The world of Naruto.

In the universe, Naraku looked down at the unknown planet below.

"I'm lucky. I didn't expect to meet an Otsutsuki who planted a sacred tree on the way."

The extraordinary five senses allowed Naraku to clearly capture the surface conditions of the planet below even if he was in outer space.

And in his sight at this moment, there seemed to be a huge tree of astonishing size growing on the surface of the planet facing him.

This huge tree was the sacred tree.

With his mind turning, Naraku did not hesitate and immediately landed on the planet below.

The air was hot.

Looking around, the land was covered with barren deserts.

It stands to reason that in such an environment, neither animals nor plants can survive.

But a towering tree grew in the center of the desert.

"Yes, the origin of this planet is still good."

A figure sat cross-legged on the top of the towering tree. This person looked at the fruit that was growing on the opposite side and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The figure had horns on his head, and his clothes and skin color were all pale.

The fruit opposite him was a football-sized scarlet fruit.

Looking at the chakra fruit that had been bred, Otsutsuki Doshiki stood up and prepared to pick it.


The chakra fruit was picked.

But it was not Otsutsuki Doshiki who picked it.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Naraku, who suddenly arrived, put the chakra fruit into the bronze tower while

greeting Otsutsuki Doshiki across from him with a smile.

Otsutsuki Doshiki, who walked forward, was stunned on the spot.

When he reacted, he immediately became furious.

"Asshole, hand over the chakra fruit!"

The frightened Otsutsuki Doshiki opened a three-magatama Samsara Eye from his forehead, and at the same time, he condensed a red battle axe in his right hand and chopped it fiercely at Naraku.

He jumped back.

Naraku calmly dodged the battle axe.

Boom! ! !

The red battle axe that split the air fell on the sacred tree below.

The sacred tree that looked like a lone mountain peak actually split in the middle, and was split into two halves by Otsutsuki Doshiki's battle axe.

The split sacred tree shook violently.

But Otsutsuki Doshiki ignored it and looked at Naraku who was dodging with anger.

The pupil power burst out and turned into a strong gravitational force.

The invisible gravitational force quickly swept towards Naraku, trying to pull him back.

"Thousand Changes·Blue Dragon Transformation!"

Feeling the pull of gravity, Naraku was unmoved, but jumped high again.

The body changed.

Naraku, who jumped to a high altitude, performed the "Transformation Method" and suddenly turned into a thousand-foot blue dragon that covered the sky and the sun.

Blue Dragon Transformation.

This transformation came from the Blue Dragon Fruit.

After obtaining the energy of this devil fruit from the pirate incarnation, Naraku not only successfully promoted the "Transformation Method" to the entry level, but also mastered the transformation of the incarnation of the blue dragon.

Of course, it is not difficult to see from the body shape.

Compared to Kaido's Azure Dragon, Naraku's Azure Dragon Transformation performed by the "Transformation Method" is more powerful.

Even he is now transforming into Azure Dragon in order to use the Otsutsuki in front of him to actually test the power of Azure Dragon Transformation.

"Hot Breath!"

The huge dragon body is circling in the sky.

Naraku, who has transformed into a thousand-foot Azure Dragon, opened his mouth and spewed out a blazing flame that burned the sky and destroyed the earth at the Otsutsuki Doshiki on the sacred tree.

Boom! ! !

The flames condensed into a pillar of fire, instantly engulfing Otsutsuki Doshiki and the entire top of the sacred tree.


A scream came from the flames.

The fire wave swept.

It quickly spread from the top of the tree to the trunk below, turning the entire sacred tree into a huge torch.

A fierce repulsive force swept out from the fire wave.

After a distance, Otsutsuki Doshiki, who was severely burned all over his body, soared into the sky.


After rushing out of the fire wave, Otsutsuki Doshiki did not retreat but rushed straight towards Naraku.

He tightly grasped the red battle axe in his hand and it expanded and became a hundred meters in size, and chopped it fiercely towards Naraku's head.

He did not dodge.

Naraku looked at the chopped battle axe calmly.

Boom! ! !

The huge battle axe successfully chopped on Naraku's head.

In an instant, rolling air waves radiated out, causing the surrounding void to be in chaos, and even the space was rippling.

This chopped was definitely an angry attack by Otsutsuki Doshiki.

But the result was terrible.

In the turbulent air waves, the axe blade of the red battle axe stayed on the dragon scales, and did not cause any damage.

Even Naraku's dragon body did not shake.

"Too weak, such an attack is not even enough to tickle me."

A pair of dragon eyes revealed an indifferent look, Naraku looked at the Otsutsuki Doshiki opposite him, and opened his mouth to make a low sound.


Otsutsuki Doushiki, who was originally shocked that his attack was blocked, was immediately angered by Naraku again.

His white hair flew up to the sky, and a huge amount of chakra surged out of his body.

Otsutsuki Doushiki roared at the top of his lungs, holding the red battle axe with both hands, and madly chopped at Naraku's head.

Clang clang clang ~~~~

Sparks flew everywhere.

In the dance of waves of air, no matter how Otsutsuki Doushiki chopped, the red battle axe could not break through the defense of the dragon scales.

On the contrary, as he chopped, the axe blade of the red battle axe quickly cracked and needed to be continuously injected with more chakra to repair it.

He chopped hundreds of times in a row.

Otsutsuki Doushiki was still chopping wildly, but Naraku had already given up out of boredom.

Facts proved that the strength of the Otsutsuki in front of him was a little weak.

Not to mention testing the power of the Azure Dragon Transformation, it can't even break through basic defenses.

Open the dragon's mouth.

Naraku, who felt bored, no longer wasted any time, moved his head forward, and opened his mouth to swallow the crazed Otsutsuki Doshiki in one gulp.

Mana moves.

The Otsutsuki Doshi style didn't even have a chance to scream, and was refined in an instant.

But it was different from the original Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

When Otsutsuki Hagoromo was first refined, due to lack of strength, the refining process was so hasty that there was no extra ability to retain the critical Rinne Sharingan.

But this time it's different.

With the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, he has enough spare power to divide them.

During the refining process, Naraku did not completely refine the Otsutsuki Doshiki into its original energy, but retained the opponent's three magatama samsara eyes.

the reason is simple.

Rather than refining raw energy to improve one's cultivation, it is more cost-effective to leave treasures like the Three Magatama Samsara Eyes in sacrifice and refine them into magic weapons.

This can lead to more enhancements in strength.

The three magatama samsara eyes are retained, and the raw energy that can be refined in the Otsutsuki Kidou style is greatly reduced.

But better than nothing.

Naraku, who had improved his cultivation, lifted his Azure Dragon Transformation and transformed into a human form again.

Mana flows.

Standing in the void, Naraku looked down at the burned-out sacred tree below.

Whether it is the sacred tree of the ninja world or the current sacred tree, the seeds of the sacred tree planted outside are just disposable items.

In other words, these one-time sacred tree seeds are just splits of the original sacred tree species.

The original species of the sacred tree is collected in the headquarters of the Otsutsuki clan and is the supreme treasure of the Otsutsuki clan.

Look back.

Naraku lowered his head and looked into the palm of his right hand.

Two three-magatama samsara eyes emerged from the palm.

To be precise, it should be a three-magatama samsara eye, and a [three-magatama samsara eye] that is a magic weapon.

The former comes from the Otsutsuki Dosha just now.

The latter comes from the original three [Eternal Kaleidoscopes].

That's right.

The three [Eternal Kaleidoscope] that were originally conceived have now evolved into the Samsara Eyes under the nurturing of stronger magic power. They have even been further transformed into the [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] after Naraku's sacrificial fusion.

Landing from the air.

Naraku separated a mana clone as a guard, and then used the "Fire Sun Technique" to take the lead in refining the three magatama samsara eyes in the Otsutsuki Dou style.

The benefits of projection breaking the boundaries have already been realized.

Like the incarnation of a pirate, the Devil Fruit provided by him allowed him to continuously improve by leaps and bounds while on the road.

Until now.

He has already taken three-tenths of the way to the immortal path of the golden elixir.

An improvement of three tenths seems average.

But the key is that we are now in the golden elixir stage.

Compared with the previous Qi refining period and foundation building period.

Even if it is only the first turn of the Golden Core stage, it requires more energy than the previous two realms combined.

In the same way, giving comes from receiving.

Having walked three-tenths of the way, Naraku's current cultivation has improved a lot compared to when he first broke through.

Even a treasure like the Sanmagatama Samsara Eye can be refined in a matter of seconds.

Looking at the [Three Magatama Reincarnation Eye] that was refined into an earth-level low-grade magic weapon, Naraku did not stop, but continued to sacrifice and fuse it with another [Three Magatama Reincarnation Eye].

Fire refines gold.

Along with the abundant mana, it is continuously injected into the Yanyang Cauldron.

The two [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] gradually merged.

Until the end.

The two [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] completely overlapped together.

The three magatama that appeared also merged and rotated rapidly.

It flourishes and then declines.

The rapidly rotating three magatama did not split again, but reached an extreme and then stopped, still in the state of [three magatama reincarnation eyes].

"Isn't the fusion of just two [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] not enough to evolve?"

Sensing the [Three Magatama Reincarnation Eyes] that failed to evolve within his body, Naraku's expression remained unchanged.

Although evolution has failed, integration has not failed.

The fusion of the two [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] increased the power of the eyes by 1+1\u003e2.


Something appeared again in Naraku's right hand, which was the chakra fruit he had picked previously.

Compared with the remaining shell of the sacred tree, the chakra fruit is the essence of the sacred tree.

Spiritual consciousness carefully probed.

After confirming that there were no hidden dangers in the chakra fruit in his hand, Naraku inhaled gently, and the football-sized chakra fruit quickly shrank to the size of a pea and flew into Naraku's mouth.

Running the nameless technique, Naraku sat cross-legged three feet in the air, closed his eyes slightly, and began to refine the chakra fruit.

Refining did not cause any obstacles.

During the refining process, just like before, he did not roughly refine the chakra fruit into raw energy, but carefully divided it.

The Otsutsuki clan is an extremely talented race in the universe.

But their ability to become the overlords of this universe is not entirely due to their own talents, but a large part of it is due to the divine tree.

It's like the samsara eye.

The Otsutsuki clan itself only has white eyes.

The Samsara Eye is derived from the power of the sacred tree.

During the division of chakra fruit, Naraku took the lead in extracting the ingredients of the 'Reincarnation Eye'.

All these ingredients were poured into the [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] by him.

I don’t know if it’s the origin of the planet in front of me that is superior, or the recent fusion that has made [Three Magatama Samsara Eyes] only one step away from evolution.

When the new Samsara Eye ingredient is injected, the [Three Magatama Samsara Eye] immediately spins rapidly again.

One point two.

The three rotating Magatama quickly broke through the shackles and successfully evolved into the [Six Magatama Samsara Eye].

"A horse won't get fat without night grass, and a man won't get rich without windfall. Compared with seclusion and hard work, plundering is faster."

Perceiving that the [Three Magatama Samsara Eye] successfully evolved into the [Six Magatama Samsara Eye], Naraku let out a sincere sigh.

I feel happy in my heart.

Naraku continued to work on the chakra fruit in a happy mood.


Suddenly, Naraku was surprised.

After extracting the required power of the Samsara Eye, he originally planned to refine the remaining chakra fruit into raw energy to improve his cultivation.

But during the refining process, he discovered that there was some wonderful energy hidden in the chakra fruit.

Extract these wonderful energies bit by bit.

Naraku carefully probed with his spiritual sense.

"Is this a living substance?"

Probing around, Naraku's heart skipped a beat, and a certain substance recorded in the third chapter of the "Secret Book of Immortals" came to mind.

Immortality is always a topic that no world can escape.

This is especially true in the world of cultivating immortals.

For this reason, in every era, there are countless immortal cultivators looking for ways to live forever.

I don’t know which era started, but someone with a great chance finally discovered the substance of immortality.

This living substance has no specific object.

Everything is based on longevity.

As long as the substance can bring about the effect of longevity, it can be called a longevity substance.

at the moment.

Naraku was surprised to find that the wonderful energy he extracted from the Chakra Fruit was very similar to the legendary longevity substance.

Moreover, the aura that is suspected to be the aura of immortality is very strong, and it seems that it is not the kind of low-grade product that can only extend life for a few years or ten years.

"Perhaps the Otsutsuki clan was not originally an immortal species, but through generations of sacred tree planting, they absorbed a large amount of longevity substances from chakra fruits, so they gradually multiplied into the current immortal species."

Various thoughts ran through my mind.

Naraku pondered for a moment and decisively tried to absorb it.


If this was truly a living substance, its value would be great.

If placed in the world of immortality, let alone a golden elixir like his, even a giant of immortality with a ninth-level golden elixir would fight for immortality.

During the absorption, the mysterious energy that was suspected to be the substance of immortality slowly integrated into Naraku's body.

In response to the divine revelation, Naraku immediately found that his lifespan was rapidly increasing.

Until the immortality substance was completely absorbed, his lifespan actually increased to two thousand years.

A gasp of air.

Naraku's heartbeat was as fast as the Imperial Engine.

The increase in lifespan of hundreds of years not only proves that the wonderful energy is indeed a living substance, but also a genuine high-end product.

Destiny is impermanent, and the virtuous will live there!

This thing is destined for me!

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Naraku's mind quickly.

The final summary is this.

"Otsutsuki clan, you really deserve to die!"

Naraku was heartbroken, he was so heartbroken.

How could I be so careless that I accidentally lost the lovely sacred tree that I had planted and raised?

Now it has been picked up by a group of bad guys.

This is simply a sin.

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