"Didn't the young master go to the North Sea for inspection? Why did he suddenly come back?"

"I don't know. Maybe the young master encountered something and needed to come back to deal with it."

"What a coincidence. I was just watching a wonderful fight, but I received a call from Dover at this time."

"Hey? You are here too. Is the young master preparing to carry out some major operation, so he summoned us all?"


Above the King's Highlands, a series of figures can be seen converging in the heavily guarded palace.

These people are all the cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates.

Among them are the highest cadres Diamante and Pica.

There are also ordinary cadres such as Senior Pik, Jorah, Gladius, Mahabais, Lao G, Monet, Baby-5, Violet, Buffalo and others.

Soon, a group of cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates arrived at the meeting hall of the palace.

Unlike the outside, there are no guards inside the meeting hall.

In addition to the figure sitting on the throne, two people have already arrived in the hall.


When Monet walked into the hall, he saw one of the people waiting in the hall first, and a happy smile immediately appeared on his pretty face, and he walked towards the other person.


Sugar, who was holding a bamboo basket full of grapes in his right hand and eating grapes with his left hand, quickly ate the grapes on his fingers when he saw his sister, and then waved happily.

"I say, I say, Monet, can't you see me? Why do you only say hello to Sugar and not to me?" Torrepol next to Sugar sniffed his nose, looking very unhappy.

"Uh, sorry! Lord Torrepol, I was too focused on Sugar just now, so I didn't notice you." Monet, who was approaching, heard Torrepol's words and immediately said apologetically.

"Don't chat, the young master is still waiting for us."

Torrepol was about to say something when a sharp voice suddenly interrupted him.

Looking at the source of the sharp sound, it was a huge body that was completely opposite to the sharp sound.

This person was Pica, one of the highest cadres.

"Young Master!!!"


After Pica's reminder, whether it was Monet and the others, or the other cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates, they immediately bowed their heads respectfully and knelt on one knee to salute the figure sitting on the throne.

"I say, when you bow to someone, you should also look at the person clearly before bowing!"

Just as the cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates were waiting for their young master to respond as usual, suddenly, the response was a strange chuckle.


The people of the Don Quixote Pirates suddenly looked up at the throne.

Their eyes blurred.

When they first came, Doflamingo, who was sitting on the throne in their eyes, had become a stranger without knowing when.

There was even a woman standing next to the throne.

"Who are you?"

"Asshole, get off here."

"Where's the young master?"


A strange face came into view, and the people of the Don Quixote Pirates quickly reacted from their astonishment.

They stood up in a hurry in shock and anger.

They looked at the stranger on the throne.

Some asked in a harsh voice.

Some rushed up impatiently.


The overwhelming gravity suddenly descended.

Whether it was Diamante who rushed forward impatiently, or the others who questioned, all the cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates in the palace were all pressed to the ground by the majestic gravity.

Next to the throne, Kalifa's pupils shrank, and her heart was full of fear.

She was not afraid of the cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates, but Naraku who was sitting next to her.

Since coming to Dressrosa, everything Naraku did has refreshed her cognition again.

For example, I don't know why.

After landing in the palace, the people here incredibly mistook Naraku for Doflamingo, and even ignored her existence.

Then it was now.

The cadres of the Donquixote Pirates were suddenly suppressed to the ground by an invisible force.

All these performances made her feel weaker and almost completely lost when she caught Naraku beside her.

The huge body sank.

He fell to the ground under the pressure of gravity.

Pica was shocked and angry, and without thinking, he activated the ability of the Stone-Stone Fruit, trying to get rid of the pressure of gravity by diving underground.


Pica's reaction was quick, but Naraku's insight was more acute.

Sitting on the throne, he casually rested his right elbow on the armrest, and the back of his hand rested on his side face.

Looking down at the Donquixote Pirates who were suppressed by gravity, he immediately noticed Pica's abnormality.

The golden vertical pupil between his eyebrows glowed.

The next second.

Including Pica, all the members of the Don Quixote Pirates were pulled into the air by gravity, and then gravity turned into a translucent sphere, suppressing everyone and making them curl up.

"Help, where are the people outside?"

"Are they all dead? Come in and help!"

"Damn it, what is going on?"


Struggling hard.

Not only Pica, but others also struggled hard when they were suppressed by gravity, and some even shouted at the top of their lungs, trying to find the guards outside the palace.

But no matter what, it was useless.

The guards outside the palace turned a deaf ear to the shouting for help.

The struggle was the same.

For example, Pica.

Pulled into the air by gravity, the Stone-Stone Fruit ability lost its use as it left the ground.

But he still tried to break free with brute force, and even used his Armament Haki to wrap his body around him, so as to burst out stronger power.

But no matter how he struggled, he was still suppressed inside the gravity ball.

The same was true for others.

Monet, the user of the Snow-Snow Fruit ability, was elementalized.

But even if he turned into snowflakes, he couldn't break out of the gravity ball.

Either using abilities, or relying on Haki and physical skills.

In Naraku's eyes, the actions of each method were like a performance provided by the Don Quixote Pirates for him.

After a long time, the Don Quixote Pirates who struggled hopelessly gradually stopped.

"Don't you want to continue? Do you want me to give you some more time? Maybe you will succeed if you struggle for a while."

Naraku looked at the people who stopped lazily.

"Who are you?" Monet, who withdrew from the elementalization, locked his eyes on Naraku, and asked in shock and anger.

"You asked very well. I am naturally your new master." Naraku put down his right hand that was supporting his face and said with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people in the Don Quixote Pirates changed immediately.

"Arrogant guy, do you know who we are? We--" Torrebol roared in exasperation.

But before he finished speaking, the gravity ball that suppressed him suddenly shrank.

Bang! !

Amidst the muffled explosion, a ball of blood-colored paste filled the entire gravity ball.

Raising his hand, the gravity ball flew into Naraku's hands.

As the true energy circulated, the demon energy of the sticky fruit that had not yet escaped was quickly sealed into a gem by Naraku's skillful method.

"People's choices determine their fate, so you must be cautious when making a choice." After weighing the gem in his hand, Naraku looked at the other people in the Don Quixote Pirates with indifference.


Torrebol's tragic death is an excellent warning.

When the Don Quixote Pirates looked at Naraku again, their eyes changed immediately.

Those who wanted to scold like Trebol hurriedly shut their mouths, fearing that they would also end up with no body left.

The palace fell into silence.

Naraku slowly stood up, walked down the stairs, and walked to the Don Quixote Pirates.

"I always value talents, but I also hate incompetent people."

As the faint voice sounded, Naraku flicked his fingers and ejected three streams of true energy.

These three streams of true energy entered three gravity balls respectively.

The three gravity balls trapped the three people, namely, Buffalo, the fruit of the spinning fruit, Jora, and the fruit of the swimming fruit, Senior Pico.

The true energy fell on the three people and instantly turned into a curse seal and merged into their bodies.

The gravity ball dissipated.

Buffalo, Jora, and Senior Pico fell back to the ground.

"What a waste of rice!"

Naraku said lightly without waiting for Buffalo and the other two to react.


After the words fell, the curse seals in Buffalo and the other two were activated.

All three knelt on the ground in pain, screaming and tearing their bodies madly.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere.

A horrible scene took place.

Buffalo and the other two were tearing themselves into a bloody mess, and they stopped only when they lost their lives.

True Qi flowed.

The energy of the three devil fruits that could not be captured by the naked eye was bound by the true Qi, and was also sealed into gems, flying into Naraku's hands.

"As your master, the first warning I give you is to never become an incompetent person, because incompetent people are not qualified to stay under my command."

After receiving the new three devil gems, Naraku returned to the throne calmly, and then ejected a stream of true Qi again.

These true Qi fell on the other members of the Don Quixote Pirates, and also turned into curse seals and merged into their bodies.

Fear, panic.

If the body had not been suppressed by gravity, the Don Quixote Pirates would have rushed to the position where the curse seal was integrated.

Who could face it calmly after seeing the horrible death of Buffalo and the other two with their own eyes?

All the Don Quixote Pirates looked at Naraku in horror.

As if they were afraid that they would die tragically like Buffalo and the other two in the next second.

"Now is the second warning. In addition to hating incompetent people, I also hate traitors. The power I just injected into you is the same as these three people. Once I find out that someone of you has betrayed me, no matter where he hides, I can make him die miserably."

Sitting on the throne, Naraku looked down at everyone with indifferent eyes and waved his hand to remove all gravity.

Falling to the ground.

When the Don Quixote Pirates regained their freedom, they did not dare to make any rash moves, and their eyes unconsciously focused on Naraku.

"I, your subordinate Diamante, pay my respects to the master!"

Diamante, one of the highest-ranking officers, swallowed hard and hesitated for less than half a second before kneeling on one knee and loudly expressing his submission to Naraku.

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