"Sacrifices are everywhere. You can eat anyone except the people of Konoha!" Orochimaru replied indifferently, not caring about Manshe's unfriendly tone at all.

"Ha, enemies? That's fine. I'm going to eat enough this time!" Manshe obviously didn't show that much strength when dealing with Orochimaru.

Pretending to find a step, it immediately swam towards the nearest fighting sound under Orochimaru's command.

Orochimaru left.

Jiraiya also hurried away in the Senju clan's territory.

He naturally knew the location of the Chunin Exam venue.

After leaving the Senju clan's territory, he rushed to the exam venue at full speed.

"Damn, how did these people from the Hidden Cloud Village come to Konoha?"

While on the road, Jiraiya looked at the situation of the place he passed by, and his heart was shocked and angry.

There were ruins everywhere, and the bodies of Konoha people could be seen everywhere.

The key is that there are still a large number of Cloud Ninjas fighting with Konoha ninjas.

Because of the direction, Jiraiya's route to the Chunin Exam venue just happened to pass through the Hidden Cloud Village and attack the East District of Konoha.

Therefore, when he saw a large number of Hidden Cloud Ninjas fighting fiercely with the Konoha ninjas, Jiraiya was particularly shocked and angry.

After all, the battlefield he was responsible for was the location of the Kingdom of Hot Springs that was fighting with the Hidden Cloud Village.

Logically speaking, under the defense line he arranged, it was impossible for the Hidden Cloud Ninjas to send most of them into Konoha silently.

But unfortunately, there are now a large number of Hidden Cloud Ninjas appearing in Konoha.

In such a situation, how could Jiraiya not be shocked and angry.


Although he was shocked and angry at the invasion of the Hidden Cloud Ninjas, in order to first determine Tsunade's situation, Jiraiya was not in a hurry to deal with the Hidden Cloud Ninjas on the road.

But just as Jiraiya approached the South District of Konoha as he approached the Chunin Exam venue, he suddenly stopped halfway when he heard a roar from one side.

"Is this chakra from the Nine-Tails?"

Looking in the direction where the roar came from, Jiraiya's face was shocked.

As Minato Namikaze's teacher, he naturally had contact with Kushina and was very familiar with the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Jiraiya originally wanted to meet up with Tsunade first, or to make sure Tsunade was safe before launching support.

But now, when he felt the Nine-Tails' chakra coming from a distance and the violent aura, Jiraiya hesitated.

"Let's confirm Kushina's situation first. If the Nine-Tails really goes berserk, it will be too harmful to the village." After a brief hesitation, Jiraiya gritted his teeth and rushed to the direction where the Nine-Tails' chakra came from.

If it was just the Nine-Tails' chakra, it would be nothing.

But the key is the violent aura. It doesn't seem like Kushina is using the Nine-Tails' chakra normally. Instead, it seems like it's out of control.

Whether it's the destruction caused by the Nine-Tails' runaway or Kushina being his disciple's girlfriend, Jiraiya can't just let it go.

Jiraiya was very fast, and soon he was close to the location of the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Boom boom boom ~~~

When he swung his claws and swept his tail, the air was bombarded, and it was like a strong wind, which broke the surrounding earth and buildings.

As he approached, what came into Jiraiya's sight was Kushina, who had transformed into a tailed beast.

At the same time, there was a figure constantly flashing and moving around Kushina.

But every time this figure approached Kushina, it would immediately be violently counterattacked by Kushina, and it looked very embarrassed.

This figure was Minato Namikaze.

With the help of the Flying Thunder God technique set on Kushina in advance, Minato Namikaze quickly caught up with Kushina after leaving the venue.

But Kushina, who had transformed into a tailed beast with seven tails, was undoubtedly very fierce.

Even if he could get close with the Flying Thunder God technique, Minato Namikaze had no chance to control Kushina under Kushina's counterattack.

At most, he could only delay Kushina's steps and slow down Kushina's destruction and killing of the surroundings.


When Jiraiya saw Kushina and Minato Namikaze, his face suddenly changed.

Mainly Kushina.

Just as he had sensed from afar, Kushina was really out of control.

With a loud shout, Jiraiya rushed out in a hurry.

"Teacher Jiraiya?"

Minato Namikaze heard Jiraiya's shout at the first time, and caught Jiraiya rushing over with his peripheral vision, and was immediately overjoyed.


Minato Namikaze retreated decisively, because Jiraiya was also quickly forming seals with both hands when he rushed over.

"Fire Style: Great Flame Bomb!"

The hot flames erupted from Jiraiya's mouth, forming a huge fire bomb in an instant.

Boom! !

Kushina, who was restrained by Minato Namikaze, failed to react in time and was immediately bombarded by a huge fire bomb, and the whole person was engulfed by violent flames.

Roar! !

A roaring sound rang out from the flames, and its astonishing sound waves even turned into shock waves, which shook the flames apart.

The flames dispersed, exposing Kushina again.

It can be seen that Kushina, who was engulfed by the huge fire bomb, was completely unharmed.

When the flames were dispersed, Kushina also glanced at Jiraiya with her white eyes.

But just when Kushina was about to move, she felt a strong resistance on her feet.

Looking down, the ground under Kushina's feet had turned into a swamp without knowing when.

"Earth escape·Yellow Spring Swamp!"

The "Big Flame Bomb" was just a feint, and Jiraiya's real purpose was actually to use the "Yellow Spring Swamp" to restrict Kushina's actions.

"Ninjutsu·Ran Shishi Hair Technique!"

Kushina's feet sank into the swamp, causing her movements to stagnate.

But with Kushina's current strength, if she is given a little more time, she can still easily get rid of the swamp.

In just a short period of stagnation, Jiraiya has already come close, and he controls the growth of his hair, which immediately turns into white tentacles and entangles Kushina's body.

With the blessing of chakra, Jiraiya's hair becomes extremely tough, which further restricts Kushina's ability to move.


Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya are worthy of being master and apprentice.

The two do not need too much communication at all, and they have tacitly cooperated the moment they met.

When Jiraiya restricted Kushina, Minato Namikaze, who was retreating, also performed the Flying Thunder God Technique in the first time and appeared directly in front of Kushina.

"Eight Trigrams Seal!"

Minato Namikaze grabbed with five fingers and quickly pressed on Kushina's abdomen.

The pattern of the technique spread.

Kushina, who was struggling, immediately froze.

The next second, all the exoskeleton and flesh-like chakra flowed back into Kushina's body.

The eroded skin healed quickly, revealing Kushina's pale face.

Seeing that his disciple successfully sealed the Nine-Tails Chakra back into Kushina's body with the sealing technique, Jiraiya was relieved to retract his hair.

At the same time, the swamp under the feet of Kushina and Minato Namikaze also returned to the ground.


Kushina, with a pale face, fell to the ground like a duck, looked up at Minato Namikaze, and a smile barely squeezed out of her face.

The pale face was not caused by the trauma caused by the previous rampage.

In fact, whether it was the recovery ability of the Nine-Tails or the strong physique of the Uzumaki clan, the previous rampage did not cause much damage to Kushina.

Her pale face was entirely due to what she did during the rampage just now.

Even with the delay of Minato Namikaze, Kushina still destroyed many buildings in Konoha and killed many people during the rampage.

Kushina knew it very well.

Even if this rampage was caused by the enemy, such destruction and killing could not change the fact that she had caused a disaster.

"It's okay, I'll take you to a safe place to rest first!"

Kushina knew it, and Minato Namikaze knew it even better.

But it had already happened, and what could Minato Namikaze do? He could only comfort Kushina's emotions first.

"Teacher, Tsunade-sama is fighting the enemy at the examination venue. I will take Kushina away first and come to support you later!" Minato Namikaze turned his head and looked at his teacher.

Although Kushina's rampage had been controlled, it had happened once, and Minato Namikaze did not dare to let Kushina participate in the next battle.

Jiraiya also thought the same.

"Okay!" Jiraiya nodded solemnly, and immediately rushed to the examination venue again without stopping.


Grabbing Kushina's shoulders, Minato Namikaze activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left.

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