The world of pirates.

In the palace garden of Dressrosa-King's Highlands.

"Your Majesty, come and chase me."

"Your Majesty, I'm here."

"Oh, Your Majesty, you are so bad."


Amidst the charming calls, Naraku, who was swimming in the swimming pool, turned into King Zhou, playing with the delicate bikini beauties from time to time.

There were even several panties and bras with scant fabric floating on the rippling water.

For a long time.

Until the bikini beauties in the swimming pool said they had learned it, Naraku reluctantly put on his swimming trunks and went to the shore.

"Your Majesty, I will help you wipe your body."

Baby-5, who was waiting on the shore, saw Naraku coming up and hurriedly took out a towel to wipe him.

As a maid, babu-5 was very careful.

After a while, the swimming trunks that Naraku had just picked up were taken off.

"Oh, you really made me suffer."

I saw it all. It's not that he wanted to learn from King Zhou, but the beauty was so kind that he had no chance to refuse.

Baby-5 wiped it very carefully.

But it's not good to stand by the pool and block the way.

Naraku also moved to the sofa for rest.

The whole Dressrosa was reflected in the soul.

For example, there was a mana clone in the port absorbing the flesh and blood of the newly hunted sea kings.

There was also a mana clone on one side of the sea that was absorbing the power of water.

Even in the palace behind him, there were many manas in a palace breathing in the aura and the light of the stars.

Seeing that he practiced so hard, Naraku was deeply relieved.

He was indeed a hardworking person.

"Kalifa, hasn't Vegapunk been found yet?"

Naraku suddenly turned his head and looked at the sexy secretary who was waiting by the sofa.

"I'm very sorry, the World Government has hidden Vegapunk too deeply, and there is no news about him yet."

Kalifa, who retracted her gaze, hurriedly replied respectfully.

Unlike Baby-5, who is a full-time maid, she and Monet serve as Naraku's secretary together.

Monet is responsible for managing power, and Kalifa is responsible for external affairs.

For example, finding Vegapunk.

Doflamingo has established close relations with many senior officials of the World Government by relying on his identity as a former Celestial Dragon and money offensive.

But Vegapunk is obviously hidden very deeply by the World Government.

Even if Kalifa mobilizes all her forces to inquire, she has not found any news about Vegapunk until now.

Naraku's mood suddenly became worse when he learned that there was no news.

Naraku's understanding of this world is not better than that of the Naruto world.

When the plot progressed to the shitty country of Wano, he stopped, so he didn't know the specific location of Vegapunk.

For this reason, he handed the search for Vegapunk to the people below.

But judging from the current situation, the progress is obviously not smooth.

Pulu Pulu~

A strange cry came from Kalifa's pocket.

He took it out and saw that someone was calling Den Den Mushi.

"Hello, this is Doflamingo, is the master there?"

Kalifa picked up the Den Den Mushi, and the next second, the Den Den Mushi imitated Doflamingo's face and voice vividly.

Naraku waved his hand, and Kalifa handed the microphone respectfully.

"Dover, is there any problem with taking over the territory of the Beasts Pirates?" Naraku asked lazily after taking the microphone.

Ever since he killed Kaido, Doflamingo has volunteered to go to Wano Country, hoping to annex Wano Country and even the entire territory of the Beasts Pirates.

Naraku would naturally not refuse this.

After all, the greater the power, the more convenient it would be for him to collect resources.

"Well, I did run into some trouble, but this time I contacted the master not because of this, the Navy issued a mandatory call for the Seven Warlords of the Sea to me.

The Navy somehow caught the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and is preparing to publicly execute him."

Doflamingo quickly explained the reason for this contact.

Whitebeard is recognized as the strongest human in the world.

At the same time, he is extremely protective of his shortcomings.

The Navy is going to execute the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, which will inevitably cause a strong counterattack from the Whitebeard Pirates.

Doflamingo naturally did not dare to neglect such an incident and immediately informed Naraku.

After hearing what Doflamingo said, Naraku immediately knew the situation.

This is the beginning of the war on the top.

The captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates-Ace, is actually the son of Pirate King Roger.

At the same time, Ace is also regarded as the heir by Whitebeard.

How can Whitebeard remain indifferent when the Navy wants to execute Ace.

According to the development of the original plot, the Navy will have a big battle with the Whitebeard Pirates in Maryford.

Naraku was immediately interested in this.

The war on the top brought together many devil fruit users.

This was a perfect hunting ground for him.

Naraku asked about the time.

Doflamingo said he didn't know yet. The Navy only notified him to attend the meeting and didn't tell him about the execution.

Just like forcibly summoning the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Even without the identity of Roger's son, the Navy knew that executing Ace would most likely lead to a strong counterattack from Whitebeard.

Therefore, the specific information of the execution was hidden very well, for fear that the news would leak and cause accidents.

Naraku was not in a hurry without knowing the specific time of the execution.

After all, in the original plot, the Navy treated the war on the top as a propaganda and broadcast it to the world.

Once everything is ready, the Navy will announce the time of execution.

After thinking for a while, Naraku asked, "How is the situation over there?"

He will definitely not miss the war on the top, but before that, the territory of the Beasts Pirates also needs to be dealt with.

Doflamingo said cautiously: "It's more complicated for the time being, but don't worry, master, give me some more time, I will definitely take over the territory of the Beasts Pirates."

At the end, as if afraid that Naraku would be dissatisfied, Doflamingo hurriedly guaranteed.

"Nonsense, just tell me the details." Naraku scolded.

Under questioning, Doflamingo could only bite the bullet and tell the story.

Facts have proved that the progress of taking over the territory of the Beasts Pirates is very unsmooth.

Kaido was killed by Naraku, but it does not mean that the territory of the Beasts Pirates will be taken over peacefully.

According to Doflamingo's account, there are now a total of four forces competing for the territory of the Beasts Pirates.

At the same time, Wano Country is the battlefield.

These four forces

One is Naraku's side.

Doflamingo relied on Naraku's power to kill Kaido, and recruited some members of the Beasts Pirates in these days and occupied an area.

The second is the remnants of the Beasts Pirates.

Kaido's death did reduce the morale of the Beasts Pirates, but not everyone was afraid of Naraku's power.

In addition to holding on, these people also pulled in help from the outside world.

They are two big pirates in the New World with a bounty of more than 500 million Baileys.

The Four Emperors are high.

There are also many silver medal winners of the Wolves below.

With Kaido's death, the territory of the Beasts Pirates will naturally attract the covetousness of the Wolves.

The remnants of the Beasts Pirates and the two big pirates with a bounty of more than 500 million Baileys jointly formed a pirate alliance, which also occupied an area.

The third is the Big Mom Pirates.

Like the allies found by the remnants of the Beasts Pirates.

The Big Mom Pirates among the Four Emperors also set their sights on the territory of the Beasts Pirates.

Led by Katakuri, the leader of the four generals, the Big Mom Pirates dispatched a fleet to land in Wano Country and seize an area.

The fourth is the local forces of Wano Country.

"The local forces of Wano Country were originally led by Kurozumi Orochi, but this person is a waste. Just after Kaido was killed by you, the master, Kurozumi Orochi was assassinated by his men, so that the local forces of Wano Country are now led by Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter of Kozuki Oden."

Doflamingo briefly explained the final situation of the local forces.

Hearing this, Naraku frowned immediately.

Of course, he was not concerned about the situation of the local forces of Wano Country, but the devil fruit of Kurozumi Orochi.

The other party is a mythical beast species, Yamata no Orochi form devil fruit ability user.

Now that he has been killed, doesn't it mean that this devil fruit has been lost to other places?

"I'm coming now."

Rabbit Bowl, one of the six major areas of Wano Country.

In the prisoner quarry as a base, Doflamingo immediately found that the Den Den Mushi in his hand was hung up after hearing this.

"The Navy asked me to go to Maryford within a week. With my speed, I can reach there in three days by using the airway.

That means I can stay here for four days. I wonder if the other party will come in time."

Doflamingo frowned slightly when he heard that Naraku was coming.

It's not that he rejected Naraku's coming.

After all, with the strength shown by Naraku, he can completely sweep the other four forces here.

Even if Charlotte Linlin from the Big Mom Pirates came in person, there is no need to worry.

What he was worried about was that he had to go to Maryford before Naraku arrived.

In this way, it would be difficult for him to hand over some situations in Wano Country.


Suddenly, Doflamingo's face changed and he hurriedly stepped back.

I saw a vortex suddenly appear in the void opposite, and then I saw a figure walking out of the vortex.


He thought it was someone with power who was attacking him, but when he saw who was coming, Doflamingo hurried back and knelt respectfully.

When he lowered his head, Doflamingo was shocked.

The longer he spent with Naraku, the more unfathomable Naraku became.

He was far away in Dressrosa a moment ago, but now he was in front of him.

Even if it was some kind of devil fruit ability, such a distance made Doflamingo tremble in his heart.

"Get up!"

Looking down at Doflamingo who was kneeling on the ground, Naraku waved his hand and immediately ordered: "Go and gather everyone. Next, I will flatten the entire Wano Country."

Doflamingo, who had just stood up, bowed and said: "Yes, I will gather people right away."

The trembling was quickly replaced by excitement.

Naraku's strength is frightening, but if he is one of his own, the fear will also turn into strong confidence and reliability.

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