
As if afraid that Naraku would escape with the space-time ninjutsu, Huang Tu suddenly turned over after launching the second earth escape technique, and wanted to hug Naraku with a ferocious face.


The sword finger first pointed at Huang Tu's chest, and a silver light flashed. A thunder pierced through Huang Tu's chest, causing his body to tremble and his eyes to become distracted.

From Huang Tu's counterattack to Naraku's "Thunder Finger" piercing through the opponent.

Not only was the time very short, but Naraku's face also remained calm all the time.

Reaching out and grabbing the opponent's shoulder, Naraku flashed away from the bottom of the big hole and appeared on the ground above the big hole.


Ignoring the big hole buried behind him, Naraku knocked Huang Tu unconscious with a knife.

Then he split another Qi shadow clone, asked it to be responsible for guarding Huang Tu, and then performed "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to chase the remaining Han.

Han did not stop when Huang Tu was attacked by Naraku, but chose to continue running wildly.

He was very fast in his four-tailed form. Even though it didn't take Naraku much time to get rid of Huang Tu, he had already run a long distance.

If it were someone else, it would be difficult to chase him, but for Naraku who mastered "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", it only took a moment for him to find Han's figure in front of him.

The running figure suddenly stopped and turned around.

Han seemed to have been paying attention to the situation behind him when he was moving away.

When he keenly noticed that Naraku was chasing him, he did not continue to move away, but stopped on his own initiative.

Boom! !

Looking at Naraku intently, Han leaned over like a beast, put his hands on the ground, and the tail swaying behind him actually grew a fifth one.

The huge tailed beast chakra formed a storm that soared into the sky, and the rolling air waves rolled up countless rocks and soil, like a tsunami, sweeping towards Naraku.

Stopping his body, Naraku waved his hand to disperse the incoming air waves while staring at the center of the storm.

Faintly, a huge figure can be seen in the storm.

The storm did not last long. When Naraku dispersed the air waves, the storm also quickly dissipated.

The next second, the huge figure revealed its true face. It was a monster that was as big as a hill, pure white, and shaped like a fusion of a dolphin and a horse.

The most important thing is that there are five tails swaying behind this monster.

"It's not that you want to go to the Star Ninja Village while I'm dealing with Huang Tu, but to open up the distance and become a complete body to deal with me?"

As soon as the huge monster in front of him appeared, Naraku immediately recognized it as the complete body of the Five-tailed King Mu.

The appearance of the Five-tailed King Mu also made him immediately understand Han's intentions.


Han is not a perfect Jinchūriki, so once he enters the complete body, his consciousness will be controlled by the tailed beast.

In other words, after entering the complete body, King Mu may not do as Han wishes.

Naraku had been ready for the battle, but the next second, King Mu's reaction surprised him.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The earth shook.

After appearing, King Mu did not attack Naraku, but just glanced at Naraku, then turned and ran away.

Not towards the Star Ninja Village, but towards other directions.

It was as if King Mu wanted to escape from the control of the Hidden Rock Village and regain his freedom.

"That won't do, you are my important captive."

After the accident, Naraku raised his eyebrows and immediately used "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to chase him.

King Mu ran very fast, but there was still a clear gap compared to "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

In a flash, Naraku quickly caught up with King Mu.

At the same time, as if sensing Naraku's approach, King Mu stopped running suddenly, turned around and yelled: "Human, I don't want to fight with you, get out!"

While yelling, King Mu leaned forward, as if to intimidate Naraku, exuding a tyrannical aura without concealment.

"How dare a mere beast be so arrogant!" Naraku's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand and fired a 'Sky Thunder' at the other party.


King Mu was enraged by Naraku's attack, and lowered his head to hit the flying thunder bomb with his hard giant horns.


The violent bombing engulfed King Mu, but except for the pits in the ground, it did not cause any damage to King Mu.

Such a situation can be said to fully demonstrate how strong King Mu's body is.

Open mouth.

Before the bombing completely dissipated, King Mu opened his mouth wide and frantically gathered the scarlet and blue chakra into a dark purple sphere.

This is the 'Tailed Beast Ball', the strongest attack of the tailed beast.

"How can I let you destroy my territory recklessly!"


'Shrinking the Earth into an Inch' was performed, and before King Mu could condense the 'Tailed Beast Ball' completely, Naraku had already flashed to the opponent's jaw.

"Thunder Method·Sky Thunder!"

With pure Qi running, a thunder bomb with a diameter of more than five meters condensed into a fist, and Naraku used a hook punch to hit King Mu's jaw fiercely.


The bombing, which was far more violent than before, blew King Mu's head and body up high, almost turning over.

This sudden change also caused King Mu to lose control of the Tailed Beast Ball.

In the fierce impact, the Tailed Beast Ball broke away from King Mu's mouth and shot straight into the sky.


Another deafening roar came from the sky.

The Tailed Beast Ball flew high in the sky and exploded amazingly.

In an instant, the sky seemed to have a second sun.

In the strong light, the violent impact dispersed the white clouds around, making the sky exceptionally clear.

Roar! !

When the Tailed Beast Ball exploded, King Mu screamed in pain.

The "Thunder Method·Thunderbolt" caused damage to its jaw, and it seemed to have suffered some injuries.

But the pain seemed to have also stimulated King Mu's ferocity.

When his body was raised high and fell back, King Mu used his right front hoof to trample on Naraku below.

Flashed away.

The insight of his spiritual consciousness allowed Naraku to instantly perform "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to dodge.

King Mu's front hoof, which stepped into the air, fell heavily on the ground below.

Boom! ! !

In the crazy vibration, the ground cracked and swept in a fan shape. In the blink of an eye, the ground in front of King Mu collapsed into a huge deep pit.

Dust was rolling, and the violent shock wave radiated far away.

Before the aftermath dissipated, Naraku, who was dodging, appeared above King Mu's head at some point.

The terrifying thunder bomb gathered into a fist, and while swooping down, Naraku once again used the "Thunder Method·Thunderbolt" to punch King Mu's head.


The violent bombardment engulfed King Mu's entire body, especially the front half, which crashed into the ground, making it look like a mole that was about to burrow into a hole.

The nameless technique was running, whether it was the true qi shadow clone that was separated earlier or the "Thunderbolt" that was performed successively, the true qi consumed was spinning rapidly.

Naraku, who had knocked King Mu's front half into the ground, did not stop there, but once again used "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to move to the opponent's side.


The violent thunder bomb hit King Mu's side, and the amazing bombardment lifted King Mu from the ground, rolling and blasting him hundreds of meters away.


The continuous bombardment caused King Mu to be seriously injured, but his recovery ability was even more amazing, and his injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even after rolling to a stop, it stood up quickly, locked onto Naraku with its cold animal eyes, lowered its head and ran wildly, launching a charge.

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