead of destroying

   At the moment when the trap card [Dragon Seal Pot] was destroyed, the restraining power seemed to be released again, and the four dragons on the seahorse field roared at the same time.

   "Using a pot instead of destruction?" Aji asked in surprise.

   "Since Taro has done this, there must be something for him!" Ajin said with confidence, "Now we can only trust Taro unconditionally, and he can do it!"

   Seahorse who seized the opportunity, swept the duel plate with his arm, and reversed all the card forms.

   "After the [Dragon Seal Pot] is destroyed, I will change all the dragon monsters on my field to attack again, Battle!"

  "Trap card activates [Induction Summon]!" Taro opened the last covered trap card, "In the turn when the opponent Special Summoned a monster, you can Special Summon a monster with 4 stars or less from my hand."

   "Huh? Are you planning to use monsters below 4 stars to block the attacks of 4 dragons? Can you do it?"

   "Of course it can be done!" Taro tried his best to drop the monster card into the duel.

   "This is me, the last persistence of the Suns, the last-[Hand Devil]!"

   Since Ashi, after Aji's hand-in-hand demon was summoned, it was finally Taro's own hand-in-hand demon to appear on the stage.

   is connected with the remaining hand-in-hand demon on the field, and the existence of two [hand-in-hand demon] allows Taro to complete the attack and blockade tactics once again.

   "Oh oh oh oh oh, it's a demon holding hands!"

   "Too reliable, this monster!"

   "Please, keep going!"

   Attitude reversed 180°. The audience who had previously disliked the [Hand Demon] who had seen aesthetic fatigue, when Taro's last [Hand Demon] was successfully summoned, they cheered collectively.

   "Even if you have more monsters on the field, you still can't attack in front of the double [Hand Devil]!"

   "I cover a card, and the round is over!"

   The effect of destruction and battle are all ineffective, and the frowning seahorse lays the trap card for the last fight into the duel plate.

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Taro SPC: 8→9

  Hippocampus SPC: 1→2

   Taro who started the round amidst the cheers of the audience, the summons of [Sleeping Giant Gudong] have accumulated 9 rounds.

   "Go up, the sun!"

   "The distance to create history is only one round away!"

"You guys are the best!"

   was never discouraged when he was accused, nor was he proud when he was praised. In the near-successful round, Taro, like Haima, covered the trap of the last bet.

   "I cover a card, and the round is over! The next step is the final confrontation between the critical line of life and death, Seahorse Seto!"

   "Then, use the strongest fusion dragon to fight! My turn, draw a card!"

   Taro SCP: 9→10

  Hippocampus SPC: 2→3

   Draw the card for the beginning of the round, Seahorse directly declares two flying white dragons on the field, and touches and fuse.

  " In this round, let my [Blue Eyed White Dragon] on the field and the [Blue Eyed White Dragon] used as the "Blue Eyed White Dragon", and summon them together! "

   did not use the fusion card extra, under the command of the seahorse, the two white dragons flying towards the same place collided into a new posture.

   "The power of the white dragon that smashes everything is coming!-[Blue-Eyed Double Burst Dragon]!"

  [Blue-eyed Double Burst Dragon★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Light] [Dragon/Fusion/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2500]

  【"Blue Eyed White Dragon" + "Blue Eyed White Dragon"]

   [This card can be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon and the following methods. ●If you send the top card in your monster zone to the graveyard, you can Special Summon from the extra deck (no need to "fusion"). 】

   directly sent the tomb to complete the fusion summon, and the two-headed white dragon roared in unison towards the Taro venue.

"It's useless, even if the twin blasting dragons are merged, there is no way to attack!" Ah Shi excitedly said: "Plus the [Destruction Dragon] effect once in a round, there will be another trap covered by Taro. Card instead."

  The only monsters that Seahorse can threaten the backcourt [Joint Force] are the [Destroy Dragon] that is fused with the legendary dragon.

   But because Taro covered a card in the backcourt last turn, it can replace destruction. In other words, if the seahorse wants to destroy [the power of parallel] through the effect, it needs to destroy at least 2 times.

   If you are unable to fight because of the attack blockade, and you want to use the effect to destroy the [Heart Key Fairy], you need at least 3 destroying effects.

   "Damn it, where can I find so many destructive effects!" Shirley said helplessly.

   "So why does the hippocampus fuse [Blue-Eyed Double Burst Dragon]?" Hoshino said.

   Compared with the Double Burst Dragon, which can't attack at all, at least the Blue-eyed Subwhite Dragon still has one chance to destroy the effect.

   "Mr. K..."

   Just as the three people in the KCY preparation area were unable to do anything, Haima raised his hand and opened it, covering the last round, the trap card for the last fight.

   "——Of course it is to call the strongest fusion dragon! The trap card [Dead Soul Fusion] is activated!"

   [Dead Soul Fusion Trap Card Effect: Exclude the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster card from your graveyard, and summon that 1 fusion monster from the extra deck. Monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack during this turn. 】

From the seahorse duel plate cemetery area, the 3 cards that were excluded from the continuous inner side are the blue-eyed white dragon and blue-eyed sub-white dragon that were sent to the cemetery as the "blue-eyed double burst dragon" melting material, and the blue-eyed chaotic super dragon 】The blue-eyed white dragon sent to the cemetery with the ritual materials, totaling three.

   "Roar, shattering the roar of time and space! This will be the ultimate dragon that brings triple destruction, fusion summons, the blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

   [Blue-eyed Ultimate Yalong★★★★★★★★★★★★ (12 stars) light]

   [Dragon/fusion/effect ATK: 4500 DEF: 3800]

  【"Blue Eyed White Dragon" + "Blue Eyed White Dragon" + "Blue Eyed White Dragon"]


It has the same panel attributes as the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, but its appearance is different. [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] spreads out its huge fusion body and spreads its horrible demon-like wings on the riding duel track. The three dragon heads roared angrily.

   Hoshino suddenly realized: "From the cemetery, the dead souls merged [Blue-eyed Ultimate Yalong], so it was the first to merge [Blue-eyed Double Burst Dragon]!"

   Dead soul fusion materials must be excluded from the cemetery. The [Blue Eyed White Dragon] and [Blue Eyed White Dragon] that exist on the field cannot be used for dead soul fusion.

   Therefore, Seahorse takes the first step, uses contact fusion to send two white dragons to the cemetery, and then launches [Dead Soul Fusion] to fuse the blue-eyed ultimate sub-dragon that truly brings ultimate destruction.

   "Doesn’t it require a destructive effect! Using the [Blue Eyed Sub-White Dragon] as the fusion material [Blue Eyed Sub-White Dragon], it can be destroyed 3 times in one turn!"

After    Explosive displays the final destruction form, Seahorse is still the first to activate the effect of [Destroying Dragon], locking the Explosive Fire Wheel as the [Joint Force] in the backcourt of Taro.

   "Taro, activate the effect instead of destroying!" Seeing Taro didn't seem to be moving, Ajin yelled and promoted.

   "Instead of destruction? So, is the reserve for covering cards still enough, Suns!-Destruction Wheel·Dragon Blast!"

   "I, don't choose to replace destruction!" Taro made a decision.

   did not choose to use another cover card to replace the [Joint Force] destruction, the perpetual trap card burning in the flames was directly shattered, and the resistance provided by the defense display monster on the field also disappeared.

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