The ability to read actually follows the rule of equivalent exchange to a large extent.

Simply using money as the price will greatly reduce the potential of "Dark Blue Plus Points".

For example, high-end skills such as nameless skills and magical powers cannot be loaded on the dark blue panel.

For this reason, after many attempts, Naraku finally found that there were only two ways to obtain attribute points.

The first channel is Krypton Life.

At the expense of its own lifespan, one year of lifespan can be converted into 1 attribute point.

The second channel is to fight monsters and upgrade.

By fighting and defeating enemies, you can obtain corresponding attribute points. In addition, each enemy only has one chance to obtain attribute points.

The 0.61 displayed now comes from the second channel, contributed by Hisoka and Nitro respectively.

Among them, Sisuo contributed 0.13.

Nitro contributed 0.48.

Such a contribution is undoubtedly very small compared to the krypton life of the first channel.

But that’s the verdict of the dark blue panel.

Nitro and Hisoka combined could not match Naraku's lifespan of one year.

Well, actually comparing the strength of both sides, it’s almost the same.

Even Nitro.

There is also a huge gap between him and Naraku.

Naraku's one-year lifespan is obviously far from comparable to the one-year lifespan of ordinary people.

After confirming the attribute points to be harvested, Naraku opened the "Nameless Technique" with his consciousness.

Whether it is "Nameless Kung Fu" or something else, in the skill column, each item has a hidden small interface.

[Kung Fu: Unnamed Kung Fu - Qi Training Perfection 0%]

When Naraku's consciousness unfolded the small interface of "Nameless Kung Fu", in addition to displaying more detailed cultivation realms, there was also a percentage energy bar.

This percentage of the energy bar represents progress.

Qi training reaches 0%, which means that if the energy bar can be increased to 100%, Naraku's cultivation will be able to break through the foundation building period.

"Let me see your limit, Deep Blue adds more!"

With a ceremonial declaration, the next second, Naraku decisively invested all the 0.61 attribute points he had gained into the "Nameless Technique".

The interface refreshes.

[Kung Fu: Unnamed Kung Fu - Qi Training Perfection 6.1%]

Looking at the newly displayed data, Naraku touched his chin.

"So in the judgment of 'dark blue plus points', based on my current cultivation progress, if I practice normally, will it take ten years to break through the foundation building stage?"

The development of mental ability is actually very mysterious.

But one thing is certain, that is, the performance of Nian ability is closely related to the person with the ability.

Sometimes the ability to think can reveal aspects that you cannot detect yourself.

For example, the current ‘Dark Blue with Dots’.

Although the ontology has the experience of breaking through the foundation building period, the ontology's breakthrough does not rely on hard work, but on the help of resources.

Now through the presentation of 'dark blue plus points', Naraku immediately accurately grasped the distance between himself and the foundation building stage.

ten years.

This is the time when he relies on his own hard work to break through the foundation building period.

Well, it should be said that ten years is the minimum.

Even if he had one experience, Naraku could not guarantee that it would be 100% possible to achieve a breakthrough in a large realm.

The ten years presented by ‘dark blue plus dots’ are just a reflection of the power of this thought.

In other words, it is the ‘dark blue plus points’ that allow him to break through the foundation building period 100% at the cost of ten years of life.

This is the rule given by ‘Dark Blue Plus Dot’.

"Yes, it seems that the development of 'Dark Blue with Dots' is perfect."

Ten years, no, 10 attribute points can be exchanged for 100% breakthrough in the foundation building period. This is very worthwhile in Naraku's opinion.

He expressed great satisfaction with the ‘Dark Blue Plus Dot’ he developed.

With this ability, his demand for resources will be greatly reduced in the future.

When you return to the main body in the future, it will also bring great convenience to the main body.

"By the way, I almost forgot to load the power of the mind."

Naraku, who was about to close the dark blue panel, suddenly slapped his forehead, and started to load up the power of his mind that he had just realized with a smile.

The power of the mind is the core power of Nian, but it is not only reflected in Nian.

Such as infuriating.

Naraku secretly tried to inject the power of the soul into the true energy, and found that in addition to the increased power, the true energy was also more flexible to control.

Such a discovery undoubtedly highlights the value of the power of the mind.

Loading went smoothly.

After a while, the dark blue panel refreshed.

[Character: Naraku]

【Lifespan: 97】

[Skills: Nameless Kung Fu, Stealth Technique, Psychic Power, Lightning Thunder Fist, Heavenly Eye, Illusion, Entanglement, Jue, Lian, Zhou, Hidden, Condensed, Round, Firm, Fluid, Hard]

[Attribute: 0]

Naraku clicked on the small interface of "Psychic Power".

[Power of the Mind - Entry 0%].

The level of skills comes from Naraku's formulation.

To facilitate planning, he borrowed supernatural powers.

It is not difficult to see from the information displayed that although Naraku has just realized the power of the soul, he has directly entered the entry stage with his profound knowledge.

"Apart from the 'Nameless Technique' and the 'Invisibility Technique', the 'Psychic Power' is the most worthy of development." Naraku thought to himself.

Nitro, who has explored the Dark Continent twice, naturally cannot fail to sort out the information he has discovered.

Similarly, this piece of information about the Dark Continent is also strictly protected by him and is specially stored in a specially made safe at the Hunter Association headquarters.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Flying over the city, the airship landed smoothly on the rooftop of the Hunter Association headquarters.

"Really, our association's treatment is very generous. As long as you are willing to join, I can directly give you the identity of a three-star hunter, and even pass the position of president to you in the future."

In the elevator, Netero chattered about sales, trying to pull Naraku into the Hunter Association.

But unfortunately, Naraku turned a deaf ear to him and even closed his eyes to rest.

Join the Hunter Association?


It's not that he looks down on the Hunter Association, but he has greater ambitions.

Ding Dong~

The elevator stopped halfway, and after the door opened, a blond man in a suit stood outside the door.

"Oh~ What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you, the president, in the elevator."

The blond man in a suit smiled and raised his hand to greet Netero, and then walked into the elevator naturally.

Netero frowned slightly when he saw the blond man in a suit.

When the other party walked to his side, he raised his hand to stop the elevator door that was about to close.

"Parliston, there are some people you can't mess with. It's not too late to get out now." Netero turned his head and looked at Palliston, his tone heavier.

Palliston, the Rat in the Hunter Association's twelve zodiac signs, is also the vice president of the Hunter Association.

If it were normal, Netero would naturally not mind playing with Palliston, but it was different now.

Knowing Palliston's character well, he knew that if the other party stayed in the elevator, something would definitely happen.

"Is that so? But shouldn't hunters be curious? And I'm a peace-loving person. The president thinks too badly of me." Palliston smiled.

While speaking, he even turned his gaze to Naraku on the other side.

From the appearance of Palliston to now.

Naraku never responded, and kept his eyes closed to rest.

But some people just like to come up.

"President, can you introduce this person to me? I am the vice president after all. If a stranger enters the association headquarters, I should know him a little bit." Palliston looked curious.

Slowly opened his eyes.

Before Netero could speak, Naraku glanced at Palliston after opening his eyes.

His pupils contracted and expanded.

During the brief eye contact, Palliston maintained a smile, and suddenly raised his hand to grab his neck and twisted it hard.


His head turned 360 degrees, and then his body fell to the ground weakly.

Looking at Palliston who committed suicide, Netero's heart skipped a beat.

Although he had expected that Palliston would not get any good results if he provoked Naraku, this situation was beyond his expectation.

Palliston died very simply.

But it was precisely because of this simpleness that Naraku's horror was highlighted.

Palliston was not a weakling.

Being promoted by Netero as the vice president of the association, Pariston is very good in both ability and strength, enough to be listed as a top-level Nen user below the world level.

But even with such a level, he committed suicide after being glanced at by Naraku.

Such a disparity undoubtedly made Netero further realize the unfathomable depth of Naraku.

"Standing on the top of the mountain for too long is indeed boring, but the fun you find for yourself doesn't seem very smart." Naraku crossed his arms and said lightly.

Netero sighed and said, "He is too smart. If not, how could he end up like this."

Is Pariston smart? This is for sure.

But the smarter people are, the more likely they are to be smart.

This is the case with Pariston.

He was smart enough to regard Naraku as someone he had met before.

So his temptation to Naraku resulted in death.

A small episode.

The death of Pariston was like a drop of water falling into the sea, which did not affect Naraku and Netero at all.

Take the elevator to the target floor.

Under strict guard and various mechanisms, Netero led Naraku into a secret vault.

"The information of the Dark Continent is here, but V5 is very strict in this regard. If possible, please watch it here directly and don't take it away." Netero said.

"Well, I can watch it here." Naraku nodded slightly, then took the information and started to read it.

Netero felt a little relieved when he saw that Naraku did not forcibly take the information of the Dark Continent.

The information of the Dark Continent is top secret.

Even he sorted it out secretly.

Such an operation is entirely due to the control of V5.

V5 is the undisputed overlord of the human world.

Even the Hunter Association is a semi-official organization funded and governed by V5.

For V5, the Dark Continent is an absolute taboo.

Even Netero will be sanctioned once the behavior of privately storing the information of the Dark Continent is exposed.

Naraku reads quickly.

The ability to remember everything he saw was just basic knowledge for him.

After a moment, the information about the Dark Continent was completely reflected in his mind.

Wait until it was over.

He did not stay in the Hunter Association any longer, but simply said goodbye to Netero and left.

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