
Seeing Naraku's attitude, Yu no longer worried and said in a deep voice: "I found our bounties at the gold exchange. The bounties for me and Lang are 30 million taels, Captain Nono is 45 million taels, and your bounty is as high as 80 million taels."

"Hehe, it's not surprising. In our situation, whether it is Danzo or the upper echelons of Konoha, it is normal to use the gold exchange when they can't find us." Naraku was surprised by what Yu said, but not surprised.

As for the bounty of 80 million taels, he didn't care.

After all, when he killed Yamanaka Hayabusa and others, he didn't deal with the bodies.

In other words, as long as Konoha's subsequent troops can find the bodies of Yamanaka Hayabusa and others, they can read the memories of the time from their heads.

On the side, Xia Rixing, who heard Naraku and Yu talking, opened her mouth slightly and looked at the two in astonishment.

She knew that Yu had left for a while when they returned from the Land of Waves, but she didn't know that Yu went to the gold exchange, let alone that Naraku and others were offered a bounty at the gold exchange.

The most important thing is that at this moment, the conversation between Naraku and Yu also involves Konoha, the strongest ninja village in the current ninja world.

Xia Rixing's heartbeat accelerated, and she seemed to know the secrets of Lord Naraku and others.

"Okay, don't worry about the bounty, you just need to wear a mask and hide your identity when you act." Naraku comforted Yu, and then asked the other party to leave first.

After Yu left, Naraku and Xia Rixing were left in the office.

Naraku looked at the other party and said with interest: "Is there anything you want to say?"

Xia Rixing hesitated for a moment, then said with a firm expression: "Don't worry, sir, no matter where you come from, you are now the leader of our Star Ninja Village."

Whether it is the display of force or the changes in the Star Ninja Village today, Naraku has already conquered everyone in the Star Ninja Village, including Xia Rixing.

Xia Rixing was still very conscious. Although she was shocked that Naraku and his men had some kind of relationship with Konoha, and were even very likely to be Konoha's traitors, she immediately put herself in the right position.

"Well, I'm very happy to hear you say that. Well, you can go down and rest too!" Naraku said with a smile.

He was actually not very worried about Xia Rixing.

With his understanding of Xia Rixing, the other party's character, and the control of the Star Ninja Village, the other party did not dare to leak anything to the outside world.

This is why he let Yu go on when Yu signaled.

During the "Liangshanpo" operation, the new population of the Star Ninja Village did not stop growing, and there were still people being transported in.

It was just because of funding issues that the Ninja School did not recruit any more students.

After all, it was just the growth of ordinary villagers, which not only put much less pressure on resources, but also brought more labor.

As for now.

With the success of the first looting of "Liangshanpo" and the large increase in funds, the Ninja School naturally began to expand again.

Although the country of waves is a small country, and even the country is very poor, this hardship is limited to the civilian level, and the rich and nobles can live well.

Therefore, the results of this looting are quite good, which has greatly alleviated the financial pressure of the Star Ninja Village.

As for the Ninja School, it has expanded another 300 students, bringing the number of ninja reserve to about 2,300.

At the same time, after this period of development, the benefits of Naraku refining [Star] into a magic weapon are gradually reflected.

With better stimulation of chakra, in the current Ninja School, in addition to the newly expanded 300 people, the more than 2,000 students earlier have all successfully refined chakra.

Some of them with excellent qualifications have even officially started to practice the "Peacock Magic".

Such progress can be said to be envied by even the five major ninja villages that carefully select students for admission.

The "Liangshanpo" led by Yu and Xia Rixing did not stay for too long after returning to the village. They just rested for a few days before setting off again.

It is worth mentioning that in order to hide their identities and avoid implicating the Star Ninja Village.

The members of Liangshanbo all wear black combat uniforms similar to those of the Anbu, and they all wear masks with sealing techniques set by Naraku himself.

The sealing technique not only has the effect of strengthening the mask, but also has the ability to isolate perception.

Especially when this sealing technique is performed by Naraku with true energy, the isolation effect is even stronger.

Even the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan can't see the appearance of Qingyu and others through the mask.

The smooth operation of Liangshanbo undoubtedly means that the development of the Star Ninja Village will usher in a new stage.

It only needs to develop step by step. Not to mention the development to the scale of the five major ninja villages, but it is obviously only a matter of time for the "sixth ninja village" like the Rain Ninja Village.


"It really became the fuse, and the Third Ninja World War is about to begin!"

In the office, Nono, who was sitting on the sofa, rubbed his temple helplessly.

Naraku, who was sitting next to him, crossed his arms and said calmly: "This is not expected!"

That's right, the Third Ninja World War has ushered in the outbreak.

As soon as he learned that the Third Kazekage was missing, Nono immediately asked the intelligence personnel he had assembled to closely investigate the changes in the situation in the ninja world.

Not long ago, the intelligence personnel submitted an important piece of intelligence.

The intelligence content was that the Cloud Village of the Land of Lightning raided the Land of Wind across the sea.

The earth is round.

The same is true for the planet of the ninja world.

The Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Lightning are located at the two ends from the inland, but if you look at the sea on the other side of the two countries, the distance between the two is not as far as you might imagine.

Among the five major ninja villages, the Hidden Cloud Village is famous for its bravery and good fighting.

Now that the Third Kazekage is missing, it is obvious that the Hidden Cloud Village has become greedy and wants to take advantage of the loss of the main general of the Hidden Sand Village to bite off a piece of meat from the Kingdom of Wind.

As for whether the Kingdom of Wind is fat or not.

Indeed, from the perspective of ecological environment, the Kingdom of Wind is indeed very bad, but as one of the five major countries, poverty is obviously far from the Kingdom of Wind.

The desert ecological environment certainly makes the Kingdom of Wind lack water and planting, but as the country with the largest land area in the Ninja World, the desert of the Kingdom of Wind also hides unimaginable mineral resources.

Not to mention the battle between the Hidden Cloud Village and the Hidden Sand Village.

From the action of the Hidden Cloud Village to raid the Kingdom of Wind, it is obvious that the prelude to the Third Ninja World War has been officially opened.

This is where Nono is helpless.

What the Star Ninja Village lacks most now is time.

If the smoke of war enters the Bear Country now, the current military strength of the Star Ninja Village will undoubtedly be difficult to resist.

"Don't worry too much, I'm still here. If the war really spreads, I don't mind showing my face in the ninja world!"

Naraku saw Nono's worry and immediately hugged his flexible waist to comfort him.

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