The increase in Shadow Stones made Naraku feel very happy.

The relationship between this object and the "Invisibility Method" is like the relationship between the power of the five elements and the "Five Elements Technique", which can greatly increase the speed of cultivation.

Looking at the naturally charming Wendy in front of her.

Naraku, who was in a happy mood, waved.

Wendy naturally sat next to Naraku. Even when Naraku's hands entered the hem of his shirt, she took the initiative to make space so that Naraku's hands could explore more freely.

As a person who pays attention to life.

Naraku never treats himself badly.

The reason why Wendy can become his housekeeper is not only because of her outstanding ability, but also because of her thoughtfulness.

Seeing Naraku seem to be very excited, Lydia left the living room consciously when she was free, and ordered others not to enter.

When I came back again, the living room had become a battlefield.

The charming housekeeper is transformed into a first-class knight.

"Master is so awesome!" Lidya, who looked cold and handsome, couldn't help but admire, then licked her lips and immediately walked to the battlefield.






In Viscon Forest Park, the second test of the 287th hunter test is currently underway.

A dish that could barely be called a roast pig was presented to the two examiners.

The male examiners in the former ate the roasted pig with great interest, but the female examiner in the latter raised the question with anger in her eyes.

"Damn it, what does this woman want to do? I'm here to be a professional bounty hunter, not to become some bullshit food hunter."

"That's right, the male examiners in front of us have all given us passes, but she keeps giving us failures. I think she is just deliberately looking for trouble."

"If I don't pass, I will definitely report this bitch to the Hunter Association."


One of the candidates who was rejected was rejected, and they gradually gathered together. They all looked at the female examiner who gave the failed test with angry eyes.


Men Qi glanced at the candidates who were looking at them with anger, snorted coldly, and ignored them at all.

At the same time, her eyes were also vaguely looking at a certain candidate in the field.

Evil thoughts that ordinary people cannot detect are like the devil's tentacles, constantly radiating from the candidate until they reach Menqi's location.

"What on earth does this bastard want to do? To spread evil thoughts to me so brazenly."

Menqi also used his mind energy to resist the invasion of evil thoughts, while his eyes were filled with haze.

Most of her current anxiety comes from this candidate named Hisoka.

The other party was like a lunatic. From the moment he entered the room, he had been sending out malicious thoughts towards her.

It's as if he will be killed at any time.

"What should I do? I won't lose the election."

"Not just you, I'm afraid no one here will be able to pass this exam."

"No, I must become a hunter."


The candidates who were deemed unqualified included Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, and Killua.

The four of them gathered together. Although they did not look at Menqi as angry as other candidates, they were still nervous and worried.

"What a weird bunch!"

A few kilometers away from the examination room, Naraku turned over a wild boar that was being cooked in a campfire.

He felt the situation in the examination room and sighed sincerely.

Although Menqi was disturbed by Xisuo's evil thoughts, if the candidates had a more correct attitude when cooking the wild pig, it would not be difficult to gain Menqi's approval.

Now that everyone is being labeled as unqualified by Menqi, it is not an exaggeration to say that they deserve it.

Everyone knows that they are taking the hunter test in order to become a professional hunter, so they should respect the questions given during the exam.

You don't respect the exam yourself, so you deserve to be eliminated.

Grease splashed in the flames.

Naraku slowly sprinkled on the natural seasoning found in the park.

As the seasonings are sprinkled on it, the roasted pig immediately emits a more alluring aroma.

Naraku, who felt almost the same, used his true energy as a knife and tasted it happily.

The hooligan-nosed wild boar is a type of Warcraft.

In terms of meat quality, it is far from comparable to ordinary pigs.

Although Naraku's cooking skills are not high, the taste of the roasted pig is also quite outstanding given the excellent ingredients.

While eating barbecue, Naraku continued to feel the examination room.

To be precise, he should be waiting for Nitro's arrival.

From the Sky City where the Sky Arena is located, come to Viscon Forest Park, the examination room for the hunter test.

Naraku is not the main one to see this world.

He came for Nitro, the person with the strongest telekinesis ability in the world.

The purpose is simple.

One is to verify the difference in strength between himself and the strongest person in the world.

The second is for the Dark Continent.

Not to mention the former.

The latter

Naraku is naturally interested in the Dark Continent.

Just like humans are greedy for it, this unknown place has resources that are unimaginable in the human world.

But equally, there is no doubt about the danger of the Dark Continent.

Naraku, who was always cautious, would certainly not be careless.

Before leaving, he prepared to collect as much information as possible on the Dark Continent.

The Dark Continent is taboo.

On the surface, there are roughly two people who can be sure to have relevant information, one is Nitro and the other is V5.

Naraku is now ready to explore the situation from Nitro.

In addition to being the world's most powerful psychopath, Nitro is also the president of the Hunter Association.

His whereabouts are absolutely confidential.

But Naraku is a time traveler.

Through a certain understanding of the original plot, plus the current timeline is just stuck in the plot, so he came to the examination place to wait for the rabbit.

The appetite is Naraku's preference.

A whole head of rabid pigs, only a pile of bones were left in a short while.

"Oh? It's coming!"

Just after eating, Naraku looked at the sky above the examination place in the distance.

With extraordinary five senses.

Naraku's sight can easily capture the situation on the airship in the distance.

Just when the airship arrived above the examination venue, a figure quickly jumped down from a height of 100 meters.

Boom! !

The ground cracked, and in the dust, an old man wearing loose robes, ponytails, thick beard, and extremely long earlobes appeared in the eyes of a group of candidates.

"What's going on?"

"He didn't fall to death from such a height. This guy must be a monster."

"Is this guy also from the Hunter Association?"


The examinees were startled by the sudden appearance of the old man. Some were shocked, while others were suspicious.


Menqi and Buhala, the examiners of the second exam, saw the newcomer and hurriedly stood up to greet him. When they came closer, they saluted respectfully.


The examinees were stunned when they heard Menqi address the old man.

"Well, Menqi, you--"

Netero, who looked calm and composed, and looked like a master, actually stole a glance at Menqi's full headlights.

He stroked his beard and opened his mouth to speak.

Boom! !

Just as he started talking, a heavy pressure suddenly came over him, instantly covering the entire exam venue.

Their faces changed.

Whether it was Netero, Menqi, Buhala and others,

All the Nen users present were frightened and quickly released their Nen energy to resist the heavy pressure.

Let's look at the candidates.

Except for the two Nen users, Hisoka and Illumi, the rest fell to the ground under the heavy pressure.

Most of them fell into a coma because they could not bear it.

"What is this feeling of oppression and panic?"

"It's so uncomfortable, it feels like a mountain is pressing on my body."

"Damn, this special feeling is the same as Illumi's, but it's more terrible."


The heavy pressure covering the examination venue was a huge Nen energy extending from a distance.

Among the candidates who were not unconscious, Gon, Kurapika, and Killua were all lying or kneeling to resist.

Among them, Gon and Kurapika were okay.

Although they were lying on the ground under pressure, they were more shocked.

On the other hand, Killua, the strongest of the three.

He knelt on one knee like a cat with its fur standing on end.

Not only did his hands instinctively turn into claws, but his body was tense as if he was going to escape in the next second.


His figure turned into a residual image.

Almost the next second after the mental energy enveloped him, a figure rushed towards the direction of the huge mental energy at an astonishing speed.

"This guy Xi Suo is really overconfident. Although it is not clear who this mental energy comes from, such an astonishing mental energy means that the other party is definitely a monster."

Ilmi, who was also one of the candidates, disguised his appearance with mental nails, burst out mental energy to resist the oppression while staring at Xi Suo who was leaving.

Based on his understanding of Xi Suo, the other party's past actions could not have been just for simple exploration, but it was likely that he was sick.

"President, do you know the source of this mental energy?"

The huge mental energy pressure made it difficult to breathe.

Menqi, who was resisting the oppression, ignored Xi Suo's departure, but turned his head to look at Netero with a frightened look.

"I don't know him, but he is definitely a powerful person." Netero quickly calmed down and looked at the direction of the source of the mental energy with a calm face.

His eyes flickered slightly.

Netero's eyes were filled with solemnity and curiosity.

When did such a monster appear in this world?

The aura that enveloped the examination venue was so huge that it surpassed his peak period.

And judging from the fact that the aura did not contain any malicious intent, it seemed that the visitor was just here to say hello?

"Menqi, Buhala, you two are optimistic about the candidates here."

Netero, who seemed to be thinking, gave an order to Menqi and the others, and then took a big step and headed towards the source of the aura.

A wonderful scene appeared.

Just as Netero was taking action, the aura that enveloped the examination venue also dissipated immediately.

This change made Netero pause, and Menqi and Buhala's eyes changed.

The other party was indeed saying hello to me.

The other party came for the president?

The thought flashed through his mind.

In the former case, Netero resumed his paused steps and continued to move forward.

In the latter case, Menqi and Buhala became more solemn.

The dissipation of the aura allowed Xiaojie and the other two to recover from the oppression.

Among them, Kurapika looked at Netero who was leaving the venue, bit his teeth, got up from the ground and chased after him.

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