I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 80 (Chapter 80 (Two hundred and fifty thousand nutrient solution...)

The county magistrate finally retained the secretary brother.

"Invite us to dinner, Xiao Zhang!"

Upon hearing the treat, the secretary looked back at him and walked back silently.

Although Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong had seen them causing trouble several times, they still enjoyed watching it now.

Song Yao gloated: "County Magistrate, why did you offend the secretary brother again!"

"It's not you yet!"

The county magistrate mopped the floor feebly while looking at the muscular young men behind Yuan Jiang:

"Didn't you say you were looking for an old man? Is this an old man?"

After Song Yao was reminded like this, he remembered that he was here to show off "how strong the employees are." The child was very happy:

"Although they are not old people, they don't need wages."

The county magistrate had vaguely guessed it just now, and now he has confirmed his idea.

He couldn't hide his complicated glances at the child in front of him several times:

"Did you do something else in Lecheng?"

Song Yao smiled at him and said nothing.

Although he did not receive an answer, the county magistrate also confirmed his guess.

Thinking about it carefully, a group of new people suddenly came to the Lecheng Public Security Bureau, and there were also several people near the county government who looked not simple. These people basically came within the past month or two.

It's just that they didn't come together, but in groups, so naturally they couldn't attract other people's attention.

The county magistrate had some suspicions in his mind before.

But I never expected that they really came for Song Yao.

What on earth did this kid do in Lecheng?

He put aside these thoughts and said to Song Yao:

"Okay, you go see if Uncle Wang and the others are chatting well. It's almost dark, so hurry back before it's completely dark."

Song Yao just came to him to show off. After showing off, his goal was achieved, and he had nothing else to say.

The children ran away happily.

After watching them leave, the county magistrate said to his secretary:

"Everyone who arranged to keep an eye on these strangers should withdraw."

The secretary responded: "I will make arrangements tomorrow morning."

The county magistrate doesn't just talk about the trends in the entire county. He is rich and keen. He is always the first to know if there is any trouble anywhere in the county.

I just made so many guesses, but I never thought that so many people actually came here for this little kid Song Yao.

He looked up at the sky. It was not dark yet, but there were already bright stars on the horizon.

The county magistrate’s eyes were as bright as the stars:

"Xiao Zhang, I think maybe our galaxy, our Central Continent, has really welcomed the stars."

The secretary brother then raised his head and looked at the star:

"Yes, it is still a dazzling star."

The county magistrate continued: "But Xiao Zhang, when you look at this star, don't you think of something very important?"

The secretary thought carefully: "What?"

County Magistrate: “Why can we see the stars in the sky from the government building?”

Secretary brother: "..."

"Uncle Wang is on vacation. Remember to have someone come to repair the ceiling tomorrow."

Secretary brother: "...Okay county magistrate."


Professor Wang was also talking about the big hole in the ceiling:

"I don't know what my brother is thinking. It's a holiday, but he won't rest unless he says he has to repair the ceiling tomorrow."

Song Yao followed his master to comfort him:

"It's okay, Master. Uncle Wang lives in Xinghe. We can visit him from time to time in the future."

"I know, I just think he is stubborn. At such an old age, he can obviously enjoy a happy life, but he just can't stand leisure."

Professor Wang was complaining, but his face was full of smiles.

No matter what, it is a joyful thing to see relatives after many years.

"I really didn't expect it. I thought I would never see him again in this life..."

Zhao Xiaodong asked curiously: "Master, didn't you look for Grandpa Wang and the others after you came back?"

Professor Wang smiled and said: "I have looked for him, but it's not that easy. I was still young when we were separated. I only remember my name and my rank.

I don’t even remember your Grandpa Wang’s name, and even if I were to look for it, I wouldn’t know where to start. "

Song Yao thought:

"It would be great if everyone's name in Zhongzhou was recorded in the Public Security Bureau. Then the Public Security Bureau could directly help everyone find people."

Professor Wang laughed at his naivety:

"Even if everyone's names are recorded and there is no black household registration, the Public Security Bureau cannot help people find their relatives through their names."

Song Yao opened his mouth and wanted to say, wouldn't it be better if they compared it?

Then he suddenly thought that the "common sense" he had learned was all from the interstellar era.

In the interstellar era, there is no fear that children will be lost and cannot find their parents. Firstly, there is star brain monitoring, and secondly, people from the monitoring team can know who her parents are by scanning the chip in the child's body.

If there is no chip, hair extraction can also quickly match her blood relatives.

Song Yao had only heard from Teacher He before that many people still had black household registrations, but he had never heard adults talk about blood kinship testing methods.

Now he also knew that he could not tell others about 005, so he asked Professor Wang in a subtle way:

"Master, can you tell who is a family member through hair, blood, etc.?"

Professor Wang educated his disciples with a smile:

"You read it from the novel again, right? Yao'er, just read the novel. Don't take it seriously. I know someone who writes martial arts novels. Everything he writes is all made up. He doesn't believe it himself."

"You can't believe it when you shed blood to identify relatives. People with the same blood type can get along with each other even if they are not relatives."

Song Yao, who was taught a lesson, "That was believed by ancient people, we can't believe such foolish rhetoric," listened attentively.

Because Professor Wang may have recognized his relatives and felt better.

Rarely, he mentioned the past:

"When I was a child, there was a family. When the wife gave birth to a child that looked good-looking, the man felt that the child was not his, and insisted on bleeding to recognize him. As a result, the blood did not mix, so he yelled that he wanted to kill his wife. Shen Tang.”

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong had never heard of this word and asked curiously:

"Master, what is Shen Tang?"

Professor Wang hesitated for a moment, thinking this was too cruel, so he passed it on vaguely:

"Anyway, it wasn't a good thing. His wife cried and swore that she had never stolen anyone. There was someone from their clan who had studied abroad and said that the method of identifying relatives by shedding blood was unscientific.

He found a dozen people who were willing to shed blood, and tried them one by one. The blood of several unrelated people became fused. "

Song Yao listened with great interest and completely took this as a story.

After listening, he asked: "Did that man apologize to his wife?"

Professor Wang couldn't remember it.

He could only remember this incident because it was such a big fuss at the time. It would not be an exaggeration to say that people from all over the city came to watch the fun.

But now that I think about it as an adult, the man who suspected his wife of cheating because his son was good-looking, and who even dumped his wife and newborn baby in the pond after giving birth, must not have any feelings for her.

Soon after, the city was destroyed. I hope the mother and son can escape from that man and live well.

This was the first time Song Yao heard such a story. After returning home, he kept thinking about what Shen Tang was.

Regarding the arrangements for these six new "employees", it is Father Song who is here.

Not only Song Yao and the others, but also Song's father and the others heard that they didn't want any salary. It didn't take Yuan Jiang to say anything, but he guessed that these six people were also members of the country.

Naturally, he thanked everyone first, and then took them to the mountain to choose a place.

Song Yao and the others wanted a larger test site that was far away from the village and convenient for them to circle around. It would be best if they could stand at a high place and easily see the situation below.

Father Song knew the surrounding mountains very well. After hearing their requirements, he immediately thought of which mountain would be suitable.

He first took six people up the mountain to have a look, and after confirming that it was indeed suitable, he went to the village party secretary to talk about Baoshan.

Baoshan is not easy, especially now that Baoshan does not just have to talk to the government, but also needs to be recognized by the whole village.

Fortunately, the Song family has always been very popular in Dashu Village. In addition to what happened with the fan last time, the whole village agreed with them. They wanted to cover the mountain to keep bees, and the whole village could get a share of the money. Natural and very supportive.

I held a village meeting and the matter was settled.

Song Yao and the others are going to conduct experiments in the mountains, so they will definitely need a house. Among other things, the six new comrades also need a place to live.

Also, since it is under the guise of beekeeping, you have to be considerate.

The mountain is so big that we need to get some bees over it.

In order to prevent Song Yao and the others from being stung by bees when they were active, Song's father also planned to pull up a net to block the bees from passing through.

Naturally, the nets are pulled down at the bottom of the mountain, but the purpose of pulling up the nets at the bottom of the mountain is to prevent people from going up the mountain.

At first, the two children went over to join in the fun, but when they discovered that it was all tedious, they were no longer interested.

Grandma Song also chased them away:

"You won't have to do this anymore, and there's no point in learning. Just go and have fun."

I also knew that these two children would never wander around in a small village in the future. Even when they were older, they were already surrounded by people taking care of them.

It would be a waste of two children's time for them to learn such tedious little things.

So Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong went to play again.

Song Yao’s children are now interested in what Shen Tang is.

But I don’t know if this is a tacit understanding between the adults. When I heard the two children playing, most of them were confused.

A small number of them even said directly: "I can't help but tell you, this is very scary."

But the less they said what it was, the more curious Song Yao became.

The day before school started, the child went to the county government and searched for books for almost a day before he found out the information about Shen Tang.

He was stunned.

Shen Tang actually said to put people in pig cages or tie stones to their feet, tie their hands and feet, and then throw them into the water to drown.

Song Yao imagined what that scene would be like, and his whole body shivered.

Even Zhao Xiaodong, who has always been brave, was frightened.

"Isn't it possible to just watch yourself drown?"

How terrible.

Song Yao was so frightened: "No wonder Master didn't tell us what Shen Tang is, it turns out to be so scary."

When they went to inquire about it, some elders in the village said that when the People's Republic of China was first founded, there were still places where pond ponds were practiced.

Moreover, some villages will have a special place for sinking ponds. It is usually a puddle, not very big, but definitely very deep. For example, Xiaoshu Village has such a puddle.

Although it has not been used for decades, people in the village do not like to go there to wash clothes.

The adults would also prevent children from playing nearby. It is said that if Xiaoshu Village was not poor and could not afford the stones to fill the pond, the pond would have been filled in long ago.

Song Yao's face turned pale with fright when he thought about it now.

He also went to play by the small pond.

Although he didn't dare to get too close because the adults didn't let them play there, he almost caught fish with other children.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong had nightmares for two days after they returned.

When the adults saw them having nightmares and sleeping poorly together, they roughly guessed that they knew what Shen Tang was doing. They scolded them as "cats have bad tempers. The less they are allowed to do something, the more they will do it." They stewed soup to calm their shock. .

Teacher He saw that the two children were really wilting and comforted them:

"That's all in the past. Now we are in New Zhongzhou. Shen Tang is illegal. Just like recognizing relatives with blood is a thing of the past. We in Zhongzhou are always moving forward."

"Your generation is responsible for studying hard and making Zhongzhou better and better."

Obviously Teacher He spoke lightly and didn't seem to say anything, but he calmed the two children very well.

Song Yao always felt that those stupid things were far away from him.

As a result, after asking around this time, I found out that even now, there are still people who suspect that the child is not their own because the child does not look like them, causing unrest in the family.

But the better thing is that divorce is now possible.

If you really can't live with it, just get divorced. What I'm afraid of are those who can't live with it and don't have the heart to divorce.

But Song's father and Song's mother in Xinghe County have taken a good lead, and no one will find divorce embarrassing.

Song Yao went to ask 005: [You didn’t have such a thing at that time, right? 】

005: [At that time, few people chose natural pregnancy. After passing the parent qualification certificate, you could apply for an artificial womb. 】

The children were all born directly in an artificial reproduction facility, so how could something like this happen?

Song Yao was envious.

He told Zhao Xiaodong: "I don't know if there will be artificial reproduction in Zhongzhou when we grow up..."

The child was very worried: "I heard that giving birth to a baby will be very painful, but I don't know how painful it is. Can I not have a baby when I grow up?"

Seeing him touching his belly with a worried look on his face, Zhao Xiaodong was shocked:

"Why are you worried about this? It's not you who gives birth, only girls give birth to babies."

Song Yao was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that it was indeed more than a hundred years later that men could conceive, and he forgot about it.

The child was relieved.

Then came a new round of worries: "What if the girl who is willing to give birth to my baby in the future feels pain?"

Zhao Xiaodong felt that he thought too much:

"My grandma said that I can't date anyone until I'm eighteen years old at the earliest. You're only eight years old now. Why do you want to do this?"

Song Yao thought what he said made sense.

"You're right, this happened a long, long time ago... But what if my baby is held by the wrong person? You can't shed blood to identify yourself."

This is what they heard from Grandpa Seven.

According to Grandpa Seven, when he was young, he met someone who had the wrong child.

One family has money, one family has no money, and the child is held in the wrong child. When he grows up, he realizes, Oh, that’s not right. Why does this child look more and more like another family?

Children from poor families don't want to go back. Children from rich families don't grow up with their biological parents, so when they return to their own home, they won't be favored by children from poor families.

Then it disappeared, and they were all killed in a bombardment.

Because of this story, Zhao Xiaodong felt that Song Yao's concerns were quite reasonable.

He scratched his head: "Why don't you hire someone to watch you when you give birth?"

Song Yao felt that this trick was not very reliable.

If he is so good-looking, his baby must be good-looking as well. What if the person he hires is watching and stealing?

The child immediately decided:

"Okay, I want to make something that can detect whether it is a relative."

He had this idea not for a day or two, but for three days:

"After it is completed, people like Master who have separated relatives can use this to find their relatives."

And in the future, everyone no longer has to worry about holding the wrong baby, or using the ancient and unscientific method of blood identification to see if it is their own child.

Song Yao had no idea where to start, so he decided to see if it was available in the learning system.

Of course there is in the learning system.

Still grouped by hobbies, Song Yao found relevant knowledge in the ranks classified as "ancient".

"What is DNA?"

After listening to his ramble, Zhao Xiaodong started scratching his head again:

"Why do you always say things I don't understand?"

Song Yao remained mysterious: "That's because you don't know how. When you learn it, you will understand it."

Zhao Xiaodong: "So what exactly is DNA?"

Song Yao: "You can't even do it, do you think I can?"

Zhao Xiaodong: ...So what are you so proud of?

Song Yao really doesn't know how.

He didn't have much exposure to this knowledge.

But it’s not a big problem, he can learn it.

Anyway, there are so many things to learn, and this is not the least of them.

Professor Wang knew that they planned to make something that could reveal whether they were related or not, and he was very supportive.

"Not to mention the chaotic years when so many people were separated from their families, let's just talk about the children who were abducted by human traffickers. With this, we can help them find their homes."

So Song Yao had one more reason to do this.

He hates human traffickers.

Especially after the last time I met the man with dual identities of human trafficker and spy.

The county magistrate also said that this man had accomplices, and the young girls who were rescued were fine. They could finally find their homes.

It’s hard for those little kids who don’t remember things.

Communications are not developed these days, so they can only spread the word and find a group of children. It depends on luck whether any parents can find them.

Song Yao was full of motivation when he thought that if he could help those children find their families by making this blood test thing.

But many things can't be done by relying on motivation.

Even though this instrument is a backward antique for the interstellar era, it is still difficult for Song Yao who lives in this era.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to make it quickly. He was studying, reading, and asking the teacher for advice, which was quite happy.

After school started, Teacher He got into the mood.

I don’t know whether it’s because the learning atmosphere in Dashu Village is good, or because the two young geniuses Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong are always willing to share their learning experiences with their classmates. This group of children in Dashu Village learns things relatively quickly.

But so far, no one has discovered this.

Teacher He himself was a smart student when he was a child, and he is still making rapid progress in his studies now.

This was her first time teaching students, and there were two real geniuses comparing them. With Song Yao in charge, even Zhao Xiaodong seemed to have only a little bit of genius, let alone the other students.

And the students themselves don’t even know.

It is also their first time to go to school.

Thus, a beautiful misunderstanding occurred.

Teacher He still teaches according to their learning progress. The children also find that they learn quickly and are afraid of being left behind (mainly because parents will scold them if they fall behind), so they study hard every day.

Especially with Grandma Song sitting behind me.

She was determined to find time to come and take classes every day. Now that the two families were relatives, those who came to take classes were even more upright.

It can also help Teacher He check from behind to see if there are any children who are not doing well in class.

Sometimes she goes to other people's homes to chat, and when she sees students doing homework, she can go up and give them some guidance.

With such improvements in all aspects, the children in Dashu Village have made rapid progress, but so far, no one has noticed it.

Ten days after school started, Teacher He went down the mountain to get the newspaper and came back with a smile on his face.

She even showed it to Song Yao:

"This is a great thing, and it's all thanks to you."

The two children leaned over and saw what was in the newspaper.

It turned out that the central government directly announced that all soldiers who lost limbs during service can receive prostheses.

And it specifically states that there is no time limit, that is to say, those who were our soldiers before the founding of the People's Republic of China and became disabled during the war can also come to receive prostheses.

Song Yao was not surprised by this. The design book they handed in included various parts.

He was super surprised that all disabled soldiers could receive it:

"This is a lot of money. Can the country bear it?"

With Grandpa Wen here, they also know that the country is actually very poor.

It must be very difficult for the country to come up with this amount of money.

Teacher He said with a smile: "Don't worry, since there is this report, it must have been considered by the leaders. This is a good thing. I don't know how many people in the People's Liberation Army have lost their limbs and are not living well..."

Her grandfather retired from the army, so she felt more deeply about it.

"If every prosthetic limb could be as good as yours, it would save many families."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong were happy to hear this. They patted their chests and promised:

"It must be possible! It took so many days to say that a batch must have been made."

Just thinking that their puppet arm can help people makes the two children very happy.

"In that case, Brother Ah Rong won't be able to use the arm made of another material we sent over. He can go and receive it from the state."

Although that kind of arm can be used in daily life, it is not as good as a puppet arm made of steel.

Song Yao was very happy that Brother Ah Rong could have a steel arm.

Yuan Jiang knew the inside story.

He told the two children that the country had made some deletions and replaced some cheap materials based on the puppet arm.

Although the effect is not as good as the puppet arm, it will definitely not affect daily use.

Moreover, he also told them that part of the technology of the puppet arm was used in mechanical production, and the effect was very good, so they made a contribution again.

When he spoke, his eyebrows were smiling.

Song Yao rarely sees brother Yuan Jiang like this.

Yuan Jiang has always been the coldest and responsible person among the group. 24 hours a day, he has an expressionless face for 23 hours and 50 minutes, and even if there is movement on his face for the remaining ten minutes, it is just a slight expression.

It was rare that the smile on his lips was so wide.

Yuan Jiang did smile happily, he said:

"I have some comrades. After they became disabled, although they were compensated, it was difficult to find a job. Now that they have this prosthesis, they must be very happy."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong knew that brother Yuan Jiang was engaged in a very dangerous job.

He even had direct contact with real flash, light, and bombs.

It was also because of Yuan Jiang's good skills, calm temperament, and rich experience in fighting enemies that he was sent to protect the child Song Yao.

His comrades must have experienced various dangers.

After knowing the news, Song Yao finally realized something.

To him and Zhao Xiaodong, the puppet arm was just a toy, but it meant nothing if it was placed in the hands of those who needed it.

He also understood why the country had to provide prosthetics to soldiers who had lost limbs even under such great economic pressure.

Their toys, in the hands of others, may have saved an entire family.

Song Yao's eyes were bright, and he said to Zhao Xiaodong:

"I think the country is amazing."

They can only play, but the country can arrange everything properly.

Song Yao became more certain that he must work for the country in the future.

The country is truly amazing.

When Song Yao and their puppet arms were sent up for the first time, everything started to move.

These are also recorded. At least the county magistrate reported the list early after being notified.

After more than ten days of arrangements, the first batch of prosthetic limbs has been completed and has been escorted and transported to various locations.

In Xinghe County, when Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong went there, they could clearly feel that everyone was very excited.

As soon as I heard that prosthetic limbs were going to be distributed, everyone on the street ran faster than the other.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong couldn't help but run along.

While running, he asked the people around him: "Uncle, what are you running for? Does anyone in your family need this prosthetic limb?"

The uncle ran slowly, so he could only fall next to the child. After hearing this, he replied:

"No, I'm going to watch the fun. Prosthetic limbs. This is the first time I've heard of such a thing."

Song Yao went to ask another aunt: "Auntie, are you also here to watch the fun?"

This auntie ran very leisurely:

"Business? What excitement?"

Song Yao: "The government distributes prostheses. Auntie, you don't know, so why are you running?"

The aunt said confidently: "Everyone ran away, so I ran along with them."

Song Yao: "..."

It turns out that the person who had nothing to do with the matter ran the fastest.

Those who really meet the requirements do so slowly and with the company of their families.

Song Yao only found out today that there were so many people in Xinghe County who had lost their limbs.

Although most of them are older and should have been injured before the founding of the People's Republic of China, he has never seen them before.

Yuan Jiang often corresponds with his comrades, but he knows one thing:

"Those who have lost their hands are fine, and it doesn't affect their ability to move around. But those who have lost their legs have problems walking. They are tired, and so are their family members, so most of them can't go out without going out."

What can you do especially when you come out?

I couldn't run or jump, I walked slowly, it took a long time to buy something, and I was very tired.

Moreover, when you go out, you may be looked at strangely by others. Gradually, you will naturally stop going out.

The first person to come forward was an old man with no legs. It was obvious that he felt very embarrassed and kept his head down without looking around.

The middle-aged man carrying him was probably his son, and there was an old lady beside him.

The old lady held something that could prove the old man's identity and carefully handed it over:

"Can the commendation given before the founding of the People's Republic of China be used?"

Today was the first time to distribute the money. The county magistrate had finished his work in advance and came over to take the lead. After checking it carefully, he glanced at the old man who was being helped to stand and shrunk behind his wife in embarrassment.

"Of course, do you remember how this injury came about?"

The old man smiled sheepishly:

"Remember, our company, which was in charge of reinforcements, had already finished fighting, but bombs actually fell from the sky. But I was lucky and saved my life."

Only when he said this, there was a smile on his face and a slight sense of pride.

The county magistrate glanced at the empty trouser leg on his left leg, and when his gaze came into contact, the old man moved back uncomfortably, obviously used to avoiding other people's eyes.

He sighed in his heart, raised a smile on his face, and tried his best to make the other party feel his respect:

"Okay, I understand, Comrade Ge, go and register there, and someone will teach you how to use the prosthesis."

The old man got on his son's back again and was carried to the other side.

The county magistrate watched the old lady immediately cover the stall, covering the old man's empty left trouser leg, and closed his eyes:

"War, they are obviously the heroes, but in the end they still feel inferior."

The secretary brother asked: "Do you want me to go and comfort the old man? Maybe he is a little uncomfortable after not going out for too long."

The county magistrate nodded: "Go ahead and use your energy to fool me."

As a result, before the secretary came over, he saw two familiar children approaching him.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong were so familiar with this stage that they managed to do it by themselves without any help from adults.

As soon as they came up, they saw the prosthetic limb installation site, and they went there happily.

"Wow!! This prosthetic leg is so cool!"

I don’t know if the country thinks that the appearance of the puppet’s arm is really good or something. The design of the prosthetic leg is of the same origin as the puppet’s arm. It is made of steel, dark and bright, and every part looks cool.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong liked it very much and admired the country even more.

When they designed the legs, they couldn't think of such a good look.

"Grandpa, can I touch it?"

They also knew that this leg now belonged to the old man, and they were eager to touch it without forgetting to ask each other's opinion.

When the old man saw the children coming, he immediately covered his legs with the blanket he had just taken off, and nodded with a smile:

"Touch it."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong touched it carefully, and the children's exclamations came one after another:

"Wow!! So cool!!"

“This connection is also well done!!”

The comrade who was responsible for teaching people how to install and use prosthetic limbs was ready and said to the old man:

"Comrade Ge, it's okay. Let me help you install it now, shall I?"

The old man was afraid of scaring the children, so he looked at them hesitantly. Seeing that the two children were still immersed in how handsome and beautiful the prosthetic legs were, he hesitantly took off the blanket.

His wife helped him lift up his trouser legs, exposing his thighs that looked like lumps of flesh underneath.

The comrade immediately took out a ruler and began to measure the height to remove the excess parts of the prosthesis.

The prosthesis was taken away and disassembled, and the two children's attention immediately shifted to the old man's legs.

Song Yao opened his eyes in shock: "Ah!"

The old man was startled and hurriedly wanted to cover himself with a blanket, but he heard the child quickly making a fuss in an admiring tone:

"Grandpa!!! Is this the injury you got during the war? Grandpa, you are so awesome!! You are a hero!!"

Zhao Xiaodong followed with a look of admiration:

"It must have hurt at that time."

The old man was stunned: "Aren't you... afraid?"

Song Yao was even more stunned than him: "Why should we be afraid? Grandpa, isn't this what you left behind when you defended the country? It's amazing, my father said, if you hadn't risked your lives on the front line, we in Zhongzhou wouldn't be what we are now. So peaceful.

My grandparents might starve to death, and my father and I would not be born. "

After returning, because the child was frightened by the war belatedly, the Song family took turns brainwashing him for a long time.

So Song Yao admires those soldiers who go to the battlefield very much.

When he sent an arm to Brother Arong, he also specially sent sweet potatoes to do it.

He and Zhao Xiaodong took turns thinking about how the old man had protected his family and country on the battlefield, and they cherished it and paid their respects to him as they did in the family.

"Grandpa, you must live a long life. Look at our Central Continent getting better and better."

The old man was a little embarrassed by what they said, but also a little proud. He smiled shyly and said:

"thank you all."

Song Yao and the others not only worshiped themselves, but also called some children to come up when they saw that some children in the audience wanted to come up but were afraid to come up.

Then he gave them popular science in a matter-of-fact way:

"Did you see it! This is a prosthesis that only heroes can wear! The country only gives this kind of honor to heroes! Do you know why? Because if they hadn't fought the enemy on the battlefield, none of us would have been born!"

"So we have to thank them very much!! We almost ceased to exist! Do you know what non-existence means?

I just can’t eat candied haws, noodles, or steamed buns! "

A group of children were stunned by Song Yao's deception.

In addition, he is a famous genius in Xinghe County and has always been the king of children (mainly because he has many fun things in his hands), so naturally he says what he says.

Everyone then bowed to the old man unskillfully:

"Thank you, Grandpa Hero! Grandpa Hero will live a long life!"

When I looked at the old man's broken leg, my feelings changed.

How is this terrifying? This is clearly a hero's medal!

The old man stared blankly at a group of children chirping at him with admiration. He didn't know how to organize the words for a moment, so he could only keep saying:

"Okay, okay..."

His wife wiped her tears beside him and silently put away the blanket.

Next, every time a soldier came up who had lost a limb, Song Yao led a group of children to worship them and thanked them for their sacrifice in exchange for the birth of his own generation.

Some of the children understand, some don't understand and just join in the fun with the older children.

But no matter what, their behavior made the soldiers who came up feel the glory.

The concept of prosthetics has also been given the meaning of national commendation.

When they wear prosthetic limbs and walk around, people around them will look at them with admiration and admiration.

In the future, old people like Uncle Ge will probably no longer spontaneously trap themselves in the house and never come out.

The county magistrate had been busy and had no time to pay attention to these things. When he finished his work and returned to the county government building, he was really impressed by what the secretary said.

He is obviously such a young child, but why does he act so caringly?

The county magistrate immediately decided that when distributing the prosthetic limbs in the future, he would promote the words "You are all heroes, and the prosthetic limbs represent medals and recognition for heroes."

He looked up at the sky again, looking at the shining sun hanging above:

"I made a mistake last time. Song Yao is not a star, he should be the sun."

The secretary brother then raised his head and looked at the sun:

"County Magistrate, there is also a hole in the ceiling here."

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