"Master Naraku, is the space-time ninjutsu you just performed with us?" Yu, who was following Naraku on the other side, couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Nono and Lang also looked closely at Naraku's back.

The way of moving shown by "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" is easily reminiscent of space-time ninjutsu.

Especially since Konoha already has the inheritance of "Flying Thunder God Technique".

Ordinary people naturally cannot come into contact with "Flying Thunder God Technique", and may not even have heard of it.

But it's different in the Root organization.

Except for Naraku, Nono and the other three are at least formal members.

In other words, they all have a chance to learn the techniques in the Sealed Book.

Even if they didn't choose "Flying Thunder God Technique", they would definitely have seen the introduction of "Flying Thunder God Technique" in the catalog.

After all, the temptation of space-time ninjutsu is still very great.

"Yeah!" Naraku didn't explain too much, but responded casually.

Seeing Naraku's reaction, Nono and the other two didn't think much and really thought that Naraku had just performed the space-time ninjutsu.

This discovery immediately cheered up the three people.

It was nothing but a sense of security.

The performance of "shrinking the earth into an inch" undoubtedly meant that even if they encountered an invincible danger in the future, Naraku would have the ability to lead them out of trouble.

With a greatly increased sense of security, the tension caused by the defection was also relieved a lot.

Quickly shuttled through the forest.

With the ninja's foot strength, even horses can't match it.

It can be said that Naraku and the other four were moving away from Konoha quickly.

But at the same time.

Konoha's reaction was also very fast, and the first batch of pursuers set off quickly.

The triggering of the barrier and the death of the sentry ninja.

These emergencies, with Danzo's power in the village, would naturally be known at the first time.

Similarly, Sarutobi Hiruzen also got the news.

"Danzo, how do you manage your subordinates? You didn't even know that the 'Seal of Tongue Rooting' was cracked?"

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen scolded Danzo opposite him with a bad face.

"This can't be blamed on Danzo. It can only be said that this person named Naraku hid too deeply."

"Indeed, we all know how difficult it is to crack the 'Seal of Tongue Rooting'. Now that it has been cracked, it can't be said that it is all Danzo's responsibility.

And compared to accountability, the most important thing now is to deal with the four people who defected. After all, these people have been in the Root Organization for a long time and have been exposed to too many secrets of the village."

In the office, there are not only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, but also the other two of the Four Heavenly Kings of Konoha, Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu.

When the two saw Sarutobi Hiruzen angry, they quickly persuaded him to ease the tense atmosphere.

It seems that the persuasion of Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu worked. Sarutobi Hiruzen took the pipe and smoked it, and didn't scold Danzo again.

"Hiruzen, don't worry. I have asked Hayabusa to lead two squads to chase them. I believe there will be results soon." Although Danzo was reprimanded, he did not dare to act recklessly at this time.

Two squads.

Given Danzo's emphasis on the "Seal of the Root of Tongue Trouble", it is obviously impossible to send only eight regular members, but also include 24 reserve members.

In other words, there are 33 members of the Root Organization chasing Naraku and his men at this time.

The worst among them is also a special jonin, and the strongest is Yamanaka Hayabusa, Danzo's right-hand man who is close to the level of elite jonin.

"I hope so!" Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted coldly.

Four members of the Root Organization defected, especially one of them was a captain, he was naturally very dissatisfied.

In his opinion, this was completely Danzo's dereliction of duty.

He would indulge the other party in many things, and he valued Danzo's ability to do things.

Now that such a mistake has occurred, he can't help but feel that he may have given the other party too much power, so that the other party began to relax management.

"How should we deal with the Uchiha clan? They are still waiting for us to hand over the people." At this time, Koharu Utatane spoke up.

"Why bother with them at this time? Do they really dare to make trouble?" Danzo, who was in a bad mood, heard this and became even more unhappy.

Uchiha Shisui's two magatama Sharingan has obviously never been shown in the clan.

When it was learned in this assessment that Uchiha Shisui had evolved the Sharingan to two magatama, it caused a great sensation in the Uchiha clan.

This also caused great dissatisfaction among the Uchiha clan that Uchiha Shisui was suppressed again.

This time, the Uchiha clan was extremely tough.

Sarutobi Hiruzen would naturally not be responsible for this, so Danzo, a professional, had to take the blame.

Of course, Danzo would definitely not be used to calm the anger of the Uchiha clan, so the final choice was to sacrifice Naraku.

It was not himself who was sacrificed, but in fact, Danzo did not intend to hand over the people at the beginning.

After all, in his opinion, the Uchiha clan was just a dog kept in captivity by them.

Just beat the barking dog, there is no need to appease it.

But he is not the master of the house.

Under Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, he could only reluctantly hand over the person.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Danzo, and then said to Utatane Koharu: "You go and communicate with the Uchiha clan, there is no need to hide anything, just explain the matter directly."

"Explain it directly? Will this be possible?" Utatane Koharu said hesitantly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand and said: "If you want people to believe, you have to show evidence, and it is just right to prove this matter, so that the other party will not entangle again."

"I understand. I'll deal with it first." Utatane Koharu nodded and left the office first.

"You guys go back first, Danzo. I hope to hear good news from you tomorrow." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the remaining Danzo and Mito Kado En.

Especially Danzo, who emphasized his tone and put pressure on the other party.

"Got it!" Danzo nodded with a gloomy face, and then left quickly.

The night covered the sky.

The coming of night added a bit of solemnity to the forest.

Led by Yamanaka Hayabusa, a total of 33 Root members shuttled through the forest at full speed.

The traces that were not cleaned up were like a guide line for the Root organization who were good at hunting, so that they did not waste any time in the process of chasing.

"Has the fear of death made these people lose their basic qualities?"

During the pursuit, Yamanaka Hayabusa looked at the traces left in the forest and sneered in his heart.

Although it was shocking that the other party had cracked the "Seal of Tongue Eradication", it was obvious that these defectors were just lucky ones.

Time passed little by little.

While chasing at full speed, Yamanaka Hayabusa's eyes suddenly focused.

I saw a figure sitting leisurely on a branch of a big tree in the dense forest ahead.

There was no cover.

This figure was Naraku.

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