Boom boom boom!!!

The moment he landed, Hashirama Senju locked his eyes on Naraku with his hands clasped in front of him.

In an instant.

Whether it was the tree roots that had previously trapped Xia Rixing or the newly grown tree roots around him, they all attacked Naraku like giant pythons.


Naraku's sight never left Hashirama Senju.

With a stomp of his foot, mountain-like rock walls immediately rose up in all directions, knocking away or blocking the attacking tree roots outside.

The tree roots slammed the rock wall frantically, but the rock wall was extremely strong. Even with continuous attacks, it only caused cracks to appear on the rock wall, but failed to really break through.

"Thunder Method·Thunder!"

While stomping on the ground, Naraku condensed a terrifying thunder bomb while pulling his right arm, and punched Hashirama Senju opposite him.

"Wood Style·Ranking Technique!"

A huge wooden shield with a ghost face pattern rose from the ground.


The thunder bombs hit the wooden shield, and an earth-shattering bombing immediately occurred.

This bombing did not spread in all directions, but tended to press towards the wooden shield.

It only lasted for a short moment, and the wooden shield was blown into pieces, and at the same time, it also swallowed up the Senju Hashirama behind it.

"Wood Release: Woodman Technique!"

In the smoke and dust filled with thunder and lightning, the bombing had not yet dissipated, and a huge monster rose from the ground.

With a wave of his palm, a hurricane swept, and both thunder and lightning and smoke and dust were instantly dispersed.

Without any cover, the appearance of the huge monster immediately appeared.

This was a huge wooden man whose body was even larger than the tailed beast.

Above the wooden man's head was Senju Hashirama with his hands clasped together.

He looked down at Naraku with a sharp look.

Without hesitation, Senju Hashirama immediately controlled the huge wooden man, raised his right foot, and stomped on Naraku.

The air wave whistled.

The terrifying power contained in the right foot of the giant wooden man that fell squeezed the air, forming a violent airflow visible to the naked eye.

"Thunder Method·Thunder!"

Looking up at the huge foot that was trampling on him, Naraku did not give in. He condensed the thunder bomb again and punched it out with a strong punch.


The thunder bomb collided fiercely with the foot. Suddenly, the amazing bombardment not only engulfed the entire foot, but also swept across the entire giant wooden man.

The earth shook.

The giant wooden man leaned back, and his right foot that was trampled was blown to pieces, showing a broken leg.

On the top of the wooden man, Hashirama Senju quickly stabilized his body and performed wood escape at the same time, deriving two thick wooden pillars from the back of the giant wooden man.

The wooden pillars hit the ground obliquely, supporting the huge wooden man leaning back and preventing him from falling.

At the same time, the wooden man's right foot that was blown to pieces also regenerated quickly, and a new right foot grew again.

"Big guys still have to be dealt with by big guys!"

Looking at the huge wooden man who stabilized his body, Naraku's eyes flickered.

The next second, a dark purple jade ball appeared in front of Naraku.

This dark purple jade ball was [Star].

[Star] was originally placed in the Star Ninja Village, but at this time, Naraku used the summoning technique set on [Star] to summon [Star].

As soon as [Star] appeared, it immediately crashed into Naraku's chest.

"True Method·Mimicry·Susanoo!"

Boom! ! !

The true energy was infused into [Star] in the body.

In an instant, dark purple energy seemed to emerge endlessly from Naraku's body, and quickly constructed an energy giant that was no less than the wooden man.


Hashirama Senju, who had regenerated his right foot and was about to control the wooden man to attack, looked at the energy giant rising from the ground opposite him, with astonishment in his eyes.

The energy giant in front of him, although different in appearance, is very similar to Madara's Susanoo in nature.

The appearance of the "Mimesis Susanoo" performed by the true qi has not changed, and it still looks like a general wearing heavy armor.

But only the appearance has not changed, and there are huge changes in the inside.

There is no doubt that the strength of the "Mimesis Susanoo" performed by the true qi is a world of difference compared to the "Mimesis Susanoo" performed by the chakra.

With Naraku's current cultivation, coupled with the speed of the recovery of the nameless technique, it is enough for him to use the "Mimesis Susanoo" well under the true qi.

As the energy giant condensed, Naraku also appeared in the head of the energy giant with his hands on his chest.

Boom! !

Looking at the Senju Hashirama opposite, Naraku did not say any extra nonsense and immediately controlled the energy giant to move forward.

Just a simple step, the earth produced a roar like an earthquake.

At the same time, as he stepped forward, the energy giant raised his hand and clenched his fist, punching the opposite Senju Hashirama fiercely.

He was awakened by the action of the energy giant.

Senju Hashirama looked at the incoming fist, his face sank, and he immediately controlled the wooden man to punch back.

Boom boom! ! !

The two fists collided.

In an instant, a roar that resounded throughout Konoha burst out.

It was like a burst of light.

The fists of the two giants suddenly produced an indescribable terrible movement.

Everything around disappeared under the impact of the white light, and even the ground was rolled up layer by layer.

Uncountable dust was lifted into the sky by the shock wave, forming a spectacular mushroom cloud.

The ground below, swept layer by layer, also formed a large area of ​​sunken white land.

"Am I dreaming?"

"What kind of power is this!"

"The village is really going to be ruined."


For two giants nearly 100 meters high, it may be just a simple confrontation, but the damage and noise caused are shocking to everyone in Konoha.

No matter whether it is the people of Konoha, Sand Village, Cloud Village, or Sand Village.

Everyone stared blankly at the two giants in the distance.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The shocking collision has just begun.

Whether it is Naraku or Senju Hashirama, they didn't pay attention to the reactions of others.

With the collision of fists, both sides attacked each other again.

The wooden giant and the energy giant are like fighters in the arena, punching and kicking, attacking or defending.

The white light-like shock waves bloomed one after another.

The whole Konoha was trembling in the confrontation between the two giants, and the earth continued to crack.

"We can't delay any longer. Even if we can't defeat the opponent, we must move the battle outside the village!"

Hashirama Senju was shocked and angry when he noticed the serious damage to the village caused by the battle.

The opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations.

He thought that the "Wooden Man Technique" could end the battle faster, but unexpectedly, it expanded the damage to the village.

"Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!"

Fearing that if he delayed any longer, the entire village would be destroyed, Hashirama Senju didn't dare to hide any more.

A huge amount of chakra emerged from him.

Accompanied by three wooden dragons derived from the back of the wooden man.

The three wooden dragons bypassed the wooden man and attacked the energy giant with one attack from above, one from the left, and one from the right.


In the fierce collision, the energy giant slid backwards, and his feet plowed two deep grooves on the ground.

The wooden dragon that hit the energy giant's face was firmly blocked by the energy giant's crossed arms.

The wooden dragons from the left and right were caught by the two arms that grew out of the energy giant's waist.

『Mimicry·Susanoo』 never had a fixed pattern.

As long as Naraku's true energy was sufficient, it would be no problem to grow two arms, let alone three heads and six arms.

After retreating a distance, the energy giant quickly stabilized his body.

The next second.

The two arms in front of his face immediately reached out to grab the wooden dragon above, then twisted his waist and turned around, pulling the wooden man connected to the wooden dragon off the ground, flying half a circle in the air, and slamming it hard on the ground.


When the wooden man hit the ground, his heavy body and the impact it carried immediately collapsed the ground into a larger deep pit like a bombing.

On the edge of the deep pit, there were huge cracks like natural moats spreading in all directions, adding another eye-catching scar to Konoha.

"Thunder Method·Lightning Blade!"

Release the wooden dragon.

The energy giant's arms at his waist retracted into his body, and at the same time, brilliant lightning swords condensed in his freed hands.

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