I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 359: Deep Sea Prison! Wonderful Illusion!

Boom! ! !

A world-destroying tsunami rose from the side. Astonishingly, the Elephant Master soon fell down weakly, and the seawater below was almost exposed to the seabed rocks.

The already old elephant skin is decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The exaggerated body shape also shrank rapidly.

It lasted for an unknown amount of time, and eventually the elephant skin turned into a flat shape and turned into ashes and scattered on the sea.

Sitting cross-legged in the air in the center where the elephant skin disappeared.

Naraku, who had refined the last ray of flesh and blood, slowly opened his eyes.

"It's still not enough."

There was regret in Naraku's eyes.

The elephant master's flesh and blood energy is indeed amazing, but the demand for the "blood and soul method" is even more exaggerated.

Although the refining of the Elephant Master's flesh and blood energy has made the "blood and soul method" advance by leaps and bounds, it is still far from a small breakthrough.

Unlock your legs and stand on the sea.

Naraku casually swept his legs across the endless sea in front of him.

Zheng! ! !

A giant chopping wave that looked like a mountain peak rose into the sky, tearing apart the sea while flying rapidly into the distance until it disappeared from sight.

Starting from Naraku, the sea surface in front shows a canyon-like crack that goes deep into the seabed and spreads to the far end.

Seeing the power of the chopping wave, Naraku smiled slightly.

Although the "Blood Method" failed to break through Xiao Cheng, there is no doubt about the extent of improvement.

With his current physique, he can unleash terrifying power with just one strike.

Use the body as a comparison.

Without counting the projection of the bronze tower, his current strength has already caught up with the original body when he first entered the foundation building stage.

In other words, the "Blood Soul Technique" that is close to Xiaocheng is already comparable to the "Five Elements Technique" that is at the Xiaoqiang stage.

"For me, in addition to harvesting a large number of devil fruits, the war is also a feast of harvesting flesh and blood." Naraku thought silently.

"Morgance, this bastard, is just trying to cause trouble for the sake of peace in the world."

Mariford, in the Marshal's office, Seng Guo slapped the newspaper on the table in displeasure.

It can be seen that the newspaper comes from the best-selling World Economic News, and the content published is about Naraku replacing Kaido as the new Fourth Emperor, and it is also titled "Dragon Slayer" in bold and enlarged form.

This is where the Warring States Period was angry.

It didn't matter to him that Naraku became the new Fourth Emperor, but the title 'Dragon Slayer' was too taboo.

Kaido is the one with the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit. The name Dragon Slayer seems to come from Naraku killing Kaido, but the problem is that the master of the World Government is also called the Celestial Dragon.

The word "Dragon Slayer" can represent Naraku's killing of Kaido, but it can also represent Naraku's desire to destroy the Celestial Dragons.

In fact, the World Government has contacted Morgans many times since the name Dragon Slayer appeared.

But Morgans always pretended to be stupid and even hid his whereabouts.

This operation is enough to show that Morgans' naming Naraku the Dragon Slayer was not just an accident, but a deliberate attempt to stir up trouble.

Anyone who knows Morgans knows that this birdman likes to create big news to gain newspaper sales.

"Don't let anger get to your head. The most important thing for us now is to face Whitebeard. Naraku's matter can be dealt with later."

Warring States was not alone in the office, but there were many people gathered together.

The three generals of the navy are Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji.

Navy hero Garp.

Navy Chief of Staff Crane.

All the core and senior leaders of these navies are there.

It was Crane who spoke now.

She glanced at the newspaper on her desk and naturally understood the reason for Sengoku's anger.

But just as she said, Ace's execution day is coming soon.

During this period, other things need to be postponed.

"I think Naraku may be more threatening than Whitebeard. From what I saw that day, this person's strength is already higher than that of Whitebeard at his peak, and given his age, he will only be stronger in the future. "

On the side of the office, Porusalino, who was crossing his legs, suddenly made a sound.

And instead of being lazy before, his expression was very serious.

When Kaido appeared in Dressrosa.

Porusalino did not wait on the warship, but used the Shining Fruit to land directly on Dressrosa.

This also allowed him to watch the entire battle between Naraku and Kaido.

The result is that after Naraku killed Kaido, he turned into a flash of light and stayed away very decisively.

the reason is simple.

He was afraid of the rise of Narakuza, so he did it himself.

Sakaski, who was sitting next to him, glanced sideways at the other party and said in a deep voice: "No matter whether Naraku's strength has surpassed Whitebeard or not, after Whitebeard is dealt with, I will apply to lead the team to Dressrosa to kill this person. ”

"Hey, have you forgotten? With the help of Doflamingo, this person became the King of Dressrosa recognized by the World Government. If you want to touch him, the World Government may not agree." Ku on the other side. Zan said lazily.

Sakaski snorted coldly, turned to look at Kuzan and said: "The World Government's approval cannot change that the other party is a pirate, and I believe that the World Government cannot fail to see the ambition shown by the other party."

"You can pretend not to see it if you can see it." Porusalino interjected, and then the seriousness on his face fell, and he returned to his lazy look again.

"Ahem. Naraku's matter will be dealt with in the future. Let's continue to talk about the arrangements for the execution." Seeing that the conversation between the three Sakaskis was getting weird, Sengoku quickly pulled back.

Soon, under the leadership of Sengoku and the assistance of Crane, the few people returned the topic to the deployment of the public execution.

It is not known whether it was intentional or deliberate, but the few people avoided Garp who was sitting silently beside them during the discussion.

Ace is the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates and is also Garp's grandson.

Outsiders don't know this, but how could Sengoku and others not know it.

Even when Ace just went to sea to become a pirate, Sengoku and Crane once tried to resolve Garp's embarrassment and let Ace become a Shichibukai.

It's just a pity that their efforts were completely in vain.

Ace not only refused to become a Shichibukai, but also joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

Time is like flowing water.

Since the Navy announced that it would publicly execute Ace, the whole world has fallen into a strange silence.

But this silence is only on the surface, and there are undercurrents behind the scenes.

For example, the Navy mobilized various bases and branches and drew countless elites to gather at the headquarters.

Another example is the Whitebeard Pirates sinking the Navy's surveillance ship and secretly summoning many pirate groups under their command.

It was in such a strange development that the day of public execution finally arrived.

On this day, the Navy gathered 100,000 elite troops at the Crescent Harbor of Mariford, and prepared to publicly execute Ace through a live broadcast of Den Den Mushi.

On the same day.

A space vortex appeared above Impel Down.

Strolling out.

Standing in the air in the void.

Naraku overlooked the remaining Impel Down.

Impel Down is the first prison established by the World Government.

This city is located in the doldrums, and is built around a huge vortex together with Mariford and Judicial Island.

Through the vortex in the center of the three, it is entirely possible to travel quickly between each other.

In other words, once Impel Down is attacked, the Navy of Mariford can immediately come to support it at the fastest speed.

Of course, this does not mean that the defense of Impel Down is very poor and must require the support of the Navy Headquarters.

In fact, as the world's first prison, Impel Down itself has very strong defense.

On both sides of the port of entry and exit on the first floor of the sea alone, there is a whole fleet of navy stationed for a long time.

Looking down at the Impel Down below, Naraku quickly landed at the gate.

He regarded the war on the top as a hunting ground.

But this hunting ground is not limited to Maryford.

At this moment, Impel Down is also included in the hunting ground.

All the prisoners in Impel Down are extremely serious criminals.

Among them are not only those with strong physiques, but also countless devil fruit ability users.

How could Naraku miss such a place.

Now the navy's attention is completely attracted by the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is the best time for him to hunt Impel Down.

That's right.

He learned this from Blackbeard in the original plot.

The gate of Impel Down is guarded by strict jailers.

There are many navy officers on the fleet docked outside the port.

It stands to reason that Naraku would be discovered by the jailers and the navy immediately after he fell from the sky.

But the strange thing is that until Naraku landed smoothly at the prison gate, neither side made any movement.

It was as if Naraku did not exist.

The magic of illusion lies in its silence.

Naraku naturally could not not exist.

Instead, when he walked out of the space vortex, he had already coated himself with a layer of illusion.

That's right.

Naraku used the illusion on himself.

In short, he is now wrapped in an invisible illusion.

In this state, whether it is the eyes or the observation Haki, as long as you see him, you will be affected by the illusion and ignore him.

Strolling forward.

Naraku, who landed at the gate, put his hands in his pockets, with a shopping attitude, and walked through the gate directly into the Impel Down.

Impel Down is divided into seven floors.

They are the first floor above the sea and the sixth floor under the sea.

The first floor above the sea is the office of the jailer, and it is also the place where prisoners are disinfected and baptized before entering the prison.

It is the same as outside.

After entering the Impel Down, the jailers encountered along the way completely ignored Naraku's existence and let Naraku walk towards the spiral staircase that runs through each floor.

"Do you think the Straw Hat Boy really encountered the devil's invitation? Otherwise, why would he suddenly disappear?"

"Who knows? Anyway, as long as he doesn't show up again, it's fine. He made us suffer a lot before. If he comes again, I'm afraid I can't bear it."

"Speaking of which, how did the Straw Hat Boy sneak in?"


Naraku walked past several jailers and heard their conversations.

But these conversations didn't affect Naraku at all.

Because when he descended over the Impel Down City, the situation here had already been clearly explored by his spiritual sense.

In addition to the jailers, countless monitoring Den Den Mushi were installed in the Impel Down City.

But Den Den Mushi are also living creatures after all, and they are also affected by illusions.

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