It was getting close to evening.

The Sand Village envoys led by Ye Cang successfully arrived at the agreed meeting place with the Rock Village.

This is a valley.


Entering the valley, Ye Cang stopped immediately when she saw the figures dressed as Rock Ninjas in front of her.

As she stopped, the Sand Ninjas following behind also stopped immediately.

Ye Cang was very alert and first glanced at the situation in the valley. When she found that there was no problem, she looked at the Rock Ninjas on the opposite side.

The number of Rock Ninjas was the same as hers, and there were also about twenty people.

When Ye Cang looked at one of the Rock Ninjas, his eyes suddenly condensed.

This Rock Ninja was about thirty years old and had a hedgehog-like hairstyle.

"It's the hunter of the Rock Village Demolition Team!"

Looking at the Rock Ninja with a hedgehog-like hairstyle, Ye Cang immediately recognized the other party's identity.

Just like the Sand Village has an ace combat unit like the Puppet Unit, the Rock Village also has an ace unit like the Demolition Unit.

The person in front of him was the captain of the blasting unit. He not only possessed the bloodline limit of Explosion Release, but was also extremely powerful. He was a very famous elite jonin in the Hidden Rock Village.

Information about Kari flashed through his mind.

Ye Cang became more alert when he saw that there was a master like Kari among the people sent by the Hidden Rock Village to pick them up.

Normally, if it was just a pick-up, no heavyweight figure would be sent out.

Even if he wanted to gain benefits through a show of force in the alliance negotiations, he should wait until the time of negotiations.

Of course.

Before the people of the Hidden Rock Village really made any dangerous moves, Ye Cang could only be more vigilant.

Tap tap tap.

Like Ye Cang, the Hidden Rock Ninjas headed by Kari also saw the arrival of Ye Cang and other Sand Ninjas at the first time.

It seemed that he really had no ill intentions. Kari led the Hidden Rock Ninjas to meet Ye Cang and others directly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Cang temporarily suppressed his vigilance and led the Sand Ninjas behind him to meet the other side.

"Everyone from the Hidden Rock Village, we are the envoys from the Hidden Sand Village who have come to negotiate an alliance with you. Here are our credentials."

When they were five or six meters apart, Ye Cang stopped and spoke loudly to the Hidden Rock Ninjas on the opposite side. He took out the credentials from his ninja bag and threw them to Shou on the opposite side.

Raised his hand to catch the credentials.

Shou did not open it to check, but looked at a certain Suna Ninja behind Ye Cang without leaving a trace, and then immediately set his sights on Ye Cang on the opposite side.

Grinning, Shou said: "Famous Burning Release Master Ye Cang, I was very sorry that I couldn't go to the Bird Country battlefield to fight you, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity now."

"What are you--"

Ye Cang's face changed slightly after Shou's words.

Why doesn't the other party's attitude seem to be about forming an alliance at all, but instead wants to deal with him.

Suspicious in his heart, Ye Cang opened his mouth to question.

But before she could finish her words, there was a sudden sound of dense air breaking behind her.

The instinct formed by many years of fighting made Ye Cang's hair stand on end.

But just as she was about to dodge, her body lost control and became abnormally slow.

It was as if she was no longer the famous Shokuton, but a Genin who had just graduated from the Ninja School.

Look at Ye Cang's back.

The dense sound of breaking through the air was from the rain of shurikens and kunai.

You should know that behind Ye Cang, there were the Sand Ninjas.

Now someone attacked Ye Cang from behind, and the only ones who could do this were undoubtedly the Sand Ninjas who were regarded as companions by Ye Cang.

The sudden backstab.

Coupled with the abnormal slowness of the body.

The large number of shurikens and kunai that broke through the air quickly were about to fall on Ye Cang's smooth and beautiful back.


The strong wind rushed.

Just as the Sand Ninjas who shot out shurikens and kunai were grinning and waiting for their sneak attack to succeed.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind swept in from the side, and it just happened to sweep the shurikens and kunai flying towards Ye Cang aside.

When the strong wind swept the shuriken and kunai away, Ye Cang, who was slow in his movements, jumped to the other side and got out of the middle of the Sand Ninjas and the Rock Ninjas.

Not far away, Ye Cang, who was staggering a little, looked at his former companions with a pale face and anger.

"Kill her!"

The sneak attack was destroyed by the sudden strong wind, and the grinning Sand Ninjas were shocked and rushed to Ye Cang with a roar.

If it were normal, they would naturally not dare to fight with Ye Cang.

But it was different now.

Not only because of Luo Sha's order, but also because Ye Cang had been poisoned by them in advance.

Although this poison was not a fatal toxin in order not to arouse Ye Cang's awareness, it had a strong effect of suppressing chakra.

The more chakra is extracted, the faster the toxicity will be exerted.

Chakra is the source of power for ninjas.

Even if it is as strong as Ye Cang's top combat power, once the chakra is severely suppressed, it may not be able to beat even the newly graduated Genin.

"Did the Sand Village poison Ye Cang?"

Kari and the Rock Ninjas did not participate in the attack on Ye Cang.

Mainly because Kari, as the leader, did not take action.

The reason Kari did not take action was because he saw from Ye Cang's unusually slow reaction that the Sand Village might have poisoned Ye Cang.

After all, since the birth of the puppeteer, the Sand Village has been the best in the ninja world in terms of poison.

If Ye Cang was not poisoned, Kari actually wanted to compete with Ye Cang.

But now that Ye Cang was poisoned, he lost interest.

As long as Ye Cang cannot leave alive, it doesn't matter to him if the people of Sand Village solve it themselves.

I don't know if they paid too much attention to Ye Cang, but the people of Sand Village and Rock Village actually overlooked a problem.

That is the sudden strong wind just now. It may not be accidental, but someone deliberately saved Ye Cang.

The Sand Ninjas rushed over, and the frightened Ye Cang gritted his teeth and wanted to fight.

But her chakra was severely suppressed, so she couldn't keep up with the speed of the Sand Ninjas.

Before she could make any response, the Sand Ninjas had already killed her close.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the Sand Ninjas rushing over, Ye Cang felt a strong unwillingness and despair in her heart.

She thought that she would die one day, but she only thought of a scene similar to dying on the battlefield, but she never thought that she would die at the hands of people in her own village.

In the mood of unwillingness and despair, this scene made Ye Cang's heart burst out with unprecedented anger.

Just like in the original plot, Uchiha Madara would choose Uchiha Obito.

There is often only a thin line between light and darkness.

The more extreme a person is, the more likely he is to go to another extreme.

Before being betrayed, Ye Cang was devoted to protecting the Sand Village, and even regarded the village as a treasure more important than his own life.

At this moment, the arrival of betrayal is like a drop of ink falling into clear water. It seems to be very different from the clear water, but it can quickly dye the clear water black.

Ye Cang is this bowl of clear water. In a blink of an eye, under the unbearable pain of betrayal, he fell from light to darkness.

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