"The fun is over, it's time to get down to business." Naraku stepped forward again, and immediately performed "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", directly passed through the iron gate with the curse and spell, and entered the vault.

That's right.

In fact, if Naraku wanted to, with the "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" at the minor stage, he could directly enter the vault in the Anbu base after triggering the detonating talisman.

Entering from the Hokage Building was actually just a little fun for him.

The vault inside the iron gate was very large.

When Naraku flashed in, he could immediately see that the fully metal-enclosed vault was divided into several areas.

For example, some areas were stacked with suitcases full of cash.

Some areas were stacked with gold bars like a mountain.

Other areas were neatly arranged with hard currency materials such as chakra metal.

Scanning through each area, it can be said that the items placed in each area are enough to bring unimaginable wealth.

As for the situation in the vault, Naraku had already seen it through his spiritual perception.

After a casual glance, he raised his foot and stomped his foot.

"Flying Thunder God: Lightning Guide!"

The moment he stomped his foot, a large-scale Flying Thunder God technique immediately extended from Naraku's feet and spread to every corner of the vault.


In a flash, all the items in the vault disappeared, and all were transferred by Naraku to the warehouse that had been prepared in the Star Ninja Village.

After handling the wealth in the vault, Naraku did not leave immediately, but instead used "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" again and began to shuttle through various areas of the Anbu base.

Even the vault was set up in the Anbu base, which was enough to prove that the importance of the Anbu base was far from arranging Anbu members.

In fact, starting from Tobirama Senju, all research and experiments in Konoha were carried out in the Anbu base.

In other words, the Anbu base not only stored a lot of Konoha's confidential information, but also collected a large amount of experimental data and experimental items.

Relying on the advance exploration of the divine consciousness, Naraku seized the spoils very quickly.

After a short while, a large amount of experimental data such as Wood Release research data, Sharingan research data, Byakugan research data, etc. were found from the Anbu base.

Even the experimental items included the original cells of Hashirama Senju and a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

"I'm afraid the Uchiha clan themselves don't know about this pair of Sharingan, otherwise they would never put it here."

In a secret room, Naraku looked at the two Mangekyō Sharingan stored in a glass container in front of him.

There were relevant experimental data recorded next to the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, including their origins.

The owner of the eyes was Uchiha Kagami.

At the beginning, Tobirama Senju accepted many disciples.

Uchiha Kagami was one of them.

This person and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo and others can be regarded as brothers.

However, compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, Uchiha Kagami's treatment was much worse.

In the First Ninja World War, with the death of Tobirama Senju, Uchiha Kagami also died on the battlefield.

Well. This is the information on the surface.

In secret.

Looking at the intact Mangekyō Sharingan in front of him, Naraku felt that Uchiha Kagami's death was very intriguing.

Unless the Uchiha who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan had a congenital disease, his strength was enough to reach the second stage of elite jonin.

Naraku didn't believe that Uchiha Kagami, who had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, would die casually on the battlefield.

Not to mention that the pair of Sharingans left behind did not fall into the hands of the Uchiha clan, but appeared in the laboratory of the Anbu base.

"Forget it, it's none of my business anyway."

After a little thought, Naraku soon stopped thinking about it.

No matter how Uchiha Kagami died, the pair of Mangekyō Sharingans finally became his trophy.

"Next is the remaining secondary vaults!"

Naraku did not stop after sending the seized materials including the Mangekyō Sharingan to the Star Ninja Village. He immediately left the Anbu base with "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

However, leaving the Anbu base does not mean that the treasure hunt is over.

A cunning rabbit has three burrows, which is a common operation.

The vault in the Anbu base is not the only vault in Konoha.

In other places in Konoha, even in the outside world, there are still a large number of secondary vaults hidden.

Although the wealth collected in these secondary vaults cannot be compared with the main vault in the Anbu base, the wealth collected is still very huge.

Not to mention the small ninja villages, even if they are the same as the five major ninja villages, the wealth collected in these secondary vaults is enough to make the other four major ninja villages salivate.

Naraku does not know where the hidden vaults outside Konoha are.

But the secondary vaults in Konoha, he did not wander around in vain before, and he already had a thorough understanding of Konoha.

Naraku had already found enough fun in killing his way through the Hokage Building and the Anbu Base, so he didn't waste any more time on the secondary vaults in Konoha, and used the "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" technique to quickly plunder.


"Go, kill all the invaders!"

"Don't let anyone go!"


The Hyuga clan's land.

Konoha was in chaos, and fierce fighting was also taking place here.


Large houses, along with the Hyuga ninjas in the area, were overturned by the force.

The injured Hyuga ninjas screamed in pain.

Looking at the source of the attack, it was the huge Death Scorpion Yae.

"You dare to resist? If it weren't for Lord Naraku's order, all of you humans would have died!" Yae looked down at the screaming Hyuga ninja with cold eyes, and continued to swing the huge pincers to advance.

Not only Yae, if you look down from a high place, you can see the periphery of the entire Hyuga clan. There are a total of four huge death scorpions.

These four huge death scorpions are Yae as the leader and three commander-level death scorpions.

Like Yae, the other three commander-level death scorpions are all repelling the resisting Hyuga ninjas while advancing, constantly compressing the blockade.

Look at the inside of the Hyuga clan.

A star ninja is fighting with the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

Peacock magic!

Soft fist!

Whether it is a star ninja or a Hyuga ninja, both sides are using their own tricks and trying their best to defeat each other.

Similarly, the people in the battle also include Xia Rixing and Yu who lead the star ninjas.

Even the two of them were fighting one against many, restraining most of the Hyuga high-level combat power.

"Peacock Magic·Eagle Claw!"

The materialized chakra turned into armor covering the whole body, and Xia Rixing attacked fiercely with chakra claws, waving the claws to blow away a Hyuga upper ninja who was besieging him.


The Hyuga upper ninja screamed and flew backwards, and the chest was torn by the chakra claws, leaving bloody claw marks.

"Eight Diagrams·Empty Palm!"

A chakra shock wave like a cannonball came and hit Xia Rixing.

The [Three Magatama Sharingan] above the vermilion on the forehead rotated, and Xia Rixing keenly perceived the attack and dispersed the chakra shock wave with a punch.

"Damn it!"

The Hyuga upper ninja who launched the "Empty Palm" was shocked and angry when he saw that his attack was so easily resolved by the opponent.

The woman on the opposite side didn't know where she came from. Not only did she lead people to attack the clan land, but her strength was also extremely strong.

"Don't stop, keep attacking!"

"Come on, kill this woman for me!"


When Xia Rixing was besieged by many Hyuga ninjas, there were two old men guarded by many Hyuga ninjas not far away.

The two old men were dressed in gorgeous clothes and kept ordering the Hyuga ninjas who were besieging Xia Rixing.

Even when someone wanted to find a suitable time to attack, they would be scolded by the two old men immediately and had to attack hastily.

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