"Rest here, and after we recover our strength, we will go to the Star Ninja Village immediately." Ye Cang gave orders to the Sand Ninjas after a moment's hesitation.

She didn't know the result of the contact between the Rock Village and the Star Ninja Village yet, so she needed to find out as soon as possible.

"I hope the result won't be too bad." Ye Cang thought silently in her heart.

The best result is naturally that the Star Ninja Village can withstand the pressure and not tear up the alliance agreement with them.

The worst result is that the Star Ninja Village turns against the Rock Village.

Although she hoped that the result would be good, Ye Cang had actually made plans for the worst.

Once it was discovered that the Star Ninja Village had turned against them, no matter whether the people of the Rock Village had left or not, the Star Ninja Village must be controlled with thunder.

It was natural that Ye Cang consumed a lot of energy to rush people from the battlefield to the Bear Country.

When the rest was over, it was already from morning to noon.

Without wasting any more time, Ye Cang, who had recovered his strength, immediately led the Sand Ninjas to the Star Ninja Village.

"Damn it, what did you do to us, you bastard?"

In the prison that was built not long ago, the demon leech, who was still burned by lightning, covered his head in pain.

Not only him, but also Huo Guang and other rock ninjas in the cage were screaming.

Outside the cage was Naraku.

"It's nothing, just adding a curse seal to your heads. I don't know if you have heard of the 'Tongue Root Seal'. If you don't know, I can explain it to you."

Naraku put his right hand on his waist, looked at the screaming rock ninjas casually, and then slowly began to introduce the 'Tongue Root Seal'.

It not only includes the function of the 'Tongue Root Seal', but also emphasizes that Danzo of the Root of Konoha relies on this curse seal to make the people of the Root Organization obey him.

When the introduction was over, Naraku stopped urging the 'Tongue Root Seal'.

In an instant, the pain that penetrated their bones disappeared, which made the Rock Ninjas all support themselves with their hands and gasp for breath in cold sweat.

"Do you know what you are doing? Do you want to go to war with our Rock Village?"

After taking a breath, the demon leech regained some strength. He looked up at Naraku outside the cage and growled with gritted teeth.

The other party was simply too bold. After catching them, they even wanted to control them. This was simply a provocation to their Rock Village.

"Oh? Didn't you declare war on me first, or do you think that after I rejected you, your Rock Village would let me go?" Naraku looked down at the other party with indifference.

The demon leech's heart stagnated.

Let go?

That was naturally impossible.

After all, if the village wanted to attack the Wind Country, it had to go through the three countries adjacent to the Wind Country.

Among these three countries, the Bird Country was their ally, and the Rain Country was a tough nut to crack.

The last and best choice, of course, can only fall on the Bear Country.

"I will not be controlled by you even if I die!!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the cage.

Huoguang, who was a senior ninja of the Hidden Rock Village with Maji, kicked the ground with both feet and hit his head against the wall not far away.

Bang! !

His brain was splattered.

After all, he was a ninja. Even if he was seriously injured, he still had strength that ordinary people did not have.

Huoguang fell to the ground with a broken head and blood, and the whole person soon died.


"Damn it!!"


Seeing Huoguang commit suicide, the other Hiji, including Maji, were all horrified.

Every village has a legacy of will.

Especially the five major ninja villages.

In order to improve cohesion, they will vigorously promote their will.

For example, Konoha promotes the "will of fire".

The meaning is that where the leaves of Konoha fly, the fire will also continue to grow. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout.

Regardless of whether this will is achieved, it is undeniable that many ninjas of Konoha really believe in the "will of fire" and even regard it as a belief in life.

Let's talk about the Hidden Rock Village.

The will inherited by the Hidden Rock Village is called the "will of stone".

It means tenacity and tenacity.

Huoguang's tough behavior of preferring suicide to being controlled is enough to prove that this person has inherited the "will of stone" of the Hidden Rock Village very well.

"Great, come on, drag this guy out and chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

Watching Huoguang commit suicide, Naraku seemed to applaud and exclaim, but then he immediately turned into Jimmy, which frightened the remaining Iwagakure in the cage, and the original anger was dissipated a lot.

His hero, my enemy!

Huoguang's suicide behavior certainly seems to be very shocking, but as an enemy, how could Naraku not make his position clear?

Not only was he not moved, but he also tried his best to suppress them.

He wanted to use Huo Guang's body to trample on the bottom line of the remaining Rock Ninjas, to scare them, to make them fear him, until they kneel down at his feet.

Soon, several Star Ninjas who were waiting nearby entered the cage and dragged Huo Guang's body out. They even completed the request on the spot at Naraku's signal.

"How about it, is there anyone who wants to join us? If so, I can satisfy him." Several vicious dogs that had eaten their fill wandered around, and Naraku looked at the demon leech and others in the cage with a calm face.


Whether it was the demon leech or other Rock Ninjas in the cage, they had already lost their initial anger after seeing their companions become food for the vicious dogs.

Even some of them looked at Naraku with fear in their eyes.

Heroes are admired precisely because they are rare.

After all, there are only a few people who can carry out their will throughout their lives.

In the face of death and fear, fear is human nature.

Seeing the reaction of the Iwa ninjas, Naraku knew that the first step of taming them had been completed. Next, he only needed to continue to exert pressure, and most of them would become those dead soldiers in the root organization.

Of course, blindly applying pressure is not advisable.

The art of controlling one's subordinates lies in the combination of grace and power.

Now that the power has been given for the time being, some favors will have to be given next.

"Lord Naraku!"

Just as Naraku was about to continue taming the Rock Ninja, a Star Ninja suddenly came in a hurry.

"What's going on?" Naraku turned to look at the visitor.

"Someone claiming to be the envoy of Sand Hidden Village came to visit outside the village!" The Hoshi ninja who came immediately reported.

Naraku raised his eyebrows.

So familiar words.

It should be said that it is a great ninja village, and the response is really fast.

"Look carefully at this place!"

Naraku gave instructions to the star ninja guarding the prison, and immediately left the prison and headed directly to the entrance of the village.

When Naraku came to the canyon bridge, he immediately saw that in front of the bridge, Nonoyu had arrived first and was talking to a woman who was the leader of dozens of sand ninjas on the opposite side.


When Naraku arrived across the bridge, both Nonoyu and the Star Ninjas present saluted Naraku.

"Yes!" Naraku nodded slightly, and immediately looked at the woman opposite who had just been talking to Nonoyu.

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