I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 53(Chapter 53 (two in one)...)

Song Yao saw a lotus leaf for the first time in his life.

The child's eyes were bright, and he carried these lotus leaves back home as if he was holding some treasure. As soon as he returned, he was confident that he would be a beggar chicken.

According to Yuan Jiang, he asked someone to bring the lotus leaves from other counties. Fortunately, the lotus leaves would not go bad if left for a day, so that they could reach Song Yao's hands.

Song Yao cherished these hard-earned lotus leaves very much.

Specifically, when making beggar's chicken, the children specially watch it while doing it [Beggar's Chicken Course].

He felt that he was simply too cautious and serious, but that was obviously not the case in the eyes of Zhao Xiaodong and Yuan Jiang.

The two of them watched Song Yao pause for a moment after completing a step, and then continued muttering:

"It's time to add this next, um... Next, add this."

Zhao Xiaodong looked at it with a look of confusion on his face: "Brother Yuan Jiang, do you really think Yao'er can make the beggar chicken he said?"

Song Yao wasn't a bad cook, but his posture really didn't look like he was cooking, but like he was conducting an experiment.

Even if he sprinkled salt grains on the chicken, he could not wait to count them one by one.

And Zhao Xiaodong and the others were not allowed to interfere, as if they were afraid that if they did, they would destroy this hard-won beggar's chicken.

Zhao Xiaodong went from being very excited at the beginning to being bored now:

"Yao'er, actually I think it's enough to just light the fire without having to specify how many pieces of firewood you need."

Song Yao looked serious: "You don't understand, cooking is very particular about heat."

This is a hugely delicious beggar's chicken, so of course you have to be careful every step of the way.

He counted the firewood carefully, for fear of making a mistake, so he counted it again, and finally clapped his hands with satisfaction and stood up:

"Okay, just right."

Zhao Xiaodong: "..."

He looked at Yuan Jiang with a broken face: "Brother Yuan Jiang, don't you care about him?"

Yuan Jiang really thought about it seriously, and then said, "What Song Yao said makes sense."

Zhao Xiaodong: "...Have you never cooked before?"

Yuan Jiang nodded.

Zhao Xiaodong: I knew that was the case.

Although he has never cooked, he still knows some common sense about cooking after watching his mother and grandmother cook every day.

"Yao'er, listen to me. Firewood is really not that important. You just need to watch from the side."

Song Yao said with a serious face: "How could it not be important? The heat is super important for cooking."

He continued to count carefully how many leaves he would add to the pit to light the fire.

Seeing that Zhao Xiaodong refused to listen, he simply stopped talking.

He rescued two lotus leaves and said, "It's better to keep these two. If you don't succeed this time, you can try again."

Song Yao vowed: "There's no way it won't succeed. I've done every step perfectly!"

As long as they work hard, they will definitely get results. The children are super confident and continue their perfect steps one by one.

But the two lotus leaves were still left to Zhao Xiaodong.

Zhao Xiaodong just looked at him quietly.

Yuan Jiang was very confident in Song Yao.

Ever since he came to Song Yao, he had never seen Song Yao fail to do what he wanted to do.

After a lot of trouble, the three of them broke open the mud, and a chicken that couldn't be called unpalatable but definitely not delicious appeared in front of them.

After tasting the chicken, Yuanjiang fell silent.

In fact, for a chicken, it's pretty good.

But it is definitely not as "super delicious" as Song Yao promised before.

Zhao Xiaodong crossed his arms: "Look, I'll tell you."

Song Yao fell into deep thought: "How could it be possible? Doesn't the beggar's chicken taste super delicious?"

He followed every step strictly according to the course. He even weighed the grains of salt.

The child was thinking hard, but he couldn't figure out which step he had made wrong.

Zhao Xiaodong held up two lotus leaves: "Go, go, let me process it for you a second time. I can tell that what you just put there is wrong."

Song Yao looked at him distrustfully: "Have you ever cooked? Why don't we take it to my mother and let her cook it? My mother cooks delicious food."

Zhao Xiaodong waved his hand: "Have you never seen it before? I watch my mother and grandma cook every day. I have learned such a simple thing a long time ago."

Song Yao looked suspicious, but still gave up his position: "Okay, you come."

Zhao Xiaodong rolled up his sleeves and got on.

After some operations, a tender and smooth beggar's chicken with the fragrance of lotus leaves and chicken appeared in front of the three of them.

Song Yao: "Wow!"

The way he looked at Zhao Xiaodong was filled with admiration.

Even Yuan Jiang looked at him with a look that said, "I didn't expect you to be like this Zhao Xiaodong."

Zhao Xiaodong said proudly: "Look, I told you, cooking is so simple, you don't even need to learn how to do it."

Song Yao immediately applauded him.

"It's so awesome! I didn't expect you to be so talented in cooking! From now on, we will let you do all the cooking!"

Zhao Xiaodong waved proudly: "Small problem."

After the three of them had a few delicious bites, they hugged the freshly baked beggar's chicken and went back to share it with their family.

This was the first time that Zhao Xiaodong defeated Song Yao so completely, so he spent the next few days very proudly cooking various "legendary delicacies" under Song Yao's command.

After five or six days of this, he finally realized something was wrong: "We can eat at home, why do we have to do it outside secretly every day?"

Song Yao didn't take the blame at all: "If you don't like the difficulty of cooking outside, you can use the pot at home. I don't mind!"

Zhao Xiaodong nodded first, and then reacted: "No, who told you this? I mean, why do you always let me cook?"

Song Yao: "Your cooking is delicious."

Zhao Xiaodong felt proud for a moment, and then said again: "Then I can't do it every day. I'm very busy. How can I have time to cook every day?"

After finally realizing that Song Yao was using him as a cook, Zhao Xiaodong said that he would no longer cook.

Song Yao was still a little disappointed.

After all, it’s really fun to cook secretly outside, and when he takes out a recipe at home, his parents will ask him (grandpa won’t ask, grandpa will just eat what he has), and now he has gradually understood that the learning system cannot tell Children of adults can only make excuses here and there.

But Zhao Xiaodong would not ask.

Not only did he not ask, but he would sometimes play freely on the recipes given by Song Yao. The key point was that he performed quite well.

Maybe Zhao Xiaodong really has a talent for cooking. Even if the recipes given by Song Yao are unheard of, he can still cook them out.

After these dishes passed through Zhao Xiaodong's hands, Song Yao could confidently take the recipes back, asking whether he and Zhao Xiaodong had researched them together.

Now that Zhao Xiaodong has given up, he will no longer be able to take home the recipes he bought on the learning system.

Because he has been studying very hard, he has accumulated a lot of learning points. The child who can spend a lot of money in the hobby group was lost for several minutes.

For this reason, Yuan Jiang took the initiative to suggest: "If you really want to eat out, I will try to improve my cooking skills."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong: "...No need."

The two children looked at him with exactly the same look of fear and said exactly the same words. After realizing that the other person said the same thing as themselves, they looked at each other.

If you want to describe the look in their eyes, it would probably be "the heroes see the same thing."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong both admired Yuan Jiang's skills.

As a carefully selected soldier sent by the country to protect Song Yao, Yuan Jiang's eyesight was so sharp that he could stand on the mountain and see several people going up the mountain.

You can kill a pheasant just by throwing stones from your hand.

Last time Song Yao couldn't get off the tree, but he could get down smoothly and quickly while holding Song Yao in one hand.

But such a powerful brother Yuan Jiang is very unpalatable when cooking.

Of course, Yuanjiang himself didn't think so. He could even eat the food he made without changing his face, but the children who had been carefully cared for by their families since childhood would look like they were poisoned after taking one bite.

Ever since they let him try once, Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong agreed that they should never let Brother Yuan Jiang touch the pot again.

Yuan Jiang, who was rejected by two children at the same time: "..."

The cold-blooded soldier silently doubted himself in his heart: Is it really that unpalatable?

Song Yao gave a positive answer: "Brother Yuan Jiang, don't be sad. At least the food cooked by the teacher tastes better than yours."

Teacher He who happened to be passing by said: "..."

She felt that these two naughty children had less homework.


As soon as Teacher He coughed, Song Yao's little face froze, and she quickly turned around and showed a flattering smile to Teacher He: "What a coincidence, Teacher, have you just come back from the bottom of the mountain too?"

Teacher He didn't argue with him and waved the letter in his hand: "Take the letter."

The child immediately became energetic: "Wow!! Is this a letter from Brother Ye?!"

Although they have never met, Song Yao likes Brother Ye very much. He thinks that he is really amazing. He can answer any questions he asks. He is worthy of being the teacher's classmate and is as powerful as the teacher.

Teacher He shook his head: "No, it's a letter from my home."

She couldn't hide her worry: "My father accidentally fell and was hospitalized. It's summer vacation. I want to go back and see him."

She said apologetically: "I won't be able to teach you for a while."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong quickly shook their heads.

The two children were also very worried:

"It's okay, we can learn it ourselves. Teacher, did your father fall seriously?"

Teacher He shook his head: "The letter didn't go into details. It just said that he would be recuperating in the hospital for a period of time."

Now everyone can still try their best not to be hospitalized. Now that they have reached the point where they need to be hospitalized, Teacher He is naturally very worried.

If she didn't have a vacation, it would be okay if she didn't go back. It was summer vacation now, and she would go back no matter what.

She estimated that if the family was too busy, she might have to stay at home to take care of her for a while, and probably wouldn't return to Dashu Village throughout the summer vacation, so when packing her luggage, she specially copied Ye Xinghua's address to the two children. .

"I will write a letter asking him to answer your questions. If you don't understand anything, just write to Brother Ye. This is the key to my room. There are letter envelopes and stamps in the drawer. You can just use it."

"This is the address of the teacher's home. You can also write to me. Come on, pretend it's ready."

Zhao Xiaodong often lost things, so after the two children discussed it, Song Yao kept these two addresses.

The child ran home and told his grandma that Teacher He was going home.

Grandma Song stopped blowing the bellows and asked, "Are you going home at this time?"

Song Yao didn't understand why she said that, so he walked over curiously and asked, "What's wrong with going home at this time? The teacher said it's summer vacation and there are a lot of students going home."

Grandma Song patted her grandson on the shoulder: "It's just because there are too many people going home that it's not safe."

"You have forgotten what the county magistrate told you yesterday. The trafficker he caught earlier, both his upline and downline, said he specifically abducted students when the train station was crowded."

Of course Song Yao remembers it.

He still thinks that the human trafficker wears many hats, working as a human trafficker and a spy at the same time.

Song Yao also knew very well that many female students and children were abducted and trafficked. He even knew that some traffickers would deliberately move next door to a home with children, gain trust, and then take the opportunity to steal the children.

But he never linked the trafficked students and children to Teacher He.

In his eyes, Teacher He is amazing and can do everything except cooking.

How could such a powerful teacher He be abducted?

Grandma Song doesn't think like a child like Song Yao.

Teacher He is a teacher in their Dashu Village, but when he goes out, he is just a young and beautiful girl.

To be honest, it was already very dangerous for her to work as a teacher in a remote mountain village by herself, otherwise Grandma Song would not have deliberately expressed her closeness to Teacher He just to reassure her.

Nothing happened when she came here, and the people in Dashu Village were simple and honest. No one had any bad intentions towards this young teacher, which was also a blessing.

Now that she was going back alone, Grandma Song was a little worried because of the incident of human traffickers in Xinghe County.

She thought for a while and said to Song Yao: "Call your dad back."

Song Yao went to the back mountain to find Song's father.

Father Song's practice of raising bees is almost complete, but he is afraid of being stung by Song Yao, so he has always strictly prohibited his son from going up the mountain. Usually, Grandpa Song only goes up occasionally to help.

So Song Yao's way of telling Song's father to go home was to stand at the foot of the mountain and shout to the top.

"Dad!! Grandma told you to go home!!"

Dad Song on the mountain immediately replied: "I know!!! Come back right away!!!"

The little kid went back to his butt again.

Sure enough, Father Song came back soon. He was now much thinner, but he still looked righteous. He patted the dust off his body as he entered the door, and picked up Song Yao as soon as he entered the yard.

"Yao'er, I didn't go out with Zhao Xiaodong to make food today. It's so rare that I can see you at dinner."

When Song Yao was mentioned about her sadness, she pursed her lips: "Zhao Xiaodong feels tired and said he won't make delicious food in the future."

Father Song was not surprised at all.

Zhao Xiaodong's ability to persist for so many days exceeded the expectations of both adults.

He deliberately touched his son's nose with his own: "It's okay. If he doesn't do it, your mother is here. Your mother's cooking is delicious. If you want to eat, dad will take you to Willow Leaf Village."

Because she earned a lot of money from drawing fan designs, Song's mother has been very generous in buying all kinds of seasonings recently, and the cooking has become several times more fragrant. The father and son have gone there several times to eat and drink.

Song Yao was amused by her father and giggled: "Dad, you have to keep your word. I asked you to go before, but you always said you didn't have time."

Father Song immediately promised: "Keep your word!"

"Don't worry, dad is almost done with his work now. Whenever you want to eat mom's cooking, I can take you there right away."

Grandma Song watched the father and son there for a long time, and finally got impatient before she interrupted:

"You said before that you wanted to go to a big city to learn how other people do business. Have you chosen which city to go to?"

Father Song, who was laughing and hugging his son, was stunned: "No, didn't I just finish my work?"

Grandma Song immediately said: "Then I will choose one for you, and you can go to Lecheng."

Father Song had no problem with where to go.

Since the last time he visited the other two counties, he has discovered that people should go out and see more.

No matter how detailed the old man tells you some things are, you really can't learn them unless you encounter them yourself.

If it weren't for the fact that there were young and old at home, he would have gone to a big city long ago.

But he was still a little confused: "Why Lecheng? I think the capital is pretty good too."

Grandma Song said: "Teacher He is going back to Lecheng. If you go with her, you can also have some company."

Dad Song suddenly realized: "Mom, are you afraid that I will be lost in a place I am unfamiliar with? I am already an adult, how can I expect Teacher He to take care of me?"

Song Yao was hugged by her father: "Dad, you are so stupid. Grandma didn't ask you to be looked after by the teacher. She asked you to look after the teacher!"

Father Song didn't have any objections, but he scratched his head in confusion: "Teacher Xiao He is from the city, do you still need me to take care of him?"

Grandma Song glared at him: "What do you know about a man? Hurry up and pack your things. Teacher He went back because he had something to do at home. Don't delay things."

Father Song went to pack his things with a confused look on his face.

Song Yao was helping him pack his clothes before and after he ran, packing and packing, and the child's heart became alive.

"Dad, if you go to Lecheng, where will you stay?"

Dad Song thought for a while: "I estimate that I will be going for about a month. I definitely can't stay in a hotel. I'll see if I can rent a house."

He is now very good at raising bees, but he is still confused about how to recruit manpower and how to avoid risks.

I heard that there are schools in big cities that teach people how to do business. As long as you pay a fee, you can attend.

It is said that it is specially set up for small business owners who have no business experience but have started a business. Father Song is wondering if it is reliable. If it is reliable, he will go and learn from it.

Song Yao's eyes lit up when she heard her father talking about renting a house.

He took his father's arm familiarly and said, "Dad, I want to go too."

Dad Song refused without thinking: "No, you are so young and can't travel far."

Song Yao looked pitiful: "I'm already eight years old, so I'm not young anymore."

Father Song: "That's not what you said when you asked me to carry you back yesterday."

Song Yao wilted, but he did not abandon or give up, and began to argue: "Dad, do you know? A person's knowledge is linked to his vision."

He gave an example: "It's like you have never been out of Planet Aquamarine, so if I tell you now that there is a bug that can speak human language on the distant planet 6743 @, you will definitely not believe it.

Because you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can't say with certainty that this kind of bug doesn't exist. "

Dad Song put the clothes into his bag: "I can tell you with certainty that this kind of bug does not exist."

Song Yao immediately said: "Then can you provide evidence that it does not exist?"

Dad Song: "I don't need to provide evidence, because you just made it up."

Song Yao continued to hum: "Then dad, can you show me the evidence that I made up?"

"You can't take it out because you haven't been to 6743 @Star. If Teacher He tells you now, there is a kind of food in Lecheng called Sticky Candy. It is very delicious and costs three cents a piece. It is Lecheng You will believe it, because you have never been to Lecheng and you don’t know if there is such a specialty.”

Father Song was almost stunned. He stopped packing his clothes and said, "Yao'er, what do you want to say?"

Song Yaoli said confidently: "I just want to say, Dad, you should take me to learn more. Raising children is not just about food and clothing, but also raising children to broaden their horizons."

Afraid that Father Song wouldn’t understand, he even patted his small chest:

"I'm just a little kid."

Dad Song: "..."

"...Dad is going to a strange city. I am not familiar with the place. How can I take care of you with you?"

Seeing that his father was about to relent, Song Yao's eyes lit up and he immediately said:

"Dad, how come you are unfamiliar with this place? Don't you know the teacher?"

"And I don't need you to take care of me. Brother Yuanjiang will follow me. I have brother Yuanjiang to take care of me."

Father Song looked at Comrade Yuan Jiang who looked reliable next to him: ...It is true that this comrade is much more reliable than his own father.

But: "I go to class every day, who will cook for you?"

Song Yao looked at Yuan Jiang: "I can eat what brother Yuan Jiang made..."

The child really couldn't say the rest of the words, they were all on his lips, so he suddenly turned around and said, "I have a way!"

He ran out quickly.

After a while, he ran back and pushed Zhao Xiaodong towards Father Song:

"Zhao Xiaodong can cook!!"

Dad Song: "..."

Zhao Xiaodong, who was pulled over in a daze, said: "What to cook? I don't do it, I don't want to cook."

Song Yao immediately muttered to him: "...So that's it, let's go to Lecheng to play. My dad has to study and doesn't have time to cook. If you don't cook..."

He glanced at Yuan Jiang from time to time and whispered: "Then we can only eat the food cooked by brother Yuan Jiang."

Zhao Xiaodong: "!!!"

He immediately stood up bravely, with a heroic look on his face: "Let me cook!!"

“I love cooking!!”

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