I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 281 Tsunade's Seventh Gate

Before Tsunade could react, the shadow clone of the true energy pressed a palm on the opponent's back.


『Space Jump』 was performed.

Under the powerful force of time and space, Tsunade had no chance to resist and was immediately taken away by the shadow clone of the true energy.

"Not good!!"

The face of 'Minato Namikaze' who was hiding in the dark changed drastically.

Although it was short, he still saw that it was Naraku who suddenly came.

Seeing that Tsunade and Naraku disappeared together, 'Minato Namikaze' hurriedly sensed the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Technique set on Tsunade by the main body.

The moment he sensed it, 'Minato Namikaze' did not dare to hesitate at all and immediately rushed to the Flying Thunder God Technique.

He did not know that it was only Naraku's true energy shadow clone who came, and thought it was Naraku's main body.

Naraku's sudden arrival made him dare not have any luck at all, and he just wanted to evacuate with Tsunade as soon as possible.

"Seal of Self-binding Curse!"

In the forest several kilometers away from the town, 'Naraku' and Tsunade flashed in.

At the same time, the patterned pattern of the spell quickly spread out from the palm of 'Naraku' that was pressing on Tsunade's back, crawling all over Tsunade's body.

The face changed drastically.

The moment her back was touched, Tsunade's hair stood up in horror.

Even if she hadn't seen who was coming, she was able to get close to her silently, which was enough to horrify her.

Especially when she was taken away from the town and appeared in the unfamiliar forest in front of her, this made Tsunade burst out with all her strength.

"Shock Gate·Open!!!"

Blue steam swept out from Tsunade's body.

As the restrictions were released, the huge chakra immediately flowed violently, causing the curse seal to collapse without being suppressed.

Turn around and punch.

When the curse seal collapsed, Tsunade turned around suddenly and punched 'Naraku' behind her.

Similarly, when Tsunade saw that it was ‘Naraku’ behind her, her pupils contracted.

She had never thought that it would be ‘Naraku’ who would attack her.

This made her burst out her strength even more desperately.

The fist squeezed the air, not only forming a whistling air wave visible to the naked eye, but also condensing into an air cannon.

The same ability, in the hands of different people, the power exerted is not constant.

Just like Might Dai and Might Guy, father and son.

Due to the difference in chakra and physique, when Might Guy opened the eighth gate, he would definitely surpass his father Might Dai.

The same.

The same is true for Tsunade.

The Senju clan is born with a physique full of vitality, plus her own foundation.

Even if it is only opened to the seventh gate, the speed and strength are already close to when Might Dai opened the eighth gate.

Facing Tsunade's fierce attack and the opening of the seventh gate of the Eight Gates.

There was no ripple in ‘Naraku’s’ eyes.

As early as in Uchiha Shisui's report, Naraku already knew that Tsunade and Minato Namikaze had also improved their strength a lot in repeated confrontations.

His figure flashed.

‘Naraku’ calmly left with the shrinking earth into an inch.

Boom! ! !

The elephant-foot-shaped air cannon burst out from Tsunade's fist, pushing all the way, destroying the trees and rocks in front of him crazily, and creating a long passage.

Bang! !

Blood spurted out of her mouth.

Tsunade flew along the air cannon she had fired.

The departing ‘Naraku’ unexpectedly teleported behind Tsunade again and injured her with a palm.


Spitting blood and flying to the side of Tsunade in front, a figure suddenly flashed, it was ‘Minato Namikaze’.

Rushing with the Flying Thunder God Technique, ‘Minato Namikaze’ saw that Tsunade was injured, grabbed Tsunade's shoulder and wanted to perform the Flying Thunder God Technique again to leave.

"Thunder Technique·Thunder Finger!"

Dozens of brilliant thunderbolts shot out.

Before 'Minato Namikaze' launched the Flying Thunder God Technique, he was attacked by the brilliant thunderbolt first.

Same as 'Minato Namikaze'.

When 'Naraku' just arrived in the town, although it was only a short stop, his consciousness was the first to see 'Minato Namikaze' hiding in the dark.

He even saw that the other party was just a shadow clone.

At this time, the appearance of 'Minato Namikaze' was completely within 'Naraku's expectations, and he would naturally not tolerate the other party taking Tsunade away.


Naraku's prediction made 'Minato Namikaze' completely unable to react, and he was defeated by the brilliant thunderbolt in an instant, turning into smoke and disappearing.

"Yin Seal·Release!"

"Hundred Healing Technique!"

When 'Minato Namikaze' dissipated, Tsunade continued to fly away.

But halfway, the pattern of the technique quickly spread on her face, and the injuries on her body healed immediately.



Tsunade, who had used the Hundred Healings Technique to heal her wounds, was immediately engulfed by the violent lightning before she could stabilize her body.

She screamed as she was madly corroded by the violent lightning.

She looked to the side.

'Naraku' had caught up with her at some point.


The scream quickly turned into a roar.

Using the regeneration of the Hundred Healings Technique to counter the erosion of lightning, Tsunade, with bulging veins, punched 'Naraku' again.

"True Method·Return to Heaven!"

The air cannon broke through the lightning area and immediately collided with the high-speed rotating true energy.

The 'True Method·Return to Heaven', which was developed based on the 'Eight Trigrams·Return to Heaven', showed super strong defense.

During the high-speed rotation, it not only resisted the impact of the air cannon, but also formed a terrible tearing force, which quickly wiped out the air cannon.

"Every tree and grass is an enemy!"

Using the external true energy defense, 'Naraku' counterattacked simultaneously.

A large number of thick tree roots broke out from the ground from all directions and entangled Tsunade.

Such a scene made Tsunade's face change drastically.

She hurriedly dodged to the side, and at the same time punched out the air cannon to open up a path.

Boom! ! !

The sweeping tree roots were smashed by the air cannon, but the toughness of the tree roots was far beyond the ordinary, so the air cannon failed to penetrate completely.

At the same time, the smashed tree roots also regenerated quickly, leaving Tsunade, who had not advanced much, to punch again in shock and anger.

Boom boom boom ~~~

One after another air cannons shot out.

The tree roots continued to regenerate in the crushing.

In the stalemate, Tsunade finally failed to break through the blockade, and her body was entangled by branches and roots.

"Damn it!!"

Tsunade struggled hard, bursting out amazing strange power to break the entangled branches and roots.

In this process, she felt more clearly the toughness of these tree roots.

Although 'Naraku' is just a true Qi shadow clone.

But the power of "Every Tree and Grass Sees Enemy" in the minor success stage, even if it is only performed by the real energy shadow clone, is not inferior to the wood escape performed by Hashirama Senju in his prime.

It can even be said that it has a power close to the fairy wood escape.

Breaking free from the entanglement, Tsunade tried to break through the blockade again.

However, the growth rate of the tree roots was higher than Tsunade's destruction.

This made her entangled again soon.


Suddenly, another figure flashed to Tsunade's side.

This figure was still Namikaze Minato.

The shadow clone was released, and the main body would receive the memory.

Obviously, when he found that the plan had changed, especially the sudden arrival of Naraku, Namikaze Minato did not dare to hesitate at all, and could only rush from the Star City to support.

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