I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 77 New Version of the Third Generation Kazekage

"court death!"

The seven Uchiha ninjas who reacted were already angry because their companions were killed, but now they heard Scorpion's sarcastic remarks and immediately launched an angry attack.

Uchiha, who has awakened his Sharingan, is best at genjutsu.

That's it for now.

At the first moment of the attack, both Uchiha Yuuto and Uchiha Mieko, who were the three magatama elite jounin, and the other five second magatama Uchiha jounin, all intended to use illusions to hypnotize Scorpion and Nonou.

However, Scorpion's special human puppet and Nonou's advance precautions made it difficult for the seven Uchiha ninjas to implement the illusion.

"Fire Escape: Fire is extinguished!"

Realizing that the illusion was useless, Uchiha Yuuto among them changed his approach decisively. While speeding towards the scorpion, he quickly formed seals, took a deep breath, and spit out a pillar of hot fire from his mouth.

boom! ! !

The figure swept quickly, and when the pillar of fire hit Scorpion, Scorpion instantly used the third-generation wind shadow to retract his claws and block him in front of him.

In an instant, the scorching pillar of fire struck the Third Kazekage and quickly turned into a majestic sea of ​​fire, engulfing the entire Third Kazekage.

However, under the obstruction of the Third Kazekage, the sea of ​​fire was like a huge wave that was split. It did not affect Xie and Noonoyu behind, but swept past the two of them.


The sea of ​​​​fire was still raging, and suddenly, a black shadow flew out from it, attacking one of the Magatama Uchiha Jounin who also stopped due to the appearance of the sea of ​​​​fire at an extremely fast speed.

Although the second magatama Sharingan is not as good as the third magatama, its insight is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, the speed of the approaching black shadow was so fast that even when the second Magatama Uchiha jounin noticed it, he was unable to completely avoid it. The black shadow brushed against his shoulder and tore open a bleeding wound.

Looking carefully, the black shadow was the sharp claw that had just killed an Uchiha personnel.


The second magatama Uchiha jounin whose shoulder was torn apart by sharp claws fell to the ground with a blue face, and the breath from his mouth and nose disappeared quickly.

"Damn, this thing is coated with poison!!"

Mieko Uchiha, who was also an elite Jonin, was the first to react. When she saw the dead members of her clan, her expression changed and she immediately shouted to alert others.

One of the Uchiha jounin who was approaching rushed forward in shock and anger. The sword in his hand was wrapped with thunder and lightning, and he slashed hard on the chain connected by the sharp claws.


Sparks flew.

The chain showed extraordinary sturdiness. Not only was it not cut off, but it caused a gap in the sword in the Uchiha Jonin's hand.

The chains shrink.

After being slashed, the chain quickly retracted into the sea of ​​fire with its sharp claws.

The next second.

"Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

A laser-like high-pressure water column emerged from the sea of ​​​​fire that had not yet been extinguished, and instantly penetrated the abdomen of the Uchiha Jonin who had slashed the chain.

After the high-pressure water column penetrated, it did not stop but moved sideways. Here, the Uchiha Jonin's waist and abdomen were cut open in half, and he fell to the ground screaming.

brush! !

Immediately after the high-pressure water column appeared, flames flowed, and the Third Kazekage, who was not much damaged, jumped out of the sea of ​​​​fire and headed straight towards Uchiha Yuuto, who had just attacked with fire escape.

It can be seen that the figure of the Third Kazekage has changed at some point, from the original front facing forward to the right facing forward.

And you can also see that the stopped "Water Breaking Wave" came from the hole opened in the abdominal cavity of the right side of the body.

boom! ! !

On the right side, the third Kazekage struck out with a heavy hammer in his right hand.

The three Magatama Sharingan rotated, and Uchiha Yuuto's keen insight allowed him to quickly dodge.

Immediately, the missed heavy hammer smashed a huge deep pit into the ground, fully demonstrating the tyrannical strength of the third generation Kazekage on the right.

"Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!"

Uchiha Yuuto, who dodged the heavy hammer, quickly formed a seal and fired a huge thunder gun.

Shields raised.

Uchiha Yuuto's "Pseudo Darkness" was blocked by the third Kazekage on his right side with his left hand shield.

Amid the violent impact and thunder and lightning, the thunder gun failed to break through the shield's defense, and only caused the third generation Kazekage on the right to move back a little.

Blocking the lightning attack, the Third Kazekage immediately turned his body again, facing Uchiha Yuuto with his left side.

A hole opened in the abdominal cavity, and countless poisonous needles were instantly sprayed into the abdominal cavity of the third generation Kazekage on the left side.

The Sharingan glanced quickly, and Uchiha Yuuto quickly retreated while taking out a kunai from the ninja bag with both hands, constantly shooting down the poisonous needles that could not be avoided.

"What a powerful mechanism. The speed and impact of these poisonous needles far exceed those I have encountered before."

When resisting the poisonous needle, feeling the impact from the kunai, Uchiha Yuuto looked at the Third Kazekage in shock and anger.

Suddenly, he looked at the appearance of the Third Kazekage and felt familiar.

"No, you are the Third Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village?" Uchiha Yuuto exclaimed, looking at the Third Kazekage in shock.

Although the three-headed and six-armed form caused a huge change in the appearance of the Third Kazekage, whether Scorpion didn't care or had a bad taste, the three-faced body of the Third Kazekage all retained the Third Kazekage's original appearance.

It seemed to be in response to Uchiha Yuuto's words.

While the Third Kazekage's left side continued to shoot out poisonous needles, his front side suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of iron sand.

"Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Boundary Technique!"

The erupted sand and iron quickly condensed into countless long thorns, which crisscrossed and extended to attack the remaining Uchiha ninjas.


When an Uchiha jonin hurriedly dodged the sand iron spikes, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Boom! ! !

The fist with the silk glove burst out with amazing power.

The Uchiha jonin was hit on the head by a punch unexpectedly, and the whole person was blown away immediately.

Even when flying out, it can be clearly seen that the person's head has been severely deformed.

Looking at the attacker, it was Nono.

When Scorpion and the Uchiha people fought, Nono was obviously not just standing there to watch the show, but looking for the opportunity to attack.

At this moment, Nono found the opportunity and immediately showed his hands with the [Silk Gloves] stored in his body, killing an enemy with one move.

"Damn it!"

Uchiha Mieko, who was also dodging the sand iron spikes, noticed that Nono killed one of her own people, and rushed to kill him in shock and anger.

With the excellent insight of the three-magatama Sharingan

The attack of the sand iron spikes did not stop Uchiha Mieko's actions.

Her right hand touched the summoning seal on her left arm, and in an instant, a katana was summoned.

Uchiha Mieko quickly grasped the katana and used "Sword Leaping Flame" without hesitation, using the katana wrapped in flames to slash at Nono.

Nono quickly saw Uchiha Mieko's attack and quickly dodged the opponent's slash.

Boom! !

The strange power erupted from under her feet, and the ground around her for dozens of meters immediately cracked and shook.

When Uchiha Mieko lost her balance due to the cracking and shaking of the ground under her feet, Nono instantly moved closer and punched at her throat.

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