Now in Sand Hidden Village, Luo Sha has successfully ascended to power.

But it’s just like in the original plot, top-level combatants like Ye Cang were sacrificed.

Even though he had successfully ascended the throne, Luo Sha was obviously still wary of Ye Cang.

This is mainly because Ye Cang is too outstanding.

Even if the Kazekage competition fails, many people in Sunagakure Village still support Ye Cang.

In the eyes of the superiors, this is undoubtedly a master of great achievements.

In fact, situations like Ye Cang's are not unique in the ninja world.

The most recent example is Konoha White Fang.

Others don't know, so how could Naraku, who was born in the Root Organization, not know.

The death of Konoha White Fang was caused by the master of great power.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not as brainless as Rasa.

At first, the other party just wanted to use public opinion to suppress Hatake Sakumo's prestige and make him lose further opportunities.

It just screwed up in the end.

"Whether Luo Sha wants to use the name of alliance with Iwagakure to eradicate Ye Cang or not, it is always right to prepare in advance." Naraku thought to himself.

He asked Nonoyu to contact the spies over at Sand Hidden Village just to be on guard against Luo Sand's "acting in advance".

If the other party really plans to use the name of alliance to trap Ye Cang, then he must not miss this great opportunity to regain Ye Cang.

Within a few days, the fighting between Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village, which had been fighting to the death, stopped.

Yunyin Village quickly completed the withdrawal of troops.

Iwagakure Village also has no intention of counterattack.

no way.

Although Ohnoki used large-scale combat to force the Third Raikage to retreat, he also suffered heavy casualties.

"Yunyin Village, Hoshi Ninja Village, sooner or later I will come to settle accounts with you."

In the camp, Ohnoki growled and cursed.

Whether it was the retreat of Yunyin Village or the cessation of Naraku's plunder, both of them made Onoki feel no joy.

Because the losses to Iwagakure Village and Earth Country were too great this time.

Both sides and Yunyin Village were harmed on the battlefield, and the country was in a mess.

Especially the latter.

Even though Naraku no longer plunders, the impact of his actions does not end there.

Today's Earth Kingdom has long been in panic, especially those rich and nobles, many of whom are afraid and have chosen to withdraw from the Earth Kingdom.

Such development has undoubtedly caused considerable losses to the economy of the Land of Earth.

Some people are in pain, and some are naturally happy.

In contrast to the pain in Iwagakure Village, Hoshinin Village and Kumogakure Village were beaming with joy.

Yunyin Village moved quickly.

As soon as the two sides finished their operations, the Third Raikage immediately dispatched an envoy group to the Star Ninja Village.

When the envoy from Yunyin Village arrived, Nonoyu replaced Naraku and began to divide the spoils with the people from Yunyin Village.

"There are so many? Could it be a mistake?"

The leader of the Yunyin Village envoy is a man with an eyepatch on his left eye.

This person's name is Tutai. In addition to being the Bloodline Limiter of Melting Release, he also has the trust of the Third Raikage.

At this time, Dodai was obviously shocked when he saw the list of supplies provided by Nonoyu.

Just because the quantity of supplies on the list really exceeded his estimate.

And it's not just a little bit more, it's more than twice as much.

He looked at Nonoyu opposite in shock, trying to make sure there was a mistake in the list.

"Don't worry, sir, the supplies on the list were sorted out by me myself." Nonoyu said with a smile.

Although the operation against Iwagakure Village has ended, the alliance between Hoshinin Village and Kumogakure Village has not ended.

Therefore, Nonoyu did not do anything about the division of materials.

"Sorry, I lost my temper!" After confirming that there was no problem with the supplies, Tutai quickly apologized.

At the same time, he was secretly chatting in his heart.

No wonder Raikage-sama would agree to form an alliance with the Star Ninja Village. Such ability to act is indeed beyond the reach of others.

After adjusting his mood, Tutai immediately devoted himself to dividing the materials.

According to the original agreement, the Hoshi Ninja Village and Kumo Hidden Village will share the materials looted from the Earth Kingdom 50-50.

"By the way, I heard that the two Jinchuuriki of Iwagakure Village have mysteriously disappeared. I wonder if you know their whereabouts?"

After the division of the spoils was over, Toutai was satisfied with the huge amount of supplies and couldn't help but test it out again.

"You are talking about Han and Lao Zi from Iwagakure Village. They tried to attack our village, but they were defeated by us and have become our prisoners. We will even use the tailed beasts of these two people to create our own The Jinchuuriki of our village," Nonoyu said with a normal expression.

She did not hide the whereabouts of Han and Lao Zi, because it was impossible to hide it.

She already knew from Naraku that the Four-Tails and Five-Tails would become jinchūriki of their own village.

Therefore, unless these two tailed beasts are not used in the future, Yunyin Village will know about it sooner or later.

Of course, the most important thing is confidence.

Star Ninja Village has established its own reputation due to Naraku's repeated achievements.

Even when facing Yunyin Village, No Naiyu was not weak at all.

"Well, that's it. Then I'll congratulate you here."

When Dodai learned that the two Jinchuuriki of Iwagakure Village had really fallen into the hands of the Hoshi Ninja Village, he was happy at first, but when he heard what Noonoyu said later, his heart immediately dropped.

He originally thought about whether he could win over the jinchuriki, but judging from Nonou's attitude, it was obvious that this was impossible.

Especially when he knew that the Star Ninja Village was preparing to create a Jinchuuriki, his heart trembled.

There is no doubt about the significance of tailed beasts.

If the Star Ninja Village really creates a Jinchūriki, the military power it will have in the future will not only be the second Rain Ninja Village, but will also enter the competition among the five major ninja villages.

The topic of Jinchūriki obviously made Tsuchida uneasy.

Then, after a brief chat, Tsuchida chose to say goodbye, escorted the materials for cooperation, and hurried back to the Hidden Cloud Village.

"The people of the Hidden Cloud Village were very nervous when they learned that we were going to create a Jinchūriki." In the office of the Star Shadow Building, Nono immediately informed Naraku of Tsuchida's reaction.

"That's for sure. After all, the meaning of Jinchūriki is very important, and it is normal for the other party to have such a reaction." Naraku said casually while sitting on the sofa.

Nono said: "I don't know what actions the Third Raikage will take when this news reaches him. I hope it won't affect the alliance."

Naraku smiled: "It's not just us who need to make friends with distant countries and attack nearby ones. The Hidden Cloud Village also needs it.

This time we teamed up to pit the Land of Earth. The Hidden Cloud Village also needs us to distract the attention of the Hidden Rock Village, so the alliance should be fine for the time being."

As for the future.

Based on the current development progress of the Star Ninja Village, the need for an alliance with the Hidden Cloud Village will naturally decrease in the future.

Even now.

Even if the Hidden Cloud Village tears up the alliance because of dissatisfaction with the distribution of Jinchūriki, Naraku is not really worried.

A big plate has its advantages.

But a small plate also has its conveniences.

With his current strength, plus Scorpion, Nono, Natsuhisa and others, if they focus on defense, it is enough to protect the safety of the Bear Country.

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