I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 24: Magical power! Magical power!

"You are not unaware of the attitude of the superiors towards Uchiha, but with the temper of Uchiha, they will not tolerate people suppressing them one after another, so you will most likely take the blame this time.

But don't worry, I will try my best to help you deal with it, and at most you will be transferred back."

Nono, who put her pretty face on Naraku's chest, couldn't help but look up and comforted him after hearing this.

Both of them knew the final result of this mission.

Although Uchiha Fugaku was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, he still had a bottom line when he was not facing his own son.

Last time, it was already obvious that he was suppressed. If it happened again now, if Uchiha Fugaku didn't respond, I'm afraid he would lose his position as the clan leader.

After all, the talent shown by Uchiha Shisui, especially the early awakening of the Sharingan, has made him regarded as the leader of the new generation by many Uchiha people.

Subordinates are used to be betrayed.

Especially Danzo, who regarded the Root Organization as his tool.

How could he care about Naraku, a mere reserve member.

Sacrificing Naraku in exchange for suppressing the Uchiha clan is definitely a big profit for him.

"I hope so!" Naraku said lightly.

Being used as a sacrifice is not uncommon in the Root organization.

And he has received the reward in advance.

That is the inheritance of many techniques in the database.

After leaving Konoha, these inheritances will become an important resource for his development of power.

Compared with this, it is no big deal to be used by Danzo at the end.

It is an equal exchange, I believe Danzo can understand it in the future.

Well. Probably!

After handing over the task, Naraku performed a hat trick with Nonoyu again, and then let the other party go.


In the wooden house where he was alone, Naraku, who was lying on the bed with his hands on his head, suddenly disappeared.


In the small river outside the wooden house, the sound of falling into the water was heard.

The camera pulled over and saw that Naraku, who disappeared in the wooden house, appeared in the river.

The clear river water washed over his body.

Naraku turned into a swimming athlete and swam in the river.

"Magic power is magic power. After having "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", many things have become convenient."

With Naraku's current physique, let alone a hat trick, even if he kills seven times in and seven times out, he won't sweat much.

However, as a personal habit, he still likes to wash after exercise.

Well. Mainly because he doesn't sweat, but Nono does, and he sweats a lot.

While swimming, Naraku sighed at the convenience of "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

Just like his calm attitude towards the task just now.

Even if he is really used as a sacrifice to Uchiha to vent his anger, Naraku is not worried about his safety.

His confidence, in addition to his increasingly powerful strength, is also due to "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

The difficulty of practicing magical power is much higher than ninjutsu.

But with Naraku's amazing understanding, his continuous practice day after day, and the help of his Qi Shadow Clone, he has successfully mastered the skill of "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

Although this skill is only at the entry level, it is enough for him to deal with most dangers.

The practice of supernatural powers is divided into four stages: "entry level", "minor success", "great success" and "perfection".

Naraku's current level of practice of "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" is at the entry level.

But even at the entry level, the power of supernatural powers is superior to ordinary ninjutsu.

Just like Naraku suddenly appeared in the stream from the wooden house just now.

This is not the effect of high-speed movement, but real instant movement.

The entry-level "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" can already allow Naraku to shrink the earth freely within a hundred steps.

In other words, it means that he can move instantly within a hundred steps.

Based on this performance, it can be said that the entry-level "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" is not as good as "Flying Thunder God Technique" in long distances, but it is definitely better than the opponent in short distances.

After all, "Flying Thunder God Technique" requires coordinates.

"Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" can teleport directly.

Especially when Naraku can touch the earth, he can use the endless earth power in the earth to move almost without consumption.

After learning "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", not to mention the help in battle, just in terms of saving his life, Naraku can already face various crises calmly.

"Let's see first. If he is just transferred back, then wait until the seal book is planned before leaving.

But if he turns against me completely, then use "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to kill me directly. In short, be prepared for the worst!"

After washing his body, Naraku walked towards the river bank with a calm expression.

With the activation of true energy, mist lingered around him, revealing his perfectly muscular body.

"The early graduation assessment is indeed much more difficult than the normal assessment. In addition to the more comprehensive assessment items, I didn't expect there would be a practical assessment."

"Obito, don't be too nervous. I know your strength. As long as you don't make mistakes, you will definitely pass the assessment."

"Rin, don't worry, I will definitely pass it."


At the side of the school's practical exercise training ground, students who have already experienced the theoretical and three-body assessments are now waiting for the last practical assessment.

These people include not only Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin and others in the same grade, but also Uchiha Shisui who has just been promoted to the second grade.

While waiting for the final assessment, Asuma, Kurenai Yuhi and others were relatively calm, but Uchiha Obito was sweating profusely, forcing Nohara Rin to encourage him.

As for Uchiha Shisui, he stood quietly with his eyes closed.


After a while, figures appeared in front of Uchiha Shisui and others with the instant body technique.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Next, we will start the last practical assessment!"

The examiners of this assessment arrived.

This time, there was no longer only one person to be assessed, so the number of examiners was relatively large. Basically, there were two examiners for one student, one for assessment and one for recording.

Among them, Naraku was one of them.

Looking at the students who were about to be assessed, one of the examiners greeted them in a gentle tone, as if to ease the tense atmosphere of the assessment.

But this obviously did not have much effect.

With the arrival of the examiners, Asuma and others, who knew that the assessment was about to begin, became more nervous.

Especially Uchiha Obito, he now has no demeanor of the future after the blackening, just a test, his legs are already shaking with nervousness.

In this regard, the examiner who spoke could only give up the extra words helplessly and immediately explain the rules of this performance test.

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