no way.

The reward of 80 million taels may not be the highest reward in the gold exchange, but the attraction is still very huge.

With the emergence of Naraku's information, even though the money exchange initially offered a high price for the information, as time went by, the relevant information gradually spread.

Information about Naraku.

Although the secret that he was a member of the Root Organization was not discovered in the spread, it also aroused great discussion.

There was a lot of ridicule.

Of course it was not Naraku who was laughing, but Konoha.

Konoha not only has the reputation of being the strongest ninja village, it is also often hailed as the cradle of geniuses.

Now that a strong person like Naraku has rebelled against Konoha, no matter what the reason is, it will undoubtedly give people the impression that Konoha cannot retain talents.


Inside the Hokage Building.

"You have all read the information, now tell me your thoughts!" Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was smoking a cigarette, said with deep eyes.

Opposite him were Mito Kadoen, Koharu Koharu, and Danzo, who were also the Four Heavenly Kings of Konoha.

"There's nothing to say. Let's organize manpower immediately to deal with Naraku as soon as possible." Xiaochun said in a deep voice as he went to bed.

Mito Kadoyan nodded slightly: "I have the same attitude. Not to mention this person's identity as a member of the Root Organization, with the current rumors, if we cannot deal with this person as soon as possible, it will undoubtedly affect the village's image in the outside world."

Hiruzen Sarutobi exhaled a puff of smoke and covered his face: "It would be great if it could be solved so easily. The problem is that the opponent's strength is obviously beyond expectations. It cannot be solved by just sending some people."

Because Naraku did not dispose of the bodies of Yamanaka Hayabusa and others, as these bodies were discovered by the subsequent pursuit troops, the situation of the battle at that time was naturally extracted from the heads of the corpses by Konoha professionals.

Just as Naraku was classified as an S-class traitorous ninja, a bounty of 80 million was even posted at the gold exchange.

Just the memories provided by Yamanaka Hayabusa and others were enough for Sarutobi Hiruzen and others to judge that Naraku's strength had reached the level of an elite jounin.

As for now.

The death of the elite troops of five hundred rock ninjas fully demonstrated Naraku's power and danger.

After hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Mito Kadenen and Koharu Koharu also understood what the other party meant and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"The war between Kumogakure and Sand Hidden Village is fierce now, and with the war between these two parties, other forces in the ninja world are also starting to make moves. It is really not appropriate to spread too much power now." Mito Kadenen analyzed.

Since the First Ninja War, the fertile Land of Fire has been coveted by all forces, and it often has to deal with the invasion of multiple ninja villages.

Now that the Third Ninja War has begun, Konoha is naturally on guard against other Ninja Villages targeting themselves again.

The troubles Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other three had over dealing with Naraku also stemmed from this.

With the war coming at any time, they were determined to eliminate Naraku, but they were afraid of spreading too much power and being attacked by other ninja villages.

"Let the Uchiha clan deal with this person!" Suddenly, Danzo, who had been silent until now, spoke.

His sudden remarks immediately made Sarutobi and Hiruzen look at each other in surprise.

"Didn't the Uchiha clan keep clamoring for me to hand over people? Now that the person they want has appeared, let them catch it themselves." Danzo said with a smile, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"The Uchiha clan." Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for a while, his eyes flickered, and he quickly understood Danzo's thoughts.

When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

Although not as straightforward as Danzo, it is impossible to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want to weaken the Uchiha clan.

Now is obviously a good opportunity.

Using the Uchiha clan to deal with Naraku, no matter who wins in the end, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to him.

Uchiha Katsu can eliminate the stain of Naraku.

Naraku wins, he can weaken the Uchiha clan, and even use it to suppress them.

"Okay, Danzo, I'll leave this matter to you." Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Danzo.

"No problem!" Danzo accepted happily.

Whether it's Naraku, the traitor, or the evil Uchiha clan, he wants to eliminate them all.

If both died together, he would be even happier.

"Are you kidding me? Five hundred elites were killed just like that?"

In the Tsuchikage Building of Iwagakure Village, Ohnoki, the third generation Tsuchikage, slapped his hand on the desk with a gloomy and ugly expression.

"How should we deal with this Naraku next? Should we continue to send troops to attack, or should we abandon the Bear Country?"

Onoki was not the only one in the office, there was also his son Huangtu. Seeing his father being so angry, he couldn't help but ask.


Ohnoki glared at his son: "You killed so many of us, how could you spare this bastard so easily."

"You go and gather 3,000 troops right away and set off immediately to help me wipe out the Star Ninja Village from the ninja world. In addition, I will ask Han to assist you and kill Naraku, this bastard."

Compared with the time when the original plot appeared, Onoki, who was less than sixty years old, was not only more powerful, but also had a more stubborn and tough character.

The deaths of Goiwa and the other five hundred Iwa ninjas not only failed to deter him, but instead aroused his greater determination to wipe out the Hoshi Ninja Village from the ninja world.


After hearing his father's words, Huang Tu felt awe-inspiring and immediately accepted the order.

Soon, Yanyin Village was operating at high speed.

The army led by Huang Tu, composed of three thousand rock ninjas, and Han, the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, set out on the same day to the Bear Country.

In front of the window of the Tsuchikage Building.

Looking at the army going away, Ohnoki's eyes were deep.

His large-scale attack on the Star Ninja Village was certainly not an impulsive act, but a well-thought-out decision.

One is to reverse the morale shaken by the death of Gangyan and others through victory in the war.

The second is to take down the Star Ninja Village without fail.

Since experiencing the rise of the Rain Ninja Village in the last Ninja World War, Ohnoki has obviously learned a lesson from it and does not want to give the Star Ninja Village the opportunity to become the second Rain Ninja Village.

It seems to be to shock the outside world.

This time, the Rock Village army was dispatched, not like the last time when Gangyan led the team, just sneaking in from a sentry point on the border of the Bear Country, but chose to remove all the border sentry points at the junction of the two countries.

"According to the latest news from the border, the border defense line we set up against the Land of Earth has completely fallen." In the Xingying Building, Nono reported the situation with a serious expression.

"The deterrence failed. It seems that this guy Ohnoki is just as rumored. He has perfectly inherited the stone will of the Hidden Rock Village. Well, then I will go to the border again and completely defeat the opponent!"

Sitting behind the desk, with his elbows on the table and his hands crossed, Naraku said calmly.

"Aren't you going to wait for the opponent to come before taking action this time?" Nono said unexpectedly.

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