I, Uzumaki Naruto, Can Become Stronger By Pretending

Chapter 100 Orochimaru Is Your Best Teacher

After 0.05 seconds, Sasuke turned his face away and said in embarrassment:

"Boss, Boss, I want to know about Itachi!"

After calling Naruto the boss, Sasuke felt like he had let go of a heavy burden.

Anyway, pretending in front of Naruto, this is not the first time Sasuke has failed, Sasuke has already gotten used to it.

And this boss yelled very smoothly.

Naruto said with a smile:

"This man, there is no barrier that cannot be passed. If you called me boss earlier, wouldn't everything be fine?"


Naruto still wanted to speak, but was glared at by Sasuke who turned into a rage.

Naruto coughed twice and said:


"Actually, Itachi told me a lot, but there are many things I can't tell you!"

"Let me tell you something first!"

Sasuke nodded, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Itachi didn't do the Uchiha genocide by himself.

"Itachi didn't kill it himself?"

Sasuke asked excitedly: "What about my parents, were they killed by my big brother?"

"Itachi killed it with his own hands, or it can be said that it didn't kill him with his own hands." 27 "Why?"

Naruto explained: "Because your parents died in Itachi's hands willingly, without any resistance."

Sasuke asked loudly: "No resistance? Why didn't my parents resist?"

Naruto said: "Because your parents actually know their fate, they will die sooner or later, they might as well die in Itachi's hands."

"The Uchiha family can be said to be the largest family in Konoha."

"But the Uchiha clan never gave birth to Hokage, and the Uchiha clan was often ostracized by the village.

"Even your clan land was moved to a desolate location far from the center of the village after the Nine Tails Rebellion.

Sasuke asked puzzledly:

"What does the Nine Tails Rebellion have to do with our Uchiha clan?"

Naruto suddenly said awkwardly:

"Ahem, the big guy in me is not satisfied, let him explain it to you himself!"

Kurama said gruffly:

"Little devil, I was originally sealed in Naruto's mother handle.

"Her mother is from the Uzumaki clan. If there is no accident, it will be difficult for me to escape the seal."

"But female Jinchūriki has a disadvantage, that is, at the time of childbirth, the binding force of the seal will become the lowest.

"Just when Naruto was born, I was ripped out of Kushina's body by a masked man."

"Afterwards, that masked man used Sharingan to control me, which caused what you called the Nine Tails Rebellion eleven years ago!"

Sasuke asked curiously:

"Did you destroy the village when you were controlled?"

Kurama said speechlessly:

"Little devil, why are you like Naruto, unable to find the focus of things!"

"The focus of this matter is that I am controlled by the Sharingan unique to the Uchiha clan!"

"That's why you Uchiha clan are jealous of Konoha."

Sasuke also understood what Kurama meant at this time.

Sasuke argued loudly:

"How could our Uchiha clan do such a thing? It must be someone else who framed our Uchiha clan."

Naruto explains:

"When controlled by Sharingan, Kurama's eyes will become the same as Sharingan. Many people have seen this!"

"Uh- Kurama went back.

"Since the incident in Kurama, Konoha and the Uchiha clan must have a war!"

Naruto looked into Sasuke's eyes and asked:

"Do you think Konoha will win, or the Uchiha clan will win?"

Sasuke didn't speak, because in his eyes, no matter how strong Uchiha is, it's just a family [with Konoha head-on, you will definitely lose.

Naruto said: "Okay, I've already told you what I can tell you, and I can't tell you the rest!"

Sasuke froze for a moment: "You can't tell me, why can't you tell me?"

Naruto said bluntly: "Because your strength is too weak."

Sasuke questioned Naruto with feelings, and immediately lowered his head when he heard this sentence.

No matter it is compared with Naruto of his age, or compared with Itachi, his strength is too weak.

Sasuke looked at Naruto excitedly and said:

"Naruto, I want to become stronger quickly, what can you do?"

Naruto nodded without hesitation.

"Since I brought you out of the village, I certainly have a way to make you stronger quickly."

Sasuke looked at Naruto excitedly.


Whether it is wanting to avenge the whole Uchiha, killing his own big brother.

Still catching up with Naruto, he is very eager to become stronger.

Naruto said: "In today's ninja world, there is only one person who can make you stronger quickly."

Sasuke looked at Naruto expectantly.

Naruto didn't hold back, and said directly:

"That's Orochimaru who sneaked away during the Konoha Invasion War."

Sasuke froze for a moment and said:

"How could it be Orochimaru?"

"I remember that Orochimaru was defeated by Third Hokage at 590. If it wasn't for some god Payne who saved him, he would have died in the hands of the main generation Hokage!"

Naruto shook his head and said:

"Orochimaru is not as easy as you think, and Third Hokage's move can't really kill Orochimaru.

"And what makes Orochimaru really great is not combat, but the power of his technology."

"If anyone in the ninja world knows how to teach ninjas, it must be Orochimaru, not even Pervy Sage from Mizuki."

Sasuke sent a soul question:

"But Orochimaru should not even be able to beat you, even if he really becomes my teacher, I still can't beat you in a few years!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke pityingly:

"Sasuke, give up your heart!"

"I will eventually become the strongest god in the world, no ninja can match me."

"Now the gap between you and me should be the closest. After a few years, even if you stand on the highest mountain, you won't be able to see my height!"

"Child, you should die!"


[Congratulations to Host, pretend value +100, +50. 】


Fu's hand accurately patted the back of Naruto's head.


"Fu, why did you hit me?"

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