"That's basically the situation. The so-called joint Chunin exam is actually just a surprise attack on Konoha planned by the three parties of Sand Village, Cloud Village, and Star Village!"

In the dark underground space, White Zetsu talked endlessly to Uchiha Madara who was sitting opposite.

The content of the story was exactly the process of Konoha's collapse plan.

"Immortal Reincarnation. I didn't expect that there were people in Konoha who learned such a forbidden technique. However, if it was just Wood Release, it seems that the sacrifice provided by the caster when the Impure World Reincarnation Hashirama was just garbage." When White Zetsu finished his story, Uchiha Madara was thoughtful.

Although White Zetsu talked a lot, the only thing that really attracted Uchiha Madara's attention was his childhood sweetheart.

"Immortal Reincarnation? Master Madara, is this the technique to revive the first generation of Hokage and others?" White Zetsu asked curiously.

With the "Ephemeral Technique", although it watched the entire process of Konoha's collapse plan, it didn't know how the resurrection of Hashirama Senju and others was done.

Originally, it was quite curious about how the dead were resurrected, but now after hearing what Uchiha Madara said, it suddenly became curious about this "Immortality Reincarnation".

Uchiha Madara glanced at Bai Zetsu and said lightly: "This is a forbidden technique developed by Senju Tobirama, which can temporarily send the dead to the world of the living. However, the resurrected dead are not as strong as they were when they were alive, so they need to provide a good enough sacrifice."

"Senju Tobirama? I heard that this guy has developed many powerful forbidden techniques, but I didn't expect that he could even develop a forbidden technique to resurrect people." Bai Zetsu said in amazement.

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "It's just a crooked way. Compared with the 'Reincarnation Technique' of the Samsara Eye, 'Immortal Reincarnation' is not even worthy of carrying shoes."

White Zetsu scratched his head: "Ah? But I feel that 'Immortal Reincarnation' is quite powerful. When the resurrected first generation Hokage fought with the leader of the Star Ninja Village, the strength he showed was really super powerful."

Speaking of this, White Zetsu paused and continued: "Then again, the leader of the Star Ninja Village is really powerful. He was able to block the first generation Hokage head-on.

Compared to the previous confrontation with those people from the Hidden Rock Village, the current strength of the Star Ninja Village leader is obviously much stronger."

Uchiha Madara pondered.

Although he looked down on the resurrection technique of 'Immortal Reincarnation', he did not look down on the resurrected Hashirama.

Even if the resurrected Hashirama this time could not even use the Sage Mode, based on White Zetsu's previous description, the resurrected Hashirama this time was powerful enough to match the other party's youth.

"Naraku. This person is indeed beyond my expectation. If he did not hide his strength at the beginning, it means that his growth rate is very amazing." Uchiha Madara said slowly.

White Zetsu asked: "Mada, should I guide Nagato to subdue him in the future? I am afraid that Nagato may not be his opponent at that time."

Uchiha Madara's eyes flickered.

Although he was confident in his Samsara Eye, Nagato was just a container for nurturing the Samsara Eye after all.

According to his estimation, even if Nagato grows up in the future, his strength should be equivalent to that of Hashirama and himself in his youth.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Madara felt that he should leave a trump card.

After all, the Star Ninja Village now has two tailed beasts.

Even if Nagato is not allowed to subdue Naraku, Naraku will inevitably become a roadblock if he wants to gather the tailed beasts in the future.

"The observation of the ninja world will be left to your clones. You stay and I will guide you to learn "Immortal Reincarnation." Uchiha Madara stared at White Zetsu.


White Zetsu was stunned and said in astonishment: "Lord Madara, you also know 'Immortal Reincarnation'?"

Uchiha Madara raised his lips slightly: "When that kid Senju Tobirama developed 'Immortal Reincarnation', I had not left Konoha yet. With my status at that time, the Book of Seals had no secrets for me at all."

White Zetsu asked tentatively: "Then Lord Madara, you let me learn 'Immortal Reincarnation', are you planning to let me revive you in the future to deal with the leader of the Star Ninja Village?"

"It's just for emergencies, and since someone has mastered 'Immortal Reincarnation', I also need to be on guard." Uchiha Madara said calmly.

Letting White Zetsu learn 'Immortal Reincarnation', in his plan, is not only for Naraku, but also for his real resurrection in the future.

Even if it is 'Reincarnation Technique', if you want to resurrect, you need the soul of the resurrected person to be unrestricted.

Therefore, Uchiha Madara must guard against someone getting his body tissue after his death and resurrecting him with 'Immortal Reincarnation'.

To be more precise, he was resurrected with the Impure World Reincarnation and then his soul was restricted, so that he could no longer be resurrected with the Reincarnation Technique.

White Zetsu was a little confused.

However, he was naturally obedient to Uchiha Madara's request.

Next, White Zetsu began to learn the Impure World Reincarnation under Uchiha Madara's guidance.

Star Ninja Village.

"A big harvest, this time it is really a big harvest. Compared with the wealth brought back from Konoha this time, the last plunder from the Land of Earth can only be regarded as child's play."

In the office on the eighth floor of the Star Shadow Building, Nono said very excitedly.

Because she was too excited, she sat directly in Naraku's arms and kept kissing him.

"After all, it is the strongest ninja village, and the wealth is naturally extraordinary!"

On the sofa, Naraku enjoyed Nono's enthusiasm.

He could completely understand Nono's excitement.

After all, the harvest this time was really too big.

Even if rare resources such as chakra metal are not counted.

The wealth of cash and gold alone is an astronomical figure.

There is no way. With Konoha's status in the ninja world and the fertility of the Land of Fire, the accumulated wealth is definitely huge.

Otherwise, Konoha would not have chosen to give up claims in order to end the war as soon as possible in many wars.

Such operations, in addition to the problem of the person in power, are actually due to the fact that Konoha's family is too rich.

The compensation for the war may be a must-win benefit for other ninja villages, but for Konoha, which is rich and powerful, it is just a small amount of money.

"Okay, after the harvest is counted this time, remember to complete the division as soon as possible. I estimate that the people from Sand Village and Cloud Village should be on the way here."

After a while of intimacy, Naraku patted Nono's hips and began to instruct.

The Konoha collapse plan can be implemented, and naturally there is no lack of interests.

Whether it is Sand Village or Cloud Village.

Even if they are salivating over Konoha and want to conquer Konoha, in the process of determining the plan, it is Naraku who guides them through interests.

"What proportion should be used for the division this time?"

After hearing Naraku's instructions, Nono's mood eased, and then he asked Naraku.

"It's 20-80, we take 80, and 20% is enough for Sand Village and Cloud Village. In addition, just give money, and other resources are not included." Naraku said as a matter of course.

This time is different from the last cooperation with Cloud Village.

This time Konoha's collapse plan.

He made the plan, brought back the wealth and resources, and even made a lot of efforts in the process of planning.

With such efforts, if he doesn't take the majority, who will?

The most important thing is that the harvest this time is far beyond expectations.

The Sand Village and the Cloud Village don't know the specific harvest from his side. Even if it is only 20% of the wealth, it is estimated that it is enough for the two parties to be happy.

Even if it is not necessary to rely on the alliance between the Sand Village and the Cloud Village to escort the future development of the Star Ninja Village, Naraku doesn't want to give 20%.

"20%? OK, I got it!"

Nono was very much in favor of Naraku's plan to give only 20% of the wealth to the Sand Village and the Cloud Village.

Just as she was excited just now.

The harvest this time was too big, and 20% of the wealth was enough. If she gave more, she would be a slut.

After discussing the proportion of the division, Nono quickly left the office and continued to work.

"Come here!"

When Nono left, Naraku, who was a little angry, hooked his finger at Karura who was waiting on the side.

"Yes! My lord!"

Karura pushed his glasses without prescription, walked forward obediently, and then knelt in front of Naraku skillfully.

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