I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 332 A man who knows the times is a hero

Navy Headquarters, Maryford!

"Everyone, the theme of this meeting is Dressrosa and the Donquixote Pirates.

Not long ago, the intelligence agency had received clear information that Doflamingo, who returned to Dressrosa from the North Sea, had been defeated by Naraku.

In other words, Dressrosa and the Donquixote Pirates have decided on their new masters. "

In the solemn conference room, Sengoku, who was sitting at the head of the table, calmly looked around at the high-ranking navy generals present.

"You actually lost? No wonder the cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates are so obedient. It seems that this Naraku is indeed extraordinary."

"Has any detailed information about Naraku been collected so far? I have never heard of this person before, so I cannot make a clear judgment."

"Doflamingo is the king of the Shichibukai. Now he has been defeated by others and even his power has been replaced by others. This will inevitably cause turmoil in the situation that was finally balanced."

"Doflamingo is not only the king of the Shichibukai, he is also an intermediary in the underground world. Once something happens to him, it will directly cause a chain reaction in many aspects. In my opinion, we must take stabilizing measures."

"Although I don't know where this Naraku came from, from the fact that he robbed the Donquixote Pirates and did not do much to curb the Donquixote Pirates' various illegal businesses, it can be seen that this person is also a pirate."


The naval generals heard the story of the Warring States Period and expressed their opinions one after another.

"It's really scary. Such a powerful person suddenly appeared. There was serious malfeasance in the intelligence department."

As the only admiral present in the field, Porusalino said casually while repairing his nails with a nail clipper and file.

Opposite, He, who was the chief staff officer of the navy, glanced at him and said calmly: "It's not entirely the fault of the intelligence department. After learning about Dressrosa's situation, I also specially investigated Naraku, but it turned out that this person It was like appearing out of nowhere, with no trace of the past at all.”

"Indeed, after various investigations by the intelligence department, they did not find any information about Naraku. The origin of this person can be said to be very mysterious." Warring States agreed.

A general said doubtfully: "Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case. With the opponent's strength, it's impossible for there to be no trace at all."

This was echoed by other generals.

Strength is accumulated gradually.

Although there are many strong folk in this world, it does not mean that the strong folk are really unknown.

Ordinary people don't know, it's just limited to information.

Like the navy, if you really want to find out, there is no strong civilian who can hide without leaving a trace.

"The origin of the other party will be investigated in depth in the future. The most important thing now is how to deal with the other party." Sengoku did not delve into the origin of Naraku. He paid more attention to Naraku's danger.

"Just put a reward on it. The other party now controls the Don Quixote Pirates. Regardless of their strength or power, they are extremely dangerous pirates."

"Second, now that Doflamingo has been defeated, and may even have been killed, the Donquixote Pirates are no longer a force of the Shichibukai, and they can just attack him directly."

"There is also Dressrosa. This country is one of the government's allies. Now we can take advantage of this opportunity to take this country back from the hands of pirates."

"To be able to defeat Doflamingo, this Naraku must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise if it is allowed to develop, it will inevitably become a huge hidden danger in the future."


Regarding Naraku's treatment, the navy generals' attitudes were basically the same, which was to eliminate him.

He looked at Warring States: "Dressrosa is one of the participating countries, and the Don Quixote Pirates control this country. If you want to send troops to conquer, you need to obtain permission from the government."

Warring States nodded and said: "I have already reported this. Now I am just waiting for the response from above."

He also has a desire to conquer.

As if in response to Sengoku, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room.

When Sengoku let people in, a navy captain delivered a document.

Looking through the documents, Seng Guo quickly frowned.

He looked at Sengoku's reaction thoughtfully and asked, "Is this the reply from the government?"

"Well, Doflamingo has contacted the Five Old Stars, and Dressrosa and the Donquixote Pirates are back to business as before." Sengoku said with an ugly expression.

Hearing this, whether it was He or the other generals, all of them had dark eyes.

The navy is the master of the sea.

But the world government is the overlord of the entire world.

The Navy can act as a hegemon when dealing with other forces, but when it comes to the World Government, no matter whether it admits it or not, it cannot change that the Navy is just a vicious dog raised by the World Government.

"Dover, you really didn't disappoint me. You did a great job this time." In the palace, Naraku, who was sitting on the throne, looked down at Doflamingo with a smile.

Next to Dressrosa there is a small island adjacent to a steel suspension bridge called Greenbit.

This island is home to a small human race called the Dontata tribe.

Because the Dontata tribe is good at planting, in order to cultivate artificial devil fruits, Doflamingo captured the princess of the Dontata tribe and enslaved the Dontata tribe.

At the same time, Manxili, the princess of the Dontata tribe, is also a superhuman healing fruit user.

Now that Naraku controls Dressrosa, Menxili naturally falls into his hands.

The battle between Doflamingo and Naraku was scarred.

But with the power of the healing fruit, he quickly returned to normal.

At this time, when Doflamingo heard Naraku's praise, he lost all his former arrogance and said very respectfully: "Master, you are too kind. This is my duty."

A man who knows the times is a hero.

Life and death are controlled by others. Doflamingo obviously has a good position in his current status.

"I am a person who rewards and punishes clearly. You have settled the World Government for me. This is a merit and you must be rewarded."

Naraku laughed and waved his hand to fly out ten flesh and blood pills.

Diamante and his team are very efficient.

It can also be said that the power brought by the flesh and blood pill is very strong.

Relying on Violet's staring fruit ability, the hunting team has also hunted at least five 100-meter-class sea kings every day in the past few days.

Most of the flesh and blood energy is transformed into the "Blood Soul Method" of the nourishment, and a small part is condensed into flesh and blood pills by Naraku for daily rewards.

When Doflamingo took the flesh and blood pill, Naraku explained it to him casually.

"Enhance the body?"

Doflamingo, who had just returned, had not had time to learn too much.

When he learned about the situation of the blood and flesh pill, he immediately looked down at the ten blood and flesh pills in his hand with doubt.

Just like Diamante at the beginning, after a brief hesitation, Doflamingo tried to eat one.

When the blood and flesh pill entered his mouth, the rich blood and flesh energy immediately flowed into his stomach, and then swept through his limbs and bones.

In terms of physique, Doflamingo is definitely better than Diamante and others.

The body turned red, and with rapid contraction, the blood and flesh energy of a blood and flesh pill was quickly digested by him.

As for the effect.

Although the degree of physical enhancement is not as good as Diamante and others, it is enough for Doflamingo to feel the changes in his body.

"It really works."

Doflamingo's eyes changed, and he looked at the remaining nine blood and flesh pills in disbelief.

What kind of treasure is this, it can really enhance the body.

The key is that with his physical strength, it can actually work.

Doflamingo couldn't help but look up at Naraku on the throne.

The opponent's means were completely beyond his imagination.

Just based on the effect of the Flesh and Blood Pill, it is definitely an incomparable treasure.

And from Naraku's casual reward, it can be seen that such treasures are not irreplaceable in Naraku's eyes.

Doflamingo looked at Naraku with fear and passion.

With Doflamingo becoming Naraku's number one lackey, Dressrosa and the Donquixote Pirates also fell completely under Naraku's control.

At the same time, under Doflamingo's active service, the World Government was also well settled.

The change of power was smoothly transferred.

Internally, the Donquixote Pirates were peaceful.

And in the outside world.

"Did Doflamingo surrender?"

"What kind of person is Naraku? He can actually make Doflamingo surrender. It's incredible."

"Although I don't know what the situation is, at least the business with the Donquixote Pirates has not been affected."


Dressrosa has spies from many forces.

Doflamingo's return naturally cannot escape the eyes of various forces.

I thought it would be a life-and-death battle, but unexpectedly, it would end with Doflamingo's surrender.

This made all forces full of doubts.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Donquixote Pirates are completely occupied by a strong man from bottom to top.

The problem is that this strong man is not well known.

This made all forces desperately want to find out information about Naraku in the future.

But the information that can be found is very limited.

For example, because Naraku once showed lightning ability in the battle with Doflamingo, many people suspected that he was the ability user of the Thunder Fruit.

Let's talk about Naraku.

As for the inquiries of various forces, there is no need to investigate by yourself, the people below will take the initiative to report.

Naraku doesn't care much about this situation.

Which force doesn't have spies?

Only the moldy forces don't have them.

As for spies, if you find them, just kill them. If you don't find them, then it's your ability.

The main reason is that Naraku has no intention to mess with others. He just wants to make money now, no, to collect resources and practice.

Half a month in a flash.

Somewhere in the sea of ​​the new world.

"Master, that large sea king is hiding on the seabed."

In the fleet composed of the hunting team, Naraku stood on the bow of the leading warship.

When he looked down at the sea below the warship, Violet pointed to the sea and explained beside him.

The ability of the staring fruit includes farsightedness and perspective, which cannot be blocked even by the sea.

This allows Violet to easily help the hunting team find the sea king hidden in the sea.

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