
Amidst the shrill screams, the Hyuga ninjas involved in the tornado not only completely lost control of their bodies, but were also cut into pieces like a thousand cuts.

When the Summer Star stopped spinning, a Hyuga ninja covered in blood flew around in embarrassment and fell heavily to the ground in the distance.

Use force from your feet.

Under the sudden explosion, Xia Xing did not stop, but the moment it stopped spinning, it flew towards the two elders of the Hyuga clan not far away.

"No, stop her quickly!"

"Protect the elders!"

"Go, go quickly!"


The sudden appearance of the tornado and the involvement of many Hyuga ninjas actually shocked the two Hyuga clan elders and their guards.

At this time, when the summer star struck, the expressions of these people changed drastically.

But even with Byakugan's insight, it was difficult for the Hyuga ninjas to capture the speed of Natsuhi Hoshi at this time.

Sweeping wings.

Summer Star, who arrived in the blink of an eye, controlled both wings to attack.


Sensing the danger, the two Hyuga clan elders ignored the Hyuga ninjas who were guarding them and hurriedly defended themselves.

Rotating at high speed, the erupted chakra turns into an expanding sphere.

The "Kaiten" used by the two elders of the Hyuga clan had already knocked away the members of the Hyuga branch who were guarding them before they collided with the wings of the summer star.

Boom! ! !

In the chaos, the chakra wings struck the two chakra spheres, and the violent collision stirred up air waves visible to the naked eye.


After a brief stalemate, the chakra wings suddenly broke through Kaiten's defense and flew away the two elders of the Hyuga clan.

Blood splattered.

Amidst the screams, the chests and abdomens of the two Hyuga Clan elders were torn with deep blood marks.

Flying upside down for tens of meters, the two crashed into a house in the distance and were buried by the collapsed ruins.


The nearby Hyuga ninjas were shocked when they saw the elders in danger.

Some hurriedly rushed to the ruins to rescue the elders, some intercepted Xia Xiaxing, and some turned around and fled.

That's right.

Some people choose to escape.

Most of the nearby Hyuga ninjas are members of the Hyuga branch, but there are also members of the Hyuga clan.

These people who escaped were basically members of the Hyuga clan.

Although elders have a higher status than ordinary clan members, when they encounter danger, clan members do not have the same retreat as members of branch clans.

No need to worry about being restricted by a caged bird.

The tilt of resources has allowed the Hyuga clan to cultivate jounin-level combat capabilities, but due to years of pampering, most of the clan's jounin have only empty strength and weak will to fight.

This is also reflected in the two elders of the Hyuga clan who were severely injured by Summer Star.

When the members of the Hyuga branch who went to rescue found the two people in the ruins, they seemed to be not only severely injured physically, but also mentally frightened by Xia Xing.

"Come on, take me away quickly!"

"Don't worry about other people, protect me and leave immediately!"

After being rescued from the ruins, the two elders of the Hyuga clan had no intention of going into battle again. Instead, they urged the members of the Hyuga clan who rescued them to escort them to escape.

"Want to escape? Dreaming!"

Faced with the people who intercepted her, Xia Xing was keenly aware of the actions of the two elders of the Hyuga clan. She did not hesitate to fly away the people who were blocking her with her wings and kill again.

"Stop her, stop her quickly!"

"Trash, where are the other members of the separated family? Come quickly and save me!"

The two elders of the Hyuga Clan shouted in fear when they saw the summer star coming.

Not only did they ask the members of the Hyuga branch around them to intercept Natsuhi Hoshi, but they also called out to other nearby members of the branch.

It's just that there are people from the Hyuga branch nearby who can support him.


Not far away, a shrill scream sounded.

The one who screamed was an old Hyuga man who had stab wounds all over his body and even had one arm cut off.

Looking carefully, the old Hyuga man fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment with his eyelids tightly closed, and there were two traces of blood flowing down his closed eyelids.

Look at the other side again.

He is holding a sword in his right hand, and holding two bloody and white-eyed rains in his left hand.

"Damn it, the elder's eyes were gouged out by the other party!"

"Save the elder quickly!"

"Go on, we must take back the elder's eyes!"


When other Hyuga ninjas around saw this scene, they hurried forward one by one.

Some rescued the old man Hyuga who had his eyes gouged out, while others attacked Yu.

Although Yu's strength is not as good as Xia Xing's, she is more decisive than Xia Xing in doing things.

For example, the old Hyuga who had his eyes gouged out at this time was the third Hyuga clan elder whom Rain used to contain other Hyuga ninjas.

The vermilion between the eyebrows has long been replaced by the blooming red lotus.

Above is the [Three Magatama Sharingan] that appears.

Just as Summer Star showed more strength because its casualties were close to the red line.

The same goes for rain.

She directly released the "immortal seal" and entered the immortal mode.

With the surge in strength, the decisive rain not only rushed out of the siege by the Hyuga ninjas who were besieging him by surprise, but also took out the eyes of the Hyuga clan elders on his side who were also caught off guard.

The three elders of the Hyuga clan who stayed in the clan were certainly elite jounin in strength.

But it is obvious that these three people are no different from other members of the clan.

Maybe he was powerful when he was young, but after years of pampering, his reaction has been slow.

Successfully took a pair of Byakugan.

Facing the attacking Hyuga ninja, Yu did not rush to fight, but jumped up and landed on a house not far away.

It was not because of fear.

Yu's withdrawal from the battle was just to prevent the next battle from damaging the Byakugan in her hand.

Landing on the house, she inserted the sword into the tile, quickly took out the scroll that had been prepared from the ninja bag, and put the Byakugan in it.

"Xia Rixing, the people of the Hyuga main family don't need to worry about their lives, just dig out their Byakugan!" When putting the seal scroll back into the ninja bag, Yu raised her voice to remind Xia Rixing.

"Okay, I know!"

After receiving Yu's reminder, Xia Rixing looked at the two Hyuga main family elders on his side again, and his eyes suddenly became dangerous.

The task given by Naraku was to try to capture the Hyuga people alive, without distinguishing between the main family and the branch family.

If the people of the Hyuga main family did not run away, Xia Rixing would not mind spending more time to capture the main family and the branch family in one fell swoop.

But now that the people of the Hyuga main family actually tried to run away, they must have taken the Byakugan first.

After all, compared to the people of the Hyuga branch family, the Byakugan of the Hyuga main family can be directly dug out.


With the force of his feet, Xia Rixing seemed to have turned into a stream of red and purple light at a very fast speed.

Amid screams, the people guarding the two Hyuga main family elders were all knocked away by Xia Rixing's strong force.

The two Hyuga main family elders had already been seriously injured, so how could they stop Xia Rixing.

In the despair of the two, Xia Rixing first cut the two in half with his chakra wings, and then dug out the Byakugan of the two without hesitation.

After harvesting two pairs of Byakugan, Xia Rixing, like Yu, immediately put the Byakugan into the prepared seal scroll, and then killed the others.

Led by Xia Rixing and Yu.

Regardless of whether they were from the main family or the branch family, the Hyuga clan fell one after another.

Those who resisted fiercely had their eyes gouged out by the main family, and those from the branch family had their hands and feet crippled.

After a while, the sound of fighting in the Hyuga clan gradually became smaller until it was completely quiet.

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